Watcher of Fate

013 - The Nightmare Grove

Elara and Grelka stood in the ancient forge, the air thick with the musty scent of history. Unlike anything Elara had ever seen, the forge was a marvel of arcane engineering. Grelka's excitement was palpable as she eagerly pointed out the unique features.

"Look at these arcane power hammers," Grelka exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. "They channel raw mana to shape metal with precision and strength that's impossible with traditional tools. And these mana focus arrays, they concentrate and direct magical energy to enhance the properties of the materials being worked on."

Elara nodded, her attention divided. She listened to Grelka's enthusiastic explanations while pulling up her skill [Threads of Fate (Legendary)]. As she focused, the current spiderweb of golden fate threads appeared before her eyes, shimmering and pulsating with potential. The threads wove a complex tapestry of destinies intertwined and diverging.

"Where could these threads lead us?" Elara asked, interrupting Grelka mid-sentence.

Grelka paused, her excitement momentarily dimmed by uncertainty. "I don’t know, Elara, let's go find out.” Grelka turned and talks to no one in particular, “Shadows, guard this forge with your lives, this place is more important than the palace.”

Elara and Grelka had to wait for about half an hour, during which the significance of the forge and the potential it held sank in. Finally, the rhythmic march of boots echoed down the road, and twenty [Hobgoblin Knights (Uncommon)] appeared, their presence a testament to the gravity of Grelka's command.

With the knights stationed to protect the forge, Grelka and Elara followed the next set of threads that seemed to head in the same general direction. They traced the golden lines through the underground city until they reached the entrance. Here, the threads split. One thread veered off towards the wheat field Elara had protected a day ago, while the other extended towards the edge of the floating island.

"Where might these lead?" Elara asked, her curiosity piqued.

Grelka pointed towards the first thread. "That direction leads to the gnoll island, where the relic quest my husband gave you lies. The second thread heads towards the corrupted forest island."

As Grelka mentioned the corrupted woods, Elara heard a ding in her head. A new quest notification appeared before her eyes.


New Quest Alert!

Uncorrupt the Forest

Difficulty: C

Objective: Cleanse the corrupted forest island.

Reward: Rare Item, Variable Experience.


Elara felt the weight of the quests settling over her. "It seems fate has given us another task," she said, sharing the quest details with Grelka.

Grelka looked puzzled. "I have no clue why this quest would be important to our people or how it fits into the chain of quests related to Living Steel. To the best of my knowledge, it's just a haunted forest. It's been that way for generations."

Elara considered Grelka's words. "Well, I'm going to follow this thread and see where it leads. The relic quest seems like it’s going to be a lot more in-depth, as denoted by an A difficulty versus a C difficulty."

Grelka nodded. "That makes sense. Be careful, Elara. The haunted forest is treacherous, and we don't know what lurks within."

The path led her over the top of the island, through gentle hills with sparse tree cover. The landscape was serene, a clear change from the bustling underground city she had just left. The golden thread of fate glowed faintly, guiding her steps as she moved through the open terrain.

As she walked, the wind rustled the grass and whispered through the few trees that dotted the landscape. The air was fresh and cool, carrying the scent of distant wildflowers. Elara felt a sense of calm wash over her, a brief respite before the challenges ahead. The gentle hills rolled beneath her feet, and she could see the vast expanse of the floating islands stretching out before her, each one a piece of the shattered kingdom of Ebonreach.

After a time, the landscape began to change. The golden thread led her towards the island's edge, where the terrain became more rugged, and the air grew colder. She could see the rope bridges in the distance, swaying gently in the wind, connecting the island to the haunted forest.

Elara steeled herself and stepped onto the first bridge. The wood creaked under her weight, and the ropes groaned, but she confidently moved forward. The bridge swayed gently in the wind, and below, the clouds obscured the view of the ground, adding an eerie sense of vertigo.

As she crossed the final bridge, the landscape transformed before her eyes. She stepped into the haunted forest, a place shrouded in mist and shadows. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. Trees twisted into grotesque shapes, their branches reaching out like skeletal hands. Strange whispers seemed to echo through the forest, and Elara could feel the weight of countless eyes watching her from the darkness.

She tightened her grip on [Rhistlam (Flawless)] and took a cautious step forward, her senses on high alert. The golden thread of fate glowed faintly, guiding her deeper into the haunted forest.

Elara walked carefully through the haunted forest, her every step deliberate and measured. The air was thick with an eerie fog that clung to her skin, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. The trees were twisted and gnarled, branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, casting long, sinister shadows across the forest floor. The ground beneath her feet was uneven and covered in a carpet of decaying leaves, which emitted a faint, musty odor that mingled with the scent of damp earth.

As she ventured deeper, the whispering voices grew louder and more insistent, their sibilant tones filling her ears and making it difficult to concentrate. She could hear the faint rustling of unseen creatures moving through the underbrush, their presence adding to the oppressive atmosphere. The forest seemed alive, watching her every move, its malevolent intent evident.

The further she walked, the more the forest seemed to close in around her. The trees grew denser, their branches intertwining overhead to form a dark canopy blocking most of the light. Only the faint glow of the golden thread of fate provided any semblance of direction, its ethereal light cutting through the gloom.

Suddenly, a tree branch lashed out from her left, striking her in the side. Pain flared through her body as she stumbled back, the impact causing -150 HP damage. She quickly brought her sword up into a guard position, her eyes scanning the area with her [Awareness (Legendary)] skill, searching for the attacker.

As she focused, the forest around her seemed to shift and change. What had appeared to be an ordinary tree began to move, its bark rippling and twisting. The illusion disappeared, revealing a [Lvl 25 Corrupted Ent (Common)]. The creature's form was massive and menacing, its limbs twisted and covered in dark, corrupted growths. It had blended seamlessly with the other trees, only revealing itself when it attacked.

The corrupted ent loomed over her, its eyes glowing with malevolent energy. Its bark was mottled and diseased, patches of black and green spreading across its surface. The air around it seemed to pulse with dark magic, a tangible sense of corruption that made Elara's skin crawl.

"Where did that come from?" Quill squawked, his voice filled with astonishment. "I didn't see it coming at all."

Elara nodded, her grip tightening on [Rhistlam (Flawless)]. "My [Awareness (Legendary)] has been getting fooled a lot lately. First Grelka's Shadow guard and now these Ents."

"I think it has to do with them being part of the dungeon terrain," Quill suggested. "The dungeon itself might be helping them overpower your skill to level the playing field."

Elara grumbled in frustration. "Great, just what I needed."

She focused on the corrupted ent, readying herself for the battle. With a swift movement, she launched into a series of attacks, her techniques fluid and precise. [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace] brought her close to the ent, allowing her to weave around its massive limbs and deliver swift thrusts. Her blade cut through the diseased bark, but the ent's ability to blend into the surroundings made it difficult to predict its movements.

As she fought, the ent struck back with surprising speed, its branches lashing out from unexpected directions. One hit landed on her shoulder, sending a jolt of pain through her body and causing -102 HP damage. She winced but maintained her focus, dodging the next attack and countering with [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke], redirecting the ent's own force against it.

The battle continued, each exchange more intense than the last. The ent's concealment ability allowed it to disappear and reappear, catching Elara off guard multiple times. A heavy branch swung from her blind side, striking her ribs with a sickening thud and causing -314 HP damage. She staggered but quickly recovered, channeling her energy into [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust], aiming for the ent's core.

Another branch whipped out, catching her leg and causing -182 HP damage. Elara gritted her teeth, pushing through the pain. Her [Awareness (Legendary)] tried to keep up with the ent's unpredictable movements, but the dungeon's interference made it a constant struggle. She could feel the forest's dark magic working against her, amplifying the ent's power.

Elara used [Technique: Poignant Criticism] with a final, powerful slash, channeling clear threads of mana into her sword. The blade cut through the ent's bark with a brilliant arc, sending a shockwave through its corrupted form. The ent let out a guttural roar as it crumbled, its dark energy dissipating into the air.

Breathing heavily, Elara stepped back, watching the corrupted ent collapse into a heap of rotting wood and dark magic. She took a moment to catch her breath, her eyes scanning the haunted forest for any other threats. The golden thread of fate still glowed faintly, guiding her deeper into the unknown.

"Let's hope we don't have to fight any more of those," Elara muttered to Quill.


Sometime and dozens of Ents later. Elara panted, covered in bruises and cuts, as she stumbled into a clearing. Her breath was ragged, her muscles aching from the relentless onslaught of corrupted ents she had fought off. Quill fluttered beside her, his feathers pristine and unfazed by the chaos around them.

"That’ll teach you to tempt fate by saying what you don’t want to happen," Quill remarked dryly.

Elara shot Quill a dirty glance before turning her attention to the clearing, choosing to ignore his comment. The landscape before her was eerily still, dominated by a corrupted lake at its center. The water was inky black, with streaks of dark magic swirling beneath its surface. Yet, she could see clean water trickling into the lake from a nearby stream, only to be tainted as soon as it mingled with the dark waters.

Her eyes were drawn to a large black stallion standing at the edge of the lake. Its fiery eyes, mane, and hooves gave it an otherworldly appearance. The horse's gaze met hers, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The air crackled with dark energy, and Elara could feel the malevolent power emanating from the creature.

She tightened her grip on [Rhistlam (Flawless)], her mind racing as she assessed the situation. This stallion was no ordinary beast; it was a creature of dark magic, corrupted by the same malevolent force that plagued the forest. Elara knew she had to be cautious, but she also felt a strange connection to the creature, as if fate had brought them together for a reason.

The stallion's fiery eyes burned into hers, and Elara knew her next move would be crucial. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for whatever came next.

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