Watcher of Fate

014 - Voices of the Forest

Elara focused on the stallion, her eyes tracing the contours of its imposing figure. The stallion's coat was as black as the night sky, its mane and tail flickering like ethereal flames. Its eyes burned with an intense, fiery glow, and its hooves left trails of smoke as they touched the ground. The creature radiated an aura of raw power and dark magic. As she stared, a magical information box appeared above the creature.

[Lvl 46 Nightmare (Legendary)]

Elara's heart skipped a beat, and panic started to rise within her. A gold-ranked mob, and legendary at that. "Nope, not fighting that," she whispered to Quill, her voice trembling.

"Sounds reasonable," Quill responded, his tone dripping with sarcasm. His feathers remained pristine, unfazed by the tension. "Because turning our backs on challenges has worked out so well for us before."

"Let's figure out what fate wants from us," Quill suggested, knowing full well that their luck seldom allowed them to walk away from a challenge.

Elara sighed, hoping against hope that the thread would lead them away from the [Nightmare (Legendary)]. "Are you sure fate wants us to fight that or just continue following the thread?" she asked, dread coloring her words.

With a resigned breath, she activated her [Thread of Fate (Legendary)] skill. The golden thread extended from her, glowing faintly as it wound its way directly toward the [Nightmare (Legendary)] and terminated at it.

Elara's eyes widened in disbelief. "Fiddlesticks," she muttered, upset but resigned to accept fate's decree.

She quickly checked her health and mana status.

Health: 762 of 3,970

Mana: 1,986 of 4,152

Elara realized her hit points were dangerously low, especially considering the threat level of the [Nightmare (Legendary)]. She knew that facing such a formidable opponent required her to be at her best, and any advantage could mean the difference between life and death. Deciding it was essential to prepare for the inevitable battle, she began weaving blue and black threads to cast [Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon)]. The spell washed over her, soothing her wounds and restoring some of her strength.

"You know, [Corrupted Ents (Common)] are pretty fun to fight. Want to go back into the forest, Quill?" Elara joked half-heartedly, trying to lighten her mood.

Quill let out a chuckle, his voice echoing in her mind. "You're not getting out of this one that easily."

Elara sighed deeply, her determination hardening. "I guess not."

She tightened her grip on [Rhistlam (Flawless)] and took a cautious step forward, the tension in the air almost tangible. The stallion's fiery eyes locked onto hers, and for a moment, she felt a shiver run down her spine. The weight of fate pressed heavily upon her shoulders, yet she could not ignore the pull of the golden thread.

"Why do I feel like every step we take just makes this more complicated?" Elara muttered, trying to find some humor in the dire situation.

"Because it usually does," Quill replied dryly. "But hey, at least you get to make some dramatic speeches before diving headfirst into danger."

Elara couldn't help but smile at that. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Quill."

"Anytime," he said, his tone light but supportive.

Elara took a deep breath and stepped forward, bracing herself for whatever came next. As she moved, the glade around her seemed to dissolve, replaced by a wide grassy plain surrounded by trees. The landscape was split directly down the middle, each half starkly contrasting the other.

On one side, vibrant, verdant trees stood tall, their leaves a kaleidoscope of colors more brilliantly hued than anything she had seen in real life. The grass was a surreal blue-green, shimmering as if imbued with an inner light, and flowers of every imaginable color dotted the ground, their petals sparkling like gems. Overhead, the sky was a crystal-clear blue, with a bright sun casting a warm, golden light that seemed to make everything shimmer with an ethereal glow. Birds with iridescent feathers flitted through the trees, their songs harmonizing in a melody almost too beautiful to be natural. The air was fresh and sweet, filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the earthy aroma of the verdant forest.

On the other side, the scene was nightmarish. Black glass shard-like grass crunched underfoot, sharp and jagged, threatening to cut through anything that touched it. The trees were twisted and gnarled, their trunks blackened and charred, with fiery leaves that crackled and flickered like flames. The sky above was dark as night, a full-blood moon hanging ominously, casting a sinister red glow over the landscape. Smoke and silt drifted lazily across the scene, partially obscuring the moon and giving the air a choking, acrid quality. The ground was scorched and barren, with occasional patches of bubbling tar seeping through cracks in the earth. The air was filled with the acrid scent of burning wood and sulfur, and an eerie silence pervaded, broken only by the occasional distant howl or screech.

Elara's heart raced as she took in the bizarre scene. "Quill, is this a mental attack? My [Awareness (Legendary)] says this is not an illusion."

Quill fluttered closer, his feathers gleaming even in the strange twilight. "Your [Mental Bastion (Rare)] in our shared Spirit Domain is accessible and sound," he said, his voice calm and analytical. "If the landscape weren't so bizarre, I'd say we've been transported."

Elara looked around, her mind struggling to reconcile the two halves of this strange place. "This place... it’s like two different realities collided. We must be careful, Quill. There's no telling what other dangers lie ahead."

Quill nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the area. "Stay sharp, Elara. Whatever this is, it's powerful."

Elara and Quill watched in astonishment as hundreds of floating balls of energy emerged from both sides of the forest. Bright yellow ones floated from the side with the blue-green grass and vibrant foliage, while vivid blue ones came from the side of the fire-leaved trees. The two groups charged at each other, firing bolts of black-threaded weaves that crackled with energy, creating a chaotic storm all around her.

The world seemed to slow as Elara focused on the glowing orbs, her mind intent on identifying the strange entities. A magical information box appeared before her eyes.

[Lvl 1 Verdant Will-O-Wisp (Common)]

She checked several more, both yellow and blue, and found them all to be identified as [Verdant Will-O-Wisp (Common)] despite their different colors. Confusion clouded her mind as she tried to make sense of the situation. The world returned to normal speed, but something about the scene continued to nag at her.

Determined to understand and not fearing the level 1 creatures, Elara slipped into her [Oneness (Rare)], allowing her mind to focus and clear. She needed to grasp the essence of what she was witnessing. A few errant black bolts struck her as she stood in the middle of the chaotic bolt storm created by the Will-O-Wisps.

You have been cursed by Nouh-uh (Common).

You gained a new skill, Lvl 1 Curse Resistance (Uncommon).

Nouh-uh: A simple curse used by immature magic entities that want to win an argument despite logic.

Elara felt a wave of absurdity wash over her. The curse seemed trivial and almost humorous. Yet it provided a crucial insight. The Will-O-Wisps were not inherently malevolent; they were more like children squabbling in a magical argument.

Understanding dawned on her. The contrasting sides, the color disparity, and the juvenile curses, they were manifestations of a deeper discord within the forest. The two sides were in constant conflict, not because of a natural enmity, but because they were driven by an immature desire to dominate.

"Quill," Elara murmured, her eyes widening with realization, "these Will-O-Wisps aren't trying to harm each other. They're like children, arguing and throwing tantrums."

Quill cawed thoughtfully. "Makes sense. But what does it mean for us? How do we resolve this?"

Elara took a deep breath, feeling the puzzle pieces finally coming together. "I think... we need to find a way to harmonize them. To bring balance to this place."

Elara stepped forward, raising her hands in a calming gesture, trying to get the attention of the [Verdant Will-O-Wisps (Common)]. "Stop fighting!" she called out, her voice firm yet gentle. "You don’t have to fight each other. We can find another way!"

She waved her hands, trying to direct their attention away from their conflict, but the Will-O-Wisps paid her no heed. The yellow and blue orbs continued to clash, their black-threaded curse bolts flying everywhere. Elara ducked and weaved, avoiding most of the bolts, but a few struck her, leaving no real damage. She heard dings in her head, signaling notifications, but she ignored them as her frustration grew.

"Stop it! Listen to me!" Elara shouted, her patience wearing thin. The Will-O-Wisps continued their chaotic battle, their focus entirely on each other.

Quill, perched on her shoulder, muttered bitterly, "You know, you could just destroy them all. You’d make a bucket of experience points, and I’d probably make 200 exp for wiping them all out."

Elara shot Quill a look of frustration. "That’s not the point, Quill. I’m trying to solve this without more violence."

Quill cawed softly, his eyes narrowing. "Sometimes, Elara, the simplest solution is the best one."

Elara felt another curse bolt hit her, followed by several more. She ignored the dings in her head each time, but her irritation continued to mount. "I just... I just need them to listen!" she shouted in exasperation.

The chaotic energy around her intensified, and Elara could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her mind, but the relentless fighting of the Will-O-Wisps made it nearly impossible.

She took a deep breath, her frustration peaking. "Fine, if that’s how it has to be," she muttered, gripping [Rhistlam (Flawless)] tightly. "If they don’t listen, I’ll have to take more drastic measures."

Quill’s voice was softer now, a mix of resignation and support. "Do what you have to, Elara."

Elara took a deep breath, digging deep into her [Memory Bastion (Rare)] and pulling up every memory of her mother getting upset at something she did. Her mother’s stern voice, a skill honed both as a guard for Barrowbridge and as a mother, echoed in her mind. She knew she had to channel those feelings forward, infusing her voice with the same commanding power.

Drawing on those memories, Elara felt her aura spreading out from her, adding weight to the battlefield itself. Power surged through her, her will infused with the authority she had witnessed in her mother so many times before. Threads of clear mana weaved through her voice, amplifying her command.

"Verdant Will-O-Wisp," Elara said, her voice resonating with the same stern, no-nonsense tone her mother had used. "You will STOP NOW."

Each part of the name was enunciated and individualized, her voice carrying the weight of absolute authority. Green threads wove with white threads, lifting her off the ground with ethereal crow's wings, adding to her commanding presence. Her aura expanded a clear force that demanded obedience.

The effect was immediate. All the [Verdant Will-O-Wisps (Common)] stopped fighting, their chaotic energy suppressed by her aura and command. The battlefield fell silent, the Will-O-Wisps hovering motionless, their attention fixed on her.

Elara floated above the ground, her wings glowing with a radiant blue light. She looked down at the Will-O-Wisps, her eyes fierce and determined. "This fighting stops now," she continued, her voice firm. "There is no need for this senseless conflict."

The Will-O-Wisps seemed to absorb her words, their colors slowly shifting from their intense hues to a more subdued tone. The chaotic energy dissipated, replaced by a calm stillness.

Quill, perched on her shoulder, whispered, "Well done, Elara. That was... impressive."

Elara heard a final chime as the [Verdant Will-O-Wisps (Common)] gathered around her, their lights now gentle and subdued. She quickly pulled up the notifications as a summary, eager to see the results of her efforts.


You have gained the skill Lvl 1 Aura Control (Uncommon). It has been assigned to an empty class slot.

Curse Resistance (Uncommon) leveled up to Lvl 7

Mental Bastion (Rare) leveled up to Lvl 9

Aura Control (Uncommon): This skill allows the user to project and manipulate their aura, influencing the emotions and actions of those around them. The strength and range of the aura are determined by the user's willpower and Spirit size.


Elara looked at the [Verdant Will-O-Wisps (Common)] surrounding her with a sense of accomplishment. Their once fierce expressions had softened, and they hovered closer, their energy now calm and receptive.

Taking a deep breath, Elara addressed them, her voice steady and compassionate. "Why were you arguing?"

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