Watcher of Fate

019 - Deal with the Devil

Elara's hand tightened around the hilt of the large sword she had taken from the Demon Knight, her body adopting a ready stance. The weight of the blade was unfamiliar, but she compensated with determination, her eyes fixed on the [Devil Lord] who lounged in the plush wingback chair, exuding an air of sinister charm and confidence. He set down the leather-bound book he had been reading with a deliberate, almost theatrical motion, his crimson eyes locking onto hers.

"Welcome, Ms. Crowhurst," the [Devil Lord] said, his voice smooth and dripping with malevolence. "Quill and I have been expecting you for some time."

Elara's gaze flicked to the gilded cage where Quill, her spirit crow, perched. His eyes were sharp and alert, a silent reassurance amid the opulence and danger of the ornate sitting room. "I just want Quill," she said, her voice steady despite the tension coiling within her.

The [Devil Lord]'s smile widened, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Of course you do," he purred. "And you can have him. But first, we must discuss the terms of his release."

Elara's grip on the sword tightened. "What terms?" she asked warily.

The [Devil Lord] leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Quill and I have already made a deal. In exchange for his safety and my agreement not to harm you or command others to harm you, directly or indirectly, Quill has agreed that you will complete three system-approved quests for me. These quests will be of A difficulty or less."

Elara's eyes narrowed as she glanced at Quill, who met her gaze with a steady, unflinching look. Her heart twisted with emotions, pride for Quill's bravery, and worry about the bargain struck on her behalf. She wasn't sure how she felt about decisions being made for her, especially with a [Devil Lord] involved. Could Quill have been manipulated? She trusted her spirit companion, but devils were notorious for their cunning and deceit.

"You bargained well, Quill," she murmured, her voice a mixture of pride and concern.

The [Devil Lord] chuckled, the sound low and rumbling. "Indeed, your spirit crow is quite the negotiator. But that’s not all. Quill also secured a crucial term demonstrating his shrewd negotiating skills: all the quests must be assigned and completed within one month. Given the circumstances, I was impressed with his ability to secure such favorable terms."

Elara felt a wave of worry wash over her. The timeline was tight, and the stakes were high. She couldn't shake the feeling that the [Devil Lord]might have exploited Quill's desperation. Her resolve hardened as she returned her attention to the [Devil Lord]. "So, what happens now?" she asked, her voice firm despite the unease gnawing at her.

The [Devil Lord]'s smile widened, but he made no further move, simply gesturing towards the gilded cage. Taking a cautious step forward, Elara kept her eyes on the [Devil Lord], ready for any sudden movement. The atmosphere in the room felt heavy, and the luxurious surroundings did little to ease her tension. She reached the cage and unlatched it with deliberate care.

Quill fluttered out, his feathers ruffling as he settled on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Elara," he croaked softly, his voice tinged with regret. "I had to negotiate without you. It was the only way."

Elara reached up and gently stroked Quill's feathers, her touch reassuring. "I understand, Quill. You did what you thought was best."

The [Devil Lord] rose from his chair with a graceful, almost lazy motion, his presence filling the room. "Your spirit crow is fortunate that I rescued him from Tartarus. A scrapper brought your sword to be scrapped, and then a local merchant noticed the spirit within. The merchant was preparing to harvest Quill when I happened to pass by and intervened."

Quill bobbed his head in agreement. "He's right, Elara. If he hadn't stepped in, I don't know what would have happened."

The [Devil Lord]'s gaze softened, his smile taking on a more genuine quality. "Once we started talking, Quill and I found common ground. I became interested in you, Ms. Crowhurst, and the trials you've endured. You seem like someone who could use a hand up instead of constantly being pushed down."

Elara met his eyes, a mix of suspicion and curiosity swirling within her. "Why would you care about what I've been through?" she asked, her tone challenging but not hostile.

The [Devil Lord]'s smile didn't waver. "Because, Ms. Crowhurst, even devils can see potential and admire resilience. Perhaps, in our way, we are not so different."

With Quill now free from the cage and perched on her shoulder, Elara willed her sword into her hand. She frowned when nothing happened, then raised a single eyebrow at the [Devil Lord].

"My name is Malakar, the lord of the city of Dis," he introduced himself with a flourish.

"Call me Elara," she replied tersely, still wary.

"There are many things I can teach you that you might not know," Malakar continued. "For example, did you know you could feed monster cores to your sword to help it level?"

Elara's eyes widened slightly at this revelation. Malakar reached down beside his chair and pulled out her sword. The sword had transformed, now an arming sword with black mist floating off its blade and a long, thick black ribbon trailing from the handle, floating against gravity.

"It's a beautiful sword," Malakar said, examining it with an appreciative gaze. "The metalwork is second to none, and the enchanting is fine and layered. The skill itself is clearly from a grandmaster, but the spirit binding was terrible from the perspective of a spirit master like myself. I took the liberty of updating the spirit script so you would not have to worry about any harm coming to Quill ever in the future."

Quill, still perched on Elara's shoulder, cawed softly. "I feel safer than ever, Elara. It's as if I once lived in a house made of straw, vulnerable to every storm and predator. Now, it's like being in a stone fortress, with walls so high and strong that nothing can reach me."

Malakar nodded, satisfied. "I also had enough room left over to add a secondary lesser spirit into the sword, providing a second effect."

Elara's eyes narrowed, her worry turning to weariness. "What type of monster did the spirit come from?" she asked cautiously. "It's not sentient, is it?"

Malakar's smile remained smooth and reassuring. "It is just a simple shadow, Elara. Nothing more. It will slowly absorb the strength attributes of the sword's kills."

With a fluid motion, Malakar tossed the sword to Elara. She deftly placed the heavy sword she had taken from the [Demon Knight] into her inventory using [Dimensional Link], the blade disappearing in a shimmer of purple and gold threads. She caught the newly transformed sword mid-air, feeling the weight and balance immediately.

Before Malakar could continue, Elara glanced down at the sword, willing its description box to appear.

Quenya (Flawless): DEX PER RES Lore: Forged by a Grand Master Smith, Quenya is a masterpiece combining the unparalleled skill of a Grand Master Bladedancer and the intricate Spirit Enchanting of a Grand Master Spirit Inscriber. The blade is a weapon and testament to the highest levels of craftsmanship and magical artistry. Enchanted to not only protect its spirit, Quill, with a fortress-like binding but also to enhance its wielder's agility and perception, Quenya holds an additional unique ability: it has a chance to steal some of the strength of the monsters it kills, gradually becoming more powerful with each victory.

The sword seemed to hum with a subtle, newfound energy, its black mist swirling gently around the blade, and the thick black ribbon trailing from the handle floated effortlessly against gravity.

Malakar's voice pulled her attention back to him. "Most monsters found outside of dungeons and above level 15 will have monster cores, similar to demons. These cores often have single affinities, like the [Demon Knight] you took that sword from was an expert in force mana. Unlike humans, demons use fewer affinities overall. For example," he continued, gesturing to himself, "I possess force, spirit, and light affinities. This combination allows me to cast a wider variety of spells."

With a sly smile, Malakar raised his hands. The air around him seemed to shimmer as he began to weave intricate patterns with his fingers. White threads of light appeared first, luminous and pure, followed by silver threads that glinted like liquid metal. Black threads, dark and shadowy, joined the dance, creating a mesmerizing display of magical weaving. The threads intertwined and twisted together in complex patterns, forming a single exact copy of Malakar that stepped forward with an eerie synchronicity.

The clone was a perfect replica, from the glint in its crimson eyes to the smirk playing on its lips. It moved independently of the original Malakar, stepping to the side and examining the room with the same calculating gaze. The clone's movements were fluid and purposeful, interacting with the environment as if it were a living, breathing entity.

The original Malakar then began casting another spell, his hands moving with precise, practiced motions. Silver and white threads wove together, creating a delicate latticework of magic. Slowly, a rose began to materialize in his hand. The rose looked incredibly real, with soft, velvety petals that deepened to a rich crimson at the edges. Its stem was vibrant green, dotted with sharp thorns, and the leaves were lush and textured, as though kissed by morning dew. As Malakar twirled it between his fingers, the rose moved naturally, each petal responding to the subtle shifts in the air. The scent of a fresh bloom filled the room, adding to its lifelike presence. The illusion was so flawless that it was indistinguishable from a real rose, showcasing Malakar's extraordinary skill in creating tangible reality from mere threads of magic.

Meanwhile, Malakar's clone manipulated silver and black threads with deft movements. The threads snaked across the table, wrapping around several pebbles and lifting them into the air. The pebbles began to dance, moving in a mesmerizing pattern as they juggled and spun, controlled effortlessly by the clone's magic. The silver threads glinted in the dim light, while the black threads added an element of mystery and depth to the display.

Elara watched, stunned by the magical performance. The room seemed to come alive with the intricate dance of the pebbles and the shimmering threads. Despite her awe, a lingering wariness of Malakar remained. Her mind was racing with questions and uncertainties.

"Why did the sword change its name from Rhistlam to Quenya?" Elara asked, her voice steady but with a hint of suspicion.

Malakar's smile widened slightly, a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. "The additional spirit I added to the sword imparted a new name. Names hold power, Elara. Quenya is a reflection of its enhanced nature and the new abilities it possesses."

Elara absorbed his explanation, feeling a mix of acceptance and unease. She nodded slowly, accepting the answer for now. "What's next?" she asked, her tone firm and determined.

Malakar's smile grew even more confident. "Your first quest is a simple task," he said, his voice dripping with a sinister charm. "It starts in a few days."

A notification appeared before Elara's eyes, displaying the details of her new quest.


Quest Alert!

Champion of the Dis Arena

Difficulty: A Rank

Objective: Compete in the Dis Arena, defeat all challengers, and claim the title of Champion.

Reward: Increased reputation with Dis, various experience

Do you want to accept the quest? (yes/no)


Elara's eyes widened as she read the quest details. The insanity of the task hit her like a wave. "Become the Champion of the Dis Arena? Are you serious?" she exclaimed, a mix of frustration and disbelief in her voice.

Malakar's expression remained unfazed. "Completely serious, Elara. It's a test of your strength and determination. Besides," he added, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone, "it will provide you with the experience and recognition you need."

Elara clenched her jaw, her mind racing with the implications of the quest. The task seemed daunting, almost impossible, but she knew she had little choice. She had to fulfill the bargain to secure Quill's safety and freedom.

"Fine," she said, her voice resolute despite the turmoil inside. "I'll do it."

Malakar's smile was approving. "I have no doubt you will, Elara. Prepare yourself. The arena awaits."

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