Watcher of Fate

020 - Hidden Worth

Elara walked down the main street of Dis, her eyes scanning each of the shops she passed. The city bustled with activity, a cacophony of sounds blending together. Merchants hawked their wares with voices that ranged from guttural growls to melodious chants. The clang of metal and the hum of arcane energy echoed through the air, punctuated by the occasional roar or grunt from the more feral inhabitants. Amid the chatter and the clatter, there were screams—some of excitement, others of pain—adding a demonic undertone to the otherwise normal cityscape.

Demons of all shapes and sizes paused to look at her, their eyes narrowing with curiosity and a hint of wariness. But as she moved closer, they backed away, intimidated by her presence and the golden gorget she fingered absentmindedly.

The gorget, a gift from Malakar, bore his mark and denoted her status as an honored guest. Its golden sheen stood out against her new attire, a constant reminder of the Devil Lord's influence and protection.

As Elara stopped in front of a shop, she caught her reflection in the glass. She barely recognized the person staring back at her. Gone was her familiar blue dress, replaced by practical black breeches and chausses. These new garments were snug yet flexible, designed to provide both mobility and protection. Over her shoulders, a new addition gleamed in the dim light—a pauldron on her left shoulder and a spaulder on her right, both crafted from steel with intricate gold trim. The armor was clearly meant for show, tournament armor designed to impress and intimidate rather than for warfare, yet it was sturdy enough to provide real protection.

She couldn't help but think back to the moment Malakar had given her the new outfit. The transformation had been sudden, the simple garments replaced with pieces that bore both functionality and a sense of ceremony.

"You'll need something more fitting for your tasks ahead," Malakar had said, his eyes gleaming with approval as he handed her the armor. "This will offer you the protection and flexibility you need."

Elara had taken the pieces one by one, feeling their weight and noting the craftsmanship. The pauldron and spaulder were particularly fascinating, their surfaces intricately etched with demonic runes and gilded patterns, giving them a regal yet fearsome appearance.

Demon Tournament Guards (Excellent): 13AC 11STR 5%HP Lore: Forged for grandeur and strength, this pauldron and spaulder combination is worn by champions and guardians of the Infernal Arenas, symbolizing both power and prestige.

Elara stepped back from her reflection in the glass, her mind swirling with thoughts of the tasks ahead. She turned and continued down the bustling road, the sounds of Dis surrounding her—a blend of demonic roars, grunts, and the occasional scream mingling with more mundane city noises. She passed by various shops, each offering an array of bizarre and exotic wares, until she found what she was looking for: an armory.

The shop was dimly lit, with weapons and armor lining the walls, casting long shadows across the room. Elara pushed open the heavy door and stepped inside. The scent of metal and oil filled her nostrils as she began to pull out the unneeded elements of armor and weapons she had collected during her journey. The broken shield of the [Demon Spiritualist], pieces of half-plate armor from various demons, and an assortment of other gear and weapons, including a staff and a mace, were laid out in front of her. She kept the [Demon Knight] sword, deciding it was too valuable to part with.

The shop clerk, a gaunt demon with sharp features and glowing red eyes, watched her warily. His apprehension was evident as he eyed the slightly bloody equipment she was unloading. "A human selling demon gear," he muttered, more to himself than to her. "This is unusual."

Elara met his gaze steadily. "I need to clear out my inventory and get some value for these," she said, her tone firm but polite.

The demon shook his head. "I'm not interested in dealing with human refuse. Take your business elsewhere."

Elara's patience wore thin. She needed to make this transaction, and she couldn't afford to be dismissed so easily. Closing her eyes, she activated [Unified Presence]. Her aura flared, combining her energy pools and creating a powerful, intimidating force that radiated from her.

The demon clerk recoiled, his eyes widening as he felt the pressure of her aura. The other patrons in the shop turned to look, sensing the sudden shift in the atmosphere. Elara stepped forward, her presence commanding and unyielding.

"You will do business with me," she said, her voice low and filled with authority. "And you will give me a fair price for these items."

The clerk swallowed hard, clearly unnerved by the power emanating from Elara. "Very well," he stammered. "Let's see what you've got."

The tension in the shop remained palpable as the demon inspected the gear, his eyes flicking nervously between the items and Elara. Every movement was cautious, every word spoken with hesitation. Elara's aura pressed down on him like a tangible weight, keeping the atmosphere strained and on edge.

As the demon continued his examination, Elara's mind drifted back to when Malakar had offered her a place to clean up her inventory and deal with any core collection she needed to do. He had made the offer as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and she had appreciated the gesture more than she had realized at the time.

She thought back to the battles, striking and cutting into the various demons she had thrown into her inventory. She had been too busy to strip them of their gear in the field but was now thankful she had taken the time to gather the items. The true value of the cores had become clear to her, especially when she had noticed the direct impact on Quenya, her newly named sword. The modifications and the addition of the shadow spirit by Malakar had raised its level from 20 to 24. However, it was the cores she harvested that brought it from 24 to 26. Each core she had meticulously extracted added to the sword's strength, its presence becoming more potent with every infusion.

Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (125,672 of 128,000) 24

Quenya: (143,639 of 158,000) 26


HP: 6,222 of 6,222 (13.1/min)

Energy: 10,784 of 11,052 (2.3/sec)


Amor Class: 113

Strength: 52

Dexterity: 134 + 43 (194)

Constitution: 101 (121)

Perception: 148 + 18 (215)

Intelligence: 81

Resolve: 111 + 31 (191)

Free Points: 0

Class Skills:

Sanctuary of Learning (Legendary): 11

Skein of Destiny (Mythic): 10

Awareness (Legendary): 19

Ephemeral (Legendary): 16

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 20

Unified Presence (Legendary): 14

Moment in Time (Mythic): 1

Quill, now more attached and integrated into the sword than ever, had remarked on the newfound power. "Elara, each core has fortified me, made me stronger. Our bond has never felt more complete."

The shop clerk's voice pulled her back to the present. "I'll give you... ten Worn Crystals for the lot," he said, his tone dripping with disdain.

Elara frowned. "That's insultingly low. This gear is worth far more than that."

The demon shrugged, a slight tremor in his movements. "It's bloody and used. Hardly worth more."

Elara's aura flared slightly, her eyes narrowing. "I know the value of these items. Twenty Good Crystals, or I'll take my business elsewhere."

The demon hesitated, clearly weighing his options under the oppressive weight of her presence. They haggled back and forth, the tension never easing. Every counteroffer was met with a steely gaze from Elara, her unified presence keeping the atmosphere taut and charged. The clerk's initial reluctance never truly dissipated, his nervous glances and twitching hands a constant reminder of his discomfort.

"Fifteen Fair Crystals," he finally offered, his voice a strained whisper. "And a small pouch of gems."

Elara considered the offer, her eyes still locked on the demon's. "Make it ten Fair Crystals and five Good Crystals, and you have a deal."

The demon's eyes darted around the room, calculating the risk and the potential profit. "Fine," he said at last, his voice barely audible.

Before Elara collected the crystals, her mind wandered back to when Malakar had explained the nature and use of spiritual crystals to her.

"Spiritual crystals augment a person's inner spirit by adding a layer of another spirit onto them," Malakar had said, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "Consuming these crystals makes a demon effectively stronger, though it doesn't actually improve their stats. It's stolen strength, an illusion of power. Those in the know, like me, avoid using them. We build real strength through our own efforts. But demons, of course," he had added with a smirk, "love the quick boost. They always take the easy way out, unlike us devils."

To Elara, spirit crystals represented the spirits she needed to save. Each one was a fragment of a soul, a piece of essence that deserved freedom, not consumption.

She snapped back to the present, fixing her gaze on the clerk. "I need as many smaller crystals as possible," she said. "I have a lot of minor purchases to make later."

The clerk nodded, a bit more confident now that the deal was nearing completion. He rummaged through a chest behind the counter and pulled out a collection of crystals. "Here you go," he said, pushing them towards her. "Thirty-seven Fair, one hundred thirty-nine Worn, and five hundred eighty-one Poor crystals."

Elara quickly did the math in her head. With each level being worth ten times the one below it, it seemed like she was being slightly short-changed. Thirty-seven Fair crystals were worth 3700 Poor, one hundred thirty-nine Worn crystals were worth 1,390 Poor, and five hundred eighty-one Poor crystals made a total of 5,671 Poor crystals. However, she needed to get moving and couldn't afford to haggle further.

She accepted the crystals without argument and placed them in her inventory using [Dimensional Link].

Quest Free the Spirits Updated: 802 of 10,000

As she pocketed the crystals, she felt a faint trickle of experience flow into her. It was a subtle yet significant sensation, a reminder that by altering the fate of the captured spirits within the crystals, she was freeing them back into the cycle of rebirth. Each spirit she saved contributed to her growth, a small but steady stream of progress.

The tension in the shop remained thick as she completed the transaction, the clerk still visibly uneasy. As Elara turned to leave, she felt a renewed sense of determination. Each spirit crystal represented a life, a soul she was determined to honor in her own way. The challenges ahead were daunting, but Elara was ready to face them head-on, equipped with new knowledge, a renewed sense of purpose, and the means to navigate the complexities of Dis. The faint trickle of experience reassured her that she was on the right path, her actions having a positive impact on the world around her.

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