Watcher of Fate

021 - The Mithril Coat

Elara's journey from the Ashfall Adventurers' Guild to Seraphine's team's home felt like crossing an invisible boundary. The bustling guild hall, with its cacophony of voices and clang of metal, faded behind her. Ahead lay the promise of camaraderie and a new chapter in her life, filled with hope and uncertainty.

The team's home was located on a quiet street, away from the guild's central hubbub. It was a modest two-story house, sturdy and welcoming. Seraphine pushed open the front door, her armor clinking softly as she moved inside.

"Welcome to our home, Elara," Sera said warmly, stepping aside to let Elara in.

Elara took a tentative step inside, her senses immediately taking in the cozy interior. The living area was filled with mismatched but comfortable furniture, a hearth with a gently crackling fire, and various personal touches from her new companions. A large wooden table dominated the center of the room, covered in maps, books, and other adventuring paraphernalia.

Valen was already seated at the table, with a map in front of him. He looked up and smiled, his calm demeanor instantly putting Elara at ease. Lora, on the other hand, was bouncing on her toes, barely able to contain her excitement.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Lora exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. "I've got so many questions for you, Elara!"

Elara managed a small smile, appreciating Lora's enthusiasm. "I'll do my best to answer them."

Before Lora could waylay Elara with her questions, Seraphine led her up the stairs, pointing to the first door at the top. "This is my room," she said. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to knock." They passed a second door, and Seraphine continued, "That's Valen and Lora's room. They're usually not in their room, but if they are I would avoid bugging them unless it is an emergency." When they reached the third door, Seraphine's expression clouded with sadness. "Don't go into this room," she said softly. Elara caught the brief flicker of sorrow that crossed her face but decided not to press further.

Finally, they arrived at the fourth door. "And this will be your room, Elara," Seraphine said, opening the door to reveal a small but cozy space with a simple bed and a chest. "I hope it's comfortable enough for you."

"It's perfect," Elara replied, feeling a pang of gratitude. "Thank you."

Once Elara had settled in, she joined the others downstairs. The group gathered around the table, the atmosphere a mix of anticipation and camaraderie. They sat together, the table littered with maps and papers as they discussed their next steps.

Seraphine turned to Elara thoughtfully. "Elara, do you have any money? We need to make sure you're properly equipped."

Elara hesitated before answering. "I have a few crystals to my name, but I also need to sell a few items and buy a few items."

Lora perked up, her curiosity piqued. "What things do you need to buy?"

Elara sighed, looking down at her worn and ill-fitting clothes. "The only clothes I have are these. They're not exactly practical or in the best shape."

Lora's eyes lit up with excitement. She turned towards Seraphine with a grin. "I'll take Elara shopping! I'll make sure she's outfitted for any quests we take on."

Seraphine nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "That's a good idea, Lora. We'll likely be doing a farm monster clearing followed by a dungeon delve, if I had to guess Lorien's intent for easing us back into the fold."

At the mention of Lorien, Seraphine, Lora, and Valen shared a pained expression for a split second. The fleeting moment of shared sorrow spoke volumes, but the group quickly masked it with determined resolve.

Lora sprang to her feet, her energy infectious. "Come on, Elara! Let's get you geared up."

Before Elara could fully process the sudden shift, Lora had whisked her out the door. The cool air outside was a refreshing change from the cozy warmth of their home. Lora led the way with a determined stride, her excitement clear in her every step.

"So, what do you need to sell?" Lora asked, glancing back at Elara.

"Mostly some swords and armor," Elara replied. "I picked them up during my journey, but they’re not really suited to my fighting style."

Lora nodded, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Great! I know just the place."

They made their way through the winding streets, the sounds of the city a comforting backdrop. Eventually, they arrived at a sturdy-looking shop, the sign above the door swinging gently in the breeze. The shopfront was modest but well-kept, with various weapons and armor displayed in the windows.

Lora pushed open the door and stepped inside, the smell of leather and metal filling the air. A tall, slender woman with sharp features and keen eyes looked up from behind the counter, a welcoming smile spreading across her face.

"Lora! It's good to see you," the shopkeeper greeted, her voice warm and friendly. "What brings you here today?"

Lora grinned and motioned to Elara. "This is Elara, a new member of our team. She has some items to sell and could use your expertise."

Elara stepped forward, offering a polite nod. "Nice to meet you."

The shopkeeper's eyes appraised Elara's belongings with a practiced gaze. "Let's see what you've got, then."

Elara began to lay out the items she intended to sell: a few swords of varying sizes and styles, and pieces of armor that had seen better days but were still serviceable.

The shopkeeper examined each item with a critical eye, testing the balance of the swords and inspecting the condition of the armor. As she lifted one of the swords, her eyes widened in surprise. "This is a dwarven sword of excellent quality," she said, marveling at the craftsmanship. "Clearly made by a dwarven master. Are you sure you want to sell this?"

Elara nodded confidently. "I have a better sword already. Would you like to see it?"

The shopkeeper's curiosity was piqued. "Absolutely."

Elara closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating. She reached into her spirit domain, her hand seeming to disappear into a shimmering pocket of air. As she pulled out [Naitharon (Flawless)], the room seemed to hold its breath. The sword emerged, its blade gleaming with an otherworldly light. The orichalcum body of the sword shimmered with a faint, golden hue, while the adamantine edge glinted sharply, promising unparalleled sharpness and durability. The mithril core, visible through intricate, almost impossibly small knotwork, seemed to pulse with a hidden energy, each knot woven with such precision that it was a marvel to behold.

The shopkeeper's jaw dropped, her eyes widening in awe as she saw the sword. Her hands, skilled from years of handling weapons, reached out almost reverently, barely daring to touch the blade. "By the gods... this is beyond anything I've ever seen," she breathed. Her fingers traced the orichalcum body, feeling the smooth, almost ethereal surface that seemed to radiate warmth and strength.

She carefully ran a thumb along the adamantine edge, marveling at its perfect sharpness. "This edge could cut through anything," she whispered, her voice filled with admiration. "And the balance... it's flawless. This sword feels like it was forged by the hands of a deity."

When her gaze fell on the mithril core, she was utterly captivated. The intricate knotwork, so fine and layered that it seemed impossible, held her attention. "The mithril core... it's a work of pure art. Each knot is a testament to the skill and dedication of its creator. This sword isn't just a weapon; it's a masterpiece."

Lora, who had been watching with great interest, couldn't help but interject. "If Identify didn't call Elara a bard, I would have sworn she was a sword saint, and this sword would have proved it."

The shopkeeper made a startled noise, her eyes widening as a realization struck her. She turned to Lora, excitement evident in her voice. "Lora, if she had elf ears and wielded two swords instead of one, I think I would be able to guess what class a sword master with a default class of bard actually has."

Lora paused, her brow furrowing in thought. She glanced at Elara, her eyes widening as the pieces fell into place. "A sword master... default class of bard... dual-wielding..." Her mouth dropped open in shock. "Elara, you're likely a Blade Dancer!"

Elara was stunned, her mind racing at the revelation. She had always known her skills were unique, but to hear such a rare and powerful class name associated with her was overwhelming. However, a knot of worry formed in her stomach. What if Lora believed she truly was a Blade Dancer and then later discovered she had a different class? Would she think Elara was lying? The potential for misunderstanding and drama loomed large.

Lora quickly reassured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. The shopkeeper and I won't share your secret."

Elara forced a smile, appreciating the gesture, but her mind was still clouded with concern. She knew she would have to clarify her true class soon to prevent any future complications.

The shopkeeper, still awestruck by the revelation and the sword, reluctantly handed [Naitharon (Flawless)] back

to Elara. "If you find any more of the [Dwarven Sword (Excellent)], I'll gladly take them off your hands."

Elara smiled and reached into her spirit domain, pulling out seven more dwarven swords she had collected from the dungeon. The shopkeeper's eyes lit up with delight as she examined each one, her excitement palpable. "These are incredible," she said, almost reverently. "Altogether, they'd be worth six to eight gems. Unfortunately, I don't have that many available right now."

She glanced at Elara's [Sturdy Leather Cuirass (Worn)] and her face brightened with an idea. "But, I could offer you a trade. I have some high-quality armor and a few gems I can give you in exchange. How does that sound?"

Elara considered the offer, looking down at her worn cuirass. "That sounds good," she replied. "I'd also like a small hunting knife to replace the one I currently own. It’s seen better days."

The shopkeeper nodded eagerly. "I can do that. Let me show you what I have."

The shopkeeper disappeared into the back of the shop and returned moments later with a few pieces of armor and a small but finely crafted hunting knife. She laid out a [Reinforced Leather Cuirass (Good)] on the counter and placed two gleaming gems beside it. "This cuirass is made of reinforced leather and should offer better protection than your current one. I can also offer you these two gems and three gems' worth of store credit."

She then held up a long-tailed coat, its fabric shimmering slightly in the light. "And this is a [Mithril Threaded Coat (Excellent)]. It's lightweight yet incredibly durable, offering the protection of mithril while maintaining the flexibility of fabric. I can include this and one additional gem in the trade."

Elara's eyes widened as she examined the coat. The intricate threading of mithril within the fabric was almost invisible to the naked eye, yet she could feel its strength as she ran her fingers over it. The coat was both elegant and practical, perfect for an adventurer needing mobility and protection.

She considered both offers carefully, weighing the reinforced leather cuirass with the gems and store credit against the exquisite mithril-threaded coat. After a moment, she made her decision.

"I'll take the [Mithril Threaded Coat (Excellent)]," she said, her voice firm. "And the additional gem."

The shopkeeper nodded, clearly pleased with her choice. She handed her the coat, the gem, and the finely crafted [Hunting Knife (Good)]. "A wise choice, Elara. This coat will serve you well. And remember, if you find any more dwarven swords, you know where to find me."

Elara accepted the items with gratitude, slipping the coat on and feeling its perfect fit and the lightness that belied its strength. The hunting knife felt well-balanced and ready for use. She tucked the gem safely away and turned to Lora, who was beaming with excitement.

Equipped [Mithril Threaded Coat (Excellent)] +25AC +13INT +5%Mana

Added [Hunting Knife (Good)]

Added [Mana Gem] x 1

Removed [Dwarven Sword (Excellent)] x 8Removed [Sturdy Leather Cuirass (Worn)] x 2

Removed [Sturdy Leather Cuirass (Poor)] x 1

Removed [Steel Sword (Fair)] x 2

Removed [Steel Sword (Damaged)] x 1

"Next stop, the tailor! We've got to get you some proper clothes," Lora said, her enthusiasm infectious.

Elara couldn't help but smile at Lora's excitement, even as her worry persisted about the misunderstanding regarding her class. For the first time in a long while, she felt a sense of belonging and hope for the future. Together, they made their way towards the tailor's shop, ready to face whatever lay ahead. Elara resolved to have a private conversation with Lora soon to set things straight and avoid any future misunderstandings.

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