Watcher of Fate

022 - The Cost of Preparation

Elara returned to the house with Lora, her spirits lifted by the day's adventures. The shopping trip had been a whirlwind of fabric, colors, and Lora’s infectious enthusiasm. As they stepped inside, the comforting warmth of the hearth welcomed them back.

“I can't wait to see you in your new outfits!” Lora exclaimed, bouncing on her toes. She immediately began sorting through the items they had acquired.

Elara carefully laid out her purchases on the large wooden table in the center of the room. The first outfit was a practical, heavyweight dress in deep blue, designed for durability. It featured slits up both sides of the legs, allowing for freedom of movement and a touch of style. The second dress was nearly identical, also in deep blue, perfect for switching out between quests without sacrificing practicality or style. Both dresses paired beautifully with her [Mithril Threaded Coat (Excellent)], creating a formidable and elegant look.

However, the formal outfit was the real gem of her new wardrobe. Elara held up an elegant silver gown, its fabric shimmering softly in the light. The gown was designed for special occasions, with a flowing skirt and intricate detailing that made it stand out.

She turned to Lora, who was already holding the coat up, ready to help her try on the dresses. “Let’s see how they look together!” Lora said excitedly.

Elara slipped into the first blue dress, feeling the smooth fabric glide over her skin. Lora helped her into the coat, and they both stepped back to admire the result. The coat’s intricate mithril threading complemented the dress’s deep blue hue perfectly, creating an outfit that was as practical as it was striking.

Elara smiled, twirling slightly to admire how the dress and coat moved together. The combination was perfect, seamlessly blending practicality and elegance. Lora’s eyes sparkled with approval, and Elara felt a surge of confidence.

“You look amazing, Elara,” Lora said, her enthusiasm infectious. “You’re going to turn heads everywhere we go.”

Elara nodded, appreciating Lora’s encouragement. As she slipped out of the coat and carefully hung it back up, her thoughts drifted to the cost of her new wardrobe. Each dress had been a carefully considered purchase, knowing the value of every crystal spent. The shopping trip had cost her 36 crystals, a significant sum. A single crystal was considered a good day's wage for a skilled worker, so spending over a month’s worth of work on three outfits felt extravagant. She had split her only gem into 100 crystals, leaving her with 80 crystals, about three months of wages.

Elara couldn't help but reflect on the significance of her expenditure. Every purchase was a step closer to running out of funds, a reality she had to be mindful of as she adjusted to her new life. However, the practicality of her new clothes and the confidence they gave her seemed worthwhile. The heavyweight blue dresses would serve her well in both durability and style during her adventures, and the elegant silver gown would ensure she was prepared for any formal occasions.

The dresses represented more than just clothing; they were a step towards belonging, towards finding her place within the team. Elara felt a sense of satisfaction knowing she was better equipped for the challenges ahead, both in terms of gear and appearance. With her companions by her side and her new outfits ready for whatever lay ahead, she felt a renewed sense of hope and anticipation for the future.

Seraphine entered the room, her gaze sweeping over Elara’s new attire. “You look prepared for anything, Elara,” she said with a warm smile. “Ready to face whatever comes our way.”

Elara nodded, her determination solidifying. “Thank you, Sera. I’m ready.”


Elara woke with the first light of dawn, the soft glow filtering through her window and gently rousing her from sleep. She stretched, feeling the pleasant ache of well-used muscles, and swung her legs out of bed. Rising to her feet, she closed her eyes momentarily, reaching into her spirit domain. With a sense of calm focus, her hand seemed to disappear into a shimmering pocket of air. She pulled out one of the sturdy blue dresses she had bought the previous day, followed by her [Mithril Threaded Coat (Excellent)]. The dress fit perfectly, allowing for easy movement while providing the durability she needed for adventuring. Elara took a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship of the dress and coat, both seeming to shimmer subtly in the early morning light.

Fully dressed and feeling ready for the day, Elara descended the stairs. The aroma of breakfast greeted her as she entered the living area. Valen and Lora were already seated at the table, sharing a plate of warm bread, cheese, and fruit.

“Good morning, Elara!” Lora said cheerfully, waving her over. “Join us for breakfast.”

Elara smiled and took a seat. “Good morning, everyone. Where's Sera?”

Valen looked up from his plate. “Sera went to the guild hall to see what Lorien had planned for us. She should be back soon.”

Elara nodded, helping herself to some bread and cheese. The food was simple but hearty, and she enjoyed the comfortable camaraderie around the table. Just as she was finishing her meal, the front door opened, and Seraphine stepped inside, a determined look on her face.

“Good morning,” Sera greeted as she walked over to the table, laying out a few parchment sheets. “I’ve got our assignments for the next few days.”

Elara leaned forward, curious to hear what tasks awaited them. Sera spread the parchments out and began to explain.

“Our first quest is a basic clearing of the woods around the farming village of Greenfield. The farmers have reported an increase in dangerous creatures, and they need us to make the area safe. The primary threat we’ll be facing are dire wolves. These creatures are larger and more aggressive than regular wolves, with a strong pack mentality. They’re formidable opponents, so we’ll need to be cautious.”


New Quest Alert!

Woodland Clearing

Difficulty: D

Location: Greenfield

Objective: Clear the woods around Greenfield of dangerous creatures to ensure the safety of the farmers.

Reward: 10 Crystals, 100 Experience


“Once we’ve completed that, we’ll head to Brambleton,” Sera continued. “The Mayor has reported an unexplained monster sighting, and our task is to investigate and eliminate it if possible. However, this could be a tricky one. Such reports can often be time-consuming, and there’s always the chance it could turn out to be a wild goose chase. But we can’t take any risks when it comes to the safety of the villagers. We need to give it our all. If the monster proves to be beyond our capability, we’ll need to carefully assess the threat level and gather enough information for a follow-up team to handle it.”


New Quest Alert!

Monster Investigation

Difficulty: C

Location: Brambleton

Objective: Investigate the unexplained monster sightings reported by the Mayor of Brambleton and eliminate the threat or assess its danger for further action.

Reward: 30 Crystals, 400 Experience


Sera pointed to the third parchment, her expression serious. “Our final task is to clear Brambleton's dungeon to prevent monster overflow. If we don't take care of this, the dungeon could overflow and threaten the village. The primary inhabitants of this dungeon are kobolds. These small, but cunning creatures often set traps and can be quite dangerous in large numbers. The final boss of this dungeon is a Kobold Chief. He’s stronger and more strategic than the rest, often leading his minions with ruthless efficiency. We need to be prepared for a tough fight.”


New Quest Alert!

Dungeon Clearing

Difficulty: C

Location: Brambleton

Objective: Clear the mid-tier iron dungeon in Brambleton to prevent monster overflow.

Monsters: Kobolds, Kobold Traps

Boss: Kobold Chief

Reward: 20 Crystals, 200 Experience


“Once we’ve completed these quests, we’ll head back home, which should conclude our tour for the time being,” Sera finished, looking at each of them. “However, if we don’t find the monster during the initial investigation in Brambleton, we’ll need to conduct another search after we clear the dungeon. We can’t afford to leave any threat unresolved.”

“Any questions?”

Elara shook her head, then paused as a question came to mind. “How is the difficulty of each quest determined?” she asked, curious about the ranking system.

Sera nodded, appreciating the question. “Each quest has a difficulty rank, either F, E, D, C, B, A, or S. The system takes the average level of our group and compares it to the expected levels of the quest. It’s not a perfect measure, but it gives us a rough idea of what to expect. For instance, if a farm clearing quest like the one in Greenfield were ranked B, we would know there’s something much stronger than wolves lurking in those woods. It warns that the quest might be more dangerous than it appears.”

Valen chimed in, “It’s not foolproof, but it helps avoid surprises. Always be prepared, though. There can be variables the system doesn’t account for.”

Sera continued, “So, for our quests, the woodland clearing in Greenfield is ranked D, which aligns with dealing with dire wolves. The monster investigation in Brambleton is ranked C, indicating we might face something tougher or more elusive. The dungeon clearing quest is also ranked C, since we’ll be up against a Kobold Chief and his minions.”

Elara nodded, understanding the importance of these rankings. “Thanks for explaining. It’s good to know what we’re getting into.”

Sera smiled. “Any other questions?”

Elara shook her head again, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. “No more questions. I’m ready.”

Valen nodded in agreement. “Let’s get started then.”

With their tasks laid out and their course set, the group finished their preparations and set out on their new adventures, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in Greenfield and Brambleton.

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