Watcher of Fate

023 - Unlikely Allies

Elara reclined in the officer's room within the barracks, savoring the rare moment of relaxation. The room was a stark contrast to the chaos of the arena. It was quiet and orderly, offering a brief respite from the relentless combat. She sat on the edge of her bed, the day's events replaying in her mind.

A few days ago, she had finally gained the force affinity, a milestone she had been striving toward for months. She remembered the intense concentration required as she pulled threads of nearly silver mana through the [Demon Knight] monster core. The core pulsed with a dim, eerie glow, the remnants of the demon's essence swirling within it.

Elara held the core in one hand, feeling its residual power thrumming beneath her fingers. With her other hand, she began to draw out a thread of mana, its color a dull gray at first. She focused intently, her brow furrowing as she guided the thread through the core. The energy within the core resisted at first, dark and stubborn, but Elara persisted, her will unwavering.

As she continued pulling, the thread absorbed the core's energy. The gray slowly deepened, shifting to a darker, more potent hue. Elara's breath came in steady, controlled rhythms as she maintained her focus. The thread grew darker still, a deep charcoal that seemed to drink in the light around it.

The core's glow faded, and its energy siphoned away into the mana thread. Elara's hands trembled slightly with the effort, but she pressed on. The thread was now a deep, inky black, pulsating with the absorbed power. She could feel the resistance weakening as the core's energy dwindled.

Finally, the thread lightened, the black giving way to a shimmering dark silver. Elara's eyes shone with determination as she continued to draw, the thread becoming brighter with each passing moment. The core was almost completely depleted, its once formidable power nearly extinguished.

With one final pull, the thread transformed into a true silver, glowing with pure, radiant light. A chime echoed softly in her mind, signaling the successful completion of the process. Elara fed Quenya the rest of the highly diminished core, watching as the sword absorbed the energy hungrily.

A notification appeared before her eyes:


You have gained the skill Lvl 1 [Mana Dyeing: Force (Uncommon)]

Compatible skills found: [Mana Dyeing: Force (Uncommon)], [Mana Spirit: Spirit (Uncommon)], [Mana Dyeing: Light (Uncommon)], and [Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon)].

Merging skills...

A new skill was created: [Mana Dyeing: Abstract Elements (Rare)]

Using the trimmed mean as the value: 8


Elara smiled at the memory. Her progress was tangible and satisfying. Returning to the present, she focused on the five Fair Spirit Crystals she had won as the official award for her arena bout. She held them in her hand, feeling the latent energy within each one.

Concentrating, she began to weave the spell [Dimensional Link]. Threads of purple and gold mana spiraled from her fingertips, intertwining to form a glowing pattern in the air. The air around her shimmered as the link to the [Spirit Tree] in Barrowdeep opened. The crystals glowed faintly in response, ready to be transported.

She gently placed the five Fair Spirit Crystals into the shimmering portal, watching as they vanished into her spirit domain. The crystals would now have access to the cycle of rebirth provided by the [Spirit Tree], their energies returning to nourish and rejuvenate the spirits within.

As the last crystal disappeared, a familiar notification appeared before her:


Quest Free the Spirits Updated: 807 of 10,000


Elara sighed, frustration welling up inside her. She had been working tirelessly to free the trapped spirits, but seeing the number reminded her of how far she still had to go. Each spirit crystal absorbed was a small victory, yet the enormity of the task ahead felt overwhelming.

"807 out of 10,000," she muttered to herself, the weight of the number pressing down on her. "How many more battles and sacrifices util we reach that number let alone make a dent in the total number of captured spirits in Tartarus?"

Quill's comforting presence on her shoulder did little to ease her frustration. "It's a monumental task, Elara," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "But every spirit you free is a step closer. Every effort counts."

"I know, Quill," Elara replied, her voice tinged with weariness. "But sometimes it feels like I'm barely making a dent. So many spirits are still trapped and suffering... it's hard to stay optimistic."

Quill cawed softly. "Your determination is what sets you apart. You have the strength to see this through. Don't let the numbers discourage you. Focus on your progress and the lives you've changed."

Elara took a deep breath, allowing his words to sink in. "You're right. I can't let myself be overwhelmed by the scale of it. I need to keep moving forward, one step at a time."

Quill's voice was firm yet supportive. "Exactly. And remember, you're not alone in this. We face these challenges together."

Elara nodded, feeling a renewed sense of resolve. She stopped procrastinating and pulled up her latest notifications, eager to see the fruits of her victory in the arena.


You have seen several weak monster deaths: 570 exp

Quenya gains exp from killing 57 monsters: 1,272 exp

You have leveled up to 25.You gained a new skill, Lvl 1 Weaver's Insight (Rare). You have no class slots available would you like to replace one of your current class skills?

Weaver's Insight: Enhances the user's ability to perceive and manipulate the threads of magic in their environment. The user can detect subtle magical currents, identify enchantments, and weave complex spells more precisely. This skill also allows the user to unravel hostile spells and curses.


Elara sat quietly in the officer's room within the barracks, her mind deep in thought. The recent battles had pushed her to new limits, and now, reaching level 25, she felt the subtle shift within her that indicated a new potential skill: [Weaver's Insight].

The skill sounded incredibly useful, especially for someone who relied so heavily on the intricate manipulation of magic. However incorporating a new skill meant considering which existing skill might be replaced. It was a difficult decision that required careful thought and consideration of each skill's utility.

She began with [Sanctuary of Learning]. This skill was her safeguard, her mental fortress. It enhanced her learning capabilities and fortified her mind against external mental influences. It allowed her to recall information with perfect clarity, a vital tool for someone navigating complex magical and historical knowledge. Losing this skill could mean vulnerability to mental attacks and a slower learning curve.

Next, she thought about [Skein of Destiny]. This skill allowed her to see the intricate web of destiny, showing the golden threads that led to significant events. It didn’t allow direct manipulation but provided the knowledge to shape the future through informed choices. Foreseeing critical junctures and making decisions based on them was a powerful strategic advantage.

[Unified Presence] was another critical skill. It combined her physical and magical strengths, enhancing her mana regeneration, reflexes, and aura manipulation. The heightened awareness and balance made her exceptionally difficult to hit and allowed her to react to threats with unparalleled speed and precision. This skill was crucial for both her survival and effectiveness in combat.

[Moment in Time] was a lifesaver, literally. It activated when her death was imminent, rewinding time and giving her a chance to avoid fatal outcomes. This skill could only be used once every 24 hours, but it had already saved her life on more than one occasion. Its value was immeasurable.

[Awareness] sharpened her senses to a superhuman level, granting her unparalleled perception and insight. It allowed her to detect hidden threats, read subtle cues, and understand her surroundings with incredible clarity. This skill was indispensable for any strategist or scout, making ambushes and surprises nearly impossible.

[Ephemeral] allowed her to adopt any persona, manipulating her appearance, aura, and perceived identity. This skill enabled her to blend seamlessly into any environment, becoming whoever she needed to be to achieve her goals. It was essential for infiltration and deception, making her a master of disguise.

[Crimson Quill Dance] was a unique combination of martial precision and artistic expression, blending elements of Blade Dance with calligraphy and parkour. It allowed her to easily navigate complex environments, turning battles into a deadly, graceful dance. This skill array was a significant part of her combat repertoire, enabling her to move through the battlefield or any challenging terrain as if she were painting a masterpiece.

Elara considered each skill carefully, weighing their importance against the potential benefits of [Weaver's Insight]. The ability to perceive and manipulate the threads of magic could enhance her spellcasting, detect subtle magical currents, and identify enchantments, but at what cost?

Finally, she considered the synergy of [Weaver's Insight] with her current abilities. The skill's enhancement of her magical perception and precision could complement her existing skills, particularly those that involved intricate spell weaving and manipulation. However, none of her current skills seemed easily replaceable. Each one had proven worth, contributing significantly to her survival and success.

Elara sighed, realizing that the decision was far from straightforward. She needed all the advantages she could get but couldn't afford to lose any of her core abilities. Perhaps there was another way to integrate the new skill without sacrificing her strengths. She would now keep [Weaver's Insight] in mind, ready to adapt her strategy.

Elara reflected on the decision, her thoughts circling back to the intricate balance of her abilities. She needed to be prepared for whatever lay ahead, but the choice was anything but simple. Just as she began to delve deeper into her considerations, a knock on the door jolted her from her rumination.

She opened the door to find her escort standing there, his expression a mix of urgency and caution. "Ms. Crowhurst," he said, inclining his head slightly. "I have news about your next arena battle."

Elara stepped back, allowing him to enter. "What is it?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"The next bout is going to be a group battle against a single monster," the escort explained. "It will be you and three other demons facing off against a high-level mob."

Elara raised an eyebrow. "A group battle? What's the catch?"

The escort's expression grew serious. "The monster you'll be facing is exceptionally powerful. They want to make a spectacle of it. But there's more. You should prepare for the possibility that your teammates will betray you."

Elara's eyes narrowed. "Betray me? Why would they do that?"

The escort hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Demons don't take kindly to mortals, especially one as formidable as you. They see you as an outsider and a threat. In the arena, alliances are fickle at best. The other demons may see you as an easy target to eliminate early on. Plus, there's a significant reward for the last one standing. You should be ready for anything."

Elara felt a chill run down her spine. "So, I'm not just fighting the monster; I'm fighting the team as well."

The escort nodded. "Precisely. They might turn on you at any moment, hoping to take you out of the picture. You'll need to be constantly on guard."

Elara nodded, absorbing the information. "Thank you for the warning. I'll be prepared."

### Chapter 24: A Deal in the Shadows

The escort gave her a small smile, a hint of camaraderie in his eyes. "You've been generous with your winnings, and I appreciate it. Consider this advice a way of repaying that kindness."

Elara considered his words for a moment before making a decision. She reached into her pouch and pulled out a handful of mana gems, the soft glow of the crystals reflecting in her eyes. "I want to continue that relationship," she said, her voice steady. She counted out one hundred mana gems, placing them in the escort's hand. "Spread it around on me to win over the next few matches. Just like last time, you get to keep ten percent."

The escort's eyes widened slightly at the sizable amount she handed him. He let out a low whistle, clearly impressed. "Ten percent, huh? How about we make it twenty?" He flashed her a sly grin, though there was a hint of genuine interest behind it. "And aren’t you worried I might take these crystals and disappear? It’s not like demons are known for their honesty."

Elara met his gaze, her expression unreadable. "If I die in the arena, it won’t matter what you do with the crystals. But if I survive and become the champion, do you really think I won’t track you down and take my pound of flesh?" She leaned in slightly, her tone cold and calculated. "I’ve recently learned the true value of monster cores, and believe me, I’m not one to let things slide."

The escort’s grin faltered, and he gulped, clearly unnerved by her words. The cold determination in her eyes made it clear she meant every word. He looked down at the gems in his hand, weighing his options. After a moment of tense silence, he nodded, accepting the deal. "Alright, twenty percent it is. I’ll make sure your bets are placed."

They both knew the stakes, and the escort understood that crossing her was a risk he couldn’t afford. As he tucked the gems away, he gave her a respectful nod. "You’ve got yourself a deal, Elara. I’ll make sure to spread the word and place those bets."

Elara nodded back, satisfied with the arrangement. She turned away, her thoughts already focused on the challenges ahead. The escort watched her go, a newfound respect in his eyes and a hint of fear. He knew now that she wasn’t just another mortal in the arena.

As Elara walked away, she felt the weight of the upcoming battles pressing down on her, but she also felt a sense of resolve. The arena was a place of death and deception, but she had carved out a small alliance, however tenuous, and every bit of support counted. The path ahead was dangerous, but she was ready to face it head-on.

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