Watcher of Fate

024 - The Mortal's Resolve

Elara, her heart pounding, stood at one of the ramps leading into the arena center. The previous night's revelations echoed in her mind, fueling her resolve. Today, she would face not only a high-level monster but also the treachery of her teammates. She tightened her sword grip, eyes scanning the arena floor as she waited for the announcer to call her forward.

Beside her stood the three other gladiators who would be her temporary allies in this brutal contest. She focused on each of them, bringing up their information boxes to gather as much intel as possible.

The first gladiator was a tall, wiry figure with skin like polished obsidian, smooth and almost reflective in the harsh arena lights. His eyes glowed with an unsettling crimson light, and he moved with a fluid, almost serpentine grace that hinted at his incredible speed. He carried two pistol-shaped wands on his belt, their grips crafted for a quick draw and their tips faintly glowing with embers of magical power, suggesting a dual-wielding combat style. His attire was sleek and minimal, designed for maximum agility, with tight-fitting dark robes that clung to his lean frame, accentuating the precision of his movements. Every gesture he made seemed deliberate, calculated, and deadly as if he was always a split second away from unleashing a devastating spell from either hand.

[Lvl 26 Demon Wandcaster (Rare)]

The second gladiator was a short, wiry female with sickly green skin. Her eyes were narrow and calculating, darting around with a predatory gleam. She had an athletic build, her muscles finely honed for speed and agility. She carried a set of throwing knives strapped to her belt, each blade coated with a substance that glinted ominously, suggesting poison. Her movements were quick and fluid, a constant, almost serpentine grace that kept her in a perpetual state of readiness. Her grin was more of a sneer, filled with the promise of pain and betrayal. Tattoos of intricate patterns covered her arms and neck, adding to her fearsome appearance.

[Lvl 24 Goblin Assassin (Uncommon)]

The third gladiator was a hulking figure, towering over the others with skin like cracked obsidian. His eyes glowed with an eerie green light, and his hands were encased in massive gauntlets that crackled with dark energy. His body was a fortress of muscle and stone, each movement slow but inevitable, like a boulder rolling downhill. He emanated an aura of dread and power, fitting for a creature from the nearly bottomless pits of the Abyss. His presence was almost palpable, a heavy weight that pressed down on everyone nearby. Each step he took caused the ground to tremble slightly, and his breath came out in low, rumbling growls.

[Lvl 28 Abyssal Juggernaut (Uncommon)]

Elara studied them carefully, noting their strengths and potential weaknesses. The [Demon Wandcaster] would be a formidable opponent, focusing on speed and precision in his spellcasting, able to unleash powerful magic with rapid succession. The [Goblin Assassin], with her speed and precision, would strike from the shadows and rely on agility to outmaneuver her opponents. The [Abyssal Juggernaut], with his sheer size and strength, would be a formidable opponent capable of dealing massive damage and absorbing hits that would fell lesser beings.

The announcer's voice boomed through the arena, cutting through her thoughts. His tone had an edge of disdain, clearly not hiding his contempt for Elara. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's grand spectacle! We have a special treat for you: a group battle against a fearsome high-level monster!"

The crowd roared in anticipation, their excitement palpable. Elara took a deep breath, steeling herself for the battle ahead.

"And now, our brave combatants!" the announcer continued, with a notable lack of enthusiasm. "First, we have the fearsome Malphas [Demon Wandcaster], a master of precision and speed!"

The [Demon Wandcaster] stepped forward, raising his glowing wand to the cheering crowd. His movements were swift and deliberate, the air crackling with arcane energy as he flourished his wand with a confident smirk.

"Next, the elusive and deadly Grikka [Goblin Assassin]!"

The [Goblin Assassin] moved forward with a fluid grace, her throwing knives glinting menacingly. Her eyes scanned the crowd, calculating and assessing, always looking for the next opportunity to exploit.

"And finally, the terrifying Xal'vor [Abyssal Juggernaut]!"

The [Abyssal Juggernaut] lumbered forward, his dark energy crackling ominously around his gauntlets, casting eerie shadows on the ground. His sheer size and imposing presence caused the crowd to gasp in awe and fear.

The announcer's voice dropped to a near sneer. "And last, but only because we must, our so-called 'mortal champion,' Elara."

Elara stepped forward, her heart racing as the crowd's reaction turned to a mix of boos and half-hearted cheers. She felt the weight of their disdain and anticipation but pushed it aside, focusing on the task.

The gates on the far side of the arena began to creak open, and a low, guttural growl echoed from the darkness beyond. Elara tightened her grip on her sword, her eyes fixed on the emerging figure.

[Lvl 46 Behemoth (Rare)]

A monstrous [Behemoth] lumbered into view, its massive frame casting a shadow over the arena. The creature was colossal, easily towering over the tallest gladiator. Its skin was covered in thick, armored scales glinted menacingly in the arena lights. Rows of spikes lined its back, and its eyes burned with a malevolent intelligence. Each step it took caused the ground to tremble, its claws scraping the ground with a sound like nails on a chalkboard.

The [Behemoth]'s maw opened to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth, and a deafening roar erupted from its throat, shaking the very foundations of the arena. The crowd fell silent for a moment, stunned by the sheer size and ferocity of the creature before them, before erupting into a frenzy of cheers and jeers.

Elara’s eyes narrowed as she studied the massive creature. There was no indication of a class or any semblance of intelligence in its movements. This was no cunning monster with dark sorcery or intricate battle tactics. The [Behemoth] was a pure, primal force of nature, driven by instinct and raw power. The absence of any class designation only confirmed it; this creature was beyond reasoning, beyond strategy. It was here to destroy, and it would take everything they had to bring it down.

Elara noticed the other gladiators huddling together as the crowd’s uproar surged around her, their heads bent in what looked like a hurried conference. Her instincts flared, warning her that this was no simple battle preparation. They were planning something that involved more than defeating the [Behemoth]. Elara knew she couldn’t afford to miss a single detail.

She focused her [Awareness], sharpening her perception to a razor’s edge. With nearly 200 points in perception, the world around her seemed to slow, each movement, each sound amplified in her mind. The cacophony of the crowd faded into the background as she honed in on the whispers of her so-called allies.

"Xal'vor," Malphas, the [Demon Wandcaster], hissed, his voice barely audible over the distant roar of the [Behemoth]. "You’ll charge the [Behemoth] head-on. Keep it busy, and make sure it’s focused on you."

Elara caught the faintest grunt of agreement, the sound of someone bracing themselves for a brutal assault.

"And you, Grikka," Malphas continued, his tone cold and calculating. "You’re the best at sneaking around. When the Mortal’s distracted by the [Behemoth], strike her down. Quick and clean, no hesitation."

A quiet, sinister chuckle followed, likely from Grikka, the [Goblin Assassin]. "Consider it done," she whispered back, her voice dripping with malicious anticipation.

Elara’s pulse quickened as she absorbed the details of their plan. Malphas was orchestrating the entire scheme with the precision of a seasoned strategist. Xal'vor was to act as the brute force, drawing the [Behemoth]’s attention, while Grikka would use the chaos to slip behind and eliminate Elara in one swift, treacherous move.

They thought they had her trapped in their web, that she was just another pawn to be sacrificed for their victory. But they underestimated her. They didn’t know she had heard every word, that she was already devising countermeasures even as they plotted her demise.

Elara’s concentration was abruptly broken by the booming announcer's voice, counting down with deliberate slowness, each number ringing across the arena. "Three!"

She took a deep breath, her focus sharpening. She kept her eyes trained on the [Behemoth], its massive form dominating the arena, but her mind was fully attuned to the other gladiators. With [Awareness] heightened to its peak, she could feel their movements and sense their intentions, even as she feigned ignorance by keeping her gaze on the hulking creature before her.


The crowd’s noise swelled, a roaring wave of excitement and bloodlust, eager for the spectacle about to unfold. Elara’s grip tightened on her sword, her senses fully alive, each breath controlled, each thought clear. The tension in the air was almost a living thing, wrapping around her, pressing down as the moment of battle approached.


The final count echoed in her ears, and the instant the announcer screamed for the battle to begin, the magic that restrained the [Behemoth] was released. There was a sharp, almost tangible snap of energy as the wards unraveled, and the [Behemoth] lunged forward with a deafening roar, its colossal frame barreling toward the gladiators like an unstoppable force of nature.

Simultaneously, the [Abyssal Juggernaut] let out a guttural roar of his own, charging headlong at the [Behemoth] with the ferocity of a battering ram. The ground trembled under his weight as he picked up speed, dark energy crackling around him like a storm about to break.

Elara’s eyes flickered to the side just in time to see the [Goblin Assassin] begin to fade from view. It wasn’t invisibility, not exactly. Instead, it was as if the very resolve to perceive her had been sapped from the minds of those around her, a skill that allowed her to slip from sight by dulling the senses of her enemies. But Elara was ready. She felt the tendrils of resolve begin to loosen, her perception threatening to lose its grip on the [Goblin Assassin].


With a surge of willpower, Elara tightened her focus, bolstering her resolve with [Unified Presence]. The tendrils snapped back into place, and she maintained her awareness of the [Goblin Assassin], refusing to let her fade into obscurity. The assassin might have thought she was slipping into the shadows, but Elara’s sharpened perception held her firmly in place, a ghost that refused to vanish.

To her other side, Malphas, the [Demon Wandcaster], drew both of his wand-casters, the pistol-like wands gleaming ominously in his hands. He twirled them with a practiced ease, the air around the wands humming with latent magic, ready to be unleashed in a flurry of deadly, precise strikes. His eyes were locked on the [Behemoth], but Elara knew he was also watching her, waiting for the right moment to turn his magic against her.

Elara steadied herself, holding her sword before her as she moved toward the [Behemoth]. To anyone watching, she seemed solely focused on the massive creature charging toward them, a seemingly desperate attempt to meet the beast head-on. But beneath that façade, her mind was working furiously, tracking the movements of her treacherous allies.

The battle had begun, and Elara was ready to show them how dangerous a mortal could be.

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