Watcher of Fate

025 - Woven Reality

The [Goblin Assassin] moved like a phantom around the arena's edge, her presence barely a whisper on the wind. Each step was measured and silent as she hugged the shadows, her eyes locked on Elara. The chaos of the battle between the [Behemoth] and the [Abyssal Juggernaut] provided the perfect cover for her approach. She slipped between the scattered debris and dust clouds kicked up by the titanic clash, her small, wiry frame making her nearly impossible to spot.

As she neared her target, the [Goblin Assassin] slowed her pace, her breath controlled and steady. Her hand slid to the hilt of her dagger, a cruel, curved blade coated with a venomous sheen that glinted even in the dim light of the arena. The weapon was designed for quick, lethal, silent, deadly, and precise strikes. She was close now, just a few steps away, and Elara appeared completely unaware, focused on the looming [Behemoth] in front of her.

The [Goblin Assassin] allowed herself a brief, wicked smile. This was it, the perfect moment to strike. She crouched low, her muscles coiling like a spring, ready to unleash the killing blow. With a sudden burst of speed, she darted forward, her dagger aimed directly at the vulnerable spot between Elara’s shoulder blades. The blade glinted as it cut through the air, a flash of deadly intent that promised a swift end.

But Elara moved just as the [Goblin Assassin] closed the distance, her dagger poised to plunge into flesh. She cast [Tempest’s Touch] in a blur of motion, and a powerful gust of wind erupted around her. The green energy crackled with raw elemental force, swirling outward with a ferocity that caught the [Goblin Assassin] completely off guard.

The wind struck the [Goblin Assassin] with the force of a battering ram, slamming into her with such intensity that it sent her reeling backward. Her eyes widened in shock as she was lifted off her feet. The air seemed to betray her, turning her stealthy approach into a disastrous misstep. The dagger missed its mark entirely, slashing through space where Elara had stood moments before.

The [Goblin Assassin] hit the ground hard, skidding across the arena floor, her dagger clattering uselessly beside her. She scrambled to regain her footing, her heart pounding with fury and fear. How had the Mortal anticipated her attack? How had she countered so effectively?

Before she could process what had just happened, Elara was already moving. The [Goblin Assassin] saw her pivot, her sword at the ready, eyes sharp and unforgiving. Elara had turned the ambush on its head, and the [Goblin Assassin] realized, with a sinking feeling, that she was no longer the hunter but the hunted.

Just as the [Goblin Assassin] scrambled back to her feet, her eyes burning with frustration, Elara sensed another threat. Her instincts screamed a warning, and she whipped her head around just in time to see the [Demon Wandcaster] leveling his twin wands at her, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

Malphas, the [Demon Wandcaster], was a master of his craft and moved with the precision of a deadly marksman. The twin wands in his hands weren’t just ordinary magical implements. They were extensions of his will, finely tuned instruments of destruction. Each wand was shaped like a sleek, arcane pistol engraved with intricate runes that pulsed with fiery energy.

With a fluid motion, Malphas aimed both wands at Elara, the tips glowing with a menacing red light. He willed his magic through the wands, and in an instant, twin bolts of searing fire shot forth, tearing through the air with a hiss and crackle. The fire-affinity bolts streaked toward Elara like angry serpents, leaving heat trails in their wake.

Elara’s eyes widened as the fiery projectiles closed in on her. The air around the bolts shimmered with intense heat, distorting the space between them and their target. She could feel the deadly heat on her skin even before they reached her, a testament to the power behind Malphas's attack.

But she would not be so easily caught off guard. She raised her sword swiftly and fluidly, its blade gleaming with a cold, unwavering light. She pivoted her body as the first bolt neared, bringing her sword up in a precise arc. The blade met the bolt with a sharp clang, cutting through the fiery magic with a hiss of steam and smoke. The bolt dissipated on impact, scattering harmlessly into the air as if it had struck nothing more than a breeze.

Malphas didn’t hesitate, firing the second bolt immediately after the first, hoping to catch her in the follow-up. But Elara was already moving. She spun on her heel, her sword a blur of motion as she intercepted the second bolt, slicing through it with the same deadly efficiency. The magic within the bolt evaporated into wisps of smoke, leaving nothing behind but the acrid scent of charred air.

Malphas's smile faltered, his eyes narrowing as frustration flickered across his face. He hadn’t expected the Mortal to be so quick, so capable of neutralizing his attacks. But Elara held her ground, her expression calm and focused, her sword ready, her resolve unshaken.

With practiced ease, she began to weave the spell [Shadow Step], summoning the navy blue threads of shadow. The threads materialized like wisps of dark smoke, curling and twisting around her form. They clung to her, absorbing the light and rendering her nearly invisible. The shadows consumed her instantly, and she vanished from her spot in a poof of smoke, a trail of smoke darting to [Demon Wandcaster].

Malphas's eyes widened in shock as Elara materialized out of a cloud of smoke, her sword raised, the edge gleaming with lethal intent. But the [Demon Wandcaster] was quick, driven by the instincts of a seasoned combatant. With a flick of his wrists, he unleashed a point-blank area-of-effect spell. His hands moved rapidly, pulling fiery red threads from the ether. The threads crackled with intense heat as they wove together, exploding from him. Flames erupted around him, expanding outward in a roaring inferno that separated him from Elara just as she swung her blade.

The heat was overwhelming, the flames surging like a living entity, forcing her to step back as the fire roared between them. The inferno licked at the edges of her armor, singeing the air around her, but she remained focused, her mind clear. Seizing the opportunity, Malphas turned and sprinted backward, putting distance between them. As he ran, his fingers worked with practiced speed, weaving more red threads of fire into his wands. The threads spiraled tightly, coalescing into fiery bolts of raw magical energy. With a sharp motion, Malphas unleashed a barrage of these bolts, each one a deadly projectile streaking through the air toward Elara.

Elara’s eyes narrowed as the fiery projectiles closed in, their heat palpable even before they reached her. But she was ready. She moved with the precision of a warrior trained her entire life for moments like this. With a swift, fluid motion, she raised her sword. The blade shimmered in the arena’s harsh light as she swung it with deadly accuracy. Each arc of her sword sliced through the incoming fire bolts, severing the magical threads that held them together. The bolts exploded into harmless wisps of smoke, dispersing into the air with a sizzle. The acrid scent of burnt magic lingered as she advanced, unyielding.

But Elara was not the only one in motion. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the [Goblin Assassin] charging at her, dagger drawn, its blade glinting with a venomous sheen. The assassin moved with the silent grace of a predator, her steps nearly imperceptible as she closed in on Elara’s blind spot. Time seemed to slow as Elara recognized the threat. She could feel the assassin’s intent, the hunger for a swift, lethal kill.

Without hesitation, Elara tapped into her reserves of magical energy and began weaving the threads of [Haste]. Green, blue, and black threads materialized around her, twisting together in an intricate, spiraling pattern. The threads wound around her limbs, infusing her with speed and heightened reflexes. The world around her blurred as her perception accelerated, allowing her to move with inhuman swiftness.

Elara darted forward, her movements a blur of motion as she closed the distance between herself and the [Demon Wandcaster]. Malphas continued to fire bolts rapidly, but Elara’s enhanced reflexes made them easy targets. Her sword became an extension of her will, slashing through each bolt with effortless precision, turning them into harmless puffs of smoke.

A smile crept onto Elara’s lips as she prepared to cast another spell. She had learned this one from Malakar, a new technique born from her mastery of Force affinity. It was an evolution of her [Greater Illusion] spell, something far more potent. Elara began weaving the [Altered Reality] threads, drawing upon the white threads of light and the silver threads of force. The two types of magic intertwined, their combined energy pulsing with an otherworldly glow.

As the spell took shape, a series of towering pillars materialized in the arena. They appeared solid, their surfaces rough and ancient, as if they had been carved from the very bedrock of the earth. The pillars, though illusions, were given form and substance by the force of magic, making them semi-solid. They loomed over the battlefield like silent sentinels, casting long shadows in the arena’s dim light.

The [Goblin Assassin], focused solely on her target, failed to recognize the true nature of the obstacles in her path. She sprinted toward Elara, her eyes locked on her prey, only to slam into one of the pillars with bone-jarring force. The impact sent a shockwave of pain and confusion through her, and she stumbled back, dazed. The illusion, though semi-transparent to her vision, had the weight and solidity of reality.

Malphas, undeterred, fired his fiery bolts at the pillars with renewed fury. Each bolt struck the illusions with explosive force, scattering them like glass into nothingness. But Elara was already moving, using the cover of the crumbling pillars to cast [Greater Invisibility]. As the last of the illusions disintegrated, she activated [Ephemeral], a spell that had evolved from her old [Forgettable] ability. The skill took hold, and Elara felt herself fading into the shadows, her presence slipping from perception. The arena, filled with smoke and dust, masked her form as she blended into the environment, becoming a shadow among shadows, indistinguishable from the chaos around her.

Malphas, now stripped of his overconfidence, looked around frantically, his eyes wide with growing fear. He continued to backpedal, his wands raised defensively, firing erratic fire bolts into the smoke-filled arena. Each shot was more desperate than the last, the bursts of red flame illuminating his panic as he searched for any sign of his elusive foe.

But Elara was no longer where he thought she was. Moving silently, she began weaving another spell. She could feel the familiar hum of power as she reached into the vast reservoir of magic within her, drawing forth the white threads of light. These threads appeared like strands of moonlight, delicate and ethereal yet brimming with raw energy. She guided them with practiced hands, her fingers moving in intricate patterns as she began to shape the spell.

She added the silver threads of force as the white threads formed the foundation. These threads were denser, with a metallic sheen that shimmered as they intertwined with the light. The silver threads added substance to the spell, transforming the light into something tangible that could manipulate reality.

With careful precision, she began to weave the threads together, layering them one over the other in a complex pattern that only a skilled spellcaster could create. The light and silver threads danced around her fingers, twisting and curling like living entities as they responded to her will. She could feel the magic pulsing through her, a steady rhythm matching her heartbeat as she crafted the spell meticulously.

As she continued weaving, the threads coalesced into a solid form, a low wall, just a few hands tall, rising from the ground behind the retreating [Demon Wandcaster]. The wall was not merely an illusion but a semi-solid construct, given shape and weight by the silver threads of force. It gleamed faintly in the dim light of the arena, a ghostly barrier that seemed to belong more to the realm of dreams than reality.

The wall shimmered with an otherworldly light, its surface smooth and seamless as it took shape. It was a simple structure, yet its existence defied the natural order, a testament to Elara's power. The threads of light gave it an almost translucent quality, as if made of glass or crystal, while the force threads anchored it to the physical world, making it a real, tangible obstacle.

Unaware of the trap, Malphas took another hurried step back. His heel caught on the edge of the newly formed wall, and his eyes widened in surprise as his balance was abruptly lost. For a split second, his arms flailed, his wands discharging errant bursts of fire into the air as he tried to steady himself. But gravity claimed him, and he toppled backward, his fall inevitable and ungraceful.

Elara seized the moment. As Malphas fell, she allowed the invisibility to slip away, breaking the spell that had kept her hidden. She appeared behind him, emerging from the shadows like a specter, her sword in motion. As she prepared to strike, the blade gleamed with a cold, deadly light.

Elara executed [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust] with precise timing. The shadowy smoke danced along the edge of her blade as it inscribed a delicate, calligraphic character in the air, a symbol of death, finality, and the end of all things. The technique guided her hand with deadly accuracy as she drove the blade downward, the momentum of Malphas's fall amplifying the force of the strike.

The sword plunged into Malphas's chest, and the impact was immediate and brutal. The blade pierced through his heart with a sickening crunch, the inscribed character glowing brightly for a brief, intense moment before fading into nothingness. Malphas's eyes bulged in shock, a choked gasp escaping his lips as the very essence of his life was severed in an instant.

The wands slipped from his grasp, clattering to the arena floor with a dull thud as his fingers twitched in a final, futile attempt to hold onto them. Blood welled up around the wound, dark and thick, spilling over his chest and pooling on the ground beneath him. The crimson stain spread rapidly, its deep red hue bright against the pale flesh of the dying [Demon Wandcaster].

Malphas’s gaze locked onto Elara’s for a fleeting moment, his eyes wide with disbelief and a desperate, silent plea. He tried to comprehend how his life had been cut short so swiftly, so mercilessly, but the light in his eyes was already fading. His body convulsed one last time, a shudder that rattled his bones before he went still, his life extinguished.

Elara withdrew her sword with a slow, deliberate motion, the blade sliding free with a wet, sucking sound. Blood dripped from the tip, pooling on the ground as she stepped back, her expression cold and unyielding.

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