Watcher of Fate

024 - The Huntmaster Part 4

Now cloaked in her fearsome tigress persona, Elara stared down the [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)]. Her illusionary form stood tall, a head above the gnoll, with the muscular build of a humanoid tiger. Her white fur, striped with black, glowed faintly under the moonlight, and her fierce blue eyes locked onto her adversary with unwavering intensity. The gnoll, clutching his spear and shield, glared back at her, his eyes burning with challenge and caution.

Quill, perched invisibly on her shoulder, whispered in her mind, "You retreated last time. What makes you think you'll win this round?"

Elara's voice, now deeper and more guttural to match her new form, rumbled, "This time, I'll use no illusions except those on myself. His perception ability is scent-based, so I don't smell different if illusions surround me. He won't be able to see past them."

Quill's presence was a steadying force, his curiosity piqued. Elara continued, her confidence growing. "I'm hiding my dagger and sword under the illusions of my claws. He won’t be able to judge their exact position or their length. To him, they'll just be claws. He won't know what hit him until it's too late."

As she spoke, Elara felt the illusions solidify around her weapons, transforming [Rhistlam (Flawless)] and her [Shadowstrike Dagger (Good)] into extensions of her tigress claws. She felt more powerful and decisive with each move and subtle body shift. She could sense the gnoll’s unease growing as he tried to read her, his eyes darting to find a telltale sign of weakness or deceit.

"Ready when you are, Huntmaster," Elara taunted, her voice dripping with a sinister edge that even she found unsettlingly perfect for her role.

The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] snarled, a guttural sound of rage and frustration. He crouched, readying himself for the attack, but there was a flicker of doubt in his eyes. Elara's transformation and her newfound confidence had shaken him more than he would ever admit.

With a roar, the [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)] lunged forward, spear aimed straight at Elara's chest. She sidestepped gracefully, her tigress form moving with an agility that was both mesmerizing and lethal. Her claws, her hidden weapons, slashed out, meeting the spear with a clash of metal against metal. Sparks flew, illuminating the fierce determination in Elara's eyes.

The gnoll snarled, his muscles rippling with each powerful thrust and parry of his spear. Elara danced around him, her movements fluid and precise, like a deadly ballet. Every step was a calculated maneuver, and every strike was a testament to her skill and speed. Her hidden blades flashed, their sharp edges leaving trails of shimmering light as they sliced through the air.

Elara's heart pounded in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Each time the gnoll lunged, she dodged, her illusions making it impossible for him to predict her true movements. Their blows were exchanged with ferocity, making time seem to slow, every second stretching into an eternity as they fought for their lives.

The gnoll's spear grazed her side, a sharp sting that sent a jolt of pain through her body. She gritted her teeth and pressed on, her illusions masking her true intentions. Minor slashes appeared on the gnoll's arms and torso, some glowing with the eerie blue lines of [Entropy Embrace (Rare)] spreading from the knife wounds. The gnoll's eyes widened in frustration, the corrupting magic taking hold, sapping his strength.

Despite the gnoll's increasing desperation, he managed to land a solid hit, his spear stabbing into Elara's stomach. The pain was searing, like molten fire spreading from the wound. She gasped, her vision blurring momentarily, but she refused to give in. With a twist of her body, she used the momentum of the gnoll's thrust to pivot and strike. [Rhistlam (Flawless)] flashed, leaving a deep, bleeding gash across the gnoll's shoulder. Blood sprayed, and the gnoll howled in agony.

"You're doing better now," Quill's voice echoed in her mind, a mixture of encouragement and concern. "But it's still not enough to win."

Elara grunted in response, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "I need to move faster, Quill. I need to get past his defenses."

Determined, she pushed herself harder, her movements quickening slightly but still not enough to outpace the [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)]. They clashed again, their weapons ringing out in a flurry of sparks and metal. The gnoll moved violently, his shield bashing into Elara's face. The impact sent a jolt of pain through her skull, stunning her and blurring her vision.

Before she could fully recover, the gnoll followed up with a brutal spear thrust. Desperation fueled her reflexes, and she managed to roll to the right, but not fast enough to avoid the attack entirely. The spear pierced her left arm, sending a searing pain through her limb. Her arm went numb, and she quickly used [Dimensional Link (Rare)] to place her knife back into her inventory before she dropped it.

Gritting her teeth, Elara retreated, her mind racing as she formulated a plan. She began to weave the black and blue threads of [Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon)], hoping to gain some much-needed healing. The gnoll advanced, his spear poised to strike again, his eyes filled with savage determination.

Elara reacted instinctively, using [Multi Weave (Rare)] to incorporate [Tempest's Touch (Uncommon)] into her casting. Green threads of magic intertwined with the black and blue, creating a wind that pushed her backward just as the gnoll's spear thrust toward her gut. The spear missed her by mere inches, slicing through the air where she had been moments before.

A soothing energy washed over her as she completed the weave, mending her wounds and restoring some of her strength. She felt a rush of relief as the healing magic took effect. However, her reprieve was short-lived. The gnoll lunged at her again, forcing her to scramble backward, still on her knees.

Suddenly, a ding echoed in her mind. A new notification appeared before her eyes, distracting her momentarily.

New Spell Created: Lvl 1 Haste (Rare)

Haste: By weaving threads of spirit(black), water(blue), and wind(green) mana, the caster increases their movement speed and reaction time significantly for a short duration. Duration and effectiveness scale with INT and RES.

Elara's eyes widened as she read the notification. This new spell could be exactly what she needed to turn the tide of the battle. She quickly focused, weaving the threads of [Haste (Rare)] together. Black, blue, and green threads intertwined, creating a shimmering aura around her.

"Quill, this might be the edge we need," she said, determination hardening her voice.

Quill's voice echoed with excitement. "Then use it, Elara! Show him what you're truly capable of!"

Elara focused, pulling all the threads of mana together. She felt the black, blue, and green threads intertwine, their power surging through her. The spell's energy coursed through her veins, filling her with a rush of exhilaration and determination. As the spell took hold, the world around her seemed to slow to a crawl. The [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)], who had been a blur of deadly speed moments before, now moved as if through molasses.

With the spell in full effect, Elara's movements became a blur of grace and precision. Her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and resolve driving her forward. She dodged the gnoll's strikes effortlessly, her form a ghostly shadow darting around his cumbersome attacks. Each movement felt like a carefully choreographed dance, a testament to her skill and agility.

She saw an opening, a split-second opportunity, and she closed the distance between them with a fluid motion. Her breath hitched as she prepared to strike, every muscle coiled like a spring. [Rhistlam (Flawless)] gleamed in the dim light as she thrust it forward, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. The gnoll's eyes widened in shock and pain as the sword pierced his chest, driving straight through his heart. A guttural snarl escaped his lips, a final, defiant sound before he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Elara stood over the fallen [Huntmaster Gnoll (Rare)], her breath heavy but steady. A sense of triumph surged within her, mingling with the exhaustion that weighed down her limbs. The audience of gnolls, who had been watching the battle, now stared at her with wide eyes. She could feel their fear, uncertainty, and hesitation in the face of her overwhelming power.

Summoning her inner strength, Elara extended her aura out from her illusion. The killing intent spilled into the crowd like a tangible force, a wave of raw, primal energy that sent shivers down the spines of the gnolls. She let out a fierce roar, her tigress form enhancing the primal power of the sound. The roar echoed through the ruins, a declaration of her dominance and victory.

She bent down and picked up the fallen gnoll’s spear, lifting it high above her head. The weapon's weight felt right in her grasp, a symbol of her hard-fought victory. The gnolls around her scattered, their fear overtaking any thoughts of retaliation. They ran in all directions, desperate to escape the wrath of the warrior who had just felled their leader.

The weight of the battle pressed on her, and every fiber of her being screamed for rest, but she knew she couldn't linger. She let out a deep breath and dropped her tigress persona, feeling the illusion dissolve around her. The white threads of [Greater Illusion (Rare)] faded away, leaving her in her own form once again. She quickly wove the green and white threads of [Stormcrow's Soar (Rare)], ethereal crow wings sprouting from her back. She soared into the air with a powerful flap, heading for the rope ladder that dangled from the floating island above.

"We need to get out of here before the gnolls return," she said to Quill, her voice strained with exhaustion. "I’m running on fumes. [Haste (Rare)] feels like it's eating me alive, and once I let go of it, I'm going to collapse."

Quill nodded, his usual cheeriness replaced by concern. "Let's move quickly then."

Elara flew up the rope ladder, her wings carrying her swiftly to the underside of the sky island above. The wind rushed past her, and momentarily, she felt a fleeting sense of freedom amidst the chaos. She landed with a soft thud, her legs trembling from the effort. The rope ladder swayed beneath her, adding to her anxiety. As soon as she was inside the safety of the mines, she let go of [Haste (Rare)], feeling the spell's effects dissipate. Her body crumpled like a marionette with its strings cut, exhaustion hitting her like a wave.

The oppressive darkness of the mines wrapped around her, but it was a welcome change from the gnoll-infested ruins above. She felt the weight of each step as she trudged back towards the goblin city, her mind replaying the harrowing battle. The gnoll's strength, speed, and relentless pursuit had pushed her to her limits, and the strain was evident in her every move.


Elara entered the goblin city's grand hall, feeling triumph as she approached King Zogar and Queen Grelka. The goblins lining the path greeted her with awe and respect, their eyes wide as they saw her carrying the spear. The grand hall was a welcome sight compared to the oppressive tunnels she had traversed earlier, filled with light and the energy of the gathered goblins. The king and queen stood up from their thrones as she neared, their expressions a mix of anticipation and gratitude.

King Zogar, with his regal bearing, took the spear from Elara's hands, the ancient weapon weighing both heavy and significant. He nodded with respect. "You have done a great service for the Blackfang Clan, Elara. Your bravery and strength have earned you a place of honor among us."

Queen Grelka stepped forward, her eyes shining with pride and warmth. "Elara, you have retrieved the spear and shown us the true meaning of courage. The goblin people will remember your name for generations. We are immensely grateful."

She placed a friendly hand on Elara's shoulder. "Thanks to your efforts, we have already made advancements with the ancient forge you discovered. The shipments of ebony wood have begun arriving, and our blacksmiths are eager to work with it. If you have any iron ore, we could start creating Living Steel for you."

Elara chuckled, feeling a rare moment of camaraderie. "As a matter of fact, I do." She reached into her [Dimensional Link (Rare)] and retrieved the storage rings from the deceased miners. "I found these in the mines. They contain a fair amount of iron ore."

Grelka's eyes widened with delight as Elara handed over the rings. "This is perfect! With this, we can begin the process right away. Our blacksmiths will be thrilled. Living Steel is a remarkable material, and with your help, we can achieve wonders."

As Elara handed over the ore, a familiar chime echoed in her mind, signaling the completion of her quest. Despite her exhaustion, she couldn’t help but smile. The sense of accomplishment and the knowledge that she had made a difference filled her with a warm, satisfying glow. The chime was a sweet reminder of her purpose and success.


Quest Completed: Champion of the Blackfang Clan

Reward: 1500 XP

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