Watcher of Fate

025 - A New Alliance

Several days after her triumphant return to the goblin underground city, Elara found herself back at the ancient forge. The air was filled with the rhythmic sounds of hammering and the crackle of flames, a testament to the industrious spirit of the Blackfang Clan. Now bustling with activity, the forge was a far cry from the eerie, silent cavern it had been when she first discovered it.

Queen Grelka, with her ever-present enthusiasm, led Elara through the busy forge. "We've made remarkable progress, thanks to the resources you brought us and the ancient knowledge we’ve been able to reclaim," she said, her eyes sparkling with pride.

They stopped at a large workbench displaying several long, black, shiny swords. Grelka picked one up, the blade gleaming in the forge's light, and handed it to Elara. The sword was perfectly balanced, with intricate patterns etched into the surface, reflecting the light in mesmerizing ways. The blade felt slightly flexible yet incredibly durable, a testament to the Living Steel's unique properties.

Elara marveled at the craftsmanship. "These are incredible," she said, feeling the perfect balance and weight of the sword.

Grelka nodded, pleased with Elara's reaction. "These are examples I want you to take to the Adventurers Guild. We hope to form an agreement to use these swords in exchange for a portion of the crop yield from this island, I think you call it 215B."

Elara hesitated for a moment, then shook her head slightly. "I'm not the person who can make those decisions, Grelka. It does sound fair, but I'm just an adventurer. Honestly, I'm on a new adventure here without much reputation. This was only my second quest in Frostspire."

Grelka's smile widened, understanding and patience in her eyes. "We want you to deliver this along with the sample blades." She handed Elara a sealed envelope, the wax bearing the emblem of the Blackfang Clan. "This letter outlines our proposal. Your experience with the guild and reputation will give our offer the weight it needs."

Elara took the envelope, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders. "I'll make sure it gets to the right people," she promised, tucking the envelope safely away.

Grelka's eyes twinkled with amusement. "From what I hear, that reputation of yours has probably changed. The other adventurers in your group shared the story of your championship fight. Your name is becoming well-known."

Elara felt a mixture of pride and humility at Grelka's words. "I hope I can live up to that reputation."

Grelka then pulled a cover off another item, revealing a set of armor crafted from the same black, shiny material. The armor was sleek and beautifully designed, with intricate patterns etched into the surface, mesmerizing the light. Living Steel's unique properties make the armor lightweight yet incredibly resilient, offering superior protection without sacrificing mobility.

Living Steel Armor (Flawless): 65AC, +13 CON, +11 DEX +7 PER +5%HP Lore: This armor, made from a mix of ebony wood and steel to make Living Steel, offers superior protection without sacrificing mobility. The unique properties of the steel make it both lightweight and incredibly resilient.

Elara's eyes widened with delight as she examined the armor. "This is amazing, Grelka. Thank you so much."

Grelka smiled warmly. "You’ve earned it, Elara. Your bravery and efforts have opened new opportunities for our clan. Consider this a token of our gratitude."

Elara thanked Grelka with a heartfelt smile. "Thank you, Grelka. I won’t let you down." She carefully packed the sample blades and the sealed envelope before heading out of the underground city, her heart brimming with anticipation and responsibility.

The journey to Frostspire's Adventurers Guild was uneventful, giving Elara time to reflect on the events that had led her here. As she approached the guild's grand entrance, the imposing structure loomed above, its spires reaching toward the sky. She took a deep breath and stepped inside.

The automaton receptionist, a sleek construct of polished metal and glowing blue eyes, greeted her with its customary efficiency. "Welcome to the Frostspire Adventurers Guild. How may I assist you today?"

Elara approached the desk, feeling a sense of deja vu. "I have a quest completion to report and a letter for someone in charge."

The automaton's eyes flickered as it processed her request. "Please present your adventuring badge for verification."

Elara nodded and concentrated, summoning her copper adventuring badge from her inventory using [Dimensional Link (Rare)]. Threads of purple with touches of gold wove through the air, connecting her hand to the badge that materialized in her palm. She handed it over to the automaton, feeling a slight tingle from the mana threads.

The automaton extended its metallic hand, and threads of white magic wove around the badge, inspecting it thoroughly. The intricate threads of magic scanned the badge, confirming its authenticity and her quest details.

"Quest completion confirmed: 'Iron Quest: Harvest Guard.' Reward: Five crystals." A small compartment opened, and five glittering crystals were dispensed into Elara’s waiting hand.

"Please wait here while I deliver your letter," the automaton continued. It took the sealed envelope from Elara and disappeared through a door behind the desk.

Elara pocketed the crystals and turned her attention to the quest board. As she walked over, she noticed the variety of quests posted, ranging from simple gathering tasks to perilous monster hunts. She scanned the list, noting the details of each quest. The atmosphere buzzed with the chatter of adventurers discussing their plans and exchanging stories of their exploits.

Her mind wandered as she waited, considering her next steps. The letter she delivered could change the dynamics between the goblins and the adventurers, forging new alliances and opportunities. The thought filled her with a sense of purpose and anticipation.

A few minutes later, the automaton returned, its blue eyes fixed on Elara. "The guild master will see you now. Please follow me."

Elara followed the automaton down a long, carpeted hallway adorned with tapestries depicting heroic battles and grand adventures. The tapestries' intricate designs and vibrant colors gave her a sense of the guild's storied history. They reached a large, ornately carved wooden door, which the automaton opened with a smooth, mechanical motion.

Inside, the room was spacious and warmly lit, with large windows allowing natural light to pour in. Two individuals sat behind a sturdy oak desk: Assistant Guild Leader Eldrin and another man. Eldrin was a tall, lean elf with sharp features and piercing green eyes. He had an air of efficiency and competence. The other man was broad-shouldered and middle-aged, with graying hair and a kind but authoritative demeanor. His deep blue eyes conveyed both wisdom and warmth.

"Welcome, Elara," the man greeted her warmly. "Please, have a seat. I'm Guild Leader Aric Tallhart, and we've been expecting you."

Elara nodded respectfully and took a seat. "Thank you for seeing me."

Eldrin smiled and extended his hand. "We've read Queen Grelka's letter and are quite intrigued by the proposal. We're eager to see the sample blades you've brought and to hear more from you. May I see your badge?"

Elara summoned her copper badge from her inventory using [Dimensional Link (Rare)]. Threads of purple and gold wove through the air, connecting her hand to the badge that materialized in her palm. She handed it to Eldrin, who placed it on a silver plate with intricate knotwork.

Eldrin cast black and white threads of magic over the plate, and the details of her badge displayed on the tablet:

Copper Badge: 735921

Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human

General Class: Bard

Level: 18 > 20

Primary Stat: Perception

Spirit Pressure: 575 > 716

Effective Level: 51 > 65

Contribution: 3,029

Withdrawal: 1,150

Eldrin turned to Aric with a knowing smile. "Guild Leader, this is Elara. As you can see, her growth and potential are significant."

Aric Tallhart leaned forward, his eyes twinkling with interest. "You've made quite an impression, Elara. Your contributions have been significant, and your effectiveness level is impressive. Now, let's take a look at those sample blades."

Elara focused, extending her hand and weaving purple and gold threads from [Dimensional Link (Rare)]. The air shimmered, and the Living Steel longswords appeared in her grasp one by one. The swords were sleek and elegant, with a dark, glossy sheen that reflected the light like polished obsidian. Intricate runes were etched along the blades, meaning lost to time but adding an air of ancient power. She handed one to Aric and another to Eldrin.

Eldrin examined the blade closely, his eyes widening with appreciation for the craftsmanship. "These are exceptional," he remarked, fingering the gleaming black metal. "Living Steel indeed. This is beyond anything we've seen in a long time."

Aric nodded, still absorbed in the letter. "Queen Grelka proposes a mutually beneficial arrangement. Given the quality of these weapons, I believe this could be the start of a very prosperous relationship."

Elara smiled, feeling the weight of her mission lifting. "I'm glad to hear that. The Queen put a lot of faith in me to deliver these and to make a good impression."

Aric handed the swords back to Elara. "We'll have our finest craftsmen and mages evaluate these further, and I'll send a positive response to Queen Grelka. You’ve done well, Elara. Thanks for your assistance."

Eldrin added, "I'll personally oversee the correspondence. The Queen will receive a detailed letter outlining our interest and terms. You needn't worry about that; focus on your next adventure."

Elara thanked them both, her voice trembling with gratitude. "Thank you, Guild Leader Aric, Assistant Guild Leader Eldrin. I appreciate your support and guidance."

Eldrin stood and walked with Elara out of the room, his demeanor warm and approachable. "Elara, I wanted to mention something before you go. Lorien's letter mentioned that you're a Barrowbridge refugee and looking for your father and mother."

Elara nodded, her curiosity mixed with a glimmer of hope. "Yes, that's correct. My family has been scattered, and I've been trying to find any information about them."

Eldrin’s expression softened, his eyes filled with empathy. "I heard about another Crowhurst working with the logistics company inside the city. They’re helping support the Legion hunting for the Iron Horde closer to the Dragon's Maw Pass. It’s possible that this person could be part of your family. Do you know anyone working for the Legion?"

Elara's [Mask of Shifting Moods (Excellent)] shifted to an expression of surprise, the intricate black ink lines rearranging. Her heart raced as she processed the information. "I don’t think I have any family working for the Legion, but my family wasn’t very close on my father’s side. It’s worth looking into, though."

Eldrin nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "I think it’s worth checking out. You can find the logistics company near the western district of the city. If it turns out to be a relative, it could be a step toward reuniting your family."

Elara’s heart lifted with hope, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Thank you, Eldrin. I'll go and see for myself. Any lead is valuable at this point."

Eldrin placed a supportive hand on her shoulder, his touch grounding her in the moment. "Good luck, Elara. And remember, the guild is here to support you. Keep us updated on your progress."

With a grateful smile, Elara nodded, feeling a rush of emotions. "I will. Thank you again, Eldrin."

As she left the guild hall, Elara felt a mixture of excitement, anxiety, and anticipation. The possibility of finding a relative working with the logistics company gave her a new sense of purpose. She would follow this lead and continue her journey, determined to uncover the truth about her family and forge her path as an adventurer. Each step forward was filled with hope and the weight of her past, driving her to succeed and find the family she had lost.

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