Watcher of Fate

028 - Unyielding Spirit

Squaring up to the Oni, Elara planted her feet firmly on the ground, her sword held ready. The towering creature before her exuded an aura of malevolent power, its eyes glowing with a dark, sinister light. The Oni, sensing the need for a different approach, waved its hand dismissively, shattering the ogre illusions that had previously filled the clearing.

The illusions dissolved into wisps of white threads, revealing the Oni's horrifying glory. Standing at nearly eight feet tall, the Oni's muscular frame was covered in dark, mottled skin that seemed to absorb the light around it. Its face was a grotesque mask of fury, with sharp, jagged teeth bared in a menacing snarl. Two long, curved horns jutted from its forehead, framing its fiery, malevolent eyes. Clad in tattered, ancient armor that bore the scars of countless battles, the Oni held a massive, bloodstained kanabo, a spiked club resting heavily on one shoulder.

The air around the Oni crackled with dark energy, the oppressive aura intensifying as it fixed its malevolent gaze on Elara. With a guttural roar that echoed through the forest, the Oni charged, its massive frame moving with surprising speed and agility. The ground trembled beneath its heavy footsteps, leaves and debris scattering in its wake.

Elara braced herself, her eyes locked onto the advancing behemoth. The Oni’s kanabo, a massive spiked club, gleamed wickedly in the dim light, each spike promising a brutal end. As the creature closed the distance, it swung the weapon with a force capable of cleaving the very earth in two.

Elara sidestepped just in time, the kanabo crashing into the ground where she had stood moments before. The impact sent a shockwave through the earth, chunks of dirt and stone erupting into the air. She could feel the raw power behind the Oni’s attack, a reminder of the formidable opponent she faced.

Elara engaged her [Shadow Step (Uncommon)] with a deep breath. Her form flickered and dissolved into a dark, swirling smoke, leaving a wispy trail as she moved with supernatural speed. She became a blur, her body vanishing and reappearing in rapid succession as she dodged and weaved through the Oni’s relentless assault.

The Oni snarled, its eyes blazing with fury as it raised a hand, weaving red and white threads into a fiery spell. A blazing orb of fire materialized and shot toward Elara with terrifying speed. She vanished into a trail of smoke, the orb passing harmlessly through the vapor. She reappeared behind the Oni in a sudden poof, her sword already in motion.

Elara executed her [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace], her blade flowing in a horizontal slash that brought her close to the Oni. She moved with a serpentine grace, weaving around the Oni's massive frame. Her sword transitioned into a series of swift thrusts, each one inscribing a serpentine calligraphic character in the air as the blade pierced the Oni's tough hide. The creature roared in pain, its dark blood splattering onto the ground.

The Oni swung its kanabo in retaliation, but Elara was already gone, dissolving into smoke and streaming to safety before reappearing. As the Oni turned to face her, it unleashed a torrent of fire spells, the red and white mana threads intertwining to form a blazing wall of flames that surged towards her.

Elara moved with fluid grace, engaging her [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke]. Her blade parried the oncoming fire spells with graceful circular motions, creating swirling calligraphic characters that mirrored and redirected the fiery attacks away from her. The redirected spells exploded harmlessly in the air, their energy dissipating in brilliant bursts.

The Oni conjured illusions next, white threads weaving ghostly images of itself around the battlefield. Each illusion moved and attacked in unison, creating a disorienting and deadly dance. Elara’s keen perception allowed her to pick out the real Oni amidst the phantoms, her sword finding its mark with every strike.

Elara focused her energy, her form dissolving into smoke again as she executed her [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust]. Her blade shot forward in a swift, precise thrust, inscribing a calligraphic character as it pierced through one of the illusions, dispersing it into a cloud of shimmering threads and continuing through to the real Oni’s shoulder. The Oni howled, the force of the attack staggering it.

Undeterred, the Oni swung its kanabo in a wide arc, the massive weapon slicing through the air with terrifying force. Elara ducked low, her [Shadow Step (Uncommon)] activating just in time to carry her out of the weapon’s deadly path. She reappeared at the Oni’s side, her sword flashing as she delivered another series of rapid strikes.

With a growl of frustration, the Oni cast another illusion spell, filling the battlefield with ghostly replicas of itself. Elara’s eyes darted between the images, her mind racing to identify the real threat. Her [Shadow Step (Uncommon)] allowed her to navigate the chaos, her form flickering as she quickly moved through the battlefield.

Charging forward, her sword glowing with energy, Elara unleashed her [Technique: Starlit Inscription Slashing Arc]. The blade cut through the illusions with a swift, precise slashing attack, inscribing calligraphic characters as it sliced through the air, targeting multiple points with sweeping accuracy. The illusions dispersed into wisps of light, and her blade struck the real Oni with a powerful, decisive blow.

The Oni staggered, its dark blood spilling onto the ground as it struggled to maintain its footing. Elara stood before it, her chest heaving with exertion, her eyes blazing with fierce resolve. The battlefield fell silent, the air thick with the remnants of the Oni's dark magic.

As Elara watched, the wounds she had inflicted on the Oni began to heal rapidly. The dark, viscous blood ceased its flow, and the gashes in its flesh closed up before her eyes. The Oni's eyes narrowed, a renewed fury burning within them. It moved faster, and its massive form was surprisingly agile. Elara, partially exhausted from the intense battle, found herself unable to concentrate enough to use [Shadow Step (Uncommon)] effectively. She was forced to rely on her natural agility, dancing out of the way as best she could.

The Oni charged, its kanabo swinging in a wide, brutal arc. Elara twisted her body, narrowly avoiding a direct hit, but the spiked club grazed her side, tearing through her armor. -90 HP. She hissed in pain, but forced herself to stay focused. She countered with [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace], her blade flowing in a horizontal slash that brought her close to the Oni. She weaved around its massive frame, delivering a series of swift thrusts. The Oni roared, but the wounds began to heal almost immediately.

The Oni retaliated with another spell, red and white threads weaving a fiery attack. Elara parried the spell with [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke], her blade creating a swirling calligraphic character that redirected the fire. However, the Oni's kanabo followed swiftly, crashing into her shoulder and knocking her to the ground. -110 HP. She grimaced, pushing herself up and driving forward with a [Technique: Moonlit Inscription Piercing Thrust], her sword targeting a vital point with surgical accuracy.

Barely giving her time to recover, the Oni lunged again, its speed and ferocity unrelenting. Elara dodged, her movements slower now, fatigue weighing heavily on her limbs. The Oni's kanabo caught her in the leg, the force of the blow sending her sprawling. -130 HP. She gasped for breath, her vision blurring momentarily. Summoning her remaining strength, she executed a [Technique: Starlit Inscription Slashing Arc], her blade slicing through the air in a precise, sweeping attack.

The Oni, seemingly unfazed by her counterattacks, pressed on. It raised its kanabo high, bringing it down with devastating force. Elara barely managed to roll out of the way, but the edge of the weapon clipped her side, tearing through flesh and bone. -250 HP. She cried out in pain, her body trembling from the impact. Bloodied and battered, she knew she had to keep fighting.

In a desperate bid to regain control, Elara launched into another [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace], her blade a blur of motion as she wove around the Oni. She struck with rapid thrusts, each one inscribing a serpentine calligraphic character in the air. The Oni roared in fury, its wounds closing almost as quickly as they were made.

As the battle raged on, Elara's movements grew increasingly sluggish, her body struggling to keep up with the relentless assault. She could feel her strength waning, the weight of her injuries bearing down on her.


HP: 726 of 1306(2.2/min)

Mana: 702 of 1377 (5.3/min)

Sta: 204 of 1275 (5.7/min)

A sense of worry began to creep into her mind. The Oni's relentless attacks and rapid healing seemed insurmountable. Her thoughts raced, searching for a way to turn the tide. Suddenly, a memory flashed through her mind. She remembered when Valen had previously healed Sera using black and blue threads of magic.

Memory Added to your [Memory Shelf (Uncommon)].

Memory contains a Spell Form...

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Warrior's Reprieve (Uncommon).

Warrior's Reprieve: A spell that significantly boosts HP and STA Regen for 1 minute. The strength of the effect is determined by the spell's level and the caster's INT stat, while the mana cost is determined by the caster's RES stat.

Elara’s eyes widened with realization and hope. She had gained a new spell that could give her the strength she needed to continue the fight. With a deep breath, she focused her remaining energy and began to weave the spell.

Black and blue threads of mana flowed from her hands, intertwining and wrapping around her wounds. She felt a warm, tingling sensation as the magic took effect, the pain in her body beginning to ebb. Her stamina, too, seemed to surge, revitalizing her weary muscles.


HP: 726 of 1306(15/sec)

Mana: 502 of 1377 (5.3/min)

Sta: 204 of 1275 (15/sec)

Elara stood taller, her eyes blazing with renewed determination. The spell's power coursed through her veins, providing her with the strength she needed to face the Oni once more.

The Oni, sensing its opponent's renewed vigor, unleashed a flurry of attacks. It swung its kanabo with brutal force, followed by bursts of fire spells, the red and white threads weaving deadly patterns in the air. Elara danced through the onslaught, her movements a blend of fluid grace and lethal precision.

With a swift motion, Elara executed her [Technique: Starlit Inscription Slashing Arc]. Her sword sliced through the air, inscribing a calligraphic character with each sweeping strike. The blade targeted multiple points on the Oni, each cut deep and precise. She twirled and spun, her dress billowing as she moved like a phantom on the battlefield. However, as she watched, the wounds began to heal almost immediately, dark blood ceasing its flow and flesh knitting back together.

The Oni retaliated with a powerful swing of its kanabo. Elara dodged, her body twisting gracefully to avoid the blow's brunt, but the weapon's edge clipped her shoulder, sending her stumbling back. -150 HP. She gritted her teeth against the pain, immediately shifting into her [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke]. Her blade moved in a graceful, circular motion, parrying the next attack and creating a swirling character that mirrored the Oni's movements and redirected its force.

Despite her defensive efforts, the Oni's relentless assault continued. It cast another fiery spell, the mana threads twisting towards her with lethal intent. Elara’s eyes narrowed, and she cut through the spell with her sword, dispersing the energy before it could reach her. But the Oni closed the distance quickly, its kanabo smashing into her side. -200 HP. She gasped, feeling the searing pain, but remained focused.

Elara launched into another [Technique: Starlit Inscription Slashing Arc], her blade a blur of motion as it struck the Oni repeatedly. Her movements were a seamless blend of art and combat, each strike inscribing beautiful yet deadly characters in the air. Yet, each wound she inflicted healed before her eyes, the creature’s regenerative abilities proving formidable.

The Oni unleashed another barrage of fire spells. Elara danced through the flames, her body moving with a dancer’s elegance and precision. She leaped and twirled, narrowly avoiding the searing heat. Her agility kept her one step ahead, but the Oni's speed increased. It swung its kanabo again, catching her leg and sending her sprawling. -180 HP. She winced, her body aching from the continuous hits.

Desperation creeping into her mind, Elara reached out to her spirit crow, her internal voice filled with urgency. "What should I do?" she asked, her breath ragged as she prepared to face the next wave of attacks.

The spirit crow's voice echoed in her mind, calm and wise. "Elara, you are closer to leveling up than you realize. Accept all your rewards. Doing so will bring you to the next level, making you copper, a major upgrade. Trust in your strength and accept the gifts you have earned."

Elara's eyes widened as she processed the crow's words. She felt a surge of hope and determination. The idea of leveling up and becoming stronger was the lifeline she needed in this desperate moment. She steadied her breathing, focusing inward, ready to accept her rewards and embrace the power that awaited her.

True Sight (Legendary): 8 > 10

Dimensional Link (Rare): 6 > 9

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 4 > 12

Meditation (Common): 12 > 14

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 9 > 10

Mana Knot Cutting (Rare): 3 > 6

Mana Thread Tying (Uncommon): 1 > 4

Mana Thread Weaving (Rare): 1 > 2

Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon): 1 > 7

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 1 > 3

Mana Dyeing: Water (Common): 1 > 2

Fire Resistance (Common): 0 > 2

New things identified: 14 for 14 exp

New places visited: 8 for 850 exp

Significant life event: 126 for 1260 exp

Quest updated: 702 of 2000 spirits collected

You have defeated the final boss of the Kobold Cave you gain 250 exp and a basic chest.

Awards for "Killing 1000 Monsters”: 1000 exp, Title: Monster Slayer

Title: Monster Slayer gives +5% HP

You have leveled to Lvl 16.

Beginning Class Upgrade to Copper…

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