Watcher of Fate

029 - Perception and Resolve

Beginning Class Upgrade to Copper…

2 Class slots added

Features of Class: The Watcher of Fate upgraded

You cannot learn offensive or defensive spells or combat skills.

Combat spells or skills provided by equipment cost significantly more energy to use.

Gain no experience from killing monsters.

Gain significant experience from witnessing important events, places, and things.

20% > 30% bonus to Perception Stat.

You are fate-touched.

HP, Mana, and Stamina max and regeneration calculations updated.

Race Shattered Soul: Perfect Cleave changed to Shattered Soul: Recrystallization

Features of a Recrystallization :

Resolve increased by 15% > 20%

Constitution increased by 10% > 20%

Reduced food consumption

Perception has surpassed the 100 threshold, skills that rely on perception have improved.

[True Sight (Legendary)] has changed to [Awareness (Legendary)]

Awareness (Legendary): Grants perfect clarity of everything around you irregardless of darkness, regular or magical, invisibility or illusion. Furthermore, you perceive the Spirit Plane within the same range. The range is determined by perception stat.

Resolve has surpassed the 100 threshold, skills that rely on resolve have improved.

[Meditation (Common)] has changed to [Greater Meditation (Uncommon)]

[Greater Mediation (Uncommon)] has been affected by your [Spirit Tree] bond to become [Oneness (Rare)].

Oneness (Rare): A transcendent state effortlessly achieved in any focused moment. Health, Mana, and Stamina flow back ceaselessly, amplified by unwavering RES and skill level.

Your spirit link with [Naitharon (Flawless)] has improved and you now gain a portion of the spirit’s stats.

Elara's breath steadied as she focused inward, ready to accept her rewards and embrace the power that awaited her. As she did, the spirit crow's voice echoed in her mind, its tone filled with a mix of calm and excitement.

"Elara," the spirit crow began, "our connection is growing stronger. I can feel our bond deepening, merging our strengths and energies. This newfound connection will enhance your abilities significantly. You can strike with about 30% more force, your blows carrying a power you have never felt before."

Elara's eyes widened in awe as she listened to the spirit crow's words. She could feel the truth of its statement resonating within her, a warmth spreading through her body as the bond intensified. The crow's presence, usually a guiding whisper, now felt like a solid force intertwined with her very essence.

"Your movements will be sharper, your attacks more devastating," the spirit crow continued. "Embrace this power, Elara. Use it to turn the tide of this battle. Together, we are unstoppable."

Elara took a quick glance at her notifications, her eyes scanning the changes with curiosity and anticipation. She immediately noticed the upgrades to her skills: [True Sight (Legendary)] had evolved into [Awareness (Legendary)], and [Mediation (Common)] had transformed into [Oneness (Rare)]. The new skills hummed with power, their potential enhancements already evident.

Her heart raced with excitement at the possibilities these changes offered, but she knew she had no time to delve into them now. The Oni was charging at her, its massive form barreling forward with terrifying speed and intent. She quickly exited the system, returning her full attention to the battle.

The Oni’s eyes burned with relentless fury as it closed the distance. Elara felt the surge of power from her new abilities coursing through her veins. She could sense every movement, every shift in the air around her. Her awareness was heightened, her connection to the battlefield sharper than ever before.

But it wasn't just the battlefield she felt connected to. Elara sensed a deeper bond, a link to the Spirit Tree in her Spirit Domain. From her very core, she felt a wellspring of energy pouring into her, infusing her with a vitality and strength she had never known. The Spirit Tree's ancient power flowed through her, merging with her own, creating an unbreakable force.

The world seemed to slow around her. Each heartbeat, each breath, stretched into an eternity. She activated [Shadow Step (Uncommon)], her form dissolving into smoke and leaving a wispy trail as she moved. In the slowed time, she danced around the Oni's attacks, her movements a blur of speed and grace.

She executed her techniques with lethal precision. Her sword cut through the air in sweeping arcs with [Technique: Starlit Inscription Slashing Arc], inscribing calligraphic characters that targeted the Oni’s vital points. Each strike dug deeper into its flesh, the wounds healing slower. Yet, even with the enhanced power, it still wasn’t enough to bring the beast down.

The Oni retaliated, weaving a complex spell of fire. Red and white threads of mana spiraled towards her, but Elara was ready. She parried with [Technique: Falling Leaf Reflection Brushstroke], her blade creating a swirling character that mirrored and redirected the spell, dispersing it into harmless sparks.

Elara pressed on, her attacks a seamless blend of power and finesse. She moved with the fluidity of a dancer, her blade an extension of her will. The Oni’s spells shattered under her strikes, her sword disrupting the intricate knotwork of its magic.

With every use of [Shadow Step (Uncommon)], Elara appeared behind the Oni, striking with [Technique: Serpent's Inkflow Embrace]. Her blade flowed in a horizontal slash, bringing her close to the creature, allowing her to weave around its massive form and deliver a series of swift thrusts. The Oni roared in agony, its dark blood spraying onto the ground.

Despite her relentless assault, the Oni's resilience was formidable. Though slower to heal, each wound eventually closed, the dark magic within it fighting back against her efforts. She could feel her blade digging deeper, but it still wasn’t enough.

Elara’s mind raced the connection to the Spirit Tree, which bolstered her resolve. She knew she had tapped into a powerful energy source, yet the Oni remained an indomitable foe. The realization struck her that she needed something more, a strategy or power beyond her current means, to bring the beast to its knees finally.

"Do you know any other techniques that might help me win this fight?" Elara asked the spirit crow, her internal voice tinged with urgency.

The spirit crow’s voice echoed in her mind, calm yet intense. "There is a technique within the [Blade Dance (Rare)] skill set called Divided Skies Lunge. It focuses tremendous stamina and mana into your blade before delivering a powerful downward cut against your foe. If executed correctly, it can cleave your opponent in half. However, if you mess up, it can significantly deplete your mana and stamina reserves. It is considered an intermediate to almost advanced technique."

Elara felt a spark of hope. She delved into her mind, searching for the equivalent technique within her own skill set. It didn’t take long before she found it, the knowledge of the move imprinting itself into her consciousness. The technique she knew was called [Technique: Poignant Criticism]. She could feel the power and risk associated with it, the balance required to execute it flawlessly.

Her determination solidified, Elara began to channel her energy. Crystal clear threads of pure mana intertwined with the essence from the Spirit Tree, flowing into her sword. The blade glowed with an ethereal light, pulsating with the accumulated power. Her stamina surged, the connection to her spirit crow and the Spirit Tree fueling her resolve.

The Oni sensed the change, its eyes narrowing as it prepared to launch another attack. But Elara was faster. With a burst of speed, she activated [Shadow Step (Uncommon)], dissolving into smoke and streaming towards the Oni.

Reappearing before the beast, Elara's eyes blazed with fierce determination. She raised her sword high, the blade humming with energy. As she brought it down, she felt the technique guide her movements, every ounce of her mana and stamina focusing into a singular, devastating strike.

Her blade cut through the air with a sharp whistle, descending upon the Oni with overwhelming force. The strike's power resonated through the battlefield, the energy within her blade slicing through the Oni’s flesh and bone. The world seemed to stand still for a moment as her sword made contact.

With a final, decisive motion, Elara completed the technique. The Oni’s eyes widened in shock and pain as the blade cleaved through its body, splitting it from shoulder to hip. Dark blood sprayed from the wound, the Oni’s formidable regeneration unable to keep up with the damage.

The Oni staggered, its kanabo falling from its grasp as it collapsed to its knees. Elara stepped back, her chest heaving with exertion. She watched as the beast struggled to remain upright, the power of her strike having cut it nearly in half.

Elara's vision began to narrow, darkness encroaching at the edges as exhaustion took hold. Her limbs felt heavy, her body trembling from the intense effort and the toll of her injuries. She barely registered the Oni's final collapse before her knees buckled, and she fell to the ground. The last thing she saw was the Oni's lifeless form crumpling before her, then everything went black.


A voice calling her name pulled Elara from the depths of unconsciousness. It was distant at first, but gradually grew clearer. "Elara... Elara, can you hear me?"

She blinked, her eyes struggling to focus. The world around her slowly came into view, and she stared up at a canopy of trees. She turned her head slightly and saw Sera crouched over her, a worried expression etched on her face. Sera was talking to her, her voice filled with concern.

"Elara, are you alright? Can you hear me?" Sera's voice broke through the fog in Elara's mind.

Elara blinked again, finally able to focus. "Sera... Is the Oni dead?"

Sera let out a sigh of relief, a small smile forming on her lips. "Yes, very dead. You did it."

Elara took a shaky breath, wincing as the pain in her body reminded her of the battle. "Why did you come back?"

Sera's expression shifted to one of frustration and hurt. "Why did I come back? Did you really think I wouldn't? Once Valen and Lora could move on their own, I came back as fast as I could. I wasn't going to leave you alone out here."

Elara's eyes widened slightly. "You saw...?"

Sera nodded, her eyes glistening with emotion. "I saw the last bit of the battle. I watched you teleport and slice the Oni in half. It was incredible, Elara. But I was so scared for you."

Elara managed a weak smile, the warmth of Sera's concern and loyalty washing over her. "Thank you, Sera. I’m glad you’re here."

Sera nodded firmly. "Let's get the Oni looted and head back to Brambleton before Lora and Valen bring back the entire guard or call for guild backup."

Elara chuckled weakly, then winced at the pain. Sera helped her sit up and then guided her over to the Oni's lifeless body. "First things first," Sera said, "I'll show you how to harvest a monster core. It's a valuable resource, and some higher-level non-dungeon monsters have them."

Sera pulled out a small, sharp knife from her belt with practiced ease. She located a spot near the Oni’s chest and began to cut carefully. Elara watched closely, her curiosity piqued despite her exhaustion.

"Monster cores are usually found near the heart," Sera explained as she worked. "Their color reflects the monster’s magic affinities. For this Oni, it should be red and white because of its fire and illusion magic."

After a few precise cuts, Sera reached into the cavity she had created and pulled out a large, glowing crystal. It radiated a vibrant red and white light, pulsing gently in her hand. "This is it," she said, holding it up for Elara to see.

You have gained the skill Lvl 1 [Harvest (Common)]

Elara marveled at the crystal's beauty and power. "It's incredible," she said softly.

Sera wrapped the core in a cloth and stowed it away in her pack. "Alright, now that we have the core, let's head back to Brambleton. We need to report what happened and make sure Lora and Valen are okay."

Elara nodded, feeling a bit steadier on her feet. Together, they began to make their way back through the forest. Despite their weariness, they moved quickly, driven by the need to reunite with their friends and ensure the village's safety.

They broke into a run, the adrenaline from the battle still coursing through their veins. The path to Brambleton was familiar, and they navigated it easily, focusing on the task ahead. As they neared the village, the comforting sight of the town's watchtowers came into view, signaling the end of their harrowing journey. Elara took a second to review her full status as she finished the ran with Sera.


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (31,450 of 36,000) 16

Naitharon: (28,435 of 29,000) 15


HP: 1734 of 1944 (3.8/min)

Mana: 502 of 1904 (9.8/min)

Sta: 1836 of 1968 (12.7/min)


Strength: 30

Dexterity: 73+16(97)

Constitution: 50(55)

Perception: 90+7(126)

Intelligence: 50

Resolve: 77+12(120)

Free Points: 8

Class Skills:

Memory Shelf (Uncommon): 4

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 2

Awareness (Legendary): 10

Forgettable (Rare): 10

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 16


Dimensional Link (Rare): 9

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 12

Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon): 1

General Skills:

Gift of Gab (Common): 4

Cooking (Common): 4

Harvest (Common): 1

Oneness (Rare): 14

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 10

Mana Knot Cutting (Rare): 6

Mana Thread Tyeing (Uncommon): 4

Mana Thread Weaving (Rare): 2

Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon): 7

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 3

Mana Dyeing: Water (Common): 2

Mana Dyeing: Fire (Common): 1

Mana Dyeing: Earth (Common): 1

Fire Resistance (Common): 2

Poison Resistance (Common): 9

Parasite Resistance (Common): 1


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