Watcher of Fate

030 - Farewell to Ashfall

Valen and Lora stood at the gate to Brambleton, their wounds evident but their determination unwavering. Guards surrounded them, preparing for what they believed would be a dire confrontation.

"Move faster! We need to get back out there!" Valen urged, his voice strained from pain and urgency. He cradled his injured arm but pushed through, determined to help Sera and Elara.

Lora, her leg tightly bandaged, winced with every step but kept shouting orders. "Get the weapons ready! We can't waste any more time!" She leaned heavily against a nearby wall, frustration evident in her eyes as she tried to rally the guards.

Suddenly, relief washed over their faces as they spotted two familiar figures emerging from the trees. Sera and Elara, looking exhausted but alive, were approaching the town gates.

"Thank the spirits, you're both safe!" Valen exclaimed, his voice filled with relief. "We were just getting the guards together to take down the Oni."

Elara, still catching her breath, shook her head. "No need. It's dead."

The guards, along with Valen and Lora, stared at her in disbelief. "You killed it?" Valen asked, his eyes wide. "You and Sera took it down?"

Sera shook her head, a proud smile on her face. "No, Elara soloed it."

To prove her words, Elara summoned the large red and white monster core from her [Dimensional Link (Rare)], holding it up for everyone to see. The crystal's glow illuminated the guards' astonished faces and her friends' faces.

Lora's eyes widened, and she began to laugh, a mixture of disbelief and admiration in her voice. "Of course Elara soloed it. I knew there was something special about you."

The guards looked dumbfounded, but their eyes showed growing respect. Valen smiled weakly, shaking his head in amazement. "I should have known. You never cease to surprise us, Elara."

Sera nodded, her pride in Elara clear. "Let's get inside the gates. We have a lot to report and wounds to tend to."

As they returned to the village, Lora continued to chuckle softly. She couldn't shake the feeling that Elara was hiding more than just her extraordinary skills. To Lora, Elara seemed like someone with a secret past, possibly the daughter of a noble or someone equally significant. But for now, all that mattered was that they were safe, and the Oni was no longer a threat.


The next day, the group set out from Brambleton, heading towards Ashfall. The mood was contemplative, each member lost in their own thoughts. The events of the previous day weighed heavily on their minds. Valen and Lora often shared raised eyebrows and whispered discussions, their expressions a mix of concern, worry, and exasperation. Sera walked beside them, her usual commanding presence subdued by a general air of sadness.

Elara, though physically recovering, felt the emotional toll of the battle. She watched her companions, sensing the unspoken words and unresolved tensions. After a while, she moved up to Valen, catching him during a rare moment when he and Lora were not engaged in hushed conversation.

"Valen," she began softly, "I've been curious. How did you get your light affinity?"

Valen looked at her, momentarily surprised by the question, but then he smiled faintly. "There are several ways you can get a light affinity," he began, his tone thoughtful. "The cheapest method is to wait for special sun days like the summer or winter solstice, or a solar eclipse. It would probably take a few of those events to dye a mana thread white fully."

He paused, glancing at Elara to make sure she was following. "A second option, which is what I did, is to have an elf friend—who is also connected to an elf blacksmith—take you to their sun forge. You spend a few days there, attuning to the sun mana. It's a more immersive and reliable method, but you need the right connections."

Elara nodded, intrigued by the process. "And the third way?"

"The third way," Valen continued, "is the most expensive. It involves using several monster cores that have a light affinity to dye the mana thread. But monster cores sell for a good bit of crystals, so it's generally not worth it unless you have no other options."

Elara absorbed the information, appreciating Valen’s willingness to share. "Thank you, Valen. That’s really interesting."

Valen nodded, his expression softening. "Of course, Elara. If you ever need help with it, let me know."

As they continued their journey, Sera approached Elara, her expression thoughtful. "Elara," she began, "I want you to know that when we reach Ashfall, I'll be informing Lorien that you did exceptionally well and have learned the basic skills needed to join the adventurers' guild as a full member. I'll also recommend that you be upgraded to Bronze level immediately. You've shown that you can handle tasks at that level."

Elara blinked in surprise, feeling a mix of pride and gratitude. "Thank you, Sera. That means a lot."

Sera smiled but then grew serious. "What do you plan to do after that, Elara?"

Elara was taken aback by the question. She had assumed she would continue traveling with Sera and the group, but the question made her pause. Her mind flashed back to the days before she met Sera, the uncertainty and the pain of losing her parents. She had buried those emotions deep, focusing instead on surviving and getting stronger. The thought of finding her parents or avenging their deaths resurfaced, stirring emotions she had long tried to suppress.

She hesitated, then instinctively used her skill [Thread of Fate (Legendary)]. To her astonishment, a golden thread appeared, glowing brightly. She hadn't seen it since she had saved the traveling merchant Braden and his son Marcus from bandits. The golden thread indicated that fate was pulling her in another direction.

Elara's heart pounded as she stared at the golden thread, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and longing. The sight of it made her realize how much she yearned for answers, for closure. She thought about her parents, their unknown status after the destruction of Barrowbridge at the hands of an orc legion, and the deep, unhealed wounds that their loss had left in her heart.

"I... I'm not entirely sure," Elara said, trying to keep her voice steady. "There are things I need to figure out, but I haven't decided on anything specific yet."

Sera looked at her, a hint of resignation in her eyes. "I see. Well, whatever you choose, know that you've always got a place with us."

Elara nodded, feeling a pang of guilt but also a sense of resolve. She realized that Lora and Valen had been paying close attention to her answer, their concern and curiosity evident in their covert glances from behind her. Sera, noticing their interest, seemed resigned by Elara’s noncommittal response.

Elara's mind raced with possibilities and uncertainties as they continued their journey. She felt a deep conflict within her. On one hand, the bond she had formed with Sera, Valen, and Lora was something she cherished. They had become her family, her support. But the golden thread of fate pulled her towards a different path, one filled with unknown dangers and the promise of answers she desperately sought.

The weight of her parents' memory pressed heavily on her. She had tried to move forward, to build a new life, but the unresolved questions and the need for justice lingered. She knew that following the thread might mean leaving the safety and companionship she had found, but it was a calling she couldn't ignore.

Elara took a deep breath, her emotions a turbulent mix of fear, determination, and hope. She knew that the path ahead would require difficult decisions, but she felt more determined than ever to follow the thread of fate and discover her true purpose. Whatever lay ahead, she would face it with the strength and courage she had found within herself and with the support of her newfound family, no matter where her journey might take her.

The group finally reached Ashfall, their steps heavy but resolute. They made their way through the bustling streets to the Adventurers' Guild, where Lorien awaited them. Sera led the way, and they entered the guild hall with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

"Wait here," Sera instructed the group, then disappeared into Lorien's office to give her report. Elara, Valen, and Lora waited anxiously in the hall, exchanging glances filled with unspoken thoughts.

After what felt like an eternity, Sera emerged from the office, motioning for them to come inside. They entered to find Lorien seated behind her desk, her expression serious but welcoming.

"Welcome back," Lorien greeted them. "Sera has informed me of your exploits, Elara. You've done exceptionally well, and she has recommended that you be upgraded to Bronze level immediately. You've shown that you can handle tasks at that level."

Lorien held out her hand, and Elara handed over her adventurer's badge. With a deft motion, Lorien began weaving a spell of black and white threads. The threads wove intricately around the badge, imbuing it with new power and transforming it into a Bronze-level insignia. The badge shimmered, reflecting the change.

Elara took it back, feeling a surge of pride mixed with the ever-present undercurrent of her uncertain future. "Thank you, Lorien," she said, slightly bowing.

Lorien continued, her expression growing serious. "I also have some news. The band of orcs that attacked Barrowbridge is known as the Iron Horde, commanded by Warlord Grommash Hellscream. According to our latest reports, they have been raising havoc in the north."

Elara's heart sank as she looked at her group, feeling conflicted. The information about the Iron Horde tugged at her, urging her to chase down this lead. Yet, the bonds she had formed with Sera, Valen, and Lora made her hesitate. These people had become like family to her, and the thought of leaving them was painful.

Seeing the turmoil on Elara's face, Lora spoke up. "Elara, Valen and I have decided to retire. This is the second time in a few weeks that we almost died, and at least this time we didn't lose anyone."

Valen nodded in agreement. "I'm going to join one of the healing clinics. They've been begging me to join for a while now, and I think it's time."

Elara glanced at Sera and noticed a flicker of relief cross her face. Sera took a deep breath, then spoke aloud, her voice steady but tinged with emotion. "Ever since Kain's death, I've been struggling with feelings of inadequacy as a leader. Having to abandon Elara to face certain death at the hands of the Oni... it made me question my ability to keep everyone safe. The thought of not being responsible for the lives of others anymore... it brings me some peace."

Elara took a step closer to Sera. "Sera, you can join me. We can continue to fight together."

Sera shook her head, a sad smile on her lips. "Thank you, Elara, but I have friends and family here. I'll join another group. Tanks are always in demand. I need to find my own path now."

Elara nodded, understanding and respecting Sera’s decision. "I understand. I wish you all the best."

The room grew quiet, the weight of the moment settling over them. One by one, they turned to each other, embracing tightly. Lora was the first to step forward, tears glistening in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Elara. "You’re going to do amazing things, I just know it," she whispered.

Valen followed, his grip firm yet gentle. "Stay safe out there, Elara. Remember, you’re stronger than you think."

Finally, Sera pulled Elara into a warm embrace, holding her close for a moment longer than the others. "You have a brilliant future ahead of you, Elara. Never doubt your strength and your heart."

The group lingered in their farewells, each hug filled with unspoken promises and heartfelt goodbyes. As they started to leave, their expressions were a mix of sadness and hope, knowing that they were all embarking on new paths.

Just as Elara turned to follow them out, Lorien called her back. "Elara, could you stay for a moment?"

Elara nodded and watched as her friends departed. When the door closed behind them, she turned to Lorien, her curiosity piqued.

Lorien’s expression was serious yet kind. "Elara, I have a suggestion for your next step. There's a quest to escort a caravan to Frostspire. It's a crucial mission, and Frostspire is the closest Adventurers' Guild city to where the orcs are reported. Given your recent experiences and skills, I believe you’re the perfect fit for this task."

Elara considered the offer, her heart quickening at the thought of following the golden thread of fate. She had a direction now, a purpose that resonated deeply within her. "I’ll accept the quest," she said, her voice firm with determination.


New Quest Alert!

Caravan Escort

Difficulty: C

Location: Ashfall to Fristspire

Objective: Safely escort the caravan to Frostspire.

Reward: 40 Crystals, 250 Experience


Lorien smiled, a glint of approval in her eyes. "I had a feeling you would. Prepare yourself and head to the caravan master's office when you're ready. This mission will test you, but I have no doubt that you’ll rise to the challenge."

Elara nodded, feeling a surge of resolve. "Thank you, Lorien. I won’t let you down."

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