Watcher of Fate

031 - The Road Ahead

Elara made her way through the bustling streets of Ashfall, her Bronze badge gleaming in the late afternoon sun. Her destination was the Merchant Guild building, located near the outer wall gate of the city. The structure was a blend of functionality and arcane craftsmanship, resembling a grand cart garage and warehouse with offices nestled within.

As she approached, the building loomed large, its arched entrance bustling with activity. Merchants and laborers moved with purpose, loading and unloading goods from wheeled wooden carts that moved using arcane means instead of animals. The carts rolled smoothly over the ground, their wheels turning soundlessly. The faint hum of arcane energy filled the air, a testament to the intricate enchantments that powered these vehicles.

Inside, the building was a hive of activity. The scent of aged wood and parchment mixed with the earthy smell of livestock. Sturdy pens held various animals, from sheep and goats to a few skittish horses. The sounds of bleating and neighing added to the cacophony of voices and the clatter of crates being moved.

Elara navigated through the maze of corridors and storage areas, her eyes scanning for signs leading to the caravan management office. The interior was a labyrinth of storage spaces, with crates and barrels stacked high, and arcane carts parked in neat rows, awaiting their next journey.

After a few minutes of fruitless searching, she approached a young clerk busy organizing a pile of documents.

"Excuse me," Elara said, her voice carrying over the din of the warehouse. "Could you direct me to the caravan management office?"

The clerk looked up, slightly startled, then nodded. "Of course, miss. Head straight down this corridor, take a left at the second intersection, and it’s the third door on your right."

"Thank you," Elara replied, following the directions given.

The sounds of the warehouse faded slightly as she turned the corner and found herself in a quieter hallway lined with heavy wooden doors. She counted to the third door on the right and knocked.

"Enter," a voice called from within.

Elara pushed the door open and stepped into a modest office. Behind a cluttered desk sat a middle-aged man with sharp features and a well-kept beard. He looked up from his papers, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in her appearance.

"You must be the adventurer assigned to our caravan," he said, his tone businesslike.

"Yes, I'm Elara," she confirmed, standing tall.

The man nodded, shuffling through a pile of scrolls until he found the one he was looking for. "I’m Garin, the caravan master. We’ll be transporting a variety of goods to Frostspire: food supplies, medicinal herbs, and some arcane components, as well as livestock. Because of the animals, we cannot use dimensional storage for them, so they will be traveling with us in the carts. This, unfortunately, means they might attract predators, making our journey more perilous."

Elara listened intently, nodding as he spoke.

"We depart at predawn tomorrow," Garin continued. "Make sure you’re here on time. The journey is about thirty days if all goes well. You'll report to the head caravan guard for your duties. We can provide one meal a day, but if you want more, you should bring your own supplies. If you don’t have a good dimensional storage option, I recommend getting one. You can store hot meals in it, and they’ll stay fresh and hot for the entire trip."

"I understand," Elara replied, her mind already running through preparations for the journey.

Garin handed her a scroll with the detailed route and instructions. "Review this tonight. We'll need your skills to keep everyone safe."

Elara took the scroll, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders. "I’ll be ready."

Garin gave a curt nod. "Good. I'll see you in the morning then. Safe travels, Elara."

As Elara left the office, she began mentally tallying her resources. She had 18 crystals from her share of the last three quests and 80 left over from her previous sales. Calculating quickly, she estimated needing about 60 meals for the 30-day journey, assuming one meal provided by the caravan each day. Meals cost around 5 shards to 1 fragment each, so she would need between 3 to 6 crystals total for food. Additionally, she needed to purchase a heavier coat and better boots for the northern climate.

Her first stop was the local bakery. The rich scent of freshly baked bread greeted her as she entered. She approached the counter where the baker, a stout woman with flour-dusted hands, smiled warmly at her.

"Good evening. How many loaves can I get for you?" the baker asked.

"As many as possible," Elara replied. "I'll need them for a long journey."

The baker nodded, reaching into her storage item, a small enchanted pouch. One by one, she pulled out loaves of bread, each one still hot from the oven, steam rising as she placed them on the counter. Elara’s mouth watered at the sight and smell.

"That'll be 1 crystal," the baker said after tallying the total.

Elara handed over the crystal, slipping the loaves into her own dimensional storage. From there, she headed to the butcher. The shop was filled with the sound of cleavers and the smell of curing meats.

"I need enough meat for a long journey," she told the butcher, a burly man with a kind face.

He nodded, selecting cuts of beef, lamb, and some cured sausages. "This should do you well," he said, wrapping them up and handing them to her. "That'll be 2 crystals and 4 fragments."

Elara paid and moved on to the market for root vegetables. The stalls were vibrant with colors and the air filled with the earthy smell of fresh produce. She selected a variety of carrots, potatoes, and onions, knowing they would keep well during the journey.

"1 crystal and 3 fragments," the vendor said, and Elara paid, storing the vegetables away.

Finally, she stopped by a stall selling precooked skewers. The vendor, a jovial man with a twinkle in his eye, handed her several skewers wrapped in parchment.

"These are freshly made, perfect for the road," he said. "That'll be 2 fragments."

Elara handed over the coins, feeling satisfied with her purchases. Mentally, she calculated her total expenses: 1 crystal for bread, 2 crystals and 4 fragments for meat, 1 crystal and 3 fragments for vegetables, and 2 fragments for skewers. Altogether, she had spent 4 crystals and 7 fragments.

With her supplies secured, Elara turned her thoughts to her remaining tasks. She needed a heavier coat and better boots for the cold northern climate.

She made her way to the tailor shop where she had purchased her blue dresses just a few days ago. The familiar shop, nestled in a quieter corner of Ashfall, exuded warmth and comfort. The bell above the door chimed softly as she entered.

The shopkeeper, a friendly woman named Marla, looked up from her work and smiled. "Elara! Back so soon? How are the dresses working out for you?"

Elara returned the smile. "They're perfect, Marla. The Good as New enchantment has worked like a charm. I no longer worry about having destroyed clothes."

Marla beamed. "I'm glad to hear that. What brings you back today?"

"I'm going to Frostspire," Elara explained. "I need a new coat, something that can handle the northern climate."

Marla nodded thoughtfully. "Frostspire, you say? You'll need more than just a coat. Leggings, gloves, and something to keep your head warm would be essential."

Marla led Elara to a section of the shop filled with winter garments. Together, they browsed through various options. Elara tried on several coats and hats, evaluating each one in the mirror.

First, she tried on a dark green wool coat with silver buttons and a matching hat. The coat was warm and elegant, but it lacked the fur lining she felt she needed for the extreme cold. Marla adjusted the fit and asked, "How does this feel?"

"It's nice, but I think I need something with more insulation," Elara replied, slipping off the coat.

Next, Marla handed her a thick brown leather jacket with a high collar and a pair of rugged gloves. Elara tried it on, appreciating the sturdy feel but finding it too restrictive for her movements. "I need something a bit more flexible," she noted.

They moved on to a long black trench coat with a heavy woolen hood. It was sleek and stylish, but Elara found it too cumbersome. "I need something lighter, with a better balance of warmth and mobility," she explained.

Finally, Marla brought out a white fur-lined hooded cloak with an enchantment for warmth. As Elara tried it on, she felt an immediate sense of comfort. The cloak was light yet incredibly warm, and the fur lining added a touch of luxury. Marla paired it with a set of soft leather gloves and a blue knit scarf that matched Elara's dress.

"This cloak will keep you warm even in the harshest winds," Marla said, admiring the fit. "And these leggings and gloves will ensure you're comfortable."

Elara looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with the ensemble. She also tried on a few pairs of leggings, opting for basic but well-made pairs that would be easy to move in and offered additional warmth. Each item had the same Good as New enchantment as her dresses, ensuring durability and cleanliness throughout her journey.

"Thank you, Marla. This is perfect," Elara said, feeling confident in her new outfit.

Marla tallied up the items. "That will be 57 crystals, including the enchantments."

Elara nodded and handed over the payment, feeling a bit lighter in her crystal purse but much better prepared for the journey ahead. She thanked Marla once more and left the shop, the warmth of her new cloak enveloping her as she stepped out into the cool evening air.

Making her way down the road, Elara spotted a cobbler's shop that looked promising. The sign above the door read "Grimwood's Footwear," and the scent of leather wafted out as she entered.

Inside, the shop was cluttered with various types of boots, shoes, and leatherworking tools. Behind the counter stood a grumpy-looking gnome with a thick beard and a scowl. He looked up as Elara approached, his eyes narrowing.

"What do you want?" he asked, his tone brusque.

Elara smiled warmly, activating her **[Gift of Gab (Common)]**. "Good evening! I'm Elara, and I'm looking for a good pair of boots that will work in cold weather. I'm heading up to Frostspire and need something sturdy and warm."

The gnome grunted, his expression softening slightly at her friendly demeanor. "Cold weather, eh? Well, you need something well-made for that."

Elara nodded, striking up a conversation about the importance of well-crafted footwear. She shared stories of her travels and the difference good boots made on a long journey. Gradually, the gnome's grumpy exterior began to crack.

"Alright, alright," he muttered, stepping out from behind the counter. "Let's see what you've got on now."

He looked down at her current pair of boots and snorted. "These are horrible."

Elara laughed, shaking her head. "They were the best available from the dead bandits when I literally walked my last ones into the ground after being stuck in a dungeon for months."

The gnome's eyes twinkled with amusement as he measured her feet. "You've had quite the adventure, I see. Well, let's find you something better."

He rummaged through a stack of boxes and pulled out a pair of sturdy leather boots. "Try these."

Elara laced them up and did a quick pirouette, testing their fit and flexibility. The gnome's face broke into a rare smile before he shook his head. "No, no, those are all wrong for how you move. Give them back."

He grumbled as he moved things around in the back, the sounds of leather and metal shifting filling the shop. After a few minutes, he returned with a new pair. "These are your boots," he said, holding up a black pair of above-the-knee boots.

Elara put them on, and the boots molded to her feet and legs like a second skin. They felt incredibly comfortable and supportive, yet light enough for her agile movements.

“[Direwolf Hide boots (Good)]," the gnome announced proudly. "Normally they cost 40 crystals, but I'll sell them to you for 32 crystals. No haggling, just take them and get out. It's my store, after all."

Elara smiled, appreciating his blunt generosity. She handed over the 32 crystals, feeling the boots settle perfectly into place. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "These are perfect."

[Direwolf Hide boots (Good)]: +5 AC +11 DEX

The gnome nodded gruffly. "Take care of them, and they'll take care of you. Safe travels, Elara."

She thanked him again and stepped out into the evening, her new boots fitting like a dream.

Elara thought about her finances, realizing she was getting pretty light. She had only 4 crystals and 1 fragment left, and she needed to make sure she had enough for any unexpected expenses.

As she walked, she decided to check her Spirit Domain. She focused inward, and the familiar scene unfolded before her: the ethereal landscape with the spirit tree at its center, where her sword spirit, a crow, perched serenely. Surrounding the tree were all the items she had stored there, including the supplies she had just bought, and a few other things she had been carrying, like the red and white monster core gem and various items from the Oni.

"Hello, old friend," Elara said to the crow. "I'm looking for things to sell. What do you think?"

The crow tilted its head, its eyes gleaming with a knowing light. "The [kanabo (Good)] and the [Arcanebolt Caster (Fair)] you took from the bandits would be good bets."

Elara nodded, appreciating the advice. She made her way to the weapon dealer she had originally visited with Lora. The shop was bustling with activity, and the shelves were lined with an array of weapons and armor.

The female shopkeeper looked up as Elara entered, recognition flashing in her eyes. "Back again? What can I do for you?"

Elara placed the [Arcanebolt Caster (Fair)] and the [kanabo (Good)] on the counter. "I'm looking to sell these."

The kanabo was an imposing weapon, its sheer size and weight making it stand out. It was 50% larger than a normal kanabo, a massive club nearly five feet long, with a thick, sturdy handle wrapped in worn leather for a better grip. The head of the kanabo was studded with large, menacing metal spikes, each one dull yet lethal. The craftsmanship was exquisite, with intricate engravings of ancient symbols along its length, hinting at its powerful origins. Its weight was substantial, made of high-quality steel and reinforced with orichalcum, a rare and precious metal known for its durability and magical properties.

The shopkeeper examined the caster first. "This is a decent piece, but I sell new ones for 5 crystals. I can give you 2 crystals for this used one."

Elara nodded, understanding the deal.

The shopkeeper then turned her attention to the kanabo. "This is too large for most people to use, but it's made of high-quality steel and orichalcum. I can buy it for scrap and give you 18 crystals."

Elara considered for a moment before accepting the trade. "That's fair. I'll take it."

As she collected her 20 crystals from the shopkeeper, Elara remembered another item she needed. "Do you sell pots and pans here?"

The woman shook her head. "No, you'll have to go to a general goods store or a blacksmith who makes them."

Elara's heart sank at the mention of a general goods store. The thought of needing to shop at a store like her father's, Howard's Haversack, brought a pang of sadness. Her father's store had been a haven for her growing up, filled with all manner of goods and trinkets. But it had been destroyed in the orc attack on Barrowbridge, the same attack that had torn her family apart. She needed to find him, and that was why she was going to Frostspire.

Pushing herself out of the rumination and funk, Elara took a deep breath and refocused on the task at hand. She couldn't afford to let herself get bogged down by memories and emotions, not when she had so much to prepare for.

Determined, she set off for the general goods store. The evening air was cool, but her new cloak kept her warm. The streets of Ashfall were starting to quiet down as the day drew to a close, but a few vendors and shops remained open.

The general goods store she found was a modest building with a sign that read "Miller's General Goods." She entered, greeted by the familiar smell of leather, wood, and spices. Shelves lined the walls, stocked with a variety of items from cookware to tools.

An older man with a kind face stood behind the counter. "Good evening, miss. How can I help you?"

Elara smiled. "I'm looking for some pots and pans, something sturdy for a long journey."

The shopkeeper nodded and led her to a section filled with various cooking utensils. She selected a small pot and a frying pan, both made of durable cast iron, and a lightweight kettle for boiling water.

"These should serve you well," the shopkeeper said. "Anything else you need?"

Elara thought for a moment and added a few more essentials to her purchase: a plate, a bowl, a metal cup, and a set of utensils including a fork and a spoon. "That should be all, thank you."

The shopkeeper tallied up her items and said, "That will be 1 crystal and 8 fragments."

After paying the shopkeeper and storing the items in her dimensional storage, Elara felt a sense of accomplishment. She had everything she needed for the journey. With her shopping complete, she made her way back towards the Merchant Guild.

Nearby, she found a cozy inn called "The Traveler's Rest." The sign swayed gently in the evening breeze, and warm light spilled out from the windows, inviting and comforting. She entered, and the innkeeper, a stout woman with a friendly smile, greeted her.

"Welcome to The Traveler's Rest. Looking for a room for the night?"

"Yes, please," Elara replied. "I need to be close to the Merchant Guild for an early start."

The innkeeper nodded. "We have a few rooms available. Just a single night?"

"That's right," Elara confirmed.

The innkeeper handed her a key. "Room three, up the stairs to your left. Breakfast is served at dawn, if you're interested."

Elara thanked her and made her way to her room. It was small but comfortable, with a warm bed and a simple wooden table and chair. She set down her belongings and took a moment to reflect on the day's events.

Despite the sadness that had threatened to overwhelm her earlier, she felt a sense of purpose. The journey to Frostspire would be challenging, but she was ready. She would find her father and rebuild what had been lost.

As she settled into bed, the golden thread of fate shimmered faintly in her vision, a reminder of her destiny. Elara closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of her new boots and cloak, and drifted off to sleep, ready to face the challenges of the coming days.

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