Watcher of Fate

032 - A Day of Discoveries

Elara arrived at the caravan in the predawn hours, the air still and quiet, the sky a deep indigo transitioning to the first light of dawn. She made her way through the bustling activity of the caravan, merchants and guards alike preparing for the long journey ahead. The carts were being loaded, the livestock secured, and final checks conducted.

Approaching the caravan guard assembly point, she noticed a group of guards standing together, discussing the day's plans. As she approached, one of the guards looked her over with a sneer, his eyes narrowing with distrust.

"Well, isn't this nice," he said loudly, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "An adventurer has joined us. I suppose the Merchant Guild's Escort Guard corps just isn't enough on its own."

The other guards chuckled, sharing his disdain. Elara could sense the deep-seated resentment in their tones. These men had likely faced numerous hardships and dangers, and the presence of an outsider, an adventurer no less, seemed to stir feelings of inadequacy and bitterness. They viewed adventurers as glory-seekers, mercenaries with no true allegiance, flitting from one quest to another without understanding the grind and loyalty required in the guard corps.

One of the guards leaned in to his friend, speaking just loud enough for Elara to hear, "Is she even old enough to be an adventurer? She looks like a little girl."

Elara turned towards them, her eyes narrowing and growing cold like a predator hunting its prey. Her aura cascaded over the guards, a tangible wave of controlled power. The guard who had spoken found himself paralyzed with fear, unable to look away from her icy gaze.

In a calm, friendly voice that contrasted sharply with her piercing stare, Elara spoke, "My mother was an Escort Guard, and my father was a traveling merchant before I was born. I have the utmost respect for this profession."

The guard's bravado crumbled under her gaze, his fear evident as he struggled to respond. Rather than shattering his prejudices, her display of power seemed to only deepen his resentment. His eyes burned with a newfound hatred, directed not at adventurers in general, but at Elara specifically. He saw her as a threat, a young woman who dared to challenge his authority and pride.

Elara sensed this shift in his attitude and, with a subtle focus of her perception, activated her information skill. A translucent box appeared above the guard's head, visible only to her.

[Lvl 13 Human Escort Guard (Uncommon)]

Before he could muster a reply, the head of the guards appeared, breaking the tense silence.

"Enough," the head guard barked, his authoritative presence immediately commanding attention. He looked at Elara with a mixture of curiosity and respect. "Welcome, Elara. I'm Roderick, the head of the guard for this caravan. We appreciate your assistance on this journey."

Elara released her predatory gaze, her demeanor softening as she turned her attention to Roderick bringing up his information box also. "Thank you, Roderick. I'm ready to do my part."

[Lvl 20 Human Escort Guard (Uncommon)]

Roderick nodded approvingly. "Good. Our mission is to ensure the safe passage of this caravan to Frostspire. We expect the journey to take about thirty days, and we'll be facing various threats along the way, including potential attacks from the Iron Horde.”

Elara listened intently as Roderick outlined the details of their journey. He spoke of the treacherous terrain, potential ambush points, and the need for constant vigilance. The guards around her nodded in agreement, their expressions serious and focused. Elara could feel the weight of responsibility settling on her shoulders. While she was new to the role of a caravan guard and still relatively inexperienced, she was determined to prove herself. The stakes were high, and the safety of the caravan depended on each member playing their part.

When the briefing concluded, the group began to disperse, each member moving to their assigned positions. Roderick caught Elara's eye and gestured for her to come over. She walked towards him, her boots crunching softly on the gravel beneath her feet.

"Elara," Roderick said in a low voice, "I want you to ignore Darian. He's had a rough time lately, and he tends to take it out on newcomers. Don't let him get to you."

Elara smiled slightly, nodding. "It's no problem, Roderick. I understand."

Roderick looked relieved. "Good. You'll be traveling on Owen's cart. He's one of our best drivers and knows the route well. He'll keep you informed about anything unusual."

Elara nodded and scanned the area, but she had never met Owen before and wasn't sure who he was. She wandered through the busy caravan, looking for someone who matched the description Roderick had given, a sturdy man with broad shoulders and brown hair streaked with gray. After a few minutes of fruitless searching, she approached a guard who was loading supplies onto a cart.

"Excuse me," Elara said, trying to keep her tone polite despite her growing frustration. "Do you know where I can find Owen? I'm supposed to travel on his cart."

The guard paused his work and pointed towards the front of the caravan. "Owen's up there, near the lead cart. You can't miss him, big guy, always busy with something."

"Thank you," Elara replied, heading in the direction he had indicated.

She spotted Owen near the front of the caravan, a sturdy man with broad shoulders and a kind face, his brown hair streaked with gray. He was checking the wheels and knotwork on his cart, ensuring everything was secure.

Walking over, Elara introduced herself. "Hello, I'm Elara. I'll be traveling with you on your cart."

Owen looked up from his work and smiled warmly. "Ah, the adventurer everyone's been talking about. Welcome, Elara. I'm Owen. Don't worry about Darian; he's all bark and no bite. We'll get along just fine."

Elara appreciated Owen's friendly demeanor. "Thanks, Owen. I'm looking forward to the journey. By the way, how did you hear about Darian already?"

Owen chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Word travels fast in a caravan, especially when there's a confrontation. The story of you staring down Darian has already traveled from the front of the caravan to the back. It's not every day someone stands up to him like that. I think it left quite an impression on everyone."

Elara couldn't help but smile at the thought. "I didn't realize it would spread so quickly."

Owen nodded. "Caravan life is like that. Everyone knows everyone else's business. Don't worry, though. Most people are just curious. You've already earned a bit of respect just by standing your ground."

Owen gestured to the cart. "Hop on and make yourself comfortable. We've got a long road ahead of us."

Elara climbed onto the cart, settling in among the supplies. The cart was well-organized, with provisions neatly stacked and secured. Owen finished his final checks and then climbed up next to her, grabbing the controls ready to roll out..

As the first rays of dawn light pierced the horizon, the caravan began to move out. The rhythmic sound of wheels turning and the gentle creak of the carts filled the cool morning air. Elara relaxed on the cart next to Owen, who steered the cart with a steady hand, following the cart in front of them.

Elara decided to experiment with her new skill, [Awareness (Legendary)]. She closed her eyes briefly, focusing inward. Almost immediately, she became acutely aware of everything within about 100 paces of her. She could sense the subtle vibrations of the cart wheels on the ground, the rustling of leaves in the trees lining the path, and even the minute movements of small animals scurrying away from the caravan. Extending her awareness further, she could feel a hawk high above them, its feathers ruffling in the wind, and with her heightened perception, she could see each individual feather in exquisite detail.

Satisfied with her initial test, Elara turned her attention to another skill, [Oneness (Rare)]. She focused on her core, and instantly, she could feel the presence of her Spirit Tree through her Dimensional Link without losing her awareness of the world around her. The connection was both grounding and exhilarating, a reminder of the hidden strength she carried with her.

Realizing she needed to understand her mana regeneration rate, Elara considered her options. She had three spells: [Shadow Step (Uncommon)], [Dimensional Link (Rare)], and [Warrior's Reprieve (Uncommon)]. She decided against [Shadow Step] to avoid alarming the people around her and [Dimensional Link] because it required something to be acted upon, which she didn't have access to at the moment. This left [Warrior's Reprieve] as a suitable option.

Elara almost began casting [Warrior's Reprieve] when she decided to see if she could learn any new spells. She recalled the spells the Oni had used, most of which were combat spells, rendering them useless for her current purpose. The Oni's illusion spells required white threads, which she still needed to gain an affinity for.

Thinking further, Elara remembered the black and white spells Lorien and Valen often cast, but those too required a light affinity she hadn't yet developed. She was about to cast [Warrior's Reprieve] when another memory surfaced: the shadow spell the [Kobold Rogue (Uncommon)] had used. Focusing on this memory, she added it to her [Memory Shelf (Rare)].

Memory Added to your [Memory Shelf (Rare)].

Memory contains a Spell Form...

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Shadow Meld (Uncommon).

[Shadow Meld (Uncommon)] has been improved by skill synergy with [Forgettable (Rare)] to create the spell [Greater Invisibility (Rare)].

Elara felt a surge of excitement at her newfound ability. She pulled up the description of the new spell, eager to understand its full potential.

Greater Invisibility: Using shadow threads and a deep mental understanding, this spell creates true invisibility. The caster becomes completely undetectable to the naked eye, blending seamlessly into their surroundings.

Overwhelmed by her curiosity and excitement, Elara decided to activate [Greater Invisibility (Rare)]. She focused her mind, feeling the shadow threads weaving around her. In an instant, she vanished from sight.

Owen, who had been quietly guiding the cart with its arcane controls, started in surprise, the panel flickering slightly under his touch. "Elara? Where did you go?"

Realizing she had startled him, Elara quickly deactivated the spell and reappeared. "I'm so sorry, Owen. I got a bit carried away with a new spell I just learned."

Owen chuckled, his initial shock fading. "No harm done, Elara. Just give me a bit of warning next time, alright?"

Elara nodded, taking a quick mental inventory of her mana. She was surprised to find that her regeneration rate was about 15 to 20 times faster than usual at her current skill level and resolve. This discovery added another layer of excitement to her day.

"I'm going to be practicing some spells," she informed Owen. "So if you see me appearing and disappearing, don't be alarmed."

Owen smiled reassuringly. "Understood. Just do what you need to do."

The rest of the day passed with Elara alternating between meditating and practicing her spells. She found a rhythm in casting [Warrior's Reprieve (Uncommon)] and [Greater Invisibility (Rare)], focusing on maintaining her mana flow and understanding the nuances of each spell. The constant practice helped her fine-tune her control and efficiency.

Skill [Mana Dyeing: Water (Common)] level increased.

Skill [Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon)] level increased.

Spell [Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon)] level increased.

Skill [Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon)] level increased.

Spell [Greater Invisibility (Rare)] level increased.

Skill [Mana Dyeing: Water (Common)] level increased.

Skill [Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon)] level increased.

Spell [Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon)] level increased.

Spell [Greater Invisibility (Rare)] level increased.

Skill [Mana Dyeing: Water (Common)] level increased.

Skill [Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon)] level increased.

Spell [Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon)] level increased

Skill [Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon)] level increased.

Spell [Greater Invisibility (Rare)] level increased.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, Elara felt a sense of accomplishment. She had tested her new skills, discovered her impressive mana regeneration rate, and even managed to integrate a powerful new spell into her arsenal. The progress she made today filled her with renewed determination and optimism for the journey ahead.

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