Watcher of Fate

033 - Stewing

As the sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the landscape, the caravan began to stop for the night. The rhythmic sound of the wheels came to a gradual halt, and the travelers and guards started to set up camp. Elara's attention was drawn to two individuals at the center of the activity. One was a tall, muscular man with a weathered face and kind eyes, his brown hair tied back in a loose ponytail. The other was a younger woman, slender and agile, her auburn hair flowing freely as she moved with practiced grace.

They began unloading the young rothé from the various carts, their movements synchronized and efficient. The rothé, sturdy bovine creatures with shaggy coats and gentle eyes, were guided to a nearby grassy area. The herd, numbering about forty, ranged in shades from deep brown to almost black, their low, contented grunts filling the air as they began to graze. Each animal had a unique marking or pattern in its fur, making them easy to identify for the experienced tamers.

Lvl 16 Human Beast Tamer (Uncommon)

Lvl 12 Human Beast Tamer (Uncommon)

Lvl 1 Rothe (Common) x 40

Elara realized that the caravan was using skilled [Beast Tamer (Uncommon)] to shepherd the young herd of rothé. The tamers worked with an effortless harmony, their gentle commands and guiding touches ensuring the animals settled in comfortably. She felt a sense of admiration for their expertise, a reminder of the diverse skills required to keep a caravan like this functioning smoothly.

Owen climbed down from the cart and approached Elara. "Would you mind gathering some firewood?" he asked, his voice breaking her reverie.

"Of course," Elara replied with a nod, setting off towards the nearby woods.

As she walked through the forest, Elara's eyes scanned the area for suitable firewood. She soon spotted a moderate-sized tree that had fallen over, its trunk still solid and strong. Drawing her sword, she approached the tree and, with a single powerful swing, sliced off the top. She then lifted the remaining trunk, which was three times longer than she was tall and slightly less than she could hug.

As she carried the large tree back to the camp, Elara marveled at her own strength. She felt a surge of pride but also a pang of nostalgia as a memory of her mother flashed through her mind. Her mother had always been so strong, able to lift entire beds single-handedly to sweep underneath them. The recollection brought a lump to her throat, and she paused for a moment, feeling the weight of her emotions.

She whispered to her spirit crow, which had appeared on her shoulder, "My mother was incredibly strong, you know. She could lift entire beds by herself to sweep under them. I always admired her strength and determination."

The crow tilted its head and croaked softly, "Tell me more about her. What else did she do?"

Elara smiled, appreciating the crow's curiosity. "She was a town guard, always protecting our home and the people in it. She was brave and fearless. I remember watching her practice with her sword; she was so graceful yet powerful. I wanted to be just like her."

The crow flapped its wings gently. "It sounds like she was a remarkable woman. Did she teach you everything you know?"

Elara nodded, her eyes distant with memory. "Yes, she did. Both my parents did. My father was a merchant. He taught me about trading, navigating the wilds, and always being prepared. They made sure I could take care of myself, no matter what."

The crow's eyes gleamed with interest. "Do you think they would be proud of what you are doing now?"

Elara paused, the weight of the question settling over her. "I think they would be. They wanted me to be strong and independent. Every day I try to honor their teachings. Finding them is my ultimate goal, but in the meantime, I'll make them proud by being the best I can be."

Gathering her thoughts, Elara continued to carry the tree back to the camp. Owen, seeing her approach, handed her a hand axe. "This should help," he said with a warm smile.

"Thanks, Owen," Elara replied, appreciating his support.

Elara nodded and began chipping the tree into manageable logs. The repetitive motion and the sound of the wood splitting provided a soothing rhythm, helping her focus. Each swing of the axe felt like a release, the physical exertion a welcome distraction from her thoughts.

"You're pretty handy with that axe," Owen commented, watching her work.

"I had good teachers," Elara replied, thinking of her parents.

Once they had enough logs, Owen began weaving a spell with pure red threads. Elara watched in fascination as the threads coalesced into a small flame, which he used to start the fire.

Memory contains a Spell Form...

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Create Flame (Common).

Create Flame: Using red threads and a focused intent, this spell allows the caster to create a small, controlled flame.

Elara felt a sense of accomplishment as she mentally added the new spell to her repertoire. The fire crackled warmly, and the smell of burning wood filled the air. The camp was coming to life as people settled in for the evening, preparing meals and sharing stories.

Elara decided it was the perfect time to prepare a hearty meal. She pulled her large stock pot, knife, and ingredients from her [Dimensional Link (Rare)] inventory. Selecting one of the logs as a makeshift cutting board, she began dicing up the meat and root vegetables with practiced precision. The rhythmic sound of the knife chopping through the ingredients was almost therapeutic. Her spirit crow, perched invisibly on her shoulder, watched intently, its beady eyes following her every move.

She placed the stock pot over the fire, waiting until it was hot before she began to sauté the meat chunks. The meat sizzled as it hit the bottom of the pot, browning beautifully and rendering down the fat. The savory aroma filled the air, making her mouth water. Once the meat was browned to perfection, she removed it from the pot, placing it off to the side.

Next, she added the onions to the pot, sautéing them in the rendered fat until they began to caramelize. The rich, sweet scent of the onions mingled with the aroma of the browned meat, creating a tantalizing fragrance. Elara then returned the meat to the pot.

"Hey, Owen," she called over. "Where can I get some water for the stew?"

Owen approached, a curious glint in his eye. "If you promise me a bowl of your stew when it's done, I'll provide the water."

Elara laughed, happy to agree. "Deal."

Owen began weaving a spell of blue threads. Elara watched in fascination as the threads coalesced into water, filling the pot.

Memory contains a Spell Form...

You gained a new spell: Lvl 1 Create Water (Common).

Create Water: Using blue threads and focused intent, this spell allows the caster to create fresh, clean water.

Elara added the rest of the root vegetables to the pot. "It'll take about an hour before it's ready to be tasty. You can have a bowl when the potatoes are cooked enough."

Owen nodded appreciatively. "I'll look forward to it."

Leaving the stew to simmer, Elara made her way to Roderick, who was standing near the central campfire, surveying the bustling camp. The light from the fire cast flickering shadows across his stern features, giving him a somewhat imposing presence.

"I'm ready for my shift," she announced, trying to sound confident.

Roderick turned to face her, nodding in acknowledgment. "Good. The first shift is the longest since it covers the time when most people are still awake. It gives the guards the most uninterrupted sleep later. You'll be with Jaxon and Leila tonight."

Elara nodded, showing no sign of reluctance. "I don't mind taking the second and third watches in the future. I have a skill that allows me to see in the dark pretty well, and I can sleep on the cart during the day if needed."

The spirit crow perched on her shoulder ruffled its feathers and muttered, "Show-off."

Roderick raised an eyebrow, considering her offer. "That's good to know. Most people despise the second shift, but if you're willing to take it, it might win you some favor with the others."

Elara smiled, catching the hidden wisdom in his words. "Sounds good to me. I'll take the second shift tomorrow then."

The spirit crow cawed softly in her ear, "Making friends already, are we? Impressive."

Ignoring the crow's snide remarks, Elara felt a sense of satisfaction. She had successfully negotiated a more challenging shift, one that would allow her to make the most of her unique abilities.

Elara met up with Jaxon and Leila, the other two guards on her shift. Jaxon was a burly man with a no-nonsense attitude, while Leila was a lithe, quick-footed woman with sharp eyes. They exchanged brief greetings before settling into their watch positions. Her spirit crow flitted around her, unseen by the others, observing the surroundings with keen interest.

"Don't let your guard down," the crow whispered. "Who knows what might lurk in the shadows."

As the night deepened, the sounds of the camp quieted, replaced by the occasional rustle of leaves and the crackling of the fire. Elara's heightened senses from her [Awareness (Legendary)] skill kept her alert, and the hours passed without incident. When her shift was up, she returned to her campsite.

Owen was already dozing off near the fire, a satisfied smile on his face. Elara ladled a bowl of stew for herself, savoring the rich flavors as she ate. Her spirit crow peered into the bowl, as if sharing in her satisfaction. Once finished, she carefully moved the hot stock pot from the fire and placed it directly into her inventory.

Skill [Cooking (Common)] level increased.

Feeling content and accomplished, Elara settled down to rest, the warmth of the fire and the camaraderie of the camp providing a comforting backdrop. The golden thread of fate shimmered faintly in her vision, guiding her towards her destiny.

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