Watcher of Fate

034 - The Bard’s Wisdom

[Moment in Time] has been activated.

Time fractured, and the world around Elara seemed to shatter into a thousand crystalline pieces. One moment, she was locked in the brutal, all-consuming battle with Malphas, her body racked with pain and her vision darkening with each passing second. The next, everything stopped. The air grew still, the roar of the crowd silenced, and the harsh lights of the arena dimmed as if the world had taken a deep, shuddering breath and held it.

Elara found herself frozen mid-motion, her breath caught in her throat, her sword half-raised in a desperate attempt to fend off the Astral Tyrant. Every muscle in her body remained locked in place, the searing pain from her injuries suspended in time. The knives and [Shadowstrike Dagger] hung in the air, their motionless forms surrounding Malphas, who stood as if carved from stone, his eyes still fixed on her with that cold, unyielding gaze.

It was as though the universe itself had ground to a halt, granting her a brief, impossible reprieve from the battle. In this stillness, her thoughts moved with a clarity that had been absent in the heat of the fight. She recognized the source of this frozen moment, [Moment in Time], the skill that activated only when death was imminent. The world had stopped, giving her a final, fleeting chance to find a way out.

"Elara," Quill’s voice echoed in the silence, breaking through her reverie. His tone had an edge of desperation, a sharp contrast to his usual calm demeanor. "This is bad. Malphas is too strong. You can’t win this fight. You have to yield before he kills you."

Elara’s gaze shifted to the frozen image of Malphas, towering over her like an implacable force of nature. His starfield, ethereal, and terrifying arms remained poised for their next devastating strike. The thought of surrendering made her stomach twist with dread, but Quill’s words weighed heavily on her. Yielding was an option, but it carried its terrible consequences.

"If I yield," Elara said, her voice a low murmur in the frozen world, "won’t that mean failing the contract with Malakar? And if I fail, doesn’t that mean... he takes your spirit? That he wins?"

As the words left her lips, a flood of memories surged to the forefront of her mind, unbidden and unrelenting. She was back in the darkened chamber with Malakar, the memory as vivid as if she were experiencing it for the first time. The Devil Lord had handed her the monster core of the [Behemoth], instructing her to have Quill absorb it. She had hesitated, suspicious of his intentions, but in the end, Quill had consumed the core, and their spirits had intertwined permanently, irrevocably.

In that moment of realization, the truth hit her like a blow to the chest. Malakar had orchestrated everything. By tying Quill’s spirit to hers, he had ensured that any contract binding Quill’s soul to him would also bind her. If she surrendered now, it wouldn’t just be Quill who was at risk. Her spirit was in jeopardy, bound by the same dark pact. Malakar had intended this, playing on her desperation to grow stronger and protect herself and those she cared about.

"Quill," she whispered, her voice tinged with fear and anger. "Malakar... he set this up. He tied our spirits together, so I'm taken too if you’re taken. If I fail this contract, he’ll take your spirit. He wanted this... he wanted to trap us both."

Quill was silent for a moment, processing her words. When he spoke again, there was a grim understanding in his voice. "I should have seen it. We both should have. But now we have to figure out how to survive this."

Elara’s gaze returned to Malphas, still frozen in mid-attack. His expression was unreadable, yet his presence was suffocating even in this suspended state. She could feel the weight of his power, the inevitability of his next strike if time resumed. And yet, despite the overwhelming odds, she couldn’t bring herself to give in. She had fought too hard, come too far, to let herself be taken like this.

Her mind raced, searching for a way out, for some strategy to turn the tide in her favor. The realization of Malakar’s manipulation fueled her determination, igniting a fierce resolve deep within her. She couldn’t yield. If she did, it would mean losing everything, her life, Quill’s spirit, and any hope of escaping the dark fate Malakar had planned for them. Surrender was not an option.

"Quill," she murmured, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her. "We’re not done yet. We can’t be. If we yield, we lose everything. We have to fight. We have to find a way."

Her gaze remained locked on Malphas, studying him in the frozen moment. She examined every detail, every possible opening, every slight movement she could exploit when time resumed. The stillness around her was both a curse and a blessing, giving her the time to think, plan, and prepare for the moment when the battle would continue.

But as Elara stood there, the world around her began to tremble, the frozen moment threatening to unravel. A subtle vibration coursed through the air, and she felt the oppressive weight of time starting to press down on her once more. The stillness she had relied on was slipping away, the seconds ticking forward with increasing speed. Her heart pounded in her chest, a frantic rhythm that matched the growing sense of desperation clawing at her mind.

She needed more time to think, strategize, and find a way to survive. Panic flared in her chest as she realized the brief reprieve she had been granted was fading fast. Every instinct screamed at her to act, to do something, anything, to escape the suffocating grip of inevitability.

Elara reached deep within herself with a surge of desperation, summoning the magic threads connecting her to the [Spirit Domain]. The familiar threads of purple and gold appeared before her mind's eye, shimmering with an otherworldly glow. Her hands moved almost of their own accord, weaving the threads into a portal, the strands intertwining and twisting with a frantic urgency. Each movement was sharp precise, driven by the knowledge that she had mere moments before time fully resumed and the battle continued.

Her fingers trembled as she worked, her mind racing to keep up with the intricate patterns she needed to create. The portal began to take shape, a swirling vortex of energy that promised a brief escape from the nightmare she was trapped in. But even as the portal formed, she could feel the strain it put on her mind, the effort required to maintain the spell pulling at her resolve. The pressure was mounting, and she knew she was running out of time.

"Come on," she muttered under her breath, her voice tight with anxiety. The portal flickered, the threads of magic quivering under the weight of her desperation. She gritted her teeth, pouring every ounce of focus she had left into stabilizing the spell. The world around her was beginning to move again. She could see Malphas’s figure twitching, the knives and [Shadowstrike Dagger] trembling as if they were about to resume their deadly flight.

With a final push of willpower, Elara cast the spell, diving headfirst into the portal just as time snapped back into motion. The transition was jarring, the shift from the chaotic battlefield to the serene calm of the [Spirit Domain] almost disorienting. One moment, she was on the brink of death, her body battered and broken; the next, she was standing in the heart of her sanctuary, the air around her filled with a soothing, otherworldly stillness.

The [Spirit Domain] was ethereal, a realm of twilight where the boundaries between reality and the immaterial blurred. The ground beneath her feet was not solid earth but a shimmering expanse of mist that swirled and shifted with each step, giving the illusion of walking on clouds. The air was cool, tinged with the scent of something ancient and sacred, and every breath she took reminded her of the peace this place offered.

Above her, the sky was an endless expanse of deep indigo, dotted with countless stars that twinkled softly, casting a gentle light across the domain. The towering [Spirit Tree] stood at the center of this realm, its massive trunk seeming to grow out of the very fabric of the domain itself. The tree’s bark was a silvery white, almost translucent, and its branches stretched out like the arms of a guardian, their tips disappearing into the starlit sky. The leaves on the tree were not earthly green but a radiant blue, glowing softly with a light that pulsed in time with Elara’s heartbeat.

As Elara took in the familiar sight of the [Spirit Tree], her gaze was drawn to another structure that loomed nearby, a stark contrast to the tree's natural beauty. It was a stone tower, her mental bastion, a fortress of her own creation, representing her mental defenses. The tower was made of dark stone, its walls thick and unyielding, rising high into the twilight sky. It was a place of refuge, a sanctuary within a sanctuary, where she could retreat to gather her strength and fortify her mind against the challenges she faced.

To one side of the tree, nestled against the backdrop of the ethereal mist, stood her mental bastion, a stone tower fortress that had been her retreat, her stronghold, in the moments when she needed to gather her thoughts or recover from the battles she had fought. The tower rose high into the sky, its walls made of smooth, dark stone that seemed to absorb the light around it, giving it an imposing yet reassuring presence. The battlements at the top were sharp and well-defined, and the narrow windows glowed with a faint, internal light that suggested a fire burning within.

This bastion was more than just a refuge; it was the manifestation of her willpower and resilience, a fortress of the mind that she had built and reinforced over countless encounters with danger and despair. Within its walls, she had stored memories, strategies, and the lessons she had learned. In the quiet of her tower, it was here that she could plan, recuperate, and steel herself for whatever lay ahead.

The [Spirit Tree] loomed before her, its massive trunk etched with countless symbols and knotwork that pulsed with a deep, ancient power. As she watched, the knotwork seemed to shift and change, forming patterns that spoke of knowledge and wisdom beyond her understanding. As Elara approached, the tree seemed to lean toward her, its branches rustling in a welcoming gesture though there was no wind to stir them.

"Welcome, Elara," the [Spirit Tree] whispered, its voice a soothing, melodic tone that resonated within her very soul. The sound was like the echo of distant music, a harmony that seemed to vibrate through the very air of the domain. "You seek refuge, but time is not on your side."

Elara felt a rush of relief at the tree’s presence, but the urgency of her situation quickly tempered it. "I’m in trouble," she admitted, her voice tinged with desperation. "Malphas is too strong, and I’m running out of options. If I fail... Malakar will take Quill’s spirit. I need more time to figure out how to win."

The [Spirit Tree] seemed to ponder her words, its branches swaying gently as it considered her plea. "The world outside this domain does not move while you are here," it explained, its tone patient and kind. "But you can only remain in the [Spirit Domain] for so long. It requires resolve and mental strength to stay, and even with your high perception and dexterity, the strain will grow."

Elara clenched her fists, frustration warring with determination. "Then I have to make the most of it. There has to be something, someone who can help me."

The [Spirit Tree] hummed softly, a sound like a lullaby carried on the wind. "Perhaps," it said, its voice carrying a note of contemplation. "There is a spirit here, one who might offer your guidance. A Singer of Creation, a bard who once wove songs of power and stories of triumph. They may hold the key to turning the tide in your favor."

With a gentle rustle, the [Spirit Tree] willed one of the free spirits forward. The air around Elara shimmered as the spirit began to take shape, coalescing from the mist and starlight that suffused the domain. The figure that emerged was tall and slender, their features graceful and ethereal, with flowing hair that seemed to be woven from strands of pure light. They wore robes that shimmered with a myriad of colors as if the fabric itself was alive, reflecting the shifting hues of the twilight sky above.

Elara’s eyes narrowed slightly as she focused on the spirit before her, instinctively pulling up an information box to learn more about her unexpected ally.

[Lvl 57 Spirit Bard (Rare: Power 3,490)]

The spirit had once been an elf before her death, her features retaining the timeless beauty and elegance that was characteristic of her race. Her eyes, luminous with an inner light, met Elara’s with a calm, assessing gaze. The air around her seemed to vibrate with quiet energy, the remnants of the power she had wielded in life as a bard of great renown. The power level besides her rarity was staggering, a testament to the potency of her abilities even in death.

As the spirit fully materialized, she turned her gaze from Elara to the towering [Spirit Tree], a look of deep reverence and recognition crossing her features. She bowed her head slightly, her voice carrying a tone of respect and warmth. "It has been a long time since I felt the presence of the [Spirit Tree]. Its wisdom and guidance are as profound as ever. It is an honor to be in your presence once more."

The [Spirit Tree] swayed gently, its branches rustling in response as if acknowledging the bard’s words with a sense of familiarity and mutual respect. "Welcome back, Lyrielle," the tree whispered, its voice soft yet filled with an ancient power. "Your songs once brought light and hope to many, and now, your wisdom is needed again. Meet Elara, the [Watcher of Fate], who stands before a great challenge."

Lyrielle inclined her head in acknowledgment, her expression serene. "It is an honor to meet you, [Watcher of Fate]," she said, her voice like a gentle melody that echoed through the ethereal space. "If the [Spirit Tree] has called upon me, then your need must be dire. How may I be of service?"

Elara took a deep breath, her mind racing as she considered how to explain the gravity of her situation. "I’m in a battle, and I’m outmatched. My opponent, Malphas, is called the Astral Tyrant, and his strength and speed are overwhelming. If I lose, I risk more than just my life. My spirit and Quill’s spirit will be forfeit to Malakar. I need a way to turn the tide, which will give me the edge I need to survive."

Lyrielle listened intently, her eyes never leaving Elara’s. Her tone was thoughtful when she spoke, her mind already working through possible solutions. "Tell me, Elara, what level is your sight skill? And do you already possess a skill related to aura management? If so, what level is it?"

Elara nodded, understanding the importance of these questions. "My sight skill is [Cognizance], at a mythical level," she began, "and I also have [Unified Presence], which is at a legendary level."

Lyrielle considered this information carefully before asking, "Does your opponent, Malphas, have an aura skill? Something that manipulates or enhances his presence in battle?"

Elara hesitated, uncertainty clouding her thoughts. "I’m not sure," she admitted. "He’s mighty, but I haven’t been able to pinpoint specifically whether he has an aura skill."

The bard’s expression tightened slightly, though she maintained her composure. "And what level is he?"

"Level 37," Elara replied, feeling frustrated and confused. "His spirit pressure is 1,124."

Lyrielle’s lips pressed into a thin line, her eyes narrowing as she processed this information. "A demon at that level with a spirit pressure of 1,124… They’re formidable, I’ll give them that. But with your skills, Elara, you shouldn’t be having this much trouble against someone like that. Demons are vile, cunning creatures, thriving on the weaknesses and fears of others, but they are not invincible. You have the power to match him, perhaps even surpass him, if you know how to wield it properly." Tell me, how exactly are you using [Unified Presence]?"

Elara shifted slightly, feeling a bit defensive as she explained, "It combined my mana and stamina pools to keep myself going longer in a fight. If I need a spell to last longer or have more power, I channel energy from [Unified Presence] into it."

Lyrielle sighed softly and pinched the bridge of her nose, her expression one of both frustration and pity. "Let me guess, you’re using [Cognizance] just to see around yourself and identify things?"

Elara’s brow furrowed as she tried to defend her approach. "Well, yes, but I also use it to gauge a person’s spirit pressure. It helps me understand their strength relative to mine."

Lyrielle shook her head, her tone firm but not unkind. "Elara, you’re using those skills like a novice. You’ve reduced your sight ability to a glorified appraisal spell, and your aura control is little better than basic mana thread manipulation. These skills are far more powerful than you realize, and you’re barely scratching the surface of what they can do."

Elara opened her mouth to respond, but Lyrielle held up a hand, silencing her gently. "Don’t misunderstand me; you’ve done well with what you know. But if you want to win against Malphas or any truly formidable opponent. You’ll need to learn how to use [Cognizance] and [Unified Presence] to their full potential. They aren’t just tools; they are extensions of your essence, will, and power. With proper understanding and application, they can make you nearly untouchable."

The bard’s eyes softened slightly as she continued, "I will need to teach you how to wield these skills as they were meant to be used. Once you’ve mastered them, you’ll find that victory is not just within reach, it will be inevitable against most combatants."

Elara felt a mixture of humility and determination rising within her. Realizing that she had been underutilizing such powerful skills was daunting and motivating. But with Lyrielle’s guidance, she knew she could tap into the true potential of her abilities, turning the tide in her favor and ensuring that she emerged victorious, not just in this battle but in all the challenges that lay ahead.

"Alright," Elara said, her voice filled with resolve. "I’m ready to learn. Show me what I need to do."

Lyrielle smiled, a glint of approval in her eyes. "Then let’s begin.”

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