Watcher of Fate

035 - Shadows of Potential

Elara stood at the edge of the [Spirit Tree], her breath steady as she focused on the swirling forms of the spirits around her. Lyrielle, the [Singer of Creation], stood beside her, calm and reassuring, a beacon of light in this ethereal realm. The bard’s voice was a melodic whisper, guiding Elara through the intricacies of the training they had begun.

"Focus, Elara," Lyrielle instructed, her tone gentle yet firm. "You must learn to move with the spirits, to understand their flow, and to harness the power within you. It’s not just about seeing them where they are now but where they want to be. That’s the essence of [Cognizance], to perceive the path the spirits yearn to take. Look for the echoes of their future, the shadows of where they will be. Use those shadows to guide you."

Elara nodded, her eyes narrowing as she concentrated on the spirits that danced and drifted around the [Spirit Tree]. She activated [Cognizance], feeling her perception sharpen as the spirits became more distinct, their forms clearer in her mind’s eye. But as she pushed deeper into the skill, she began to see more than just their current movements. Grey figures started to appear in her vision, ghostly silhouettes that marked the future positions of the spirits. These ethereal images were like faint echoes, shadows of where the spirits would be moments later.

As she watched, Elara noticed that each spirit was unique. No two were exactly alike. Some spirits were slender and sharp, their forms radiating a steely determination, hinting at a high level of dexterity. They moved with a precision that suggested skill honed over time, their future shadows darting ahead in swift, calculated motions. Elara could feel their energy, focus, and control, like a master craftsman at work.

Other spirits were larger, their forms solid and imposing, pulsing with raw, unyielding power. These spirits exuded an aura of strength, their movements deliberate and forceful. Their future shadows loomed large, taking up space with a palpable presence that seemed to bend the very air around them. Elara could sense the overwhelming force within them, like the pressure of a coiled spring waiting to be released.

Then there were the spirits that glowed with an inner light, their forms flickering with a soft brilliance that spoke of deep intellect. These spirits moved with an air of contemplation, their future shadows weaving intricate patterns as if lost in thought. Elara could feel the intelligence that radiated from them, a quiet but intense focus that seemed to calculate every possibility, every outcome before it happened.

But [Cognizance] was more than just seeing where the spirits were going. As she delved deeper into the skill, Elara realized that it allowed her to perceive the very essence of the spirits—their potential, their abilities, their strengths, and weaknesses. The grey figures that danced in her vision were not just future echoes; they were windows into the spirits’ true capabilities. She could see each spirit's skills, the power that lay dormant within them, waiting to be unleashed.

One spirit, shimmering with a golden light, moved with a grace that spoke of high dexterity and precision. Its future shadow showed it weaving through the air with incredible speed, its movements precise and fluid. Elara could tell that this spirit was attuned to a sharp, focused energy, its power rooted in dexterity and the ability to strike with pinpoint accuracy.

Another spirit, darker and more substantial, exuded a quiet but overwhelming strength. Its future shadow loomed large, its movements deliberate and powerful, and Elara sensed the weight of its strength, a solid connection to an element that granted raw power. She could see its wielding abilities, powers that could shatter barriers, crush enemies, or withstand incredible forces.

Then, the spirit flickered with a deep blue hue, moving like a stream of thought, adapting to its surroundings with a fluid grace. Its future shadow rippled and changed shape, reflecting its ability to adapt and think through countless possibilities. Elara sensed that this spirit’s power lay in its intelligence, its skills tied to mental acuity, enabling it to strategize, outthink opponents, and manipulate the battlefield with a sharp mind.

"Good," Lyrielle said, her voice warm with approval. "You’re beginning to understand. These grey figures, these shadows, are your key to mastering the flow of the spirits. They show you where the spirits want to go but also reveal what they are capable of. [Cognizance] allows you to see the future path, the potential in every moment, and the abilities of everything around you. It is a tool of vision and understanding that will guide you in battle and beyond."

Elara took a deep breath, feeling the familiar rush of energy as she activated [Unified Presence]. The power surged through her, heightening her awareness and giving her the balance and precision she needed. But more than that, [Unified Presence] was the key to taking the potential she saw with [Cognizance] and molding it into reality. Her will became a force, a tangible presence that could bend the world around her to her desires. She extended her will with her newfound understanding of the spirits’ paths and abilities, using [Unified Presence] to gently nudge the spirits toward their future positions. She didn’t force them; instead, she guided them, aligning her will with their natural flow.

The spirits responded, moving smoothly and effortlessly into their future positions as if following a predetermined path. The grey figures became more solid, their movements more defined as they merged with the spirits. Elara felt a thrill of success, the sensation of controlling not just the present but the fabric of reality itself. And more than that, she felt a deeper connection to the spirits, a sense of understanding their true nature, their potential, and how she could use that knowledge to shape the world around her.

Lyrielle observed her progress with a knowing smile before switching gears. "Now, Elara, let’s discuss something essential about your skills. Every rarity of a skill adds another facet to its potential. The more rare a skill is, the more complex and layered it becomes. Take the example of [Blade Dancer], a Rare skill. Because it is Rare, it incorporates three core abilities: sword mastery, movement skill, and dual wielding. These three elements work together to create a versatile and powerful combat style. If a skill were Legendary, it would have four distinct abilities, each building upon the other to create something even more potent. And a Mythical skill, the pinnacle of mortal rarity, would possess five abilities, each contributing to the skill’s overwhelming power and versatility."

Elara’s mind raced as she absorbed Lyrielle’s words, trying to piece together the implications. Each skill she had was more than it seemed, a complex tapestry woven from multiple elements. If she could understand and manipulate these elements, she would gain far more power and flexibility in combat. But it wasn’t easy. The strain of maintaining the connection with the spirits, of moving them with her will, was beginning to take its toll.

Elara felt a dull ache building in her temples as she practiced, guiding the spirits in more complex patterns. She gritted her teeth, determined to push through, but the strain was undeniable. Her movements became sluggish, her focus wavering. Finally, she stopped, raising a hand to her head as the ache turned into a sharp, throbbing pain.

"I... I need a moment," Elara muttered, rubbing her temples in a futile attempt to ease the discomfort. The mental strain was unlike anything she had experienced before, an exhaustion beyond physical tiredness, seeping into her very thoughts.

Lyrielle’s expression softened with understanding. "You’ve done well, Elara. But remember, even the strongest spirit needs rest. Pushing too hard now could leave you vulnerable when you face Malphas again."

As if on cue, the [Spirit Tree] stirred, its branches rustling softly as it spoke. "She is right, Elara. The strain you are placing on yourself is great. Continue like this, and you may find yourself too weary to stand against the Astral Tyrant. Perhaps it is time to pause."

Elara sighed, lowering her hand as she listened to the ancient wisdom of the tree. It was frustrating. She wanted to push herself further and be as strong as she could be for the battle ahead. But she knew they were right. There was a fine line between preparation and overexertion. She was dangerously close to crossing it.

"Alright," she agreed reluctantly, her voice laced with frustration and acceptance. "We’ll stop here."

With a thought, Elara summoned her notification screen, eager to see the results of her training. Her heart lifted slightly as she read through the messages:

[Cognizance] has gained 6 levels.

[Unified Presence] has gained 7 levels.

[Sanctuary of Learning] has gained 2 levels.


New Quest Alert!

Lyrielle’s Request

Difficulty: D

Objective: Obtain more than 100 RES and INT

Reward: Unlock a more complete System, minor experience.


Elara couldn’t help but smile at the progress she had made. The levels she had gained in [Cognizance] and [Unified Presence] would undoubtedly make her more formidable in the upcoming battle. And her [Sanctuary of Learning], which had made it so much easier to absorb Lyrielle’s teachings, had proven invaluable. The bonus of the new quest was also a promising lead. If she could achieve 100 Intelligence, she would better understand the skills and abilities she wielded.

"Thank you, Lyrielle," Elara said, her gratitude genuine. "Your guidance has already made a difference."

Elara stood at the edge of her decision, the weight of what lay ahead pressing down on her like never before. She took a deep breath, feeling the calm before the storm, and began to weave the familiar threads of purple and gold. The energy of [Dimensional Link] surged through her, forming a portal that shimmered with the ethereal light connecting her [Spirit Domain] to the arena where her battle awaited.

She stepped through the portal with one last glance at the ancient [Spirit Tree]. The tranquil realm of spirits faded, replaced by the harsh reality of the battlefield. The world around her was frozen in the last flicker of [Moment in Time], the arena suspended in an eerie stillness. The crowd's roar was silenced, caught mid-cheer and mid-jeer, and Malphas stood across the sands, poised like a predator ready to strike.

As she stepped back into the arena, the frozen world shuddered, the last vestiges of [Moment in Time] slipping away. Time resumed in a flicker, and with it, the weight of reality crashed down upon her. But even as the world around her came back to life, Elara felt time stretch, her heightened senses making everything move at a crawl.

Malphas began to advance toward her, his movements slow and deliberate. Each step he took seemed to reverberate through the sands, the ground trembling beneath his feet. But to Elara, it was as if the world was still caught in a dreamlike haze, each moment elongated, each detail sharp and clear.

[Cognizance] focused Elara’s vision sharpened further, revealing the intricate layers of Malphas’ power. His spirit was a tangled web of borrowed strength, the essence of countless other spirits woven tightly around his own. Each spirit added to his might, but Elara could see the strain it placed on him, the cracks hidden beneath the surface. His power was vast, but it was not his own. It was borrowed, making it vulnerable.

Her eyes traced the faint glow around him, the telltale signs of his skills. [Cognizance] allowed her to see beyond the immediate and perceive the potential in every movement and ability he possessed. She could see the uncommon movement skill that granted him speed, the common defense skill that offered protection, and the rare skill that had manifested his astral armor and ethereal arms. Each skill was formidable, but now she saw the limits of their power.

As Malphas drew closer, his pace still slowed in her perception. Elara continued to analyze him. She saw his focus on dexterity and strength, the precision in his movements, and the deadly intent in his gaze. But she also saw the gaps. His resolve and constitution were not as strong, overshadowed by his physical prowess. He was fast, he was powerful, but he was not invincible.

The world around her moved at a crawl, but her mind raced, processing the information and formulating a plan. Malphas was a formidable opponent, but his strength was not limitless. He relied on the spirits he had absorbed, but that reliance made him vulnerable. His skills were powerful, but they had weaknesses she could exploit.

Elara centered herself, drawing on the power of [Unified Presence]. The skill filled her with a sense of control, aligning her thoughts, body, and magic into a unified purpose. Every breath, every heartbeat synchronized with her will, every thread of magic poised for action. She could feel the weight of reality bending to her, the potential paths of the battle unfolding before her.

As Malphas continued moving toward her, time slowly resumed its normal pace, the world around her returning to life. The crowd’s roar grew louder, the tension in the arena thickening as the battle continued. But Elara was ready. She had seen the path forward and would mold reality to her will.

Malphas closed the distance, his astral arms flexing as he prepared to strike. But Elara remained calm, her mind clear, her resolve unshakable. The battle was far from over, but now, with her newfound understanding and the power of [Unified Presence] at her command, she knew she could win. She would not falter. She would not fail. Victory would be hers.

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