Watcher of Fate

034 - The Lich Part 3

The Lich's hollow, echoing voice filled the chamber, its malevolent tone sending shivers down the spines of those who heard it. "You think you can defeat me, mortal? Even if you strike me down, you will never truly win. My existence transcends this moment."

Elara's eyes narrowed, her grip on her sword tightening. She could feel the presence of the [Spirit Tree] resonating in her mind, a calming, wise voice guiding her. "Elara," the [Spirit Tree] whispered, its voice a soothing balm amidst the chaos, "Liches are deceivers of the highest order. They bind their souls to a phylactery, ensuring their return even after death. You must follow the essence of his spirit when you strike him down. Your [Awareness (Legendary)] will guide you. Only by finding and destroying the phylactery can you truly vanquish this evil."

The Lich lifted its staff high, the air around it shimmering with an ominous glow. Black and red threads of malevolent magic coiled and twisted like serpents, ready to strike. Elara's heart raced, a drumbeat of tension in her chest, but her mind remained as clear as the mountain air. She felt a steely resolve settle within her, guiding her through the encroaching darkness.

"You think you understand the depths of my power," Elara declared, her voice unwavering and resolute. "But I will find a way to defeat you. Your reign of terror ends here."

A bone-chilling laugh erupted from the Lich, echoing off the ancient stone walls. Its eyes, glowing with dark energy, bore into her. "We shall see, mortal. We shall see."

With a flick of its wrist, the Lich unleashed a torrent of dark magic. The black and red threads surged forward, crackling with destructive energy. Elara stood her ground, her mind slipping into the serene state of [Oneness (Rare)]. Mana coursed through her veins, revitalizing her, and her perception sharpened to a razor's edge. Time seemed to stretch, each heartbeat a slow, deliberate thud in her ears. She saw every thread of magic, every subtle movement of her enemy, with stunning clarity.

Elara twisted and dodged with ethereal grace, her movements a mesmerizing dance through the lethal barrage of dark magic. Each step, each turn, felt effortless, her body attuned to the rhythm of the battle. Her resolve burned brighter than ever, a beacon in the encroaching darkness.

Amid the chaos, she sensed a familiar presence at the edge of her [Awareness (Legendary)]. Relief washed over her as she recognized Eldrin. "Grondar, Eldrin is here. This fight is over," she called out, her voice steady and confident.

Grondar and Kaelira exchanged glances, their tense stances easing at her words. The assurance of Eldrin's presence brought a new surge of hope. They straightened, their breaths coming a bit easier, the oppressive weight of the battle lifting.

Elara continued to deflect the Lich's spells with precise, controlled movements. She could feel the dark energy crackling around her but remained unfazed, her focus unwavering. Each spell she parried was a testament to her determination and skill.

Behind Grondar and Kaelira, Eldrin appeared, his eyes locked on the Lich. The air around him shimmered with power as he began to weave a spell of unparalleled potency. Silver threads of force intertwined with fiery-red threads of destruction, creating a breathtaking display of magical prowess. The silver threads glowed with cool, radiant light, forming intricate patterns that seemed to pulse with restrained power. The fire-red threads crackled and sparked, their intensity a stark contrast to the calm, controlled energy of the silver.

As Eldrin continued to weave, the threads formed a complex magic lattice, each strand meticulously placed to maximize the spell's effectiveness. The air around him hummed with energy, the sheer force of the spell raising the temperature. The combination of silver and red threads created a visual symphony, the colors blending and contrasting in a mesmerizing dance of power.

Elara felt the potent magic behind her and knew the Lich stood no chance against it. She relaxed slightly, confident in the outcome. All she needed to do now was watch the Lich's spirit and track its path to the phylactery. The final moments of the battle were at hand, and she was ready to ensure that the Lich's reign of terror would be permanently ended.

Eldrin released his spell, a wave of destructive fire surging forward. The ground trembled as the fiery wave roared, its intensity lighting up the chamber. Grondar, caught off guard by the unexpected direction of the spell, tried to move but was too late. The wave of fire washed over him and Kaelira, its searing heat causing Grondar to grunt in pain. His shield melted against his arm, the heat warping the metal. Grondar fell to the ground, groaning as smoke rose from his armor, his face twisted in agony. Kaelira, her focus on healing the group, had no time to react. The fiery wave hit her full force, and she screamed, the sound piercing through the chaos. She collapsed, her body unmoving, the force of the spell rendering her unconscious and badly burned.

Elara's eyes widened as she realized the wave was headed straight for her. Acting swiftly, she cut the spell in half with a precise slice of her sword, the two halves of the fiery wave splitting and dissipating harmlessly around her. She quickly turned her focus back to the Lich, who stood frozen, its malevolent eyes fixed on Eldrin in disbelief.

Without hesitation, Elara lunged forward, her sword cutting through the Lich in one swift, fluid motion. The skeletal figure crumbled, and a wisp of dark spirit floated out, hovering briefly before darting towards Eldrin. To her shock, the spirit disappeared into Eldrin’s robe.

Eldrin’s face twisted into a mask of fury and frustration. His eyes met Elara's, his expression darkening. "Why did you have to go and ruin everything?" he snarled. "Do you know how hard creating a Lich in a dungeon is?"

Elara's heart pounded, the realization of Eldrin's true intentions settling like a stone in her stomach. "You... you planned this," she said, her voice a mix of anger and disbelief.

Eldrin sneered his previous calm and calculated demeanor replaced by open hostility. "Of course I did. You have no idea what power lies within these walls, the potential for control. But you've meddled, and now you'll pay the price."

Elara’s grip tightened on her sword, her resolve hardening. "You won't get away with this, Eldrin. Not while I'm still standing."

Eldrin's eyes narrowed, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he began rapidly weaving using [Multi Weaving (Rare)]. Dozens of red and black threaded purple fireballs materialized around him, each one crackling with deadly energy. The chamber was bathed in a sinister glow, the heat from the fireballs intensifying as they surged toward Elara.

Her heart pounded, but she focused, her movements fluid and precise. Elara danced through the barrage of fireballs with the grace of a seasoned warrior, her body moving in a seamless flow. Her sword slashed through the air, each strike meticulously cutting through the fireballs, unraveling their threads of magic. The fireballs exploded into harmless sparks, dissipating into the air as Elara weaved through them with a dancer's poise.

With a swift movement, Elara cast [Shadow Step (Uncommon)], disappearing in a puff of midnight blue smoke. She reappeared behind Eldrin, her sword slicing through the air and cutting into his back. To her surprise, Eldrin barely flinched, his body absorbing the blow with unnatural sturdiness.

"What type of monster are you?" Elara demanded, her voice filled with a mix of anger and disbelief.

Eldrin laughed, a dark, malevolent sound that echoed through the chamber. "Guess it would be nice to relax," he said, his voice deepening.

Before Elara's eyes, Eldrin began to transform. His body expanded, growing several spans, and his skin turned dark, blood-red. His eyes blazed with a hellish fire, and two massive, leathery wings unfurled from his back, each membrane etched with pulsating veins of molten lava. Horns sprouted from his forehead, curling menacingly backward, and his hands elongated into sharp, black talons. Eldrin's form towered over Elara, exuding an aura of pure malevolence and power.

"I've been stuck as that elf for a decade," Eldrin said, his voice now a deep, guttural growl. "It feels nice to be free again."

Elara focused on Eldrin, her [Awareness (Legendary)] skill activating to bring up an information box.

[Lvl 42 Demon Lord (Rare)]

"How did Guild Leader Tallhart not know you were a demon lord?" Elara asked, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

Eldrin laughed again, the sound sending shivers down Elara's spine. "Tallhart's only perception-based skill is danger sense, and I have never meant him harm. I want him to live because he is blind to my plans. It would be bad if a high perception or high resolve mage took over. I’m surprised you didn’t notice sooner, Elara. I thought you were more perceptive than that."

Elara's mind raced. She knew she was facing a potent foe that had been manipulating events from the shadows. But she also knew she couldn’t back down now. Her comrades' lives and the guild's fate depended on her. She readied herself, her determination unwavering. The battle was far from over, and she was prepared to fight.

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