Watcher of Fate

035 - The Demon’s Bargain

Elara's heart pounded as she stood in the dimly lit catacombs, facing the towering figure of Eldrin, now fully revealed as a Demon Lord. The air crackled with energy, the oppressive weight of Eldrin's power pressing down on her. His transformation was complete, his true nature no longer hidden behind the guise of an elf mage. His eyes burned with a malevolent red light, and his staff crackled with dark energy.

Eldrin sneered, his voice a deep rumble that echoed through the chamber. "You should have stayed out of my way, little bard."

Elara's eyes narrowed. "And let you continue your plans unchallenged? Never."

With a flick of his wrist, Eldrin began to weave together red threads of fire and black spirit threads, using [Multi Weaving (Rare)] to create an intricate pattern that coalesced into a barrage of purple fireballs. The air shimmered as the deadly projectiles hurtled towards her. Elara took a deep breath, sliding into a state of [Oneness (Rare)], her senses sharpening, her mana flowing more freely.

She moved with grace and precision, her body becoming a blur as she danced around the incoming fireballs. With swift, fluid motions, she pulled midnight blue threads over herself, casting [Shadow Step (Uncommon)]. Her form dissolved into a cloud of smoke, a trail of smoke guiding her to a new position. In another poof of smoke, she reappeared, her form solidifying just in time to slash with [Rhistlam (Flawless)], cutting through and unraveling the fireballs before they could reach her.

Eldrin's frustration grew as his attacks failed to land. "You cannot evade me forever, Elara!"

Elara's eyes flickered with determination. She focused on him with [Awareness (Legendary)], her perception piercing through the chaos of the battle. She noticed a large crystal embedded in Eldrin's slightly shredded robe, pulsing with dark energy. A memory surged to the forefront of her mind—Thalion's lifeless body, the Lich standing over him, its chilling laughter echoing through the catacombs. She knew this crystal was the Lich's phylactery, the source of its immortality and the key to avenging her fallen friend. She also knew that Eldrin, the Demon Lord, was the Lich's master, orchestrating the chaos and destruction that had plagued their world.

With determination, Elara began to weave green threads of wind around her hand, forming [Tempest’s Touch (Uncommon)]. As her hand crackled with power, she reached out towards the crystal. As her fingers brushed against it, the crystal began to lift, floating towards her. Eldrin's eyes widened in shock and fury.

"No! You don't understand what you're doing!" he roared, his voice filled with desperation. "Give me the crystal back, and I will let you go free!"

Elara held the crystal firmly, her eyes meeting Eldrin's. "Why should I trust you? You've done nothing but bring death and destruction."

Eldrin's expression twisted, a mix of rage and something akin to fear. "That crystal is the Lich's phylactery! With the phylactery, I can control him, bend him to my will. Together, we can reshape this world, bring order to the chaos."

Elara shook her head. "You're deluding yourself if you think you can control such a power. I won't let you gamble with the lives of innocents."

Eldrin's face contorted with rage. "You have no idea what you're meddling with! Hand over the crystal, and I will let you live!"

Elara's grip tightened further on the crystal. "I'd rather die than let you continue your reign of terror."

With a determined flick of her wrist, Elara tossed the crystal into the air. It spun slowly before her, catching the dim light of the catacombs. In one swift motion, she drew [Rhistlam (Flawless)] and slashed through the crystal, shattering it into two perfect halves. The room was filled with an ominous hum as dark energy spilled out, dissipating into the air.

Eldrin's eyes widened in disbelief and then blazed with uncontrollable rage. "No! You foolish girl!" he screamed, his voice echoing with a demonic timbre. "Do you have any idea what you've done?" He bounded forward, his fist crackling with green threads of energy. With a powerful swing, he struck Elara, sending her flying backward into the stone wall behind her. The impact felt like an explosion, pain radiating through her body like wildfire. She gasped for breath, the air knocked from her lungs, leaving her chest burning with the effort to draw even the slightest bit of air.

Every nerve in her body screamed in agony. Her back throbbed from the impact against the unyielding stone, sharp and relentless. Her muscles spasmed, and she could feel the bruises forming, each heartbeat amplifying the pain. The taste of blood filled her mouth where she had bitten her lip upon impact. She forced herself to stand, her vision swimming with the effort, her entire body protesting every movement.

Gritting her teeth, Elara knew she had to act fast. She summoned green threads of wind, black spirit threads, and blue water threads, weaving them together with practiced precision to form [Haste (Rare)]. The green threads of wind swirled around her, lifting her hair and clothes as they crackled with energy. The black spirit threads intertwined, adding a shadowy aura that pulsed with dark power, while the blue water threads flowed smoothly, enhancing her fluidity and speed.

The spell surged through her, accelerating her movements and sharpening her reflexes. Elara moved at hyperfast speed, a blur of motion as she darted around the room. However, Eldrin was not to be outdone. He snarled and pushed his form becoming a dark streak that kept pace with her. The catacombs echoed with the clash of their movements, both of them moving too fast for the eye to follow.

With [Rhistlam (Flawless)] in hand, Elara struck out at Eldrin, her sword a blur of silver. Eldrin parried with his claws, the sound of metal on bone ringing through the chamber. They exchanged blows, Eldrin's claw rakes matched by Elara's precise sword slashes. Sparks flew as their attacks collided, each one trying to gain the upper hand.

Eldrin swung at Elara with a powerful claw rake, but she dodged, countering with a swift strike to his side. Eldrin snarled in pain, but quickly retaliated, his claws grazing her arm and drawing blood. The sharp sting of the cut mingled with the dull throb of her earlier injuries, a symphony of pain that threatened to overwhelm her.

They moved in a deadly dance, their speed making them appear as phantoms in the dim light. Elara's sword sliced through the air, each strike aimed to disable or disarm, while Eldrin's claws sought to tear her apart. The tension in the air was palpable, the outcome of their battle hanging in the balance.

Eldrin summoned more power, weaving intricate patterns of green threads around his fist, each one shimmering with potent energy. He swung at Elara with an empowered strike, the force of the blow sending her crashing into the wall once more. This time, the pain was excruciating. It felt as if her spine had shattered, a searing agony radiating from her back to every extremity. Her vision blurred with tears, and she struggled to remain conscious, the world spinning around her.

Summoning her strength, Elara cast [Haste (Rare)] again, the green wind threads, black spirit threads, and blue water threads swirling around her in a vortex of power. She felt a surge of energy, her speed increasing even further. With renewed determination, she charged at Eldrin, her sword flashing in the dim light.

They clashed once more, the speed of their movements almost too fast to follow. Elara's sword strikes were met with Eldrin's claw rakes, each blow resonating with power. The chamber echoed with the sounds of their battle, the fate of the crystal, and potentially the world, hanging in the balance.

Elara ducked under another of Eldrin's swings, bringing [Rhistlam (Flawless)] up in a powerful arc that caught him across the chest. Eldrin roared in fury, the wound smoking as dark energy seeped from it. He lunged at her with renewed ferocity, his claws slashing wildly. Elara parried and dodged, her movements a blur as she fought to keep up with his relentless assault.

In a desperate move, Eldrin summoned green threads of energy around his fist, empowering his strike. He swung at Elara, the force of the blow sending her crashing into the wall again, knocking the breath out of her. The impact left her dazed, but she knew she couldn't give up.

Elara slumped against the cold stone wall, her body throbbing with pain. Each breath felt like fire in her lungs, and her vision blurred as she struggled to stay conscious. The taste of blood lingered in her mouth, and her limbs felt heavy and unresponsive.

"This... isn't going well," Elara muttered, her voice barely audible.

Quill, perched on her shoulder, responded with a worried caw. "Not unexpected, Elara. We're up against a rare class Demon Lord, and he's double your level. I honestly have no clue how we're going to win this."

Elara's eyes flickered with desperation. "There has to be something... some way to turn the tide."

Quill's voice was urgent. "Try using illusions. Let's hope he doesn't have a way to see through them."

Summoning what little strength she had left, Elara began weaving intricate threads of magic, her fingers trembling. She pulled together strands of shimmering white light, each thread glowing with a soft, ethereal radiance. As the threads intertwined, they formed a complex web of illusions, casting [Mirror Maze (Rare)].

The air around them shimmered and distorted as the spell took hold. The chamber seemed to split into countless mirrored images, each one showing a different version of Elara. Walls of light and shadow twisted and turned, creating an intricate labyrinth that confounded the senses.

Eldrin's eyes widened in confusion as he found himself surrounded by a maze of reflections. He snarled, his gaze darting from one illusion to the next, trying to discern which was real. The shimmering white threads of light danced and shifted, making it nearly impossible to focus on any single point.

Using the chaos to her advantage, Elara slipped through the maze, her form blending seamlessly with the illusions. She moved silently, her breathing shallow, as she approached Eldrin from behind. Raising [Rhistlam (Flawless)], she prepared to strike, aiming for a vital point.

Just as her sword began its descent, Eldrin whirled around, his hand shooting up to block the swing. With terrifying speed, he grabbed Elara by her head, his claws digging into her scalp. He laughed, a deep, menacing sound that echoed through the chamber.

"You think you could fool a Demon's sight?" Eldrin taunted, his grip tightening painfully. "You're more foolish than I thought."

Elara's vision blurred from the pain, but she refused to give in. The agony was intense, sharp tendrils of it radiating from her head down through her spine. Every nerve screamed in protest, but she fought against the urge to succumb to the darkness threatening to overtake her.

"You can't... win," Elara gasped, struggling against his hold. "I won't let you."

Eldrin's laughter grew louder, reverberating through the mirrored maze. "And what can you do in your pathetic state, little bard? You're already defeated."

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