Watcher of Fate

036 - Quill’s Sacrifice

Elara's head throbbed with searing pain as Eldrin's claws dug deeper into her scalp. Summoning every ounce of her remaining strength, she reached out to her [Dimensional Link] and pulled the [Shadowstrike Dagger] from its hidden space. The dagger shimmered with dark energy as she brought it up in a swift, desperate motion.

With a grunt of effort, Elara stabbed the dagger into the demon claw holding her head. The blade pierced through Eldrin's thick hide, and she felt the pulse of [Entropy Embrace] surge through the dagger and into Eldrin's hand. The dark energy coursed into him, spreading a wave of corrosive pain.

Eldrin screamed in agony, his eyes widening in shock and fury. His grip on Elara's head loosened, and he dropped her, staggering back as he tried to pull the dagger from his flesh. Elara collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath, the pain in her body almost overwhelming.

Knowing she had only moments before Eldrin recovered, Elara pulled midnight blue threads over her head, weaving them with practiced precision to cast [Shadow Step]. Her form dissolved into a cloud of smoke, and she reappeared a short distance away, hidden in the shadows of the catacombs.

Panting heavily, Elara leaned against the cold stone wall, trying to steady herself. Blood dripped down from a cut on her forehead, mingling with the sweat and dirt on her face. The metallic taste filled her mouth as she wiped at her eyes, her vision blurred, and her body screaming in protest.

Eldrin's howls of pain echoed through the chamber as he struggled with the effects of [Entropy Embrace]. Elara knew she had to use this brief respite to gather her strength and plan her next move. The battle was far from over, but she had gained a small, crucial advantage for now.

Elara scanned the dimly lit chamber, her eyes falling on the [Shadowstrike Dagger] lying off to one side, covered in Eldrin's dark, viscous blood. Every muscle in her body protested as she forced herself to her feet, the lingering pain from her injuries making each movement agonizing. Her vision swam with black spots, and her head throbbed as if it were about to split open. Ignoring the pain, she stumbled over to the dagger, grabbed it, and swiftly placed it back in her [Dimensional Link].

A furious roar echoed through the chamber, returning her attention to Eldrin. The Demon Lord's eyes blazed with unholy fury as he charged at her, his massive form barreling forward like an unstoppable force. Panic surged through Elara, but before Eldrin could reach her, a figure suddenly appeared between them.

It was Grondar, his face etched with determination and fierce loyalty. With a powerful leap, he tackled Eldrin's legs, the impact jarring and unexpected. Eldrin stumbled. His forward momentum halted as he fell to the ground with a thunderous crash. With all his might, Grondar clung to Eldrin's legs, his muscles straining visibly under the effort.

"Elara, finish him off!" Grondar screamed, his voice raw with urgency.

Elara's heart pounded in her ears as she summoned every last bit of her strength, casting [Stormcrow's Soar]. She wove green threads of wind and white threads of ethereal light together, the white threads forming spectral crow wings that sprouted from her back, lifting her off the ground in a whirlwind of crackling energy. Her vision focused sharply on Eldrin, [Rhistlam] held out before her like a lance.

With a surge of speed, she flew straight toward the fallen demon lord. [Rhistlam] gleamed with deadly light as she drove it into Eldrin's heart. The blade pierced his chest with a sickening crunch, dark energy erupting from the wound. Eldrin roared in pain, his body convulsing, but he did not die immediately. His eyes, now wild with fury and agony, locked onto Elara with an intensity that sent a chill down her spine.

With a guttural snarl, Eldrin kicked out violently. The force of the blow sent Grondar flying across the chamber. The dwarf hit the wall with a sickening thud, a pained groan escaping his lips as he crumpled to the ground, unmoving.

Eldrin's massive hand shot out, grabbing Elara with a grip like iron. She felt his claws dig into her flesh, each point of contact sending waves of excruciating pain through her body. Her ribs felt as though they were on the verge of snapping under the pressure. With a violent motion, Eldrin hurled her across the chamber.

Elara's body hit the ground hard, the impact sending shockwaves of pain through her already battered form. She slid across the rough stone floor, her skin scraping painfully against the unyielding surface. She gasped for breath, each inhale a sharp, burning agony in her chest. Blood trickled down her forehead, mingling with the sweat and dirt on her face, and her vision blurred with tears of pain.

[Rhistlam] remained embedded in Eldrin's chest, the blade gleaming with a deadly light. Eldrin staggered but remained standing, his fury undiminished.

Elara struggled to push herself up, her limbs trembling with the effort. The world spun around her, the edges of her vision darkening. Every part of her body screamed in protest, but she knew she couldn't give up. The battle was not yet over, and the true test of her resolve was about to begin.

Eldrin, his face twisted in a mask of pain and fury, grabbed the hilt of [Rhistlam]. With a violent yank, he pulled the sword from his chest, a gush of dark, almost black blood spilling from the wound. The demon lord's eyes glowed with a malevolent light as he began to weave purple threads of magic in the air, quickly forming an intricate spell.

Elara's heart raced. She knew she had to stop him, but without [Rhistlam], she couldn't cut through the enchanted threads. Desperation clawed at her as she watched a hellfire-filled portal open beneath Eldrin. The flames roared, licking at the edges of the swirling vortex, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The portal was a chaotic blend of red and black, pulsating with raw energy, and its edges crackled with arcs of lightning.

Summoning the last of her strength, Elara spread her ethereal crow wings, the white threads of light glowing brilliantly as she soared into the air. She flew toward the portal, diving into the fiery abyss just as Eldrin disappeared into the magical swirl.

The portal's tunnel was a breathtaking sight. It was a chaotic blend of colors and energies, swirling and pulsing with raw magical power. The tunnel walls were made of constantly shifting hues, deep purples, vibrant reds, and shimmering silvers that seemed to move like liquid. Streaks of lightning arced across the tunnel, illuminating the path with bursts of blinding light.

Eldrin's dark form moved ahead of her, his movements deliberate and confident. With a sudden motion, he slashed [Rhistlam] through the portal wall. Seeing her cherished weapon being lost to the void filled Elara with a mixture of despair and fury.

Elara felt a wrenching pain in her heart as [Rhistlam] disappeared into the swirling chaos. The sword had been more than just a weapon; it was the spirit vessel of Quill, her trusted companion and guide. The thought of losing Quill filled her with dread and sorrow. The sword symbolized her strength and resolve, but more importantly, it was the anchor of Quill's spirit. Their bond was unique and irreplaceable, forged through countless battles and trials. The sense of loss was almost as physical as the injuries she had sustained, a deep, aching void settling in her chest. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her friend, the one who had always been there to support and guide her. The fear of Quill's absence weighed heavily on her heart, amplifying the pain of the battle and fueling her desperate determination to end Eldrin's reign of terror.

But amidst the despair, fury burned brightly. Eldrin's casual dismissal of her weapon was an affront she couldn't ignore. Her anger sharpened her focus, turning her pain into a driving force. She couldn't let Eldrin escape after everything he had done and not after taking [Rhistlam] from her.

Elara's eyes narrowed with determination. She reached into her [Dimensional Link] and pulled the [Shadowstrike Dagger]. The blade gleamed with a dark aura, contrasting against the vibrant colors of the portal. With a burst of speed, she caught up to Eldrin. She could feel the pressure of the portal's magic pressing in on her, the forces threatening to tear her apart.

With every ounce of strength she had left, Elara drove the dagger into Eldrin's skull. The blade sank deep, and Eldrin let out a blood-curdling scream, his body convulsing with the shock of the blow. His eyes bulged, glowing with a mix of pain and disbelief. The purple threads of his magic flickered and unraveled, the spell dissipating into the ether.

Eldrin's form began to deteriorate, his skin cracking, and dark energy seeping from the wounds like black smoke. His once-powerful frame quaked violently, muscles spasming uncontrollably. The demonic aura around him wavered, and the malevolent light in his eyes dimmed as the dagger's curse took hold.

Elara's chime sounded in her head, a brief distraction amidst the chaos. She held on tightly as the portal's magic surged around her, the forces pulling her downward with relentless speed. Eldrin's form continued to disintegrate, his flesh peeling away to reveal the dark energy core within him, now flickering and unstable.

Eldrin's grip on life loosened, his body breaking apart into fragments of dark light. His final scream echoed through the tunnel, a haunting sound reverberating through the swirling energies. Elara watched as the portal consumed his essence, the last vestiges of his existence dissolving into the magical storm.

Elara focused on maintaining her grip, riding the portal gate downwards. The tunnel's energy became more intense, the colors brighter, and the lightning more frequent. She felt like she was being pulled through a storm of pure magic, every sense overwhelmed by the raw power surrounding her. She braced for whatever lay at the other end, knowing her journey was far from over.

Now, Entering the Tartarus.

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