Watcher of Fate

039 - Between Flame and Fang Part 4

Elara stood amid the wreckage of the once-grand villa, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The air was thick with smoke and the metallic scent of blood. Across from her, the [Deep Dragon] hovered, its massive wings beating slowly as it circled above. The beast was a fearsome sight. Its obsidian scales were marred with deep gashes, oozing dark ichor from wounds inflicted by the initial explosion and the relentless assault of the [Drow] ballistae. Splintered ballista bolts protruded from its flanks like grotesque thorns.

Despite its injuries, the [Deep Dragon]'s luminescent eyes burned with undiminished fury, locked onto Elara with a predator's focus. She tightened her grip on [Quenya], but she knew that her blade alone wouldn't be enough to bring down such a formidable foe in her current state.

Her gaze darted around the battlefield, searching for anything to tip the scales in her favor. Amidst the scattered debris and fallen soldiers, she spotted one of the massive ballista javelins embedded in the ground not far from her. The wooden shaft was as thick as her arm, the iron tip gleaming wickedly despite the soot and grime.

That might just do it, she thought, a glimmer of hope igniting within her.

Without wasting a moment, Elara sprinted toward the javelin, her movements swift but strained. The [Deep Dragon] circled overhead, its shadow passing over her like an omen. As she reached the massive projectile, she could hear the beating of the dragon's wings growing louder, the rush of air signaling its descent.

Gripping the rough wooden shaft, Elara planted her feet and heaved with all her might. The javelin was deeply entrenched, the force of its impact having driven it into the hardened earth. Her muscles screamed in protest, but she gritted her teeth and pulled harder, feeling it give ever so slightly.

A deafening roar tore through the air, and the [Deep Dragon] was diving straight at her. Instinct took over. Elara released the javelin and threw herself to the side, rolling across the dirt as the dragon's massive claws gouged the ground where she had stood moments before. Dirt and stones exploded outward from the impact, pelting her as she scrambled to her feet.

The dragon soared back into the sky, preparing for another pass. Elara knew she had to act quickly. Summoning the shadows around her, she began to weave the midnight-blue threads of [Shadow Hand]. Her fingers danced through the air, manipulating the ethereal strands that coalesced into a tangible, spectral hand larger than any mortal's grasp.

Focusing her will, she directed the [Shadow Hand] toward the embedded javelin. The shadowy appendage wrapped around the shaft, its grip firm and unyielding. With a mental command, she urged it to pull. The ground trembled as the javelin was wrenched free, the earth crumbling away from its base.

Elara's eyes flashed with determination as she shifted her focus to the [Deep Dragon], which was circling for another attack. She guided the [Shadow Hand], the javelin clutched within its grasp, aligning it with the dragon's trajectory.

"Now," she whispered, releasing the built-up tension.

The [Shadow Hand] propelled the javelin forward with tremendous force, hurling it like a giant spear. The projectile soared through the air, its iron tip aimed squarely at the dragon's vulnerable underbelly.

But the [Deep Dragon] was no ordinary beast. Even wounded, its reflexes were razor-sharp. At the last moment, it twisted in the air, angling its body so that the javelin struck its armored flank instead. The iron tip glanced off its obsidian scales with a shower of sparks, leaving only a superficial scratch before plummeting uselessly to the ground below.

Elara's heart sank as she watched her plan fail. The dragon's luminescent eyes snapped toward her, a low, rumbling growl from deep within its chest. With a mighty flap of its wings, it dove toward her once more, jaws open wide to reveal rows of razor-sharp teeth.

She barely had time to react. The dragon's massive head swooped down, snapping at her with terrifying speed. Elara threw herself backward, feeling the rush of air and the heat of its breath as its jaws snapped shut mere inches from her face. She landed hard, the impact jarring her already battered body.

Pain radiated through her limbs, but she forced herself to move. Rolling to the side, she narrowly avoided the dragon's claw as it smashed into the ground beside her, sending shards of stone and dirt flying. Scrambling to her feet, she sprinted toward the cover of a crumbling wall, seeking a momentary respite.

The [Deep Dragon] pulled up from its dive, circling back with relentless determination. Elara's mind raced.

Gritting her teeth, she reached out once more with her [Shadow Hand], grasping another massive javelin embedded in the ground. As her fingers tightened around the ethereal threads, she felt something new, a resonance beyond the spell itself. Her shadow seemed to intertwine with the [Shadow Hand], gripping the javelin with a strength that surpassed her previous efforts. Realization dawned on her: her aura control, honed through [Unified Presence], was amplifying the spell, merging her very essence with the shadows.

Closing her eyes for a fleeting moment, Elara pushed her presence further outward. [Cognizance] heightened her perception, and the world slowed around her. She could see each beat of the dragon's wings, the subtle shift of its scales, the fiery glow building within its throat. Time seemed to stretch thin, each second an eternity.

Stepping out into the open, she planted her feet firmly on the shattered ground. The [Deep Dragon] locked eyes with her, its gaze filled with rage and pain. Elara stared back unflinchingly, her resolve solidifying like steel. She expanded her aura even further through [Unified Presence], feeling it pulse and radiate from her core. The shadows beneath her swirled and thickened, solidifying into a tangible force that anchored her to the spot. It was as if she stood at the center of a vortex of darkness, the shadows and her aura becoming one.

The [Deep Dragon] descended, diving toward her with terrifying speed. The wind whipped around them, carrying the scent of smoke and ash. Elara watched as the beast drew nearer, every detail crystal clear, the flare of its nostrils, the flex of its claws, the scorching heat emanating from its open maw.

Elara seized the moment as the [Deep Dragon] opened its jaws wider, preparing to unleash its devastating breath upon her once more. Channeling her aura's power and condensed shadows, she commanded the [Shadow Hand] to act. The javelin, now enveloped in a dense shroud of darkness, responded to her will.

With a surge of immense force, the javelin shot upward, propelled by the might of her empowered aura and the shadows coiled around it. The projectile became a blur, tearing through the air with a sharp whistle. The shadows trailed behind it like the tail of a comet, leaving a dark streak against the backdrop of the cavern.

The [Deep Dragon] had no time to react. The javelin flew straight into its gaping maw, the iron tip piercing through flesh and scale with unstoppable momentum. It drove deep into the roof of the dragon's mouth, shattering bone and puncturing into its brain. The beast's eyes widened in shock and agony, the luminescent glow flickering erratically.

A guttural, choking roar erupted from the dragon but quickly descended into a gurgling rasp. Its wings faltered, the powerful beats turning into desperate flails. The massive body began to lose altitude rapidly, plummeting toward the ground.

Elara stood her ground as the shadow of the falling dragon engulfed her. At the last moment, she stepped aside with a graceful pivot, the [Deep Dragon] crashing down where she had stood mere seconds before. The impact shook the earth, a cloud of dust and debris billowing outward from the point of collision. Stones cracked, and the remnants of the nearby structures quivered from the force.

For a few tense moments, silence enveloped the battlefield. The dragon's colossal form lay motionless, its once-mighty presence reduced to a fallen titan. The luminescence in its eyes dimmed, fading like dying embers until it extinguished completely.

Elara gazed upon the defeated beast, her chest heaving with exertion. A profound sense of relief and triumph welled up within her. She had faced one of the most formidable creatures of the Underdark and emerged victorious. A small, satisfied smile curved her lips.

"It's over," she whispered to herself.

The weight of the night's trials seemed to lift, if only slightly. Around her, the remnants of the battlefield were still and quiet. The surviving [Drow] soldiers, witnessing the fall of both their Matron and the [Deep Dragon], began to retreat into the shadows, their will to fight extinguished.

Elara stood over the colossal corpse of the [Deep Dragon], its once glowing eyes now dull and lifeless. She extended her hands, and her shadow began to stretch and warp unnaturally, enveloping the massive dragon's form. Dark tendrils snaked out, wrapping around the beast's body like inky vines. With a focused exertion of will, she drew the creature into her [Spirit Domain], the dragon's form dissolving into shadows and disappearing from the physical realm.

Exhaling deeply, Elara summoned her [Umbral Wings], the shadowy appendages unfurling gracefully from her back. She wove [Greater Invisibility], and her form shimmered before vanishing from sight. With a powerful thrust, she took to the air, gliding silently away from the devastated villa. The cool air of the Underdark rushed past her as she navigated through the labyrinthine tunnels, searching for a path to the surface.

After what felt like hours, Elara found a secluded cavern shrouded in darkness. She landed softly, allowing her invisibility to fade. The adrenaline of battle waned, and a profound weariness settled into her bones. Deciding it was safe to rest for a moment, she stepped into her own shadow and transitioned into her [Spirit Domain].

The familiar twilight enveloped her as she entered the pocket dimension. Immediately, she was greeted by the sight of Mira pacing anxiously, her expression a mix of frustration and concern.

"There you are!" Mira exclaimed, rushing toward Elara. "What is this place? And why is there a dead dragon here?"

Elara managed a tired smile. "It's... a lot to explain," she said, gesturing toward Quill, the shadowy crow perched nearby. "Didn't Quill explain things to you?"

Mira huffed, crossing her arms. "That crow has been cawing at me non-stop, but I can't understand a word it's saying!"

Elara raised an eyebrow, glancing at Quill. "Quill, she can't understand you."

Quill ruffled his feathers indignantly. "Well, I did tell her everything," he replied telepathically to Elara. "It's not my fault she lacks the ability to comprehend my explanations."

Suppressing a chuckle, Elara shook her head. "He says he tried to explain, but I suppose without a telepathic link, it's just noise to you."

Mira sighed. "That would have been helpful to know earlier."

Elara retrieved the control wand for Mira's collar from the gear piles at the tower base near the [Spirit Tree]. "Here, let's get this off you," she said softly. She manipulated the wand, and with a soft click, the collar unlocked and fell away from Mira's neck.

Mira touched her throat, her eyes welling up with relief. "Thank you," she whispered. "I thought I'd never be free of that."

Elara gave a reassuring nod. "Things got complicated back there, but we're free from the [Drow] now. We just need to find a way out of the Underdark."

Mira looked around the shadowy domain, her gaze lingering on the massive form of the [Deep Dragon] resting in the distance. "Can you explain what's going on? One moment we're prisoners, and the next I'm in this... place, with a dead dragon no less."

Elara took a deep breath. "This is my [Spirit Domain]. Think of it as a personal space where I can store items and, occasionally, creatures. It's safe here."

Mira eyed the dragon warily. "Safe, you say?"

A hint of a smile played on Elara's lips. "Relatively speaking. The dragon is... well, it's no longer a threat."

Mira shook her head in disbelief. "You have to understand how surreal this all is. Captured by [Drow], rescued, and now inside some shadow realm."

Quill hopped closer, tilting his head. "She adapts quickly, at least," he remarked.

Elara glanced at him. "Quill appreciates your adaptability."

Mira managed a small laugh. "Glad to know I'm impressing someone."

Elara's expression turned serious. "We need to rest and regain our strength. The Underdark is perilous, and finding a way to the surface won't be easy."

Mira nodded. "So why do you have a dead dragon all of a sudden?"

Elara placed a comforting hand on Mira's shoulder. "I killed it so I get to keep it."

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