Watcher of Fate

040 - A Moment of Reflection

The soft glow of glowing fungi cast gentle blue and green hues across the cave's damp walls. Elara and Mira sat around a modest fire, its flickering flames dancing shadows across their faces. The aroma of roasting mushrooms and spiced cave hare filled the air, a simple yet satisfying meal after the trials they had endured.

Elara leaned back against the rough stone. She glanced over at Mira, who was poking at the fire absently. Mira was clad in an ornate robe that shimmered with a subtle, otherworldly light. The garment once belonged to the demon administrator she had encountered in Youdu.

"How's the fit?" Elara asked, nodding toward the robe.

Mira looked up, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It's a bit grand for my taste, but it's certainly better than that burlap sack the [Drow] forced me to wear," she replied, her fingers brushing over the intricate embroidery that adorned the sleeves.

Elara chuckled softly. "Anything would be an improvement over that, I suppose."

Mira's eyes reflected the firelight as she gazed thoughtfully at Elara. "I still can't believe everything that's happened. Escaping the [Drow], the battles, that... dragon." She shuddered slightly at the thought.

Elara reached into the shadow beside her, her hand disappearing into the inky darkness of her [Spirit Domain]. When she withdrew it, she held five luminous gems, each pulsing with inner mana that seemed to capture the essence of starlight itself.

"Here," Elara said, tossing the gems lightly toward Mira.

Mira's eyes widened in surprise as she caught the crystals. The gems were cool to the touch, their facets catching the glow of the fire and scattering prismatic colors across her face. "Elara, this is... this is too much," she stammered, looking between the gems and Elara with disbelief.

Elara waved a hand dismissively. "Consider it a bribe," she said with a playful smirk. "To keep you from telling anyone about that little incident with the dragon."

Mira shook her head, attempting to hand the gems back. "I can't accept these. They're worth a fortune! And besides, you've already done so much for me."

Elara gently pushed Mira's hand back. "Keep them. You lost everything when the [Drow] captured you. You'll need them to get back on your feet, new gear, supplies, maybe even a safe place to stay for a while."

Mira's expression softened, and gratitude shone in her eyes. "Thank you," she said quietly. "I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

"Just stay safe," Elara replied, her tone shifting to one of earnest concern. "And maybe avoid any more subterranean adventures for a bit."

They shared a light laugh, the tension of their recent ordeals easing slightly. The crackling of the fire filled the comfortable silence that settled between them.

After a few more moments of comfortable silence, Elara decided it was time to check on her progress. With a focused thought, she summoned her notifications, the familiar flow of information appearing before her like a translucent window. The numbers and descriptions flickered slightly as they updated, reflecting her recent accomplishments and hard-fought battles.


You have seen several minor monster deaths: 13 exp

You have seen several weak monster deaths: 2,733 exp

You have seen several weak monster deaths: 592 exp

Quill gains exp from killing 33 monsters: 13,974 exp

You gain experience by visiting 1 prominent new place: 1,125 exp

You gain experience by visiting 5 minor new places: 6,750 exp

You have changed the fate of a city: 13,500 exp

Quest Survive the Dragon has been completed.

You have gained: 5,000 exp

Quest Survive the Dragon optional objective of Slaying a Dragon at least a tier higher than yourself has been completed.

You have gained the achievement of Slay a Dragon.

Slay a Dragon: Legends say that dragons are imbued with ancient magic, their very blood coursing with power. Defeat one of these magnificent creatures and absorb a fraction of their might for yourself. +1 to all stats for every level.

Quill has absorbed a lvl 46 Legendary Dragon core: 111,733 exp


Elara's eyes widened as she read the details of the 'Slay a Dragon' achievement. "+1 to all stats for every level?" she thought in disbelief. Quickly calculating, she realized that meant a staggering +35 to every attribute. Her heart pounded in her chest as the enormity of the reward sank in.

"This is like gaining 42 common levels all at once," she thought, her fingers trembling slightly as she navigated through her status screen to confirm the changes. Each of her stats had surged dramatically, reflecting the massive boost. It was akin to upgrading her class rarity from Rare to Legendary in an instant.

A rush of energy coursed through her veins, and she could almost feel the newfound power settling into her muscles and sharpening her senses. The cave around her seemed more vivid, the fungi glow brighter, the fire crackle louder, the scent of the roasting hare richer.

"Everything okay?" Mira asked, noticing the astonishment on Elara's face.

Elara looked up, her eyes still wide. "I just received an achievement for slaying the dragon. It granted me a bonus of +1 to all stats for every level. I have that's +35 to everything," she explained, her voice tinged with awe.

Mira's jaw dropped. "That's... incredible! Do you realize how significant that is?"

"It's almost unreal," Elara replied, shaking her head slowly. "This kind of sudden increase, it changes everything. I need to reassess my abilities and my limits. This power... it's overwhelming.”

Mira leaned in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Think about what you can do now! This is the kind of strength people spend their entire lives trying to achieve."

"I know," Elara said, her mind racing. "But it's also a lot to take in. Gaining so much power at once, it's like I've skipped ahead in my journey. I have to be careful not to let it get to my head."

"You're right," Mira agreed thoughtfully. "But if anyone can handle it, it's you."


Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Norn)

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (344,019 of 373,000) 35

Quenya: (398,972 of 408,000) 36


HP: 11,613 of 11,613 (30.9/min)

Energy: 48,817 of 48,817 (51.2/sec)


Armor Class: 91

Strength: 101

Dexterity: 250 (275)

Constitution: 147

Perception: 304 (501)

Intelligence: 174 (191)

Resolve: 255 (369)

Free Points: 4

Class Skills:

Sanctuary of Learning (Legendary): 26

Skein of Destiny (Mythic): 11

Ephemeral (Legendary): 27

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 29 PERMANENT

Unified Presence (Legendary): 33

Moment in Time (Mythic): 3

Weaver’s Insight (Rare): 27

Racial Skills:

Weight of Fate (Rare): 12

Cognizance (Mythic): 34

Umbral Requiem (Legendary): 8

Quenya Skills:

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 29 PERMANENT


Dark Maze (Rare): 3

Greater Invisibility (Rare): 14

Warp Reality (Rare): 7

Shadow Hand (Uncommon): 24

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 32

Umbral Wings (Uncommon): 7

Shadow Clone (Rare): 4

Analyze (Common): 1

Bless Water (Common): 1

Lesser Restoration (Common): 1

General Skills:

Affliction Resistance (Uncommon): 14

Blunt Weapons (Common): 1

Cooking (Common): 4

Fire Resistance (Common): 2

Gift of Gab (Common): 5

Harvest (Common): 4


As she reviewed her stats, Elara noted the increase in her [Affliction Resistance] and the leveling up of several skills. The battles had been taxing, but they had also pushed her to grow stronger.

Mira leaned over slightly, trying to catch a glimpse. "Anything interesting?" she asked.

Elara tilted the mirror so Mira could see. "Just checking on a few things. It's important to keep track of how all this," she gestured vaguely, "affects me."

Mira nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose fighting dragons and dismantling [Drow] conspiracies does come with some benefits."

"That, and a fair share of headaches," Elara added with a wry smile.

They settled back into a comfortable quiet, the fire casting a warm glow that contrasted with the cool air of the cave. The soft drip of water from stalactites provided a gentle rhythm, almost soothing after the chaos they had left behind.

"What's next for you?" Mira asked softly, breaking the silence.

Elara considered the question, her eyes reflecting the dancing flames, the flickering light casting long shadows across her face. She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the words she was about to speak. "I'm not entirely sure," she admitted, her voice softer now, almost as if speaking to herself. "There are so many loose ends to tie up, things I don’t fully understand yet... about myself, about what I’m becoming."

Mira watched her carefully, sensing that there was more Elara hadn’t yet revealed.

Elara hesitated for a moment longer before she spoke again, her voice carrying the strain of something far deeper. "But one thing is clear," she continued, her tone hardening with resolve. "I need to find my mother."

Mira’s brow furrowed. "Your mother?"

Elara nodded, her eyes distant, as if recalling a painful memory. "She’s been taken by the Iron Horde, back in Barrowbridge, my home. They raided the town about a year ago, I got stuck in the Barrowdeep dungeon and when I finally returned, all I found was destruction. My mother... she wasn’t among the dead, but she was gone, and there were signs the Iron Horde had taken her."

Mira’s expression shifted to one of sympathy, her hand instinctively reaching out as if to offer comfort. "I had no idea. That sounds…"

"Awful? It is," Elara said, her voice clipped, though not directed at Mira. "I have found my father but I am trying to reunite my family. And I don’t even know if she’s still alive, but if she is..." Her voice trailed off, the weight of her words heavy with emotion. "The Iron Horde is powerful. Finding her won’t be easy."

Elara’s hand clenched into a fist. "But I have to try. Every step I take, every battle, every spell I weave... it’s all leading me back to her. If I can free her, maybe... maybe then I can start to feel whole again."

Mira's expression softened as she listened, and she nodded in understanding. "You’ll find her, Elara," she said quietly. "We’ll make sure she’s safe."

Elara gave a small, grateful nod, though her eyes were still clouded with the weight of her mission. "I hope so," she said, her voice low. "But the Iron Horde... they’re ruthless."

Her eyes flicked back to the fire, as if trying to find some clarity in the flames. "That’s why I need to be stronger. Why I need to understand what I’ve become. My power is growing, but so are my enemies. And if I’m going to rescue my mother... if I’m going to take on the Iron Horde, I can’t afford to be weak."

They sat in silence for a few moments longer, the fire crackling softly as it began to die down. The heavy weight of Elara’s words lingered between them, the knowledge that the journey ahead would be long and fraught with danger. But for now, in this brief respite, they had each other and perhaps, in time, the strength to face the Iron Horde and whatever lay beyond.

As the fire began to dwindle, Elara felt a sense of calm wash over her. She had faced formidable foes, navigated treacherous politics, and had come out stronger on the other side. There would be more challenges, no doubt, but she felt ready to face them.

"We should get some rest," she suggested. "Tomorrow brings a new day or whatever passes for day down here."

Mira smiled. "Agreed. Sleep sounds wonderful."

They arranged their makeshift bedding, the cave offering a surprising sense of security. As Elara settled in, she allowed her eyes to close, the gentle sounds of the Underdark lulling her toward sleep.

Just before sleep claimed her, Quill's familiar presence brushed against her consciousness. "Rest well, Elara. You've earned it."

"Goodnight, Quill," she replied silently.

In the quiet of the cavern, two survivors found a moment of peace, unaware of the new adventures that awaited them just beyond the shadows.

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