Watcher of Fate

044 - Threads of Fate and Fortune

Elara dismissed the status sheet, feeling the adrenaline rush fade into a cold, quiet determination. She took a few deep breaths, trying to steady herself as the reality of her choice settled over her like a shroud. The sensation of her new powers coursing through her was exhilarating, yet she knew there was no time to dwell on it now. There was still much to do, and she needed to focus.

But as she collected herself, a sudden realization jolted through her like a lightning bolt. Her heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. The last quest, Malakar's final task, would have been among the notifications she’d just received. The rewards from completing the previous quest would have triggered it… and she hadn’t even noticed.

Elara’s pulse quickened as she pulled up her quest log, eyes darting over the list of tasks she had taken on since entering Tartarus. Then there it was, marked in bold letters: "End a Reign."


New Quest Alert!

End a Reign

Difficulty: A Rank

Objective: Prevent the coronation of the new ruler before it begins. The reign must be ended before the first crown is placed upon their head. Stop the 8th heir to the leadership of Youdu from going through Investiture before the Tournament.

Reward: Completion of Malakars quests, variable experience

Do you want to accept the quest? (yes/no)


The words seemed to pulse on the screen before her, and each letter seared into her mind. Elara stared at the quest description, her mind racing.

Elara smirked, her eyes bright with a dangerous spark. "Prevent the Investiture before it begins?" she murmured to herself. "End a reign that hasn't even started…"

Quill tilted his head, his voice laced with curiosity. "What exactly is an Investiture?"

Elara chuckled softly. "I think it's like a coronation but for nobles who aren't quite kings or queens. It's a formal ceremony, a kind of recognition of power and authority."

As she spoke, she noticed an increasing number of people in uniform moving around with urgency, their faces focused and intense, as if they were on a mission. The smell of smoke drifted toward her, thick and acrid, as dark clouds billowed on the horizon. Her eyes followed the plumes of smoke rising above the buildings in the distance. The spirit crystal reserve was on fire. Her handiwork, it seemed, had done more damage than she initially thought.

A triumphant grin spread across her face, her expression taking on a distinctly cocky edge. Quill, sensing the change, fluttered his wings nervously on her shoulder. "I don't like that look, Elara," he warned, his voice filled with concern.

Elara's grin widened. "Oh, come on, Quill. This is just getting interesting."

Elara focused her mind, letting the energy of [Cognizance] flow through her senses. The world around her shifted subtly at first and then with greater clarity. Threads of possibility, fate, and potential unraveled before her eyes, shimmering like countless strands of silver and gold, crisscrossing and intertwining in a complex web. Each thread represented a different outcome, a path that could be taken, a decision that would alter the course of events.

As her focus deepened, the threads became more vivid, more tangible. They wove through the very fabric of reality, stretching into infinity, forming intricate patterns that spoke of futures yet to come. Some threads glowed brightly with potential, pulsing with almost palpable energy, while others seemed dark and frayed, teetering on the edge of failure or collapse.

Elara could see the threads of her fate dancing around her, connecting her actions to countless possibilities. Each movement she made and breath she took sent ripples through this delicate tapestry, weaving new patterns and destinies. Hundreds of threads flowed in and out of her vision, forming a tapestry of choices and outcomes. With every beat of her heart, the threads flickered and moved, adjusting to the ever-changing probabilities of the future. Her awareness expanded, allowing her to glimpse the paths she could take, the ones that held promise and those that led to darkness and ruin.

Elara felt a strange sensation of standing still and moving at incredible speed, simultaneously following countless potential futures. She could sense which threads were most likely to intersect with hers, which paths were illuminated by the choices she had already made, and which were darkened by the shadows of uncertainty.

With a deep breath, Elara activated [Skein of Destiny]. Instantly, the chaotic swirl of possibilities around her converged into a single, luminous golden thread, cutting through the dense air of Youdu like a beacon. The surrounding noise, the clamor of merchants in the bustling markets, the distant tolling of a warning bell, and the hurried footsteps of guards faded into a hushed whisper in her mind. The world seemed to hold its breath, aligning itself with this shimmering path. Her heart raced in her chest as the golden thread pulsed with an almost magnetic force, guiding her feet with unerring certainty. She navigated through the narrow, labyrinthine streets, ducking under low-hanging awnings and skirting past frantic crowds, the scent of incense and exotic spices filling the air. The towering walls of Youdu seemed to loom even higher in the dimming light, and the magical defenses hummed with latent energy.

The thread led her on, weaving through the city's heart until she stood before the imposing front gate of the Palace of Youdu. The walls here were taller, their surfaces adorned with ancient symbols and intricate carvings that pulsed faintly with protective spells. As she stood there, guards streamed out of the palace, their movements hurried, their faces set in anxious grimaces, their armor clinking with each step. Elara's lips curled into a wry smile, a soft chuckle escaping her. "If they’re all rushing out," she murmured, the sparkle of mischief in her eyes, "then it seems like the perfect time to make myself at home."

With the guards distracted, she slipped into the shadows, masked by the layers of darkened walls and winding alleyways that twisted like veins throughout the city. The path ahead was perilous, but the golden thread in her mind's eye thrummed with promise, urging her forward.

She cast an [Altered Reality] spell over herself, feeling the familiar tingle as magic reshaped her appearance. Her clothing shifted, fabric reweaving itself into the uniform of a palace guard. The deep crimson tunic appeared first, its heavy silk embroidered with dark gold threads forming intricate patterns resembling coiled serpents and fierce, snarling beasts. A layered lamellar cuirass followed, made of overlapping iron plates bound with leather thongs, each plate marked with runes that glowed faintly in the dim light. Her shoulders bore wide, rectangular pauldrons, their surfaces etched with the jagged lines of protective sigils, while a thick, black belt cinched her waist, hung with small pouches and a curved blade in an ornate scabbard.

Her transformation complete, she felt the weight of the steel-toed boots on her feet, their soles cushioned but firm, made for long patrols over rough terrain. A high, ridged helm materialized atop her head, its faceplate sculpted into the fierce visage of a demonic creature with sharp fangs and hollow eyes that glinted with malice. Her skin seemed to shift, taking on a faint reddish hue to mimic the demonic guards' natural complexion, with a slight sheen as if touched by infernal flames. Her hands, now clawed and muscular, flexed around a spear that had appeared in her grip, its haft polished and black, ending in a wickedly curved blade.

Confident in her disguise, she strode toward the entrance, her expression neutral and her movements controlled, mirroring the rigid discipline of the demon guards around her. As she approached the gate, she caught a closer look at her fellow guards. Their faces were fierce and inhuman, with sharp, angular features, their skin varying from deep crimson to ashen gray. Their eyes glowed dull, hellish light, some like molten gold, others a deep, unsettling crimson. Horns curled from their foreheads, some smooth and curved back, others jagged and twisted like the roots of ancient trees. Each guard bore unique scars or ritual markings, signs of past battles or rites of passage, adding to the air of menace that hung around them like a shroud.

She noticed the wards, those layers of protective enchantments she had sensed earlier, did not react to her presence. They seemed to rely more on these demon guards, their keen senses and innate ability to detect even the faintest hint of deception. Elara’s disguise blended perfectly among them; to any onlooker, she was just another watchful sentinel, prepared to strike at the first sign of danger.

Elara moved through the almost empty halls of the palace, her steps light and her senses alert. The silence was unnerving. The grand hallways, usually bustling with activity, were now eerily quiet. She approached two large double doors that seemed more ornate than the others. Gently, she eased one door open and peeked inside.

A female Kitsune, with striking white and red fur and a richly embroidered robe, sat gracefully on a cushion before a short table, a delicate tea set arranged before her. The Kitsune's eyes were sharp and alert as if she had been waiting for this moment. Without hesitation, the Kitsune waved her in, a serene smile on her face. Elara surprised but intrigued, stepped through the doorway, her heart thudding in her chest.

She moved forward slowly, wary but curious. “Welcome, friend,” the Kitsune said, her voice as smooth as the tea she sipped. "I've been expecting you."

Elara stepped further into the room, each footfall measured, her senses acutely attuned to every shift in the air and the strange glow of the orbs that floated around her. The blue flames hovered like restless spirits, flickering and pulsing with an otherworldly light. They cast elongated shadows that seemed to dance along the walls, bathing the chamber in a ghostly luminescence. Her gaze, sharpened by [Cognizance], swept across every corner, searching for traps or hidden dangers. But there was nothing, no concealed assailants, no deadly devices, just the Kitsune seated before her, poised with a calm confidence.

[Lvl 36 Kitsune Noble (Uncommon:578)]

The Kistune's three tails moved gently, their tips pure white that gradually shifted to a deep crimson, catching the light of the blue fire orbs and glowing with an almost magical intensity. Her eyes, a sharp and knowing gold, remained fixed on Elara, a slight smile playing on her lips as if she were savoring a secret. "Come closer," she urged, her voice smooth and inviting. "I am Lily," she introduced herself, her tone friendly but with a hint of mischief. "And I already know you were sent to kill me. There’s no point in maintaining your disguise any longer. You might as well let it go."

Elara hesitated, her pulse quickening, but she sensed no immediate threat from the Kitsune. Taking a deep breath, she released the [Altered Reality] spell. The illusion melted away like mist on a warm morning, revealing her true form, a tall woman with hair as pure white as fresh snow cascading down her back in waves that glimmered in the dim, blue-tinged light. Lily's eyes widened ever so slightly, a flicker of surprise breaking through her otherwise calm demeanor.

"A mortal with such… distinctive features," Lily observed, her tone filled with curiosity and intrigue. "You’re not quite what I imagined. It’s also clear that whoever sent you didn’t ask for my death directly. Such an act would violate the accords binding all the city lords."

Elara nodded cautiously. "You’re correct. They didn’t use those words. The command was to prevent you from beginning your reign."

Lily chuckled softly, like the gentle chiming of distant bells, and her three tails swished behind her, almost playfully. "Ah, I see," she replied, her smile growing. "A careful choice of words indeed. But if that’s all your task demands, we could find a simpler solution," she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "If you could take me to the Mortal realm, I wouldn’t be here to start my reign."

Elara’s mind raced as she weighed the Kitsune’s unexpected offer. A flurry of thoughts cascaded through her consciousness, doubts, strategies, risks, and possibilities all tumbling over one another. She knew she needed to consider every angle carefully. She closed her eyes briefly, shutting out the flickering blue flames that floated around her and took a deep, steadying breath. She needed to think clearly to sift through her options with precision.

The memory of the [Demon Knight] flashed in her mind. She recalled the day she had accidentally drawn him into her [Spirit Domain]. But bringing another being, especially as powerful and unpredictable as a Kitsune, into that space would be even more dangerous.

Her eyes flicked over to Lily, who watched her with a serene, knowing smile. Could she trust this Kitsune? Was Lily truly looking for a way out, or was she playing a deeper game? Elara felt the pulse of magic in the air, the hum of unseen energies that wrapped around them both, and she knew she needed a plan that left room for contingencies.

She mentally reviewed her strengths, her arsenal of skills, and the spells at her disposal. Taking Lily into her [Spirit Domain] could work, but only if she maintained perfect control over the space, ensuring the Kitsune couldn't turn it against her. It would require finesse and strength, both of which she had, but it would also require trust, something she wasn't sure she could afford to give. Then there was the matter of her return. She had no clear way back to the Mortal realm.

Her gaze sharpened, and she felt the familiar stir of determination. "I have a way to take you with me," she finally admitted, her voice slow and thoughtful, choosing her words carefully. "I can pull you into my [Spirit Domain], but I don’t have any means of returning to the Mortal realm alone."

Lily’s eyes sparkled with a sudden excitement, and her tails began to sway with renewed vigor. "Ah, but that is precisely where I can assist you," she replied eagerly. "Demon nobility possess the power to banish people who don’t belong from the Demon Realm, sending them back to their home realm with a single spell. It’s a straightforward process for someone like me."

Elara's interest was piqued, though she remained cautious. "Banishment?" she echoed, trying to understand. "You can force a mortal out of this realm?"

"Precisely," Lily affirmed, her smile widening with a touch of pride. "To a mortal like you, this place is a foreign realm. The magic that binds you here is not natural to your essence. A simple banishment spell would sever that connection, returning you to the Mortal realm instantly, like snapping a tether. You would be pulled back to your point of origin, or somewhere close to it, without the need for any grand portals or rituals."

Elara’s eyes narrowed slightly, considering the implications. "And why would you help me return?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Lily's expression softened, a glimmer of sincerity in her gaze. "Because," she explained, her tone almost wistful, "if I remain here, my reign will inevitably begin, whether I wish it or not. The city expects it. But if I leave… if I am no longer in this realm, then I am no longer bound by the ancient pacts and expectations that govern us. I can begin anew, away from the constraints of this place."

Elara weighed her words carefully, sensing desperation and genuine hope in the Kitsune's tone. "Alright," she said after a moment, her voice firm. "If you can banish me back to the Mortal realm, I’ll take you with me. But know this, if you betray me, I won’t hesitate to make you regret it." Elara heard a familiar chime echo in her mind, and a new quest appeared before her:


New Quest Alert!

Kidnap a Noble

Difficulty: C Rank

Objective: The Lady to be on Youdu wishes to start a new life in a new realm.

Reward: Variable experience, Gems

Do you want to accept the quest? (yes/no)


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