Watcher of Fate

045 - Banishment

Lily darted around the room with a sudden burst of energy, her three tails trailing behind her in a fluid dance of white and crimson. She moved with the practiced ease of someone who had done this many times before, plucking objects from their places with swift, decisive motions. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of urgency and delight, a mischievous grin playing on her lips as she flitted from one corner of the room to the next.

She reached for a beautifully embroidered robe draped over a wooden screen, a deep sapphire blue fabric with delicate gold threadwork depicting swirling clouds and leaping foxes. With a flick of her wrist, she folded the robe and tossed it effortlessly into her storage ring, which vanished with a soft shimmer. Next, she snatched up a set of silk scarves, their colors vivid and bright, emerald, crimson, and silver, each one intricately patterned with designs of lotus blossoms and crescent moons. They also disappeared into the ring, the magic absorbing them with a faint hum.

Her gaze shifted to a lacquered jewelry box on a low table. She opened it with a deft movement, revealing an array of glimmering gems and finely crafted pieces. Lily selected a few choice items: a necklace of jade beads, a pair of delicate golden earrings shaped like foxes with ruby eyes, and a set of silver bangles that tinkled softly as she scooped them up. Each piece gleamed briefly in the blue firelight before being swallowed by the ring, the small portal glinting like a hungry eye.

Moving with unbridled excitement, she turned to a shelf stacked with scrolls bound in leather and tied with crimson ribbons. She ran her fingers over the titles, her eyes narrowing in quick assessment. “Not this one… definitely not this one…” she muttered to herself, then paused with a satisfied smile. “Ah, here we go.” She selected a handful of scrolls, their edges gilded and their parchment aged with time. “These are worth keeping.” She slipped them into her ring, their forms flickering for a moment before vanishing completely.

Lily’s movements became quicker, more purposeful. She reached for a wooden chest carved with ancient runes, flipping it open to reveal a collection of neatly folded silks and brocades. She hesitated only briefly before grabbing a few more garments, a crimson sash embroidered with silver thread, a long coat of fox fur lined with satin, and a simple tunic that shimmered like water under moonlight. Each item was tossed into the ring, disappearing into its magical depths.

With a gleeful chuckle, she moved to the bedside table, her fingers dancing over a small, porcelain vial filled with a translucent liquid. She considered it for a moment, then shrugged and tossed it into the ring as well, the vial twinkling once in the air before it was swallowed whole. A small, gilded hand mirror caught her eye next, its handle decorated with tiny, precious stones. She grabbed it with a delighted laugh, turning it over in her hand to catch the light before slipping it into the ring.

Finally, she paused, looking around the room to see if there was anything she had missed. Her sharp gaze fell on a pair of worn leather-bound books sitting on a nearby shelf. She swept them up, flipping through the pages quickly, then shrugged and tossed them into the ring without a second thought. "Can’t forget these… could be useful," she murmured to herself.

She moved back toward the center of the room, her eyes alight with satisfaction. “Well, that’s everything I need from here,” she announced with a bright smile. “No need to bother with the Spirit Crystal Reserve, considering it’s already burning to the ground, thanks to you.” She cast a sly glance at Elara, her grin widening.

Elara kept her expression neutral, though a flicker of amusement tugged at the corner of her mouth. "That was my first task," she admitted, watching Lily move about like a whirlwind of fur and fire. "I was sent to eliminate the Spirit Crystal Reserve. I didn’t get the order to stop your reign until afterward. Pure coincidence that it all lined up."

Lily let out a gleeful laugh, spinning around with a flourish, her robe flaring out like a wave. “Oh, how wonderfully chaotic!” she exclaimed, clearly entertained by the revelation. "I knew it had to be something like that! I told my guards to stay put, I knew the robbery attempt was just a decoy, a distraction to make me think they were after the crystals." She flitted over to a small chest by the window, flinging it open and rifling through its contents with barely a glance before deciding it wasn’t worth taking.

"I’m supposed to be dead, you know," Lily continued with an almost carefree tone, grabbing a few more trinkets and tossing them into her ring. "But instead, here we are, plotting an escape from this realm together. Fate certainly does love a good twist." She seemed utterly unbothered by the notion, almost jubilant, as if the entire situation was some grand game that she was more than happy to play.

Elara watched her with a mix of curiosity and disbelief. "You don’t seem too upset about it," she observed, noting the Kitsune’s upbeat demeanor.

"Upset?" Lily laughed again, the sound bright and carefree. "Why would I be upset? I’m bored of this place, bored of the politics, bored of the endless scheming." She paused, directly facing Elara, her golden eyes sparkling excitedly. "This is the most fun I’ve had in years! A mortal warrior sent to kill me, who needs my help, oh, it’s perfect!" She spun around again, her tails trailing behind her in a graceful arc.

Elara couldn’t help but chuckle at Lily’s infectious enthusiasm. "I suppose I did give you a bit of excitement," she conceded, folding her arms as she leaned against the doorframe, keeping her eyes on the Kitsune.

"Oh, you have no idea," Lily grinned, snatching one last item, a small, gilded mirror from the dresser and sliding it into her ring. "I’ve been waiting for something like this. It’s almost poetic, don’t you think?"

Elara raised an eyebrow. "Poetic isn’t exactly the word I’d use."

"Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong," Lily said, her voice filled with playful mischief. "Life in this realm is nothing if not a series of unexpected poems. And I must say, this one is turning out to be quite the masterpiece." She nodded as if all the chaos and uncertainty were merely brushstrokes on a canvas she found utterly captivating.

Elara observed Lily, her senses heightened by [Cognizance] as the Kitsune spoke with that playful, almost carefree tone. But beneath the lighthearted words and mischievous smile, Elara noticed something strange, a faint ripple around Lily, as if the very space she occupied was unsettled. It wasn’t something visible to the naked eye, more like an impression, a subtle distortion that [Cognizance] was attuned to. It felt like a crack in a facade, hinting that something deeper and darker lay beneath Lily's cheerful demeanor.

Elara’s eyes narrowed slightly as she scrutinized the Kitsune, her mind racing to piece together the clues. Lily’s laughter seemed a bit too forced, and her eyes sparkled just a little too brightly. Elara had seen enough deception in her life to recognize it when it was right in front of her. Lily wasn’t being entirely honest. This wasn’t just about fun and games, no matter how much she tried to make it seem that way.

“Lily,” Elara said, her voice firm, cutting through the Kitsune’s musings. “You’re lying.”

The words hung in the air like a sudden drop in temperature, and the playful light in Lily’s eyes dimmed almost instantly. Her smile faded, and a sterner, more guarded expression took place. The flicker of mischief that had danced in her gaze was replaced by something much heavier, much sadder.

“Lying?” Lily echoed, her voice softer now, almost hollow. She looked away, her gaze unfocused as if she was seeing something far away, something painful. “I suppose you would see through me,” she murmured, more to herself than to Elara.

The room was silent for a moment except for the faint crackle of the floating orbs of blue fire. Then Lily spoke again, her voice tinged with sorrow. “I’m the eighth child of the Lord of Youdu,” she began, her tone heavy with the weight of old memories. “I was never expected to rule or carry the burden of leadership. I was just another daughter in a long line of siblings, free to do as I pleased, to live my life in relative obscurity.”

Her golden eyes grew distant, and she seemed to retreat inward, her tails drooping slightly as if weighed down by invisible chains. “But that all changed 183 days ago,” she continued, her voice trembling ever so slightly. “My father and my two eldest brothers were killed while hunting a monster in the wild. It was supposed to be a routine hunt, nothing they hadn’t done a hundred times before. But something went wrong… something no one expected. And with their deaths, the floodgates opened for the other cities, for the games and the power struggles.”

Lily paused, her gaze dropping to the floor as her voice grew quieter, more vulnerable. “Then my mother and one of my sisters were poisoned, another ‘accident,’ they called it. But I knew better. After that, it was a nightmare. My remaining brothers and sisters, those ahead of me in line for the throne, were cut down individually, each by some unfortunate accident or another. I watched them all die… until only I was left.”

Lily’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as she looked up at Elara, her voice filled with a quiet, desperate resolve. “I don’t want to stay here, Elara,” she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. “I don’t want to rule a place where such behavior is not just accepted but expected. Where betrayal and murder are just part of the game. I want to leave it all behind, to find a place where I can be free of this… this nightmare.”

Elara’s heart ached at the sight of Lily’s vulnerability. She had known loss and hardship herself, but the sheer weight of the tragedy that had befallen Lily was almost overwhelming. She didn’t know what to say for a moment, feeling the depth of the Kitsune’s sorrow like a cold shadow over her own heart.

But as quickly as the sadness had surfaced, Lily’s emotions seemed to shift again. She blinked away the tears, her expression softening as she looked at Elara with a faint, hopeful smile. “But now… now there’s a chance,” she said, her voice regaining some of its previous energy. “A chance to start anew, away from all of this. Maybe that’s why I’m so excited, even if I’m afraid. Maybe it’s because, for the first time in a long time, I see a way out.”

Elara nodded, feeling a sense of solidarity with Lily. Despite everything, the Kitsune’s spirit had not been crushed. And for that, Elara couldn’t help but admire her. “We’ll get out of here,” Elara said, her voice firm with determined.

Lily’s smile grew a little brighter, her tails swishing with renewed energy. “Yes,” she agreed softly, but with a spark of hope in her voice.

Elara glanced around the room, the orbs of blue fire still floating lazily above them, casting their strange, shifting light across the walls. She turned back to Lily, noticing the hopeful gleam in the Kitsune’s eyes. “Is there anything else you need to do before we get out of here?” she asked, her tone steady but edged with urgency.

Lily shook her head, her tails swishing back and forth with renewed excitement. "No," she replied, "I’ve gathered everything I need. It’s time."

With that, Lily lifted her hands and began to weave threads of magic, thin strands of white, silver, and black unfurling from her fingertips like smoke in the air. Elara realized the threads twisted and intertwined, forming the spell [Clone]. The energy pulsed softly, taking shape in the air before them, coalescing into a replica of Lily, standing with a calm expression and steady hands ready to cast.

Elara took that as her cue. They were leaving now. She summoned her magic, her hands moving with practiced grace as she began to weave the gold and purple threads of [Dimensional Link]. The threads swirled and spiraled, forming a circle that expanded slowly into a shimmering portal. The colors deepened, and a faint glow emanated from its surface, revealing a swirling, star-streaked path beyond.

Lily glanced at the portal and smiled small, approvingly. “It looks nice,” she remarked, her voice filled with genuine appreciation as if complimenting a piece of artwork.

She turned her attention back to her clone, which stood at the ready, magic crackling around its fingers. "The clone will cast the banishment spell," Lily explained, "and try to accept it instead of resisting. You need to focus on being banished. Will it to happen."

Elara nodded, closing her eyes for a moment, centering herself. She concentrated on the feeling of being expelled, pushed away from this realm, imagining herself as a foreign object that didn’t belong here. She willed her essence to become untethered, to slip through the cracks between worlds. She felt a strange pull, like a magnetic force drawing her toward the unknown.

Lily stepped into the portal just as the clone began to weave its spell, complex strands of black threads forming intricate patterns in the air. The black threads twisted and coiled around each other like serpents, moving in a precise, deliberate dance that exuded power and intent. Elara watched for a split second longer before closing the portal behind Lily, the purple and gold threads snapping shut with a faint hiss.

The clone continued weaving, the black threads multiplying and thickening, forming a dense, shifting net around Elara. She could feel the air growing heavy with magic, a pressure building all around her. Then, the spell took shape, a complex, multilayered weave that seemed to envelop her like a cocoon, shimmering with dark energy.

Suddenly, a prompt materialized in front of Elara, hovering in the air, glowing with an ethereal light:

Do you accept banishment? (yes/no)

Elara didn’t hesitate. She reached out and mentally selected "yes."

Instantly, she felt herself pulled into a tunnel of raw, surging magic. The world around her blurred, dissolving into a whirlwind of colors and shapes, a twisting vortex that seemed endless and instantaneous. The magic tunnel was alive with energy, vibrant blues and greens clashing against reds and silvers, streaks of gold darting past like comets. The tunnel walls pulsed with a heartbeat rhythm, the sound of rushing wind roaring in her ears. She felt weightless, suspended in a current that seemed to defy all logic and reason.

She felt stretched thin for a moment, her senses both overwhelmed and numb, like being caught in a raging river of magic. Then, just as quickly as it began, the sensation ceased. With a sudden, jarring lurch, Elara popped out of the tunnel and stumbled forward, her feet hitting solid ground.

The world around her was bright and blinding. She squinted against the harsh sunlight, her eyes adjusting to the new environment. As the glare faded, she realized she was standing in a vast expanse of sand, dunes rising and falling like ocean waves frozen in time. The heat was intense, the air dry and still, a faint shimmer of mirage dancing on the distant horizon. A message appeared before her eyes:

You are now entering The Shifting Dunes desert.

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