Watching the Dawn

v16.1 Chapter 83: Humane destruction without persuasion

The glass warhead exploded inside the dementor’s hood, and the fired No. 7 holy water turned into a white light group! The white light enters the black mist, just like a puff of concentrated sulfuric acid splashed into the boiling water, and the sound of “Zila” and “Zila” corroded instantly. The Dementor could not even make a scream, and was “melted” to remove most of its head, and the bright flame that was contaminated was still eroding toward the body.

A few seconds later, the dementors that had just been rampant, turned into a handful of fly ash.

After the first shot, Lu Yuan did not even confirm the results, so he directly turned the muzzle and continuously pulled the trigger! “Bang! Bang! Bang! … Bang! Bang! Bang!”, Without negotiation, no trial, the flames sprayed from the muzzle directly bombed the dementors one by one!

As we know, Lu Yuan was first a nationalist, then a human racist, he was never a virgin. No matter how many circles he has made to distinguish himself, acquaintances and strangers, he will never put a creature like Dementor into his circle! Someone might have to consider the face of the British Ministry of Magic before starting, but Lu Yuan doesn’t care at all-even if this move has already cracked the Ministry of Magic’s face!

After the twelve rounds of the entire magazine were over, the fire was finally extinguished. The twelve dementors were executed, and the ashes turned into a cloud of dust at the foot of the mountain. When Harry Potter woke up sometime, when he saw the scene where the dementors were slaughtered by dogs and slaughtered dogs, his eyes gleamed with emotion, and he subconsciously grabbed Ron who was holding him.

“I want to be like him …” Harry whispered.

The dementors have long been frightened by Lu Yuan’s shooting style and the huge power of weapons! You know they have been arrogant on the magic side for hundreds of years! Later, although it became a dog of the Ministry of Magic, it still behaves in its own way! Because the magician has never been too effective to restrain this creature. In order for Dementors to serve the Ministry of Magic, they have to provide food when necessary-that is, people’s happiness and even soul …

This is why Dementors can be so rampant, even if Dumbledore comes out to protest!

But today this situation seems to have undergone a fundamental change.

When Lu Yuan’s shooting stopped, the remaining five Dementors finally realized what had happened. Then they did not have the courage to attack at all and chose to turn around and run at almost the same time! Two of them fled in the direction of the wilderness, and three fled to the village of Hogsmeade, the dementors who fled to the wilderness, obviously the kind who believed nothing but their own; and those who fled to the town, It is a dementor with a high degree of “domesticization”. At this time, they finally remembered the members of the Ministry of Magic who accompanied them, and seemed to be able to protect themselves …

Seeing that they couldn’t keep it up, two British men pretending to be in the bar on the edge of the village of Hogsmeade put down the beer in their hands and took out the badge representing the identity of the Ministry of Magic and put it on the chest. “Stop, please? We are the staff of the Ministry of Magic, I think all this is a misunderstanding …”

Before they finished speaking, they saw that Lu Yuan stopped and stopped chasing, which greatly relieved them.

Only Harry, who was close at hand, saw Lu Yuan’s eyes coldly glancing left and right, and at that moment his eyes rippled with a dark silver light, as if turning into a ruthless deity! The silver color was so familiar that Harry couldn’t help but tremble with excitement, he knew what it was!

The change in his eyes returned to normal in just a flash, and no one noticed except Harry, who was specially selected by Lu Yuan.

Immediately, the dementors who fled to members of the Ministry of Magic suddenly began to swell, and soon swelled into balloons! But the three Dementors didn’t even realize it. After they reached their limit, they “exploded” and exploded! The “dirty things” that make up the dementors, like the sewage, splashed their faces. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!] The screaming people of the two Ministry of Magic screamed! The debris of the dementors is just dirty, but it is the negative energy of the detonator’s explosion spray, which is like the cold cold sprayed directly by liquid nitrogen, freezing them instantly!

Similarly, the two dementors who fled to the wilderness swelled and exploded while running, creating two pieces of frost ground.

However, Lu Yuan, the biggest suspect in this series of tragedies, was standing on the spot with no time to move. His pistol that kills dementors like mowing also hangs beside him, without firing. Not giving these people too much time to think, Lu Yuan squatted in front of the wailing two people, and said while changing the magazine slowly.

“You go back and tell Fudge that if he wants to visit the screaming shack, he is welcome to come and be a guest! Don’t use these means that can’t be on the table …”

Hearing what he said, the children were still ignorant, and some of the villagers watching around had already shown a sudden expression. They all know that the screaming shack has been doing good business recently, and now it seems … it seems that even the minister has become jealous. They were originally dissatisfied with the dementors stationed in Hogsmeade Village, and now they are even more dissatisfied.

In the terrifying eyes of the two members of the Ministry of Magic, watching the landing far and heavy and raising the muzzle to point at them, they pulled the trigger without consultation!

Okay, let’s tell Fudge … but the cold chill prevents them from moving their bodies.

“Bump” two shots, no one saw the sight of blood flowing. Except that they were kind of punched in the chest and a little bit sullen. The sacred water that burst into the water neutralized the negative energy entrenched in them, and rescued them from the frozen state.

“Thank you, thank you!” A member tremblingly thanked.

“Youarewele.” He was left with a back that turned his gun away.


“So we are not innocent, are we?”

Leaving away, leaving only one back figure for admiration, Lu Yuan, was hit by reality as soon as he returned home!

I saw their little black cat squatted proudly on the back of a **** dog, commanding the “mountain” to jump up and down, and I was so happy! And the **** dog who looked hungry, although it still had a bone in his mouth, when he heard Nini’s order, it would execute without hesitation.

Then, the housewife Elaine stood on the side lovingly, took out a large number of meat bones and canned fish to serve these two pets …

Pet your sister! Lao Lu is going crazy! He did n’t believe that Elaine Ravenclaw—the famous former dean of the Ravenclaw Academy—wouldn’t see that the black dog was essentially Animagus (magician who could transform into an animal)!

And more than that, according to the plot of the original book, the black dog should be Harry’s godfather, Sirius Black, who escaped from Azkaban? ! You know that those dementors are running around, isn’t it just to catch him!

Wait … That is to say, the dementor found Black’s trail before tracing to the screaming shack, and then I got rid of it without saying a word? Cough, the truth is definitely not the case! All of this is Fudge’s conspiracy, it’s so decided-what is your conspiracy? Everyone said it was a conspiracy, how do I know!

“I want to know one thing right now,” Lao Lu crouched in front of the gorging **** dog, stroking the dog’s head. “How were you domesticated by my cat?”

So Sirius Black, no … is “Wangcai”, just stayed in the screaming shack ~ ~ There is already one more Lord Voldemort family-owned elf, and there are still many Anima Sturdy dog? After all, there was once the dean of Ravenclaw College, even Voldemort had to squat me in person! So it doesn’t matter at all.

Lao Lu said that he did n’t know what Sirius was, so he should be raised by Wangcai-I had n’t found it before, and on such a large hillside grassland, there was n’t even a dirt dog running in it! This is not right! Um, now there is a black dog drilling around, which suddenly looks better. As for the dog who would take advantage of the middle of the night and drill down into the Hogwarts School, Lao Lu said he didn’t know at all!

But he was always nagging in front of the black dog, and it was almost the weekend, like Harry and Ron would come to scream the shack. No one knows who will be dragged into the dark corner by accident. Well, since then, the black dog has been much quieter.

A few days later, the effect of raising dogs came out-the number of wild rabbits that had become inundated began to decrease significantly, and Lu Yuan had stewed rabbit meat every day to eat.

It’s gratifying!

… If it were n’t for the nasty guys under the mountain! Lao Lu thought somberly …


ps: Just one more today. Wife’s company will organize Australia tomorrow, I am completely liberated! Take the time today to help her pack the boxes …

ps2: Several book friends are my friends on steam, and occasionally I can see “I” playing a game. I have to declare that Madam is a turn-based game lover of heavy civilization, invincible hero and driving. In the two hundred hours accumulated by my family’s civilization v, she accounts for most of it. What I like is rpg and shooting. I like the combination of radiation and mass effect. (To be continued.)

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