Watching the Dawn

v16.1 Chapter 84: Justice hammer

As everyone knows, because of two bosses who are not good at greeting guests, screaming shacks have always been more leisure than weekends.

Now, when Lu Yuan slaughtered more than a dozen Ministry of Magic dogs and slammed the Ministry of Magic’s face, this place has become even more terrible. Because the atmosphere suddenly became very subtle, some regular visitors from the village started to stop and watch, hesitating to come.

Everything is because the “protest crowds” gathered under the hills today–

Change a local or a student to kill a dozen dementors, and even be regarded as a national hero by the people of the British magic world! As for the Ministry of Magic’s feelings, who can bird him? Think of the hateful magical creature Dementor, which has been hated by corrupt people for a long time. But now that the identity of the person who destroyed these dementors was changed to a foreigner, the situation seems to have turned 180 degrees!

“Hand over the murderers who undermine our security!”, “Strongly request the Ministry of Magic to bring the slaughterers to justice!”, “Foreigners get out of the UK!”, “The dementors that guard us are also worthy of care!”, “Justice If you do n’t get it, the magic world will immediately take the pills ”,“ Down with the screaming shack, weeping blood and recommending the dream cat ’s claws ”… Various sensational banners are displayed in the wind, and from time to time, people use“ magic ”magic The mountain shouted, demanding that “the murderer immediately came out to apologize for leniency”.

It’s a good thing.

They even set up a tent under the mountain, preparing to fight the evil crooked nuts for a long time. Of course, there are almost no locals in the village. The villagers in Hogsmeade village have long been deeply afraid of the dementors stationed nearby. Those monsters can’t see any traces of light and warmth, just die! These inexplicable people are gathered from all over the country, including conspirators, professional marchers, lively, rich haters, xenophobia, racists, in short, the composition is diverse.

Fortunately, the screaming shack is considered private territory. She must not enter when she declares “off business”-of course, provided that there is a magician who can dement the dementors to kill chickens and dogs-instead of ordinary people, I am afraid that those people have already rushed up! Corruption has only been rich in pirates, drug dealers and gays. The so-called Corruption Gentleman is just the piece of soap that wants to wash away the blood.

It still fell on the ground …


On the hillside, Lu Yuan sat in a rocking chair and looked down at the people under the mountain with a cold expression. The wand was held in his hand, and he beat the other palm once and for all.

“You better not be impulsive and do something.” Elaine put the food tray in place and warned in his ear. “These people are the tools that are used to provoke you. Your identity as a foreigner can certainly make some people helpless, but it is by no means invulnerable. I guess the people of the Ministry of Magic must be hiding aside once you make a mistake. , They will immediately jump out and grab your handle. ”

“Made the rod!” Lu Yuan said angrily, “Lao Zi really wanted to rush down like this and kill this grandson!”

“Ah, you.” Elaine shook her head helplessly. “Still think about how to solve the trouble in front of you.”

“Wait … kill a fine light?” Lu Yuan stroked his chin thoughtfully. “This idea sounds good.”

“Hey! Will you take it seriously?” Elaine hurriedly grabbed his hand and asked, “Then your reputation will be completely stinky! Like Voldemort, no one will stand with the murderer!”

“It’s okay, they won’t be able to deal with them for the time being-even if I don’t do it, the hammer of justice will drive them into the abyss!” Lu Yuan waved his hand and took out the “do not kill list” that Lord Ginny gave him , Gestured to Elaine. “I mean this-when I saw this, I suddenly had some inspiration, but was interrupted by some people. Just when you said it, I finally remembered it! You said, Merlin’s ultimate goal, will it be Everyone kills? I mean, everyone! ”

“… I think you are sick!” Elaine Ravenclaw gave him a wide eye, carrying an ashtray full of cigarette butts and preparing to leave.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion among the demonstrators under the mountain! The source of the fluctuation starts at the periphery of the crowd and continues to penetrate the crowd. With the continuous eruption of magical glory, some blockers were blown away! Soon it will affect all the demonstrators!

“Someone attacked the demonstrators. You hired someone to do it? This is not very clever. There are reporters below. If they are found out …” Yilian first stunned, and then asked with some concern.

“Of course not!” Lu Yuan denied with a smug look! He picked up the “Prophetist Daily” on the table and handed it to Elaine, signaling her to open and shake her head. “I have said, you must believe that justice may be late, but never absent! That is the iron hammer of justice. ! ”

“I’d blame it if I believe you! Don’t underestimate the methods of those reporters, even if you are not the person you hired, there is no guarantee that they will splash dirty water on you.” Elaine gave him a white eye, then opened the newspaper and started Seriously look for news about the screaming shack.

“Trust me, they dare not.”

As the focus of these few days, the socially responsible “Prophet Daily” will, of course, track the demonstrations under the screaming shanty hill. But this is not a big deal after all, and it occupied the front page on the first day. Following a series of focal events such as the “Muggle Invasion of the Magic World Incident” and the “Minister of the Ministry of Magic Cole Bribery Case”, etc., it grabbed the limelight.

The screaming shack demonstrations have begun to cool down, and if not some people still need these news to exist, maybe the Prophet Daily will no longer follow up! But on the one hand, it was the request of the Ministry of Magic, on the other hand, the need to divert attention, and the reports of demonstrations of screaming shacks would continue.

Therefore, the media can only find other excitement points to try to arouse readers’ interest.

For example, in this issue of “The Prophet Daily”, with the title “Demonstration and Love”, many photos of children and couples participating in demonstrations were published … Seeing here, Yilian already understood Lao Lu’s Routine-as long as the photos of “the married woman and married woman” and the opposite **** are published in the newspaper, supplemented by misleading text. Whether this matter is true or false, it will definitely create a sensational family conflict! Then trigger a violent conflict!

-Just like what is happening under the hill!

The hills are more and more lively, and some people have started to attack indiscriminately!

“Ha ha ha ~!” Lu Yuan looked happily, smiled forward and back, arrogantly extremely hateful! Looking at Lu Yuan like this, Yilian has a kind of itchy tooth root, so I really want to kick on his buttocks … “So, you are doing this lack of virtue? Sure enough, it is your kind of talent. It ’s out! I ’m just surprised, “How can the Daily Prophet listen to your command?”

“Oh ~ honey, this is the charm of money.”

“Did you bribe the editor of the daily newspaper?” Yilian was a little hard to believe that Lu Yuan would do that kind of sneaky thing. He always liked to be positive!

“No, no ~” Lu Yuan shook his index finger, “The bribe is too low. You know, there is a vocabulary on the road from money to power, shareholders. I bought the Observer Daily six months ago. “53% of the shares, I am their major shareholder!”

“You? Wait, I’m a little confused.” At the beginning, Elaine felt that the logic was confusing. If Lu Yuan was a shareholder of “The Prophet Daily”, why would this newspaper listen to the Ministry of Magic’s orders to black himself? But when Elaine saw the prominent position of the newspaper, it was-“The magic side was again invaded by Muggles. There are Muggles that prove that there is indeed magic in the world, and the magic world is coming soon!” The situation became clearer when the Vice Minister’s bribery storm intensified, or something like Minister Fudge was implicated.

The newspaper confessed its own major shareholder, that was entirely for elusive suspicion! The other two things are the big troubles that make the entire Ministry of Magic, as well as Minister Fudge, burnt!

“You, you are …” Elaine didn’t know what to say.

Even a political white like Yilian knows that the true meaning of politics lies in deterrence and compromise—the two sides show their respective cards, guess the other’s cards, and then seek a way of reconciliation that will not hurt both sides. But what is Lu Yuan? This is clearly a knife and a bayonet with a smile! Referred to as “mutual insertion”. To know that he has never shown his “power side” to people, in the eyes of Fudge, Lu Yuan is a rich and annoying foreigner, that’s all.

Without deterrence, there is of course no compromise! If Fudge knew Lu Yuan was the major shareholder of the newspaper with the largest circulation on the magic side, he would definitely think twice! If he had long known that Lao Lu was a neuropathy who liked “to die together”, then how far he would know the world, how far he would flash!

What’s more, Lao Lu’s “power side” is more than just a little bit … The magic side is only the tip of the iceberg, because the economic aggregate here is too low, and the charm of money cannot be maximized; the outside world is the gold Godzilla. world!

“You need to know that the newspaper can now report the limit, the real situation is much more serious than what you see!” Lu Yuan sneered.

The broken cauldron bar in London leading to Diagon Alley may now be filled by the paparazzi of The Sun! Major newspapers in the Muggle world of the United Kingdom are exhaustingly reviewing “Spiritual Events We Have Occurred in These Years” and “Why We Forget So Many Paranormal Events”-This naked / naked man caused the magician to be careless The supernatural phenomenon, and the aftermath caused by the forgetting spell behind the Ministry of Magic-are linked together and brought out together!

Today, several famous places with frequent supernatural events, such as the Broken Cauldron Bar, the nine and three-quarter platform at King ’s Cross Station in London, the Hard Rock Wilderness, Stonehenge in Wiltshire, etc. are all surrounded by people. Www.mtlnovel .com ~ This caused the magician to be almost blocked in the magic world, leaving only a few door keys and flyway network nodes to the outside world. For centuries, the magic side has been extremely dependent on external resources and logistics, and the blockade has caused great inconvenience to the magicians.

And a bigger dilemma is coming-more than a dozen movies and TV series with magic as the theme have already started, and even include many talk shows! When this movie and TV series is released, it is expected to cause a lasting magic wave! Those Muggles who know the truth, such as the parents of some Hogwarts students, and the Dursleys who have just been severely fined by the children ’s department, are all tempted by the huge pound of “truth reward” and want to appear …

Today, these complaints from ordinary people and the risks of exposure to the magic world are all heavily weighed on the Ministry of Magic, that is, Minister Fudge!

Fudge urged the British Prime Minister to help block the news, but he did not know that-unlike the magic side in the Muggle world, the so-called prime minister is nothing but the capitalist’s spokesperson! And Lu Yuan happens to be one of the biggest capitalists holding an iron hammer … Every time he drops a hammer, the whole magic world can be shaken …

What’s more, Fudge still has malpractice cases, and his poll approval ratings are simmering all the time, it can be said that there are wolves before tigers!

“Someone went up the mountain, do you guess he came to surrender?” Elaine asked.

“I haven’t played enough yet … No, it shouldn’t be in flames yet.” Lu Yuan quickly changed his mouth. “I guess he came to send the ultimatum.”

At the end of the courtyard, an Englishman was walking along the path.


ps: I lost a lot of things. Recently, my finger joints are sore, and I look forward to the keyboard as soon as possible. (To be continued.) U more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone’s college

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