Watching the Dawn

v16.1 Chapter 88: Black Warrior Sirius

In addition to two photos published in the Daily Prophet-one is a well-dressed and handsome natural aristocrat Sirius; the other is Peter with a full face and a sullen face, and the entire short and frustrated-since the photo is published From the moment of, there will be no suspense in victory or defeat!

That issue of the newspaper went crazy, and many women said that just looking at the photos of Sirius made people suffocate and comatose! “He is as dangerous as poison, and I have been poisoned into the bone marrow”, only to give him a monkey to relieve! A lady even wrote in a letter to the newspaper, “Bite me, Sirius!”, Which was all the rage.

These days, Ron is very strange, because his pet mouse is always vomiting blood, and he is always lying on the newspaper of the day of the Prophet Daily!

Regarding the news in the newspaper, the little dwarf Peter vomited and wanted to read, read and continue to vomit! The news above clearly didn’t wrong him, but he just felt suffocated and wanted to be crazy! Without any evidence, he completed his “absent trial”-Peter is completely desperate in this face-seeking world!

But at this moment in Black’s mind, he has become a secondary issue. Black now only cares about the big event that Harry came to this weekend, “Me, what should I do?”

“Um–” Lao 6 touched his chin, his eyes suddenly turned to a good idea. “For this problem, I have a set of special DVDs, do you want to watch?”

“Off, about what?” Black was confused.

“Well … this is about a child who has been separated from his father since childhood, because he has received the wrong education, he has always regarded his father as an enemy, two people love each other and kill each other, and finally recognize each other in the decisive battle! People’s hearts, extremely touching. By the way, the box office of this film broke through the sky, showing how good the father and son’s love shot is! You are the godfather of Harry, I think there should be something to learn from this. Do you think?

“Okay, okay!” Said Blake, who was hospitalized in an emergency.

“Oh, Black, don’t you mind being watched when you recognize Harry?” 6 Yuan said vaguely when he said the word “look.” Black didn’t understand the evil intentions at all, and he regarded it as a blessing from 6 Yuan. “Gosh, as long as I recognize Harry, I’m satisfied, I don’t mind anything else!”

“I can rest assured that.”

“Harry, watch the flying saucer … everything is forgotten!” Tian Shan Zhemei’s hand cut again accurately on the back of Harry Potter’s head. “Um, so familiar, I don’t think this is the first time …” This was Harry’s last thought before he fell into a coma.

6Holding Harry Potter away, “Nini ~”, the little black cat appeared, catching a half-dead mouse in his paw, and a missing index finger in his right paw-Little Dwarf Peter! With the addition of Sirius Black hiding in the basement, all the key characters are here!

Harry woke up slowly from his coma, and his back still hurts-this time he finally knew he was knocked out! Damn it hurts! Harry twisted his body, but now he was fixed on a bed by a few belts. On the table next to it, there was a squirrel cage, which seemed to contain Ron’s pet mouse!

There is also a man with a black warrior helmet, sitting right beside his bed—this made him suddenly have a bad association! The story between the adult man and the handsome boy paper is related to pets!

“You … are you the 6 store manager?” Harry asked with a trembling voice.

The man remained silent again, until the air was about to condense into a stone, and he seemed to finally make up his mind! Then he resolutely raised his hand and took off the helmet, and said to Harry—

“Child … I am your father!”

“Poof ~~ !!!”

Coffee and beer flew together in the screaming shack, and it was so funny! Countless people who are watching the broadcast with relish, all sprayed at this moment! The long dining table looks like a fountain …

What do you ask the people watching the broadcast? Of course, a large number of Hogwarts students of 3, 4 and 5 years old, and even the teacher of the black magic defense class Lu Ping, the potion professor Snape, and even the Dean of the Gryffindor Professor McGonagall. ! It can be said that Black’s grudges and hatred, 6 Yuan intends to solve them at once!

In addition, there is a deputy minister and a director of the Ministry of Magic. They must make a final effort to save the reputation of the Ministry of Magic-surrender to 6!

At the moment, there were at least three hundred people sitting inside and outside the screaming shack, six huge TV walls were fully broadcast, and even reporters from the Daily Prophet were on the scene! To know such a rare live broadcast, how could 6 Yuan not make good use of it! Moreover, Sirius ’s reputation has been washed up before-policy is sometimes public opinion-now public opinion thinks he is innocent, the Ministry of Magic naturally dare not jump out and shout and kill!

“Gosh, what on earth did you show Black?” Elaine took the time to grab 6 Yuan and asked quickly after the headache.

“The Star Wars trilogy, I think this is the most touching father and son recognition in history.” 6 Yuan vowed, Yilian speechless-I have no common language with a Star Wars fan!

Sirius is Harry’s godfather, and the Prophet Daily has been deliberately concealing this explosion point before! Just for this live broadcast that will surely touch the UK-Fortunately, Harry did n’t shout out the words he had in mind, and the two talents quickly embarked on the “People Expect” father and son recognition plot: telling the past, tears in heaven , Hug tightly, these are the meaning of the question.

Debunking the mouse is the play code of the little dwarf star Peter, becoming the biggest surprise in the live broadcast! In the end, the little dwarf Peter was handed over to the Ministry of Magic as a gift to ease the relationship between the two parties, and to make the Ministry of Magic return with satisfaction!

The whole live broadcast went very well, but if Harry just shouted “far away from my ass”! Then he will surpass Lockhart to become the most famous person in the history of the British magic world … Unfortunately, Harry failed to seize this opportunity!

Ten domestic elves, including Charlie, quickly cleaned up the site, replaced the drinks, and brought the price of the big roasted barbecue. After the two people hugged together, 6 Yuan stood out to host the party, cut off the live broadcast on the grounds of “protection”, and let the audience sigh!

The camera can be switched immediately, and the best music sounds! The new “Hillside Quidditch” competition started to be broadcast live on the TV wall, it really made this barbecue conference hi!

Scottish highlands.

It used to be a place where highlanders lived, but after the massive snowstorm of the 16th century, it became a deserted wilderness. The decaying old castle, the arable land full of wormwood, the road eroded by the running water, all tell about the prosperous scene here … but no one has come here in modern times except for the occasional grazing sheep. In addition to the bad weather and natural environment, there are also mysterious “legends” in the Scottish Highlands.

And this place is the most missing place among all the highlands, which is notorious.

But there is hidden the oldest observatory in the world-it has existed since the 9th century AD, and it has continued for thousands of years without being noticed …

“Terry Launey ~ ~ Are you okay?” Salazar Slytherin asked. It was n’t that he cared about Trelawney, he asked only because he … had nothing to do except to look at the wasteland from the window. The sudden idle life made Slytherin extremely uncomfortable. After all, the habits of thousands of years were not so easy to change.

Trelawney did not answer, as usual.

Slytherin sighed and continued to look at the untouched wilderness outside the window.

Since Trelawney made the “final prophecy” and blinded her eyes, “Merlin” has come less and less. The crystal ball and recorded sheepskin rolls in the castle have disappeared in large numbers, but they have no new work arranged-this implies that this stargazing platform, together with them, will be abandoned by “Merlin”.

But what about … they are all people who can’t leave. The most terrible thing is not to be killed by Merlin or whoever, but to be shackled in the “eternal life” of this old fortress! Thinking of Salazar Slytherin felt chilling.

“I’m fine.” Suddenly, a sound like a night owl came from above.

“What?” Because he didn’t realize Trelawney would answer, Slytherin asked subconsciously in surprise.

“I said I was fine because I was about to die! Hahahaha ~” The woman laughed wildly.

Hearing Trelawney say this, Slytherin’s heart jumped! He remembered the sight of the destruction of the observatory in the prophecy, and he couldn’t help shaking, even his voice became dull! “You … you mean that time is coming?”

“I don’t know what moment you are talking about,” a strange voice suddenly plugged in. “Are you one of the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Salazar Slytherin?” To be continued.) 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit every college

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