Watching the Dawn

v16.1 Chapter 89: prophecy

“Who are you?” Salazar Slytherin was shocked to see the young man who suddenly appeared in the castle like “Merlin” but did not bring up a trace of magical fluctuations!

“I’m a hurry. You know, my family is holding a party. It’s not easy to find a chance to sneak out with my wife. Can you answer my question first? Are you Slytherin?” The young man is sincere Looking at the old man. However, a small metal snake with six wings flying around the young man screamed and flew towards Slytherin after seeing Salazar Slytherin.

Slytherin is a serpent, and can understand the language of snakes. He could hear the metal snake’s cry full of surprises, and the posture that flew towards him had a feeling of “throwing arms and giving arms”, just like a pet seeing its owner-but do I have such a snake pet? ? It wasn’t until he saw the snake’s orange eyes!

I did seem to have raised a basilisk at Hogwarts that year, and when I chose to leave, I hid it in my back room-in retrospect, it feels like 652 years and 4 months have passed So long. When I think of Hogwarts, I naturally think of the three old friends who share a common ideal, and the respective ideas that made everyone part ways!

No need to mention Gryffindor, if you give him another chance, Slytherin swears-mixed blood to go horse riding or pure blood! The church to go horse riding is still a magician! Muggles who go horse riding are still dumb cannons! Even aliens do n’t matter-the whole world unites against foreigners!

“… Yes, I am Salazar Slytherin! A sad loser. Will you be …” At this time, he was almost sure that the person in front of him was the one in the prophecy, so although the person in front of him It looks very young, but Slytherin’s tone is still very respectful.

At this time, Trelawney hung on the roof of the observatory suddenly spoke-her voice was solemn and fanatical, deep and solemn, without any hoarse, just like the ancient Egyptian priest recovered from her back then .

“I know you … a great human being! You are a dimensional passer-by, Dawn Watcher, Bode’s Gate Keykeeper, Warmonger, Buddhist Martial Master, King of Pirates of the Caribbean, Hermit in the gap between reality and illusion, Tokyo Rescue , Galactic Overlord, World Line Weaving Hand, Alien Nightmare, Saint … You are the king of all kings, the most **** among the gods! I am the humble Kassandra Trelawni in front of you, willing to ask you With all my respect! ”

“… cough cough.” Lao Lu narrowed his eyes and coughed gently as if embarrassed.

Everyone who knows him knows-Lao Lu is 80% crazy now! People who are so reserved and brazen with Lao Lu feel that they are beginning to float! Just know how powerful Trelawney’s evaluation is! Turns out, am I already so good? I used to think that the world is the end of my life. I didn’t expect that if I was careless, I would become the end of the world. Sure enough, if loneliness is the patent of the strong, then I’m already lonely like polar ice and snow!

“Well, Trelawney, right? I’ve seen your heavy granddaughter. It seems that Merlin has lost his eyes … After your eyes are blind, instead of losing the ability to predict, you see more clearly! Right? “Although Lu Yuan was talking about the problem, he used a positive tone. “Do I need to let you down? Although your body … has been basically destroyed, it is not impossible to cure alone. Moreover, I think you are very clear about your value-in the multiverse, the prophet will always be the most There is no one of the most sought-after occupations! ”

To foresee the future, not only is blood and talent indispensable, but the most important talent is to “afford the price”! Because every prophecy, in addition to the necessary sacrifice, the prophet will inevitably lose some traits! Most of the taken away is health and longevity, so a predictor who has no lifespan and no health is not worth cultivating. Trelawney can live at least a thousand years! The predictions are extremely accurate! She is a rare prophet!

The Slytherin on the side heard his eyes rolled straight—how can I feel left out? Moreover, what he said to Lu Yuan was also taken aback!

Trelawney has not lost the ability to predict? ! Even “Merlin” was cheated by her? ! With Merlin ’s power, you can make mistakes, which is beyond Slytherin ’s imagination!

But now that Trelawney is clear-spoken and decent, there is no such thing as a usual crazy woman! Sure enough, both “Mei Lin” and I were deceived by her … Some people said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and only through the eyes can you see the colorful world; Things that can pass through it.

Cassandra Trelawney lost sight of her eyes but saw it more clearly. Her ancient Egyptian priest was more inscrutable than she had imagined.

However, Lu Yuan’s suggestion was rejected by Trelawney shaking his head. “I didn’t see my own future in the prophecy. I was destined to be destroyed together with the castle! Please leave … We are observers of fate. The true prophet will never change fate for himself! Did you hear? Lao Lu! Say you!) ”

“… If this is what you want, it will be as you wish.” Lu Yuan salutes slightly, “Can you tell me what you saw in the final prophecy? I will be honored!”

“I’m sorry,” Trelawney refused without hesitation. “If I told you, it would be equivalent to destroying my own prophecy!”

“… Okay.” No wonder I can’t find a qualified predictor. Their logic is always so weird … Maybe I should consider training a few Jess predictors. Their speaking style is very good.

When Lu Yuan left the castle with Slytherin, Trelawney said suddenly. “Remember, in this world, never kill any magician yourself! Whether it is justice or … evil.”


Murder, Lu Yuan hasn’t thought about it yet.

Not to that extent.

Leaving the observatory, Slytherin followed Lu Yuan silently. From Lu Yuan’s only words and phrases, he learned many secrets that only higher-level people can know-for example, if the name is involved in the conversation, prophecy, or plan, those above the legend can easily get some information; The contract he signed with the snake could be contacted along the faint contract, and he could trace the body!

No wonder no matter how concealed and seamless they plan to do in the past, they will eventually be seen by “Merlin”! It turns out that this is the gap between upper and lower classes-simply beyond imagination! There are more than ten kinds of traces that Lu Yuan cleaned for him, Slytherin did n’t know himself ~ ~ Just because he was too careless when he usually spoke, he even signed so much with “Merlin” unconsciously Contract! If it were not for the help of Lu Yuan, he might have no chance to escape from the palm of “Merlin” in his whole life …

At this point Slytherin was already discouraged, he knew he couldn’t fight that person! So he intends to travel far away, and even try to become a “Hua Xia” in return for Lu Yuan, and apply for the position recommended by Lu Yuan-if Lu Yuan eventually fails, even if “Merlin” controls the entire world, then The East is better than the West …

“If you have no nostalgia for that place, then ruin it yourself.”

Lu Yuan took out a scroll and left Slytherin the power to destroy the observatory and Trelawney.

Slytherin hesitated for less than a second, then grabbed the scroll fiercely and opened it towards the old castle-the gorgeous sunset glowed the red sky, and the burning sea of ​​fire covered the sky! After a while, the huge meteorite descended from the sky and smashed the entire ruins of the ancient castle to the bottom with one blow! Immediately, the underground magma poured into the deep pit, turning where into a sea of ​​hell …

As if the prophecy seen that day reappeared-Salazar Slytherin didn’t expect that it turned out that … he destroyed the place by himself!

Is this fate?

Before leaving, Lu Yuan asked suddenly. “Ms. Royna Ravenclaw is your friend? Do you know what happened to her later?”

“Sorry,” Slytherin couldn’t do anything about Lu Yuan’s problems. “Although I recently received news of her resurrection, I’m not very clear. Because she hasn’t seen her since she went to France.”


PS: The finger hurts and the keyboard is late. I also bought a microphone, hoping to input voice … (to be continued.)

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