Watching the Dawn

v16.1 Chapter 97: sunlight

Some people have guessed that Lu Yuan might be furious and turn all the Ministry of Magic into pigs! For this reason, Fudge also carried a door key specifically-he is a politician, and everything he does on the surface is actually to irritate Lu Yuan-as long as Lu Yuan shows signs of hands-on, he will be within one hundredth of a second Teleport away!

Some people think that Lu Yuan will directly escape, relying on the flyway network or shape-shifting. To this end, before arresting Lu Yuan, the Ministry of Magic not only quietly cut off the flyway network connection of the screaming shack, but also issued an application to the Hogwarts School, asking them to expand the prohibition of enchantment to the village of Hogmode- Knowing why, Dumbledore, who has always adhered to the school’s position and must be neutral, actually agreed! Fudge believed that this was a signal of reconciliation from Dumbledore, and he became more confident about it.

He did not know to dare to stand face-to-face with Lu Yuan. Old Lu could kill him 100 times in one hundredth of a second! Not even magic!

Fudge and the Ministry of Magic didn’t even consider the option of Lu Yuan’s killer-first, because Lu Yuan had been merciless before him, whether it was for Dolores Umbridge, or the pure siege of the screaming shack The blood faction is like this, without killing anyone; secondly, the magic world at this time is no longer the magic world during the war in the Middle Ages. Murder is now a very serious crime, and blood on your hands will mean being banished from the entire magical side, and you will never be able to integrate into society again.

Fudge believed that after the turmoil fifteen years ago, a large number of Death Eaters who were thrown into Azkaban had shocked everyone, and no one would take the risk again …

However, what everyone did not expect was that when everyone guessed whether he was fighting or running away, Lu Yuan even put his hands together in one fell swoop, “I surrender.”

“Boom ~”

The crowd attracted their voices and turned their heads together. It turned out to be the movement made by the house elf screaming in the shack. Fudge slapped his forehead in his heart. You see, not only was I shocked, the elves in his family were so scared that they lost the teapot …

“… Well, since you obey the verdict, I promise to start the investigation as soon as possible.” What else can I do? Everyone raised their hands and surrendered. You can’t put your wand in his hand again! Fudge had no choice but to explain the scene, and hurriedly took the landing away. A big fan came in, disgraced. Lu Yuan sandwiched in the middle waved proudly behind him, as if he were the biggest winner.

Of course, there will be no investigation.

Sending Lu Yuan to Azkaban was the result of the combined pressure of all pure blood nobles on the Ministry of Magic. Offending all pure-blood nobles in Britain is just like offending all capitalists in the United States. Facing this gathering force that can subvert everything, both Fudge and Roosevelt must bow their heads.

Someone squat to jail, and return a world of grandeur!

“Are you feeling … Over the past few months, society has changed so fast that I dare not recognize it?”

“Of course I feel the same as you … this country, it looks like a pill!” “Ah ~” When I say this, I can’t go any deeper. It’s wrong to say more. The two Azkaban investigators stopped the conversation tacitly, and sighed in unison. But one of them couldn’t help but add a sentence, “Damn after 80!”

The other person nodded in spirit.

Azkaban, the most chilling prison in the wizarding world! It is located on a deserted island in the cold waters of the North Sea in the United Kingdom. It is guarded by the black magic creature Dementor and specializes in detaining the most desperate criminals in the magic world! Because the dementors will feed on positive emotions, this prison, shrouded in sea fog all year round, is truly cold, humid, and full of despair! Every prisoner is mentally tortured, whether sleeping or awake. Most people will fall into despair and insanity within one to three years of imprisonment, and a few will become lunatics!

The hunger strike and suicide are not news here.

Oh, no, there are not many people who commit suicide—because dying here, the soul will be eaten by the dementors! So unless the mind is completely unconscious, everyone still strives to stay alive, waiting for the ambiguous amnesty to come … The prisoners of Azkaban will be completely forgotten by the magic society, even their families. Therefore, the prisoners of Azkaban have no term of imprisonment, except for death.

Someone did leave Azkaban, Batty Crouch Jr., Sirius Black, Peter Dwarf, and a group of Death Eaters who have recently disappeared … but how about that? Those who left, whether physically or mentally, left traumas that were difficult to heal. Those who left were all mentally ill, and they have left their health here forever.

Wait, do you think this is inhumane? Come_on, you will not forget, the eight prisons in this prison are criminals who can directly sentence to death! There are also teasers like Lu Yuan … anarchists, these people are not worthy of sympathy! (That ’s right, Lao Lu, I ’m talking about you!)

There are only prisoners and dementors on Azkaban Island (the original name has been forgotten). Because the Dementors will devour all positive emotions, ordinary jailers simply cannot survive here, so later the Ministry of Magic simply evacuated all the jailers, leaving only the Dementors to guard Azkaban.

The so-called “prison investigators” are staff who go to the island every three months to count the number of prisoners.

“Made! The more I want to get more angry!” When the ship leaned on the dock of Azkaban Island, Investigator A finally cursed, and Investigator B’s response was with repeated wry smiles. “Lao Tzu has been an Auror for twelve years, twelve years! There are ten black magicians who have been arrested by hand! There are ten dozen without a dozen!

Investigator B quietly pouted when he agreed. “Twelve years, doesn’t it mean that you didn’t dare to jump out and become an Auror until the mysterious man fell down? What’s so bragging about!”

But when he thought of the recent popular “So good weather today, let’s attack Auror.” And “After eating nothing, let’s attack Auror”, he couldn’t help bursting out of the pain– Involved! And the source of all evil is the magic that suddenly appeared and poisoned endlessly-“the second knot”!

Before the black wizard gangs fought, the two sides raised their wands together “the second …” “the second …”, and then dropped the wand together to cover the second brother. Auror was really happy for a while! But it didn’t take long for them to laugh. Because a group of minor underdogs began to take pleasure in attacking Aurors on the street! And the magic used is that … but this spell is only really known at this time-unable to defend! Can’t resist!

No matter how many times, as long as you don’t avoid it in time, you will definitely win!

Auror is tragic.

“I wish a blazing flame would come over and kill them all!” Investigator A finally said angrily. Now in the newspaper, Auror has become synonymous with clown and incompetence …

“We’re pretty good, think of Scrimgeour and Malfoy.” Investigator B said, A was speechless … We all know what happened to Malfoy. And what about Scrimgeour? Quite simply, in order to counter this attack on Auror, Rufus Scrimgeour, the director of Auror’s office known for his blood, personally took the lead in patrolling the streets! In order to resist this spell, he made sufficient preparations, such as wearing a rubber pant that “fixed” somewhere …

“The second …” The spell failed unexpectedly on him-then Rufus Scrimgeour also joined the Malfoy package.

The rumor spreads faster than the wind. Before Scrimgeour defended himself, the discussion about who he and Malfoy were the “shortest in history” had spread throughout the entire world of magic. His biggest mistake was to focus his eyes on the magic, thinking that solving the magic would solve everything-in fact, the magic did nothing but make people hurt and temporarily disarm.

What is really scary is the things that follow the magic. During the spread of the rumors, I do n’t know how many black hands are working in it, including even Lucius Malfoy, one of the protagonists! No one will miss a chance to fight the director of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic! This man’s so-called “iron blood” has offended too many people.


“Wait …” Investigator A grabbed B who wanted to go to the dock, his expression extremely nervous. He glanced in panic at the tall prison building in front of him, as if he was looking for something but couldn’t find it. The action was terrifying! “Did you find that something is wrong here? Azkaban … when did the sun begin to shine ?!”

That’s right, Azkaban, which was supposed to be shrouded in clouds, sea breezes, and dense fog for 360 days a year, is now bathed in the blazing sun of the North Sea! The white waves hit the reef, the seagulls flew everywhere, and there was nothing like a horrible prison!

“Must … something must have happened, wait! Where did the dementors go?” Yikki babbled, suddenly turning his head to look around-I saw the dementors he just mentioned ~ www. ~ Suddenly, hundreds of people swarmed out of the prison door! They rushed towards the pier and the two like a dark river with light colors!

“Hurry, run!” Facing a large number of dark creatures screaming, Investigator A had no time to think about it, turned around and pulled B and jumped back onto the ship! Then the motor was started by three, five, and two, and in a blink of an eye it was far from the island. “God, the dementors are going to kill us! They are going to rebel!”

Although nominally, Dementors belong to the Ministry of Magic. But everyone knows that the Ministry of Magic ’s limited control of the Dementors ca n’t affect these dark creatures at all! If killed by a dementor, it would be like a white death!

“Let’s go! Report this to the ministry and give Fudge a headache! Damn, I don’t want to come here anymore! Damn Azkaban! Damn dementors!”

Cursing, the ship turned away from a distance, and then set off a white wave towards the island.

Behind him, countless dementors gathered on the shore, shouting exhaustedly towards the departing boat shadow—

“Come back, help! I can’t stand that person anymore!” (To be continued.) Launch new website

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