Watching the Dawn

v16.1 Chapter 98: On the Red Storm

If those two investigators can really step into Azkaban, they will find that this huge prison has now changed its place! Completely changed into another look!

Although the prison is still a prison in appearance, the interior is already very different-entering from the gate is no longer a gloomy alleyway and a stone cell. On the front is a huge and bright patio! Countless dark cells used to be completely penetrated, until a large hole was opened in the roof, allowing the sun to pour down without obstruction!

A half-built, off-white sailboat is stopping at the center of the square. The dense scaffolding and ramps around the three-storey hull are still preserved, proving that this is a project that is halfway through. But the site built at this time was empty, and everyone gathered in the shadow on the other side of the square! They were about a few hundred people, photographed in dozens of rows, standing there in a regular manner, listening to a person speaking.

“Do you still have money? Do you still have work? Do you still have family members? Are you still a nobleman? The world outside … Does anyone remember you?” A middle-aged man in prison uniform also stood at all On the podium in front of the person, an angry shout! His hand oscillated greatly with the speech! “I mean, someone like us … is there a future?”

“Duang!” He clenched his fists and hit the podium fiercely. “No! Give up fantasy, friends! If there is a proletariat in the world, we are the most thorough proletariat! We have nothing!”

“… A lot of people asked me, why aren’t you afraid of Dementors?” The speech of the middle-aged man entered the next stage. Despite his shaggy hair and unshaven hair, he was close to the prisoners-not to mention the dark blonde hair and beard, all of them pleated in the light under the sunlight!

A dementor who had long been “arranged” by the podium floated on stage. The middle-aged man reached out and embraced the dementor’s shoulder without hesitation, even deliberately staying closer. “Tell me, my friend. Can you feel fear and despair from my heart?”

“… No!” It took a long time before the dementors spit out a word from the cloak.

“Then my friend, I have another problem,” the middle-aged man’s hand is like steel, holding the dementor firmly and not letting it escape. “Can you feel my happiness? Am I happy? Am I happy?”

This time, the dementors stayed silent for a longer time. But in the end, it still said the same word, “No.”

“Very well, you can leave temporarily.” The middle-aged man let go of his hand and the dementor fled into the corner quickly. The middle-aged man faced the prisoners again, looking at their puzzled eyes. He said in a firm and powerful voice, “Why does the dementor take me helplessly? Why can’t he devour my feelings? Because I am neither happy nor Sad, there is only firm faith in my heart! You ask me what makes my faith unbreakable … ”

He opened his arms to the prisoners, to the sky, to the distance.

“Because I love this country! Love is deep!”

“Ah!” Among the prisoners, someone was crying! The crying was contagious, and it gradually spread throughout the square, with people crying with headaches everywhere. The middle-aged man looked at this scene, his face was still serious, but the corner of his mouth slightly tilted.


In the writing of modern history, history has become a **** to be played by anyone! Anyone, any country, can tamper with whatever he likes. Of course, the Japanese push this tampering movement to ugliness, and the Koreans turn this movement into a ridiculous comedy.

We can’t say near, we can say far.

In the records of the foreigners, almost all the Nazi members are green-faced fangs, blood-sucking, cannibalism, and the Jews are all hard-working, hard-working and rich but persecuted little angels. What are the bonds and financial crisis of World War I? There is no relationship.

We do not evaluate Hitler and his high-ranking officials, and weed out speculators. Only those who initially joined the Nazi Party and were inspired by Hitler ’s speech to those **** and desperate people-they had nothing at the time. They have no power, and they do not see the hope of a successful election. All they have is dissatisfaction with the status quo in Germany at that time!

But they just did it!

Those people are actually a group of idealists who want to change the status quo in Germany … not that they fully support Hitler, but that Hitler is the only one who does not ignore them, and they have no choice. Voldemort, the aunt is the villain Boss based on Hitler’s prototype. He was bloodthirsty and slaughtered, but he was very talented. He was followed by all ugly, greedy, and old-blooded aristocrats … but is this really the case?

We know when Voldemort set off the “revolution”, that is the era of the explosion of industrial productivity in the Muggle world in Britain: the popularity of electricity, the emergence of computers, the rapid development of science and technology, the vigorous development of the people, and the export of industrial products to the world!

We have said that the Muggle and the magic world interact with each other-on the one hand is the Muggle world that rushes into the other, and on the other is the magic world that follows the old and the centuries. The proportion of power in the two worlds reversed during this period, and the emergence of nuclear power has caused this balance to collapse completely! Ordinary people are still muddy, and those elites on the magic side have already felt like the end of the world!

Especially at the time when the US and the Soviet Union fought for hegemony, the shadow of nuclear war enveloped the world. As an ally of the United States, the United Kingdom may be completely wiped out at any time during the first round of nuclear strikes in the Soviet Union-and the magic side ca n’t even do anything outside of it! Once the nuclear war broke out, they probably did not even make a sound, they were even destroyed! By then, no one in the world even knew that there was such a place in the world … How could it endure those magicians who regarded themselves as God?

Voldemort rose in this situation. “Pure blood”, if you can understand the meaning, it should be understood-this was initially only a boundary to distinguish ideology, but it has nothing to do with discrimination. Although Muggle wizards become wizards, they think that Britain is the motherland, and the magic world is like … a special large enterprise; and the traditional wizard family has always believed that the magic world exists independently of Britain.

This is the root of the conflict!

Of course, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the end of the nuclear confrontation, the establishment of official relations between the Ministry of Magic and the British government, and the two-way exchanges gradually unfolding, the shadow of war has dispersed! From this perspective, Voldemort, who has lost the soil of crisis, his comeback has been doomed to failure. Now Voldemort can only rely on those pure-blood nobles and his horrible wrists to rule. The banner he played at this time has completely turned into racial discrimination.

So this time he rescued only ten Death Eaters from Azkaban, all of whom were pure blood noblemen! The rest of them were imprisoned in Azkaban’s “Old Ministry”, which he had temporarily abandoned. Because the common ideal foundation no longer exists, he does not know whether he can continue to lead these people. Rather than saving these people out to make trouble for himself now, it is better to wait for him to master the Ministry of Magic and force these people to succumb and return to his position with the pressure of Taishan.

“Struggle! Struggle! Struggle!” The prisoners followed the middle-aged man’s screaming exhaustedly, trembling and violently violently!

“Come on, we are not afraid of you!” The middle-aged man put his face on the dementor’s face.

“Come on! We’re not afraid of you! Come on! The Ministry of Magic’s running dog!” The prisoners roared, grabbing the dementors ‘necks, and their red and rugged faces were almost stuck on the dementors’ faces! The dementors that used to create panic in the past are now struggling to scream, but they just want to escape from these lunatics! They also tried to bite the hearts of those people, but found that it was like steel! It looks like magma! As if the bombs are about to explode at any time, it is not their daring emotion!

“Resume between classes, fifty push-ups!” The middle-aged man lay on the ground with everyone cleanly, and then made the first support with standard posture.

“One, don’t tie my knot to me!” “Don’t tie my knot to me …” Hundreds of people braced together screaming.

“Two, my **** is as hard as iron!” “My **** is as hard as iron …”

“Who … who is he?” Elaine asked incredulously at the middle-aged man outside the window. “Where did you find it? I have never seen anyone more inspiring than him! A person like him should It was very successful, how could it be unknown in middle age? ”

This is the highest floor in the northwest corner near the prison patio. Now the top floor of the entire side corner has been cleared into a huge room for rest and work. There are many Chinese food and wine furniture. Lao Lu’s body was paralyzed in a pile of fur, and a book floated in front of his eyes automatically flipping through, which seemed to be in jail.

“He? Charlie! You wouldn’t recognize it?” Lao Lu replied casually.

“Charlie ?! You said he was the elf of my family?” Elaine was incredible.

“It’s not a metamorphosis, it’s another body of him. I promised him that if he did well, let him regain his identity.”

“Why, why do you want to do this?” Elaine asked, pointing at those who were sweating at a loss. “And,” her finger turned to the big unfinished ship. “I know there are only stones on this island-but for you, it doesn’t matter how much wood or steel is needed? Why do you use stones to build ships?”

“A great man said,” Lu Yuan raised his head, his eyes bright. “If you want to civilize its spirit, first brutal its body!”

Elaine completely lost her ability to speak. She watched as they watched, after finishing push-ups, with a whistle, they rushed back to the construction site-they demolished the prison and turned the stone and wall tiles into an internal Soaked stone material-Then, without any tools, he used his body to carry the “stones” on the boat! That kind of focus is terrible!

Every time, “Charlie” is taking the lead! He will always be the first, so as long as he sets an example, the prisoners will follow fanatically! Those people obviously have a magic wand again, but they would rather work with muscles and sweat!

This crazy atmosphere made Yilian tremble.

At this time, a low voice came from the window, and Charlie took the lead again! He carried the stone, and shouted as he stepped on the pedal. “A slap,” “Hey hi!” The prisoners behind him bowed their heads, carrying stones, and responded in a low voice. “It doesn’t shoot!”

“Everyone applaud!” Khan dripped off Charlie’s face and shattered on the slope. “Hi roar hi!” Everyone behind, clenched his teeth! They are neat and orderly, like a silent marching ant iron army! “Sounds loudly!”

Elaine knew what they sang, and it was clearly a translated vocabulary, but the spirit of it was undiminished! And when the prisoners responded in a low voice, that kind of spirit even made this Azkaban prison impossible to hold! Elaine only felt soft and fell backwards dizzy, but fell into a warm embrace.

Even if she leaves the window ~ ~ the singing continues! She can still hear the low voice, such as the huge fleet is preparing to take off!

“A penny … roaring hi! … difficult to get through the ocean … hi roaring hi! … everyone paddling … roaring hi! … sail the big sailboat!”

A cold piece in Yilian’s heart, it’s over, it’s all over! This is the moment when the dragon hurried, the dragon turned into a storm, and King Joseph pulled out the sword in the stone … She suddenly wanted to laugh, and laughed that Dumbledore sent Lu Yuan into prison, but gave it to him. He is an iron army!

“Two things,” she heard Lu Yuan whispering in her ear, “First, me, who, who? I have the congenital Taiyi Shenshen of” The Emperor’s House of Tianzhudou Shuzheng “, which was handed down by Ren Shou Talking about prophecy, Trelawney does n’t even equip me with shoes. Dumbledore used her to calculate me, it ’s ridiculous! ”

“Second,” Lu Yuan pushed open the window, making the song deafening.

“Let Dumbledore get ready, when this ship docks in the UK, I will be invincible!”


PS: I was beaten back to rewrite, one day later, you understand. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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