Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 10 - 1st overnight stay

Before nightfall, he finally rushed to a small farm on the outskirts of Bode’s Gate.

This should be the manor of a large nobleman at the gate of Bode. On the wilderness, large and large flat farmland was developed, and the oily green was glowing. The manor is distributed along the coastal road, flanked by farmland. The main building of the manor is on a hill not far away, and there is a path leading to it. The noblemen at the Bode Gate basically lived in the city. Except for the autumn hunting and communication season, they rarely left the city to live in the country estate. So most of the time there are only housekeepers presiding over everything.

In a magically prosperous country like Feren, most such villages have one or two low-level casters. Lu Yuan is just a little master of the ring, and of course he cannot disturb the local lord. After passing the manor along the coastal road for a while, Lu Yuan found the village where the farmers of the manor lived. The manor leaders and some free people live here, and this is where Lu Yuan can rest.

Although relying on the golden business road, but it is only five hours away from the Bode Gate, so the business is not developed here. Lu Yuan only found a bar, hotel, and grocery store.

Is such a gathering place, and Lu Yuan only saw a few guests.

“Please give me a room, hot water, food … Well, there is everything in the grocery store, please prepare a copy according to the long-distance travel, thank you.”

Lu Yuan followed the boss upstairs while chatting.

“It seems that you are having some trouble on your journey?” The boss is a middle-aged aunt who calmed him with a very kind tone.

“Those wolves … Rain … Forest … Never mind.” Lu Yuan waved his hand wilfully, giving up the idea of ​​telling.

Took a hot bath, ate, and changed clothes.

Although he was tired and wanted to sleep very much, he insisted on training for meditation. With this meditation idea, he does not need to rely on sleep to restore mental energy. When preparing the spell again, he easily touched the second layer of the magic web, which was like a streamer of silk.

After, with a smile, Lu Yuan finally fell asleep.

“Flint, cloak, rope, torch … Why are there nails?” Lu Yuan checked the travel supplies prepared by his boss and asked, holding the iron brace that was five inches long.

“Use when setting up a tent.” The boss replied calmly.

“Is there a tent here?”

“Isn’t that right?” The boss continued to point calmly at a roll of canvas that looked dirty and old.

“This is a tent ?! How to set it up?” Lu Yuan was shocked.

“Find some wooden sticks to support the rope, put on the tent cloth, tighten the rope, and fix it with iron nails.” The boss continued to calm down.

Lu Yuan left the rope with his right hand and nailed it for a long time, and fell down in frustration.

“Well, aunt, do you have mercenaries in your village? I think it’s better to hire someone to help me.”

“We don’t have it here, but there was an adventurer in the store yesterday. It should be from the door of Bode. You can discuss it with her.”

“she was?”

“It’s her”, the boss pointed calmly behind him, he saw the beautiful and dangerous woman like a leopard as soon as he turned around, Lu Yuan felt that both he and the system were shaking at the same time!

The splendid blonde long hair is about a pull, tied into a horsetail hanging behind, the scattered forehead hair is still stained with crystal drops of water, the slightly hard facial lines and the clever nose make the whole person heroic, and The blue eyes are as bright as the sky after the rain. When I saw the shopkeeper and a strange man looking at her, I looked back at it unavoidably, with some provocation and wildness in his eyes.

She came in just after morning exercise, carrying two long swords, wearing only leather pants and a linen shirt tied up. There was some red tide on the cheeks, and some steam was rising slightly on the shoulders. The thin clothes could not hide the beautiful figure, and the walk was full of strength and elasticity.

Lu Yuan felt that at this moment Enleco met the Princess Princess, and Ji En met Mephis.

Brushed, a holographic screen jumped out, flashing bright red bold font on it.


Soak her! Bubble her! Bubble her! :

This is your destined S! Hug 200xp, slap 400xp, touch 600xp, go to bed 800xp, mouth work 1000xp …

Unsuccessful kill!

It is obliteration! Jerk!


I go! Lu Yuan slapped his forehead heavily. The system has no lower limit and no spoof, and the stunning feeling just now is gone. Lu Yuan went to watch again at this time, and it turned out to be a beautiful woman with a perfect figure and wild nature. At this time, the woman apparently just returned from practice and may have to wash, not suitable for speaking. Lu Yuan just made an inviting gesture from a distance, indicating that she needed to talk to her.

The woman glanced over here and turned upstairs.

“Give me a beer and have some breakfast.”

Lu Yuan found a table near the door and sat down.

“It’s not good for such a big child to drink, aunt will bring you some fruits”, the owner’s aunt whispered and exchanged the beer he wanted for two local fruits. Lu Yuan scratched his head a bit, and felt a little warm. The aunt in the hotel was a bit like a neighbor in Xikai.

After a while, the woman came downstairs wearing her leather armor, and Lu Yuan made a gesture of please. She first asked for a breakfast at the bar, and then came over and sat generously opposite him.

Luan Yuan carefully observed that this young woman was probably in her twenties. Looking at the long sword she used, it was probably a melee occupation. Although he is not old, he is very experienced in handling matters. Obviously she also had a preliminary judgment on Lu Yuan, so she seemed very natural and casual. There is no superficial superficiality of the beautiful women who is stern in face, she sends out a clear distance signal in gentle movements, and is very mature.

“Lu Yuan, a new little master, is preparing to travel.” Lu Yuan introduced himself. Even if you do n’t stand up, and do n’t help pull the chair like the nobility, that kind of etiquette is used in the village shop, and it will be full of comical feeling.

“Ewen Si Da, servant of my Lord Elona.”

“Twilight? You are an elf? Ah, I’m sorry … I’m just curious, a very beautiful name.” Lu Yuan said awkwardly, he was reading some books about elves recently, and seeing this elf-style name eloquently Said a sentence, did not want to ask others’ privacy.

“Thank you, that’s okay, I don’t look like an elf.” She doesn’t seem to be used to it, and it doesn’t matter. “Living like an elf will only grow like an elf. Proverbs always make sense. I Not sure, maybe it ’s an elf, maybe a half-elf, just a child forgotten in the forest. The forest raised me. Now, let ’s talk about your business. ”

“I …, okay,” Lu Yuan very barely spread his hands to show his ups and downs, “As you can see, I am a rookie mage. Once I walked out of Bode’s door with great ambition, now, See, I ca n’t camp, I ca n’t calculate the distance, I ca n’t watch the weather … everything, I messed up everything and made a mess. Now that I ’m stuck here, I do n’t have the confidence to go on and do n’t want to It’s a joke to roll back to Bode Gate. So, I want to hire a veteran to go with me for a while, and teach me these things by the way. This is what I am looking for. “

“Extraordinary …”, she smiled forcibly, concealing her head and poking at the potato with a spoon, “very frank, I believe this is a good start”

Twilight looked up again, looked at his eyes carefully, and then said, “Well, I am willing to accept this commission. It seems that you are a pretty good person. If you can wait for me for two days, I am very Willing to accept your employment. “

“No problem, I like it here, as safe as my home.” Lu Yuan dug a spoonful of potatoes and exaggerated.

“You can wait for me here, I have to go to the north once, and I can definitely come back in two days.”

“Oh, can you ask me a little bit, is your goal? I’m happy to help. How are we going to act together? Don’t look at me a little embarrassed now, I am also a formal wizard!” Lu Yuan was happy again, ah, It is also a good experience to see how adventurers work.

“Ha, then I have to take care of you, that’s not enough.” Twistar simply refused, looking at Lu Yuan’s frustrated bowed head to eat, and comforted, “I’m going to track a group of wild animals that have migrated from the cloak forest Wolf, it ’s too dangerous for you to follow. I ca n’t take care of you. ”

“Northern side? Wild wolf? Very familiar.” Lu Yuan tentatively stretched out four fingers and gestured, “Four?”

“Have you met? Are you … are they still alive?”

Twilight raised her head in surprise, then lost a little. Obviously, the magician always carries a rich bag. When they went out, the satchel was full of scrolls, and all ten fingers carried a magic ring that could be inspired by a keyword. The four wolves have no threat to them at all, and Twilight is sad for them.

“Sorry, that … Are you a druid? But you just said that you are a servant of Ms. Elona, ​​I thought you were a priest …” Lu Yuan said.

Twilight didn’t answer, poked the potatoes in silence, and the atmosphere on the dining table suddenly cooled down for a while.

Lu Yuan certainly does not think there is anything wrong with killing wolves, but now the pressure is high.

“They … they moved to the neighborhood only because their home was destroyed. Me and them are friends, and Brad and they have never attacked human beings. This time I happened to leave, otherwise I would n’t sit back and watch them get rid of their homes, this It’s all my fault. “Lu Yuan heard Twilight whisper, the girl lowered her head, and a little crystal tears dripped into the tray in front of her. The young girl who looked strong that morning became weak all of a sudden.

Lu Yuan ’s embarrassing death was like the embarrassment of killing someone ’s family and having dinner with others. He said in his heart, “Is a friend with a wolf, is it a perversion to believe in Elona?”

“That, I’m sorry. You know, I’m just a first-level little mage, even if I want to let them go, I can’t let them let me go, so …”

“Yes!” The girl looked up violently, and the strong girl returned instantly!

“If you promise not to harm animals and care for the forest in the future, I promise to train you well! You can’t let this tragedy happen again!”

“Okay, okay.” Lu Yuan, leaning back and oppressed by the momentum, replied.


“Up and down, up and down”, the girl shouted a slogan, and the wooden sword in her hand blocked Lu Yuan’s attack, and finally struck Luffy’s wooden sword. “Lack of power! Did you not eat! Come again!”

“You do not let me eat!” Lu Yuan wailed, and picked up the wooden sword to hold the sword cut by Twilight, and continued to practice the offensive and pace with the slogan of the girl.

The incident of the wild wolf was “solved”, but the two did not leave the village immediately. On the one hand, the girl had to “understand the basics”, and on the other hand, she saw that the village fields had sprouted, but did not take care of the druid, and voluntarily ran to help. She can use some magical techniques to take care of plants, which can help the breeding and germination of crops.

When Lu Yuan rested, the girl ran to help nurse the seedlings, and Lu Yuan couldn’t help feeling. A believer like Twilight is the perfect believer that God likes most. Not only does she believe in you, she also regards your creed as a way of life, or that her life style fits perfectly with the creed of the gods.

After a few days, Lu Yuan also had a general understanding of the girl, and Twilight did not confess her past. Abandoned in the forest from an early age, grew up relying on the support of the Druid, and then continued to help people in need during the trip. She likes people with pure hearts, and is more willing to deal with the lower-level farmers and free people, even if the language is vulgar, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com can still get along well. Even so, Twistar also has a very deep language art, and can talk in the negotiation of the local lord, and fight for some benefits for the dealer. Before meeting Lu Yuan, she has been active in the Northland for many years, helping many people in many villages, and has the title of “Green Wild Morning Star”.

As for the specific age? Do you want to try the iron fist of girl justice? !

Occupation is a druid or a priest or warrior, and Twilight can’t figure it out, or she doesn’t care. She can pick up a pair of long swords to fight, and can also shoot long shots. She can perform magical skills to help children cure diseases and wounds, and can also breed seedlings in farmland. It ’s almost a career as a warrior, a druid, and a priest. Could it be that the legendary part-time **** is nomad? ! It is unscientific to be able to fight, resist, and perform all the magic techniques!

She felt so varied for Lu Yuan that she attracted Lu Yuan’s eyes firmly.

If she is naive, she can deal with the nobles and stewards of all sizes, and she is so skilled that everyone can benefit, but it will not intensify the contradiction between the lord and the people. So her fame of “Green Morning Star”, even those lords are very welcome to her.

If she is said to be complicated, she just does things according to her own heart, and does not force herself or others. She could shed tears for a few wolf friends who had died in a strange land, or she could slash her hands when training Lu Yuan, just like revenge for those wolves.

Finally, this is what made him most troubled.

Lu Yuan decided that he could not go on like this, otherwise he would be gradually forgotten like a little brother, he needed to do something to attract the girl ’s attention.

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