Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 11 - on the way

He thought of many ways, but the result is … there is no way.

Yeah, what can we do in this era?

This is not a slightly familiar earth in the Middle Ages. As long as it triggers a Renaissance wave to emancipate the minds and strengthen trade to strengthen the merchants and the civic class, the Middle Ages will be ended. It doesn’t work here.

The existence of the lord system is based on the fact that the lord has a force far beyond civilians. This force includes individuals, forces, and even classes. It can be an army or a magic or a god. The first generation of strong people establishes domination, the second generation may not have that strong strength, but he has the force left by the previous generation and can also maintain domination. The three generations were arbitrarily divided, and then continued to be divided and warfare until they were divided into a state that matched their strength. From beginning to end, the leader is the piece of fat that has been divided, without any resistance.

Because of the existence of gods and magic, this gap in strength cannot be compensated by the creation of guns and artillery.

As for others? Printing, ecological circulation, and popular science can be taken out at will, and immediately they will trigger the war. Even smaller ones, such as Quyuan Plow, are labor-saving and intensive cultivation. This simple effect will also change the strength comparison of a region, and then lead to a war.

Lu Yuan ’s expected benefit target, ordinary farmers, will not get a little benefit, because the lord can collect Quyuan plough tax at any time. Not only that, but they also pushed them into a war that had nothing to do with them.

After coming out the next day, Lu Yuan went to meet Twilight with two dark circles, and was knocked down to the ground faster than yesterday.

When Duxing was busy in the field, Lu Yuan started to hang out in the village. He and everyone took a common place, talked to each other, and then wrote down some things. Two days later, he knew almost everything about this small village.

Once again, when everyone gathered at the village entrance to rest, Lu Yuan stood up. He first performed a few tricks like a busker, which caused cheers until he attracted people from the entire village. At the climax of the performance, he announced loudly that he would perform an unprecedented new spell! The name is “Five Silver Coins, Satisfying Everyone!”

He noticed that Twilight stared at him scorchingly, with a taste of thought in his eyes.

Then he bought some things from the grocery store owner ’s house with 5 silver coins, exchanged these things with some people for other commodities, then exchanged them with several others, and then exchanged, exchanged … until the end, when almost all families When they all got what they wanted, Lu Yuan still had 5 silver coins in his hand.

When he spoke again, everyone looked at him with the same eyes as the sage, and listened carefully to every word he said. He carefully said what he had done in the past two days, and said more. When you die, do you hope someone can help your wife and children? When you are bullied by villains, do you want someone to stand with you? When you encounter injustice, do you want someone to help you do justice? When you have the spare time, are you willing to reach out to help others?

He used five silver coins to buy some small wooden poles in the grocery store in the town and placed them in the middle of the wheat field. Then he made a sign that a small wooden pole was broken and how a single wooden pole could not be broken. .

He saw the thinking and silence of those people, and saw the excitement and hope of some people. After that, he quickly pulled Duxing out of the small village, and then said that the peasant revolution will come out.

This matter has been fermented in private for more than ten years.

The peasant is a class who does not like to leave the land. Although a mutual aid group called “Five Silver Coins” is formed here, they are farthest to reach the nearby village, so that this group has developed for ten years and is still limited to Bo The area around Tokunoichi. After the great aristocracy discovered bad signs, they were even more suppressed and the group collapsed and disbanded.

However, these suppressions angered the anger of a young man, who was one of the children who listened to the story by the side of the wheat field. He used to be one of the backbone of the group. After the group collapsed, he flew to the distance like a splash of Mars, ignited a spark of fire everywhere, and finally burned back to the door of Bode.

He started to think of himself as an evangelist, wearing sackcloth clothes, and his footprints spread all over western Ferenc. Every time he went to a village, he would take out five silver coins, repeat what Lu Yuan did that year, and then tell those simple truths. Many people followed him to learn his wisdom, then learned to become a new kind of fire like him, and walked the countryside again.

In less than five years, the “Five Silver Coins” organization spread across the entire east, and finally came to unity under the leadership of some ambitious people and began to make their voices like guilds. This guild lacks high-end power, but it is a collection of the most basic population in the east. When the number of people exceeds a limit, that is power.

As a result, the leaders of the “Five Silver Coins” were sent to the City Council, and the priests of the temples of the Good Gods occasionally joined the “Five Silver Coins” to expand the influence of the church. The “Five Silver Coins” also began to actively absorb like-minded Rangers and Druids Waiting for professionals, these people constitute the high-end power of “five silver coins”. Leaving aside those high-level struggles, the peasants at the bottom have indeed had an opportunity not to be exploited to extreme poverty.

In their rumors, Lu Yuan has become a centuries-old sage, holding three wheat ears in his right hand, and five silver coins on the palm of his left hand.

Well, this future great sage is looking at Twistar’s playful eyes, looking embarrassed elsewhere.

“Come with me to believe in the forest goddess? I think Ms. Elona will definitely like you!”

“Thank you, but my loyalty to Omar will never change.”

“Lu … far, thank you, I like what you do.” Twilight’s voice is like the wind through the forest.

“Actually, you don’t want to expect too much”, Lu Yuan couldn’t help but say, “That’s just a seed, there is only a very small chance to really grow into a towering tree! Too many expectations, you will be disappointed.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight shook his head and his hair shone brightly in the morning light. “I mean what you look like when you enter and leave those farmhouses. Very pragmatic and kind. At that time, you were not like evil at all. Master, it looks really good! “


“Up, down, up, left, up, up, right, stab!” Twilight lunges forward, spurting a stream of air on his body, and the wooden sword pierces Lu Yuan’s shoulder like a meteor.

On the side of Lu Yuan’s body, there appeared to be two ghosts on his body. Twilight’s sword only passed through one of them. Lu Yuan took the opportunity to stab his ribs and Twilight retreated.

“Very good. Now you attack.”

“Up, up, right, left, left, up, down, up, down, stab!”, Lu Yuan’s stab relied on not strength but agility. His light one rolled forward, and Mujian pointed at Twilight’s belly .

“It’s too slow!” Mu Xing sipped and slammed his sword, and Lu Yuan’s sword flew out again.

“Ahhhhh”, Lu Yuan, who was out of balance, fell forward, and Twilight moved and stood still, without escaping. Let Lu Yuan hug Twistar’s thigh for a moment, and finally he didn’t drop a tiger and flutter down the mountain.

[System Tip: You won, + 200xp ……]

“Up, down, up, down, thorn!”

The campfire is burning.

Twilight is preparing dinner while looking at Lu Yuan who is practicing sword.

Although she did not understand the use of a mage to learn swordsmanship, Lu Yuan learned very quickly.

“Mage is really so smart?” She remembered the way he helped the farmer think about each other. That method is really good. The lord will not see anything less than five silver coins, but for the lords and free people, what is less than five silver coins is precisely the main body of their living materials-barley, Clay pots, knives, salt, etc.

Of course, people in this era do not yet know the relationship between circulation rate and currency. If you count the total amount of materials and circulation rate, that number will make the lords salivate. It is a pity that all of these will be covered under the number of five silver coins, so it seems so insignificant.

Hear the sound of dinner.

Lu Yuan put down his sword, moved his body a bit, and went to the tree to change clothes.

He thinks he has learned well. After gradually adapting to the warrior’s rhythm, the system gives him the specialty, which can basically function normally. Now he is still learning two things, “weapons at hand” and “special swordsmanship.”

“Handy weapon” emphasizes the use of agility in the use of weapons. His agility is very high and he responds quickly, but he has too little experience and the intention to act is too obvious. For an experienced adventurer like Twistar, even if the attributes are not as good as Lu Yuan, it is a breeze to intercept his movements. Wanting to play the role of this expertise will be a long-term thing.

“Fine Sword Specialization” He has been able to exert 70% of his power. When he uses the thin sword, Twilight needs two swords to defeat him. Before, he had a lot of problems, lack of training, unstable feet, deformed movements, lack of center of gravity, etc. Now through this half-month of training, there is no problem on the basis, he has begun to practice some advanced routines such as the “sword technique” provided by the system. Those are already printed in his body, just let the body adapt to play, of course, very fast.

“Well, it tastes good.”

Lu Yuan took a sip of mushroom soup and praised it.

“I’m learning well”, Twistar listened to the praise and immediately flaunted her beautifully. Over the past half month, Twilight has also learned a lot from Lu Yuan.

From the small village to the Friendly Arm Hotel, it is only two days away, and it cannot meet Lu Yuan’s requirements of “study sword and survival in the wild”.

So the two simply turned to the east and went through a sharp tooth forest for a two or three weeks of field training. Lu Yuan himself intends to take up several jobs, and he is a refusal to learn any knowledge. These will be converted into skills stored in the system. He has acquired many skills such as “survival in the wild”, “investigation”, “listening” and “hiding”. Some of these skills are only one or two levels, but after passing the high attribute bonus, they can be used immediately.

Even more so with Twilight, she is a person with no barriers in her heart.

When she was a child living in the forest, she needed to fight with the beasts to protect her territory, so she learned swordsmanship, animal communication, and became a ranger. When she was helping others, she hoped to be able to heal and heal, so she prayed to Ms. Elona, ​​and the goddess generously gave her magic. When she hoped to help the farmers take care of the farmland, she also prayed to Ms. Elona, ​​so the goddess guided her to master the use of the power of nature.

It can be said that she is Ms. Elona’s daughter-in-law, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is so spoiled that the voters of God are jealous.

When she met Lu Yuan this time, she quickly learned a lot of zero-loop spells, such as the hands of the master, lighting, and magic sounds, because she thought it was very useful-“Take things without hands!” No candles for lighting! “” Speak without speaking! “

To say that Feren ’s adventurers are in the wild, they are basically gnawing dry food and barbecue. If you can stew mushrooms, diced meat and chopped bread together in a pot of hot soup, you are a god-level cook! It will lead to the effect of “all people die generously”-“After eating this meal, it is worthwhile to die immediately!”

So, when Lu Yuan cooked a pot of soup with wild herbs, mushrooms, rabbit meat, beans and magic materials, and fried eggs and pork chops on a hot slate, Twistar stared at the side unblinkingly. He slobbered with no image, just like a greedy little girl. After that, it is the teaching time of “Lu Yuan’s Kitchen”. There is no condition for frying and frying, but it is absolutely no problem to eat in a variety of ways.

Even the barley used to grind the toast, Lu Yuan can be steamed into a soft and sweet, the leftover rice can also be made into fried rice, and the fried rice can be pasted to the pot … this thing is to Twilight The appeal is simply beyond imagination. Alas, the poor baby who had never eaten potato chips.

By the way, the doctrine of the forest goddess does not prohibit hunting of animals, but prohibits unnecessary killing. Asking for food in the forest is considered a matter of course. As far as the Twilight girl is concerned, that is cats and dogs are absolutely prohibited, other kinds of animals are enough, snakes and insects are killed!

It seems that childhood still has a big shadow.

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