Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 28 - Na Sika 3

“Do you know? There are monsters in the mine!”

Lu Yuan strolling around the market, inadvertently heard such a news.

“Is the story going to start?” Lu Yuan said to himself.

He came to the trade area today, but came to buy the magic materials of the fire department. The fireball technique staff from the Digging Worm Cave can store 50 fireballs in advance, but the handle is obviously used, and now there are only about seven shots in it. Lu Yuan bought fire magic materials just to recharge it.

Turned a large circle and bought the tail feathers of a firebird.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Yuan also sold the trial-made “handicraft weapons”, including several samurai swords, at a good price. After all, they are the quality of fine products.

“Is the output of the iron ore affected?”

“I don’t know, it should not be. The ore shipped to the north this month has not seen any change.”

“Oh, thank you”, the output has not been affected, it seems that it will take some time for the matter to ferment. After a quick glance, I saw a bunch of white silk thread on the side of the stall. I couldn’t help but curiously walked over to watch, “What is this? Silk?”

Take a closer look, this white color is more like animal hair, but the roots are soft and refreshing, even if it is rubbed by hand, it will not be twisted with other silk threads.

“That’s the unicorn’s mane”, the stall owner replied listlessly, thinking he was looking for someone to grind his mouth. “It’s used for bow strings.”

Although it is said to be a mane, it is actually removed from the tail to have such a long hair.

“Oh,” Lu Yuan came to hear the bowstring. “How much is this bunch? How long can I make a bowstring? I see that this long hair can’t be twisted by hand and can’t be twisted in one place. Can you make a bowstring?”

“If you buy, let’s continue. If you don’t buy, then please first.” The stall owner said unkindly.

“Come on, don’t be angry, I really want to buy it. You talk to me first.”

“This mane cannot be entangled in one place. To make a bowstring, you also need to find a huge poisonous spider’s silk sac mucus to wrap it into a bowstring. With such a bunch of mane, your body is probably enough for two Tuo’s bowstring is just enough. This bunch will take 1,000 gold coins to take away. “

“Yi Tu” refers to the length after the arms are straightened left and right. The length of the local artificial longbow, the bow string is calculated, is basically the length of the user’s “Yu Tu”. The bowstrings are usually one master and one spare, used in exchange.

Lu Yuan wanted to take down these manes, and now he threw off the three-inch tongue, and he was a bit sultry. Finally, he took 200 gold coins and a few gems for a total price of about 900 gold coins. One of the “fabrication books”, hand patted on the book, I saw the golden light flashed-the money fell.

Happily took things back to the workshop, but what he thought was to make a crossbow.

He played crossbow hunting for a period of time after graduating from college, but later he did not use weapons with more than 20 joules in the country, so he gave up. Now think of it, in the world of winning, although the crossbows on the market are excellent, some of them have magic enhancement, in fact, they rely on the strength of the crossbow arms and bow strings to launch arrows, which is common with modern crossbows. Adopt the optimized launching force with torque converter wheel, the difference is 16 times! Yes, just a measurable and quantifiable number.

Under the same conditions, the power of the crossbow equipped with double torque wheels only needs one-eighth of the power, but the power of the launch is eight times that of the normal crossbow!

This gap is too big.

Put together two long and short steel sheets together and fix them. This is a crossbow arm made of two kinds of soft and hard steel ingots. After the two are fitted together, they can emit amazing elasticity. The entire arch arm is strong, tough, and foldable. The only flaw is a little weight.

Now he has soft steel that can be used to make crossbow arms; the torque converter wheels made of carbon materials can be replaced by the processing of the snow wolf skulls bought in the market. I believe that they are also light, wear-resistant and tough; Ordinary good wood is enough; other small parts like triggers and Wangshan are not difficult to make.

This thing may be available in Belgost in the north now!


Spell Staff is made of specific materials and stores magic wands for specific spells.

For example, Lightning Staff, made with atmospheric magic materials and blank staff, and then “lightning” structure, up to fifty rounds of the same magic prototype can be constructed in the wand, and a power can be formed after charging. Launches 50 lightning bolts.

It is very troublesome to make a magic staff.

In addition to consuming a lot of precious materials, it also needs to discard a small part of the vitality like making magic items. This secret was originally unknown to Lu Yuan. If it was not the prompt message of the system, he might not realize it until his body was seriously injured. This immediately left him with another impression of Habasser Deling.

The witchcraft grocery store employs so many mages to produce, but instead Habassel Delin ’s own works are few and far between. Lu Yuan originally thought that it was Habasser Delin in order to maintain the value of his work, so he controlled the output. Now thinking about it, obviously Habassa Delin knew the secret, so he passed the cost of producing magic items to others. Those mages hold high commissions, but they don’t know that they are exchanged for vitality. Even if one day they find that their bodies are starting to be weak, Habasser Delin can also be explained as a result of frequent exposure to alchemical agents.

Like a worker working in a nuclear power plant, the boss tells you that physical discomfort is caused by slight radiation, isn’t this credible? Or it can be caused by overcasting. The wizards in this world are generally in bad health. Overcasting and arcane power’s damage to the body are considered to be the culprits.

So, what about Habassa? What is Delin?

Even if a spell staff can charge fifty spells, it will eventually be used up one day, which requires recharging. The staff is like a battery. The internal structure has been completed. After the power is consumed, it can be fully recharged. In the witchcraft grocery store, energizing the staff is the job of the apprentice, and the witchcraft grocery store has its own secrets in this regard.

For example, the fireball technique staff, the fireball technique requires the master of the three rings to cast, so it also needs the master of level 5 or above to recharge. And Habasser Delin invented a way to reduce the cast level needed by consuming magic materials for sub-charge. Taking the fireball technique staff as an example, you can recharge with an apprentice who only masters the zero ring by consuming fire materials. The fireball technique staff with a full value of 50 rounds can be charged up to 20 to 30, so it is called secondary charge.

This is very meaningful for large-scale munitions. Habasser Deling is indeed a master of alchemy.

The flaming red feathers in front of him were a little lighter, and Lu Yuan spent all of his spell slots today to recharge the Fireball Scepter. Checked after stopping, the fireball technique, which had only six shots, had risen to twenty-three shots, and there was still one-third of the remaining space.

After stopped, the brain became woody, which is also a sign of overcasting.

A mage without combat training can actually only withstand two-thirds of his cast, that is, he prepares two-thirds of his spells every day. If all are cast, the mage may faint on the spot or collapse to the ground. This situation is not only very troublesome to recover, but the mages generally believe that this will damage the body.

Therefore, in addition to going out for adventure, the wizard rarely prepares all spell slots, usually two thirds.

Lu Yuan completely cast the spell in several experiments. Except that it was troublesome to recover, the system did not prompt him to be injured. So he dared to do so.

Lu Yuan lay on the chair to recover his spirit.

The three twisted and wide leaves driven by the spell, suspended strangely on Lu Yuan’s side, quickly rotating, blowing a pleasant cool breeze. A paper airplane fluttered its wings and flew around the head with its eyes closed, and made a “chirp” bird chirp.

“Meow ~”, a little black cat flickered on Lu Yuan’s chest, and his paw fleshed on his clothes.

Luan Yuan closed his eyes and reached out, scratching a few times under the kitten’s neck accurately, and then taking out Twilight’s letter from the collar. Because Du Xing deliberately concealed, Lu Yuan did not know the existence of Afu Cat ’s father, and Nini was responsible for the correspondence.

Twilight said some lovesickness in the letter. The letter also mentioned that there were many goblin communities in the cloak forest. She is currently tracing the roots of the goblin migration.

Lu Yuan thought for a while, and Suffolk should begin his conspiracy to usurp the highest power of Bode’s Gate. Part of this conspiracy was to contaminate the iron ore of Nasikai, causing an iron ore crisis. The other part is to secretly develop iron ore inside the cloak forest, thereby monopolizing the arms trade at the Broad Gate. In the end, he provoked the war crisis between Bode ’s Gate and Am, and then ascended the throne of the Grand Duke of Bode ’s Gate by manipulating the arms trade and assassinating dignitaries.

The Goblin tribe mentioned by Twilight should be one of the mercenaries who controlled the cloak forest iron mine by Shaferok. In Shaferok’s plan, a large number of evil races such as kobolds, goblins, ogres, etc. were used, which just shows that he received support from the Temple of Barr. He wrote his inference in the letter, and suggested that Twistar could organize the manpower to go to the iron mine near the last adventure to investigate, and there must be gains.

Thinking about it, she gave Nini the letter and the paper plane and asked her to take it with her.

“Meow ~”

The sound of Nini’s grievance interrupted Lu Yuan’s thinking ~ ~ what’s wrong? Nini. “

Lu Yuan said, holding the grievous little black cat in her arms, rubbing her delicate and soft hair with her fingers.

Nini first cozy coquettishly for a while, and then opened the collar with a meow, showing him the empty inner space, eyes flashing, looking at him aggrievedly.

Lu Yuan thought for a while before waking up. A large glass of ice cream and a dozen fried fish that had been saved in the morning were gone. How can you grab Nini’s food at Twilight …… Lu Yuan is full of black lines.

At this time, the distant cloak forest.

Among the thick branches of the big tree, Twilight was wearing a “forest dance step”, his legs were sitting on a big branch, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he happily ate a glass of ice cream.

A paper plane is flying around Twilight by itself, while playing “I Love You” sung by Li Hongqi in “East to West”.

“I love you, I love you, I love you, you ~”

Also squatted a black cat on the side, enjoying the fried fish on the blade in an elegant posture.

“What is he doing?” Twistar asked.

The black cat closed his eyes for a while, and opened his reply, “Making a new ice cream for Nini”, and by the way despised glanced at the owner who grabbed Nini’s ice cream.

“Damn! He hasn’t made this delicious thing for me before! Ah, Afu, don’t regenerate it. Children eat cold things will hurt their stomachs, so I have to help.”

“And ~”

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