Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 29 - Nasika 4

This is an ordinary double-storey house.

The second floor is the master’s bedroom, guest’s bedroom and study, the first floor is a spacious hall and a small kitchen and toilet.

The storage room is in the basement.

Today’s first-floor lobby is surrounded by several large workbenches, filled with steel components, wooden strips, messy papyrus, wire loops, etc., and the windows are bright. The beam of light moved across the table, and the floating dust shuttled between them.

Lu Yuan put down the coil in his hand decadently, leaning his entire body on the recliner.

As a child, he had many, many dreams.

When reading martial arts novels, I would imagine Guo Jing as justice, as heroic as Qiao Feng, and as lucky as Shi Potian.

When reading magical novels, of course, he also dreams of becoming a magician and exerts powerful power, but the focus is on the magic of colorful colors and loud nouns.

Now that he has really come to the magic world, he seems to have broken into the fairy tale world. He disregards those adventure stories and occasionally makes a paper plane that can fly by himself. It can be happy for several days and can be displayed to many people. .

With simple things no longer difficult, his eyes inevitably aimed at something higher and deeper.

Such as rice cookers, such as radio stations, and even future satellites, mobile phones.

As soon as he touched on these, he felt crazy, and the magic he mastered was not enough at all!

Precision instruments, machine tools for processing, stable electrical energy, working place, casting ability, etc., all of which are difficult obstacles to overcome. To solve these problems, a simple way is to build a mage tower!

This can give him a safe working and experimental environment. The mage tower can converge far beyond his own arcane energy, helping him to cast spells step by step. The mage tower can greatly reduce the loss of his magical items on the body, and the mage tower can also be stable. Provide huge energy. And he needs to study magic. He now knows why most high-level wizards like to stay in the wizard tower to study magic. In this era of dissemination of information relying on bards and taverns, it is too difficult to learn the magic invented elsewhere.

If he did n’t occasionally get the Big Bay Slap series of spells through the magic net, and he went to find it himself, he must first go to the Gray Eagle World across the plane and also have a relationship with Big Bayra. what!

How many spells are there? In addition to the twenty or thirty standard spells per ring, there are thousands of spells that are original or mutated by magicians. These spells may only be spread in a certain place, or simply be recorded in someone’s magic book as Private collection. Lu Yuan believes that there must be some magic in some corner of the world that can solve his problems, but he ca n’t find it. He faces the situation that all mages face—magic cannot meet his needs. At this time, you need a magic tower.

These are benefits.

The difficulty is that a large amount of astronomical money and a piece of land.

Even, the biggest problem is not the money to buy expensive magic materials, the biggest problem is the land.

This is the magical Middle Ages, and all the land is basically owned.

And Bode’s Gate, even the Baojian Coast, is not a feudal sub-feudal system. Everyone adopts a similar shareholding system, the big landlords who control the land, the big merchants who control the lifeline of the economy, the powerful people in various guilds, etc., forming the city’s council. Together with the Grand Duke, they manage, or divide, all the interests of the Baldur Gate and the controlled area.

This interest group is passed down from generation to generation and is indestructible.

No earth-shaking changes will happen, and new people will not want to rise.

The conspiracy of the Iron Throne and Severlock is to create such an opportunity, and likewise, he will also become an opportunity for others.

Lu Yuan wondered whether he should get a piece of land to build a tower in this great change.

Got up and sorted out the leftover scraps.

Lu Yuan opened the ring, with a few large glass cups in the center, filled with various fresh fruits.

Lu Yuan was bored before making fruit milk ice cream, so he directly wrote down the method and handed it to the comrade goddess. To know that making milk ice cream is a very simple matter. It is nothing more than cooking the milk, pouring it into sugar and egg yolk, mixing and stirring, and cooling and filtering and freezing. After adding fresh fruit is fruit ice cream, adding chocolate is chocolate ice cream.

Is really not that difficult.

Then the comrade goddess can make something extremely unpalatable.

Later, Lu Yuan tried to let several people do it, but whether it ’s a hotel owner, an aunt in the kitchen or a girl from Ji’er, one thing is more difficult than one. Is the person / **** from another world a fool?

Finally, Lu Yuan still had to do it himself.


“Boom”, Lu Yuan put down the funnel with the filter in his hand and looked at the door suspiciously. Then there was a knock on the door, and he was asked to confirm that there was really a guest. After finishing the kitchen a little bit, Lu Yuan walked through the hall and opened the room door.

“William?” Lu Yuan was surprised to see that his cousin William was standing outside with a bottle of red wine.

William looked at him first, then looked away awkwardly.

“Ah”, Lu Yuan remembered it, and took off his apron. “Come in, when did you come back?”

“A few days ago, I heard people in town talk about you, so I came to visit. Wow, you are really messy here.” William walked in with a sigh of emotion, and placed the red wine on a table at the door. Visited his test rig.

Two people were chatting like friends they hadn’t seen in a long time. The tone was casual and intimate, but they were clear in their hearts. They were not friends, but allies.

Wait for Lu Yuan to find two cups. After the two people sat down, Lu Yuan asked with a casual tone, “Iron ore crisis?”

“Yes, iron ore crisis.” William nodded, and did not show anything strange for Lu Yuan’s keenness. Before choosing to become an ally, the two people confirmed each other’s abilities. “I just arrived, did you find anything?”

“Hehe”, Lu Yuan smiled softly, “Who sent you? We all know that the problem is not here, the problem is at the gate of Bode, what can you find here?”

William’s eyes lit up, “It seems that you know something? The old guys have been arguing with the Iron Throne for a long time before they reached an agreement and sent me to deal with the iron ore crisis in Nasik.

“William, William, William, I do have what you want. I want to know what I can get? I want to know …” Lu Yuan shook his glass and smiled, “Who is standing behind you?”

The two arcane forces were gently divided in the air, the dust between the two quickly rose to the sides, and William raised his head in surprise. Lu Yuan ’s Master Level is close to 6, and William Master ’s Level 7 is almost unmatched. Although it is a real contest, Lu Yuan will definitely lose without using the hole card, but as a trial, this is enough. Lu Yuan showed his super talent and progress, and now he is full of chips, no one can force him.

“It’s really … pleasant”, William was a bit depressed and drank the wine in the glass. It seems that the word he wants to say should be “disappointed.” After all, he is a mage, and reason always prevails. “What do you want to get?”

“It depends on whether the person behind you can give it up.”

“Behind me … is the person I have always worshipped.” William replied hesitantly.

“William, William, William, let us be frank. In this matter, we can join forces to obtain great benefits. As an ally, I will need your strength, but at the same time, you also need to be frank. Do n’t be ambiguous, I Need a name. “

“Anta Silver Shield.”

“Wow ~”, Lu Yuan blew a whistle, William, this young and radical young mage leader, was actually the most conservative one among the conservatives, the Grand Duke Anta Silver Shield of the Gates of Bode! This is really unexpected.

“Please.” William, who said his name, leaned back on the chair with ease and gestured a please gesture.

“Shafferock”, Lu Yuan also said a name.

“It’s him?” William straightened up, “It’s impossible … his money comes from the arms trade, and the iron ore crisis will directly damage his interests. What good is it for him? No … unless …”

Seeing William had guessed, Lu Yuan nodded and echoed, “Of course not only him, but also the Iron Throne Business Alliance behind him, they found a new source of iron ore.”

“Hah, sure enough! So that they can use this to eliminate small arms merchants and completely monopolize the arms trade, smart! It seems that after the Kingdom of Komir banned the entry of the Iron Throne Business League, they began to implement this plan.” William applauded.

“If there is a war at this time …” Lu Yuan reminded again.

“It’s impossible,” William’s face became a little ugly. Once there was a war, it was no longer limited to business. “What good is it for the group of businessmen to provoke war? Businessmen will not put themselves on the scales. , They are not gamblers. Besides, even if they go to provoke, the Grand Duke and the Parliament will definitely stop this thing! There is also Flame Fist, the Iron Throne is not so powerful. “

Lu Yuan shook his head and stopped talking.

“What do you want?” Lu Yuan’s meaning is very clear, and there is no interest to stop here. This made William look at each other, he did not expect his cousin is really a difficult role, refreshed his knowledge time and time again.

“Magic materials, one piece of land.”

“Magic Tower? Yes, you have a great future. You need to own a magic tower as soon as possible. Inside or outside the city?”

This question is critical. The city means that Lu Yuan will also intervene in the distribution of political interests, which is unlikely to be accepted by William and the people behind him.

“Outside the city, south of Bode’s Gate, preferably a hilly area.” Lu Yuan was not interested in politics. This choice made William a little relieved.

“I can guarantee that this condition is not worth mentioning to Dagong.”

“The Iron Throne may not want to provoke war, but Tefallock thinks that the Iron Throne, which is bound to the chariot, will have to follow him. Behind Tefallock is the temple of the **** of murder Barr, you know their usual style of behavior, As long as Anta Silver Shield was assassinated and the war started, Shaflock could easily become the new Grand Duke, and he would know from his past record. He has been preparing for this for UU reading “

William nodded and stood up ready to leave. Now that Shafrock’s plan is in hand, I believe that Anta Silver Shield is capable of handling the next things. But when he reached the door, William couldn’t help but say, “Lu Yuan, just forget this time. It’s better not to reveal your hole cards until the benefits are in the future, not everyone is your cousin.”

“Hehe”, Lu Yuan smiled softly.

“William, do you know what is the most powerful in the multiverse?”

Waiting for William to answer, he continued, “The most powerful is the” team of adventurers “! Because of such a” team of adventurers “, the devil prince can be expelled from the main plane; because of this” team of adventures ” “, The Goddess of Woking was rescued from the abyss. At the climax of the story, I will take such a” team of adventurers “into the door of Bode and cut off the head of Shaflock”, Lu Yuan stretched out with a smile Forefinger gently clicked, “If you still want to harvest the assets of the Iron Throne smoothly, you can’t rely on my account!”

From the eyes of ordinary citizens and businessmen, the iron ore crisis of Bode Gate sees the cloud of war between Bode Gate and Amn; from the eyes of nobles and chaebols, it sees the power distribution of Bode Gate From the eyes of the temple and the Harpist League, seeing the turbulence of the balance of the main plane; from the eyes of the gods, this event is related to the future camp of the **** Barr-good or evil, lawful or lawful Chaos, as the powerful Divine Barr, is a pivotal weight.

But in Lu Yuan’s eyes, this is essentially a game. He can choose to continue playing, or he can choose to flip the table, which even Anta Silver Shield can’t do.

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