Waterdrop Survival: I can see the prompt

Chapter 75

The souls were constantly squeezing, and in just a moment, Fang Bai was pulled in from the surface again. Relying on the protection of the soul, he was safe and sound for the time being.

I don't know how many souls there are here.

Fang Bai saw that they were constantly scrambling for bodies that did not belong to him, but it was difficult for them to form a complete person.Because when they snatch other people's torsos and limbs, their own are constantly being snatched away.

The ghost king also noticed Fang Bai.

He was like a thorn in his body.Because where he is, the ghost at that position will disappear when he touches him.His senses were connected to these souls, and each lost soul was like a piece of flesh removed from his body.

And because Fang Bai was passively walking around in his body, Fang Bai was like a maggot that kept nibbling on him.

This made him very uncomfortable.

Fang Bai is also anxious, he doesn't know how many souls there are.

The soul keeps encountering ecstasy and disappears, but the soul does not decrease.

Moreover, the pressure around him was increasing, and more souls seemed to be squeezed here purposefully.Mouth is still whispering ghostly.

"The king said to make him disappear."

"He made the king uncomfortable..."


Along with muttering to themselves, they stretched out their hands to grab Fang Bai at the same time.

Without exception, when encountering the erotic souls on his body, these souls disappeared.

"What's that on him?"

"Is it seductive?"

"Can't touch him! Tell the king to go!"


The area around Fang Bai was empty.

This is the first time since Fang Bai was swallowed, he felt relaxed.

Souls surrounded him, staring at him covetously.But no soul came up again, they seemed to be waiting for something.

The soul squeezed desperately around, and the soul that was already squeezed into a ball became even more twisted.However, a gap was forced out by them, and this gap, constantly changing, finally became the shape of a passage.

A group of people appeared in the passage.

In this group of people, four people carried a chair.There was a person sitting on the chair, and this person was the person Fang Bai met when he entered the cave.It's just that it has shrunk a lot now, and has restored the original seemingly elegant and luxurious temperament, leaning on the back of the chair, looking at Fang Bai with a smile.

Just look carefully, his lift chair is also made of soul.

"Unexpectedly, you got this weapon. If I'm not wrong, the bull's head is already dead, right?"

Fang Bai didn't answer, secretly guessing what kind of tricks he might have.

In the first battle, he suffered a big loss.

"Do you know where this is?"

Fang Bai ignored him, he was not annoyed, and continued to say:
"This is the city of death in vain. The souls left here are all in vain. Do you know how many there are?"

He paused briefly, then continued:
"One billion! There are a billion souls who died in vain. They died when they shouldn't have died, so they are not reconciled. They would rather suffer in hell than talk about reincarnation. I took them in."

"Although there are divine weapons to protect the body, can you fight against a billion innocent souls?"

"Soul Seizing is a good weapon, but it's a pity that the user is you. You don't know how to use it at all. Haven't you noticed that the aura in this weapon is slowly disappearing? When this weapon becomes a pile of scrap iron, what will you do?" Fight against these one billion innocent souls?"

He was constantly hitting Fang Bai's confidence.

Although Fang Bai didn't speak, he knew that what he said might be true.

When Hooking was wrapped around his body, although it was made of an iron chain, it was extremely soft.But now, it has become hard, not much different from an ordinary iron chain.

"Surrender to me. You can command these billion souls, you only need to obey my orders, how?"

There was charm in his words.Listening to his words, Fang Bai's spirit began to be in a trance.He seemed to see that one billion innocent souls had become elite soldiers and strong generals.

With these generals, he restored the order of the Three Realms and got rid of this small world.

And he also recovered.

Looking back, he has already stood on the podium.It turned out that the experiment had achieved a perfect success, which was enough to change the history of mankind.The spotlight shone on him, and Taidou personally handed over the certificate and medal to him.

He smiled at the audience, where his wife and children were sitting.His wife looked at him with a smile, full of pride.

"Don't believe his nonsense!"

The dull voice sounded like rolling thunder in his mind.Let him wake up immediately.

"Bull head? You're not dead?" The ghost king of the dead city changed his face.

"If you don't die, how can I die in peace?" The dull voice mocked the ghost king.

But Fang Bai heard a soft whisper: "I can't hold on for long, now imagine that the soul is a part of your body. Try to move it."

Imagine that ecstasy is part of the body?Fang Bai didn't understand, so he desperately thought in his mind that the iron chain is his arm, which can move as well as move.

But it's a pity.The chain didn't move at all.

"Stupid! You are a soul, try to possess your body! Stupid! You can't even possess a body! How did the water melt into the soil?"

Fang Bai realized.The soul merged into the hook soul, and the hook soul slightly tilted and twisted.

There is room in Erotica.

In this space, the soul that had been devoured was bound by chains, with a dull expression and motionless.

In front of these souls sat a transparent tall soul, this soul was already very weak, and the color was so thin that it was almost invisible.

"One idiot!"

Seeing Fang Bai, this soul was not very satisfied with his performance.

"Who is your Excellency?"

The tall soul stretched.

"I am the bull's head, uh, a part of the bull's head."

"The current him, you still can't deal with the Juao ending that Nu Wa killed. I'll go and bluff him, and you use the hook to charge in one direction! No matter what you encounter or see, just charge in one direction!"

"Big tortoise, do you want to try the punishment of heaven again?"

Niutou was already confronting the ghost king.

"Haha, Heaven's Punishment! What's wrong with me? Originally, I was cultivating well in the East China Sea, but I was beheaded for no reason! My limbs were used as pillars to support the sky! Heaven's Punishment! Come!"

The ghost king of the city of death in vain fell into a state of madness again.

"The King of Hades has pity on the innocent disaster you have suffered, and he is more courteous to you. Although you are here to devour the souls of people who died in vain, the King of Hades tolerated it, but you have evil intentions! You asked for all of this !"

"I asked for it? Hehehe! Then tell me, why did I lose my life for no reason?"

"That's the way of heaven! Even though you lost your life, your meritorious deeds have given you infinite merit. If you hadn't harbored hatred in your heart and committed many misdeeds, you would have had a place in the heavenly court!"

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