Waterdrop Survival: I can see the prompt

Chapter 76

"What kind of bullshit is the position of an immortal! What merits and virtues, you have the final say!"

The ghost king of the dead city was indignant for himself.

Niutou didn't say another word, and said softly to Fang Bai: "Let's go!"

Fang Bai manipulated the iron chain like a loach and burrowed towards the opposite direction of the ghost king.

"Where to run!"

The ghost king got angry, stood up from the chair, and was going to catch Fang Bai.

At this time, there was a sudden thunder explosion in the void, and a black lacquered round hole appeared above his head out of thin air, and lightning flashed and thundered inside.

Seeing this scene, the ghost king turned into a huge turtle.The four legs of this tortoise are very small, and the carapace on the abdomen is so thick that the four legs can't reach the ground at all.

What he cared most about were the four legs, so put the legs back into the shell first.After confirming that it was well hidden, he hid his tail and head again, begging for mercy constantly:
"Nuwa empress, please forgive me, Xiao Gui dare not..."

The thunder light hovered over his head for a long time without falling, and he stretched out his head to take a peek.

Lei Guang was still hovering above his head, with no intention of falling down.

He looked and looked, making sure there was no danger, and touched it carefully.

Be it the lightning or the round hole that suddenly appeared in the void, they all disappeared, as if nothing had happened here!
"Bull head! How dare you lie to me! I'm going to give you a billion souls as snacks! Stop him!"

Fang Bai continued to drill forward.

Now, he can perfectly control the soul, and the soul has become a part of his body.

Wherever he went, it was like a red-hot knife meeting butter, without the slightest resistance.It's just that there are more and more souls in the soul ecstasy space.

Fang Bai suddenly became a general. He had just won a battle and solved a national crisis.When he returned to court, he sat on the horse and was triumphantly accepting the worship of the people around him.

An imperial decree from the eunuch made him hurriedly straighten his clothes and go to see the emperor.

What was given to him was not an official title, but a prison sentence.

There is no place to justify, he is a rebellious, greedy, corrupt and bribe-taking thief.

After the autumn harvest, in the execution ground, he could no longer speak.To prevent him from yelling and telling his grievances before he died, his tongue was cut off, and a hot iron was inserted into his throat, scalding his vocal cords.

Facing more than ten times the number of enemy troops, he did not die, but died in Xiaoxiao's hands.He is not convinced, he is not reconciled, he wants to seek justice for himself.

He knew it was an illusion.

Since coming to the underworld, he has experienced hallucinations the most.In this regard, he already has a psychological immunity.

As soon as he suppressed the grief and indignation, he became a woman again.

Became a child bride-in-law at the age of six.Pushing the mill after the donkey.

At the age of seven, the land was covered by ice and snow.She struggled to drag the tub, which contained the family's clothes.

Knock off the ice layer, and soak your hands in the ice water but feel warm.

Became a married woman at the age of 13.

I gave birth at the age of 14, and almost didn't take my own life.She survived tenaciously.

It's a pity that it's a girl. During the confinement period, there is still clear rice soup, and a piece of pickled radish the size of a finger is a luxury, so it's not her turn.

When she was 20 years old, she finally had a son, and her status in the family improved slightly.

But her husband died unexpectedly.Maybe it wasn't an accident, anyway, his body was full of injuries.

Hastily buried her husband.The ten acres of Susukida at home were taken by my uncle.There are three cottages, and the elder brother took out the deed.

The blind fortune-teller said that her fate was hard, and her in-laws scolded her for killing her husband, and she was a loser.

Self-portrait in the mirror, beautiful face.An ugly girl in the village, dressed in brocade and jade clothes, because her father is a landlord.He was wrapped in sackcloth and patched layer upon layer.

The house next door has nothing but four walls, not sheltered from the wind and rain.But there is family happiness.

She envies her envy.

In desperation, she ended her own life with a straw rope, just to give birth to a good family in the next life.


In the illusion, Fang Bai kept changing his identity.Anger, jealousy, unwillingness, helplessness...

All kinds of negative emotions made him more and more irritable.

"Wake up! It's all fake!"

As if being slapped twice, Fang Bai regained consciousness slightly.

He found that standing in front of him was a bull's head.Niutou seemed to have just finished pumping his hand and hadn't withdrawn his hand yet.

"This is the underworld. Punish evil and promote good, and control reincarnation. You can figure it out! I can't hold on anymore."

After finishing speaking, the bull head disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant like a light bulb cut off.

Behind him, the ghost king also came after him.

Those phantoms are all the memories of the soul here, all of which were given to Fang Bai.

Under the influence of the illusion, Fang Bai's speed was slowed down a lot.

He shook his head to make himself more conscious.No matter what illusions there were, he ignored them.

Finally, as soon as the body relaxed, the eyes became brighter.

He got out of the ghost king's body.

His own body was still standing under the cave wall, and the ecstasy was like a snake, crawling to the side of the body.

Seeing his consciousness move from the ecstasy to his body, he moved his body and he came alive again.

In the cave, the man transformed from the unjustly killed tortoise disappeared, and a city appeared in front of him.

The city is a giant tortoise shell.The place where the limbs were originally became the city gate.

There were soldiers standing guard at the city gate, but they turned a blind eye to Fang Bai who was not far away.

There are residents in the city who are active, and they will not go to the city gate.

Nuwa cuts the tortoise to prop up the sky.The soul of the tortoise returned to the underworld, and it was unwilling to die unjustly.His resentment attracted souls who died in vain, so he swallowed a large number of resentful souls and became a city.

This is the city of vain death, he is the city, and the city is also him.

The city trembled and gradually became smaller.

"Run, you can't beat him!"

The Hook Soul beside Fang Bai suddenly became straight, slowly coiled and bent, and suddenly stretched straight again, ejecting out along the opening of the cave at the top like a spring.

Hearing someone talking suddenly, Fang Bai was startled.

Subconsciously, he grabbed the iron chain that bounced upwards.

"Hey, don't be so hard, my old bones can't stand your grasp like this."

The voice came from the ecstasy.

Fang Bai didn't know where his waist was, and he didn't know who was speaking.

"who are you?"

Fang Bai asked.

"You grabbed me? You don't know who I am?"

The voice said dissatisfied.

During the conversation, Luhun led him to jump up from the cave.

The time has not yet come.The beak has not yet opened.

Hooking was limp and coiled into a ball on one side, a child wearing a doll with two upturned braids emerged from it, looking at Fang Bai.

"What are you looking at? Don't you know me? My master is a seductress."

The child's speech is old-fashioned.

"Hello, senior, thank you for saving my life..."

Fang Bai didn't know what to say.

Hooking the soul, looking left and right, nonchalantly:
"I woke up, and this old tortoise became so crazy. This kid, Niutou, still knows how to keep a trace of his soul with me, so he is not too stupid. What happened?"

Fang Bai roughly explained the matter.

After listening to his speech, he sat on the stone with his face in his hands, and didn't speak for a long time.

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