Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

Edward Newgate

Chapter 8


I couldn’t afford to go easy on them anymore (not that I wasn’t trying my hardest against Vista). The Whitebeard Pirate Commanders were nothing to scoff at, even if they seemed much weaker than the average Sweet Commander. Of course, there were a few exceptions like Marco, Jozu, Vista and possibly Teach (who is not a commander). But most importantly, I had no way of escaping. There was nothing but the open ocean around me and if I was going to go down...I was going to go down fighting.


Rule number one. If an enemy is down, make sure they can’t get back up. To me, that meant going after the weaker commanders first...if I could just avoid all of the stronger ones trying to get to me that would be easier.


There was no way I could hold back on using haki now; the 16 Division commanders surrounded me, each holding onto their signature weapons. But are they dumb? 16 People and a quarter of them holding guns in close quarters. They were basically just asking me to make them friendly fire.


I activated my observation and rushed to the closest commander holding a pistol. As she fired at me, I dodged them easily as I heard a grunt behind me. I sensed a commander who had been shot and a few more who has trying to take advantage of my turned back. Of course, they didn’t seem to realize that I could tell everything they were doing.


I grabbed the barrel of the gun and kicked it away before grabbed her by the shoulder and doing a Judo flip on her into the deck of the Moby Dick. I then realized that an Adam Wood deck to the face does more damage than I realized; however, I didn’t have time for that as I raised her semi-conscious head as a meat shield for Sprint, another division commander.


Wait…was the pistol holding girl a guy? I think I heard that Izo was a crossdresser…well. Whatever his fetish is I won’t pry.


As he came face to face with my meat shield, he came to a sudden halt in which I used to use soru right to his face. Just as I was about to move past him, I covered my left knee in armament haki which collided straight to his face as he was sent flying into the ocean. If he’s really a commander, then he should be fine.


The next few minutes was a mess of blades, guns, and flipping. My years of fighting so many different martial artists came in handy as I avoided their blades and made them face each other, which obviously made them hesitate. Due to this predictable behavior, I didn’t need to use future sight yet, which was a lifesaver since looking into the future drains my concentration and makes me lose focus after an extended period of time.


I kicked Ace away just as he was trying to punch me with a flame covered fist before grabbed him by the arm and shoving his still lit hand into someone behind me. I heard am muffled scream but I didn’t give it a chance as I kicked back without looking at who it was.


Me: You logia make horrible meat shields


Ace only gave a muffled scream before being thrown out into the sea. It was getting a bit too hot to continue holding onto him.


It’s been thirty minutes in a complete mess as the commanders fell off one by one. Which in reality was a bad thing for me as now the fewer commanders can coordinate their attacks. To be honest, they were more like sampling me. Testing me one by one to see how I fight while I was unable to make a decisive strike on anyone.


Me: So it’s you three again.


Diamond Jozu, Marco the Phoenix, and Petal Sword Vista. The strongest of the Whiteboard Pirates (excluding himself of course).


Marco: You’re pretty strong little miss. I didn’t know that the old hag had a child like you. Ever heard of this one, pops?


Newgate: I’ve heard rumors about her but nothing much is known since she always removes evidence of what she did. Is that you?


Me: I can’t be sure but killing seagulls sounds like something I would do. Not as good as chicken but birds are birds.


Marco: Jesus! Why would you do that, yoi?


I wonder what phoenix’s would taste like…not that I want to scorch my throat by taking a bite out of him of course. Which raises the question though it is totally out of place. As a fire bird, is phoenix always served cooked or do I need to dip it in lava to properly cook it before a meal?


Anyway, back to the fight. Where was I? Oh yes, killing Newscoo Seagulls.


Me: The higher my bounty, the more attention I will receive. I’ll be fine with it after I receive my rank of Sweet Commander. But until then, attention will only be counterproductive when I am sent to collect ingredients for Mama.


Newgate: Brat, why are you even fighting here? You’re on the Moby Dick surrounded by my sons. If push comes to shove, don’t think I won’t interfere.


Me: Which is exactly the reason why I’ve been taking care not to kill your commanders Whitebeard. A second your sons are fighting me is a second not chasing my ship.


Newgate: Is that wine really that important to you?


Me: To me? No. I’m not even allowed to drink alcohol yet. But to the people at Tottaland. That wine is a matter of life or death. I can’t have it lost or destroyed at your hands.


Marco: Hey! We might be pirates but we ain’t like your mom. We don’t plunder things from people who need them.


Me: That might be so, but we are enemies. Are we not? Last I recall, there was not an agreement for a ceasefire between Big Mom and the Whitebeard pirates.


Vista: So little Miss. Are you going to fight to the death? Are you really ready for that?


Me: No... I don’t want to die or be caught captive. Nor do I want to surrender or lose or escape with my tails caught between my legs. I am Charlotte Syrup, daughter of Big Mom and I will have you recognize my strength!


That was a total bluff. I knew I couldn’t win and I would much rather be beaten up and run away then fight to the bitter end against a group of enemies I had no chance against. Still, if I knew about Whitebeard…he should have a soft spot for children of the sea like myself. Hopefully I wouldn’t die.


Talking any longer would just be counterproductive. I had a very basic plan which would probably not work. Beat up as many commanders as I can and escape while they check on each other.


But maybe things won’t be so easy. The air around the three commanders changed as they surrounded me. This time, I felt real bloodlust. They weren’t taking me as Big Mom’s little girl anymore, but rather an enemy. A rival. Did I go too far?


Marco’s fire rushed past me as I tilted my head to dodge. Just as Vista’s blade scraped my right arm. I stung a bit but I carried on. As Jozu was getting near me, I clad my entire head in armament and head butt him back long enough for me to escape the pinch they wanted me in.


Marco burned in blue flames as he transformed completely into his phoenix form and flew up into the sky. Vista also stepped back as his petals began to surround him. Joss on the other hand rushed back at me. Trying to hold me in place while they attack, trusting his diamond hard defense would keep him from harm.


I quickly used observation to search the deck and found what I was looking for. I used soru to go right next to a knocked out Thatch who had been holding Sea Stone cuffs, which I grabbed with my suddenly somehow gloved hands. It was a pretty light plank but I knew it would do the job.


I sent haki into the seastone cuff and brought it down on Jozu’s half diamond face as he crumpled. As Marco began to dive down towards me, I sent a rankyaku (sickle kick) followed by a hidden force blade coated in light haki. As expected, he ignored the first strike but he didn’t see the second one.


As he fell from the sky in pain, I grabbed the sea stone cuff which was still in my hand. Just as I was about the bring it down...




A bisento blocked my strike. As I looked up, an amused face of Whitebeard was looking back at me.


Me: So you’re going to join the fight Mr. Newgate?


Newgate: Why, scared little brat?


Me: Very. I have seen Mama fight and I’m not keen on fighting someone on her level…I am terrified Whitebeard, but fear would not help me in this situation. I will not let it hinder my abilities against someone of your caliber.


I used my observation to scan his insides as something seemed a little off there as well.


Me: It’s a bit out of place but perhaps I do have a chance at escaping. Seeing that you currently have lung cancer, an almost kidney failure while the other one’s overworking as well. Your overall balance is off slightly more to the right which is grinding your left hipbone to lose strength and your back is hunched as your disc is slowing being grinned to dust. I’d say your heart is not as strong as it should be for a man of your strength which leaves room for a miraculous Heart Attack to save my day.


Newgate: Gurarara! What are you, a doctor?


Me: A chef, an exquisite one too. More than once I had dissected a human so I know a thing or two about the human anatomy. Did I mention that I’m a natural surgeon?


Vista: miss...you processed a human?


Me: For medical purposes of course. Though self-proclaimed, I am probably the best doctor in the New World.



I jumped back and face Whitebeard. Him in front of me. Marco flying above me with Vista behind me. Thankfully, Jozu was still knocked out cold but the others were starting to stir and looked like they wanted to get back into the fight.


Newgate: Sons! Stay back, I will handle this.


Marco: Pops! You shouldn’t move like that!


Newgate: Gurararara! So many restrictions due to my old age...let me have this fight. Will you?


Me: Fighting me will decrease your lifespan. I’m sure you have more important things to do than spending your time against an enemy soldier?


Newgate: Nice try brat but the safety of my sons come first and foremost.


Me: Then I will fight you with all I have...it would be dishonorable to fight a yonko without giving my all.


Marco: You mean to say you held back?! yoi?

Me: I tried not to get Whitebeard’s attention by eliminating you one by one and making it seem like I was having a hard time but it looks like I can’t trick his eyes.


Newgate: Brat, I can tell when someone’s going easy. You did put up a good act though, you almost got me...almost.


As he said that, I felt the waves churn the massive ship as the world’s strongest man prepared to fight.


Me: *sigh* I lowered my expectations for this fight. I just hope I’m coming out of this in one piece.


As the massive 6 meter man raised his fist, my future sight roared to life as I tried to look at here he would hit. Usually, the stronger an opponent is, the harder it is to predict where he would strike but thankfully Whitebeard was slower than I thought. Most of his strongest attacks were ‘Area of Attack’ based and he couldn’t exactly do that with all of his sons on board the ship.


I dodged by a wide margin, and as I thought the moment the fist flew past me, a white sphere of the Tremor Tremor Fruit roared to life. Armament haki or not, I wasn’t sure if I could take more than a hit from that.


Despite that, I didn’t lose my chance for an attack. I knew strength was one aspect I would never win against Whitebeard, I was going for speed and sharpness. I continued to dodge his fists as I inflicted small cuts all over his body. His solid defense not allowing me to inflict anymore than that.


*flip* *land*


I landed right on top of his bisento and punched him straight in the nose with everything I had. I’m not sure what was more damaged after the hit. His nose or my fist but his face was bleeding after that.


This went on for an hour as I everything I can to avoid his strikes. Looking moments into the future to see where he will strike. His slowness (relatively) was my only saving grace. Despite knowing that I needed to give everything, I refused to attack his back, even though I ran behind him a couple of times. I needed to make sure his honor was protected. It would be a shame to inflict a wound there which someone can misunderstand as a sign of his cowardice...I knew how important that was to him.


I was beginning to think I can drag this on for a couple more hours until I realized something was off. I realized too late. All of Whitebeard’s sons had moved onto another smaller ship in the back while I was busy focusing on Whitebeard. Just as the last man changed ships, Whitebeard gripped the air as the world began to tilt.


AN: Enjoy! Also...it's quite unlike Whitebeard to be this easy huh? No matter how OP Syrup is at her age, Whitebeard is known as the Strongest Man in the World for a reason

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