Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

No Holding Back

Chapter 9


The world tilted as Whitebeard activated his Devil Fruit. The waves around the ship rose as the Moby Dick began to look like a small toy ship compared to it.


Me: Crazy Old man! Do you even have a plan to survive this??!


Whitebeard: Gurararara!!! Somehow things always work fine!


He probably had a solution similar to Sengoku’s where he would crack the air to produce shockwaves to push the waves around him back. Or creating a mini safe zone for himself while I would have to get near him to be in that zone. He would surely get me if I stayed close to him for so long...but if I didn’t.


I looked at the towering waves of water as it threatened to capsize the massive vessel. I looked back and saw Whitebeard smiling smugly. One hand still gripping the cracked air as he brought the ever large wave above and directly above the ship.


His other hand was also encased in the white sphere as he prepared for both close combat as well as to defend himself from the massive tsunami.


I looked at the wave in shock until...he let go and the water began falling down.


Newgate: Gurarara!! Looks like you really are planning to die. Or do you perhaps have a plan for this as well?


Honestly, I didn’t like using my Devil Fruit. I knew it wasn’t time to be cocky but my Devil fruit was...addictive. The Devil Fruit was like the lure of a Big Mac during my attempt at a diet in my past life, but sometimes desperate times called for desperate needs.


Me: *whispers* Cube


A small cube formed in the palm of my hand before expanding. It expanded outward until it covered approximately half of the Moby Dick as the wave came crashing down.


Me: There will be no water in my kitchen.


As the water passed through the transparent barrier, the water first dissipated into mist and then nothing. Whitebeard himself looked shocked as he did not expect an ability like that.


Me: I have consumed The Kitchen-Kitchen No-mi, a direct superior of the ope-ope no mi. As far as I’m concerned, Anyone and anything inside my kitchen is nothing more than ingredients on my table. Including you…should you feel weaker and slower within my cube, then it is due to my ability.


Newgate: Gurararara!! What an interesting ability brat!


As the world returned to normal, I saw the sensed the shocked expressions of the others on the other ship as they realized I was totally fine.



Me: I’ll be attacking first then. *Mise en Place*


I ran towards him and began to slice at every open skin that Whitebeard showed. Unlike before, this time I made deeper cuts. All over his body, red cross marks appeared as my knives slashed over his open skin.


As his chest got covered in Haki, I was forced to stop my slashing but that didn’t mean I couldn’t attack.


Me: *Skewer*


The chef’s knife I was holding turned into a utility knife as a haki covered tip impaled itself into Whitebeard’s arm. He grimaced as he showed pain but I wasn’t done.


Me: *Frenching*


Enhanced by my devil fruit, the knife forced its way upwards into the arm, cutting through hard muscle and into the fat. Whitebeard’s other fist was raised as he prepared to punch me with whatever he had ready.


Newgate: KAISHIN




I let go of the knife and left it buried in his arms as I prepared for my own strike against him. I turned the cleaver onto its handle and met his strike head on.




*CRACK* *CRACK* *CRACK* *Shatter*


My cleaver broke into tiny pieces but I succeeded in pushing Whitebeard back. I soru-ed back to the arm where the utility knife was still buried and continued.


Me: Cure *Kitchen term for purifying with salt*


Whitebeard groaned as salt appeared in his wounds and the moisture from his wound made it even worse. As I took out my knife, his left arm dangled from the side as the nerves that held it together were sliced as well.


Newgate: Gurararara!! You have a dangerous Devil Fruit there missy! I could feel the weakness in my limbs right now!


Marco: Pops!!!!


Me: *huff* *huff* It comes with its share of consequences. There is no such thing as a perfect Devil Fruit.


Newgate: Perhaps. But I think fighting you any longer will be too dangerous for both myself and this ship.


Me: You’ll let me go?


I sounded a little more hopeful than I wanted to sound.


Newgate: No, I’ll end this now. *Tenchi Meido*


For a moment I was in confusion as the ground disappeared under me until I realized that the ocean itself was pushed down for me to lose my ground. As I looked back up, a black blade covered in the white spear was headed straight for my face.


Me: *Pan Flip*


Up became down as Whitebeard was suddenly aiming at my feet I easily dodged but not before doing another thing.


Me: Grill Press


As if a massive invisible (giant) spatula was pressed against Whitebeard, his face crashed into the deck of the Moby Dick with so much force that a whole was formed...and that was made of Adam Wood.


Me: How hard is your head old man? Jones! You didn’t even cover it with haki.


Newgate: I head butted away Garp’s fist with this head of mine. It can take a few hits, not to mention your cotton candy fists.


Behind me, I saw the other commanders rush back onto the ship in order to fight me despite Whitebeard’s warning. Perhaps it was because they didn’t expect me to fight this well against Whitebeard.


As the commanders rushed me, I didn’t have time to face them. Whitebeard was getting up again.


Marco: You don’t harm Pops like that!


Me: Blend


The division commanders were pulled together not in their own will before being rolled together all over the deck and back down into the ocean below. There were a few who managed to avoid the skill though.




As I dodged an incoming bullet, Whitebeard got back up onto his feet and raised his Bisento again. His expression showing that he was fine despite the many wounds across his body.


Me: Old man! Let me go! You can’t hit me and I can’t beat you. I promise I’ll kill your sons if you keep this up!


Newgate: You are on My Ship. You can’t leave as you please!




The bisento crushed the through the deck and the shockwave shattered the floor below that as well.


Me: Let me go before I kill one of your sons! I swear I am capable of doing so!


Newgate: Killing them would just mean you signed your own death sentence brat! I Know you’re not stupid enough to do that.


Suddenly, a massive fire headed straight for me as Fire Fist ace flew out of the Ocean and dived headfirst straight at me.


As the fire began to cover me, I yelled.


Me: Heat Manipulation! *COOL!!*


The fire around Ace didn’t die but it lost its heat. It was nothing more than fancy lights dancing around his body; however, such reality changing demands was heavily taxing.


Me: *cough* *cough* *huff* *huff* *wheeze* *wheeze*


Ace: Whaa? *Punch*


I smacked Ace straight out of the cube again before he decided to attack me while I was down on one knee.


Newgate: So a stamina based ability, is it?


Me: It’s better than an ability that can’t distinguish between friend and foe. Quite ironic since your crew is based on the idea of family, is it not?


It was meant as a provocation but obviously Whitebeard would not fall for something like that.


Newgate: Gurararara!!! You need to work more on your insults brat! A kid like you sprouting insults looks nothing more than an angry bunny! Gurararara!!!


A bunny... really? I’ve made him almost lose his arm, cut over a hundred small wounds over his chest, wiped out half of his commanders and I’m like a cute bunny?


To be honest...it pissed me off in two directions. First was the obvious fact that he was looking down on me despite what I had accomplished. Secondly, I had prided myself that I was more like a cat than anything. Living like a cat was my dream for this world. To be able to laze around, act like an asshole and still have people love and care for me.


Me: Take that back! I did all of this to you and your crew and I’m...I’m like a bunny?


Newgate: Gurararara!!! Did I say something wrong? Or did I press a wrong button brat?




With one of the strangest anger fits I have ever had, I raged/rushed towards Whitebeard with a fillet knife and chef’s knife. Both of them held forehand to maximize my strength.




Small pieces of skin flew everywhere and blood splattered on my face as I stabbed with renewed strength. It was tougher than anything I had ever cut as Whitebeard’s armament haki was no joke...but fighting against me was like rubbing stone against sandstone. I could continuously grind him down. My future sight together with my unnatural speed allowing me to (barely) dodge his attacks in time.



As I dodged his fist once again, I decided to make the other arm useless as well as I climbed it. From the top of his shoulder, I jumped off, but not before getting a solid cut into his side which I dragged down with me.


Me: Allumette


As I stuck my other knife in, I doubled the damage.


Me: Julienne


I noticed someone was behind me so I jumped off the Whitebeard and landed on the said person...except there was a ripping sound that I didn’t expect to hear. I looked down... and then up to meet his eyes. The moment our eyes met, I lost myself to rage.


Teach had ripped off my front with his claws, leaving my breast practically exposed to everyone on board. Sure, there wasn’t much to look at but my dignity!!! I grabbed my knife and threw it down directly at where his throat was.


Teach had closed his eyes as the blade almost reached his Adam’s Apple...but as I was bringing my blade down...in that small fraction of a fraction of a mili-second, I thought about the consequences my actions would bring.


Removing Blackbeard from the storyline this early would create great changes in the world. But before I can decide I didn’t care, I had already hesitated...long enough for Diamond Jozu to crash into the unprotected back and knock me forward. The hit itself wasn’t bad as I had covered myself in haki mid contact but the problem was that he pushed me directly into Whitebeard’s fist...which I had not foreseen at all. A testament to his strength to go beyond my future sight.



As his fist made contact with my stomach, I felt my insides get messed up as a fist the size of my torso...not to mention the white light which was thick enough to be felt inside me. The vibrations completely ignored the futile tekkai I had put up and directly attacked my insides.


Before I knew it, I had crashed into the other side of the ship, my Devil Fruit ability down and I could barely keep up my observation. I felt blood...my blood leaving from my stomach, mouth, and a few other places as well.


I knew slipping into unconsciousness here would be suicide but closing my eyes right now seemed like such a comfortable thing to do...to just ignore the empty feeling in my torso. From the corner of my eyes, I sensed dozens of pirates closing in on me with their swords and guns. Heck I even felt an additional shot go through my leg...not that it mattered with my current condition.


As a hazy figure raised his blade above me, a blast of fire covered my view...and in front of me with his arms spread wide. His back to me was...


Me: Fire Fist Ace...?


I croaked out. With my voice, he turned and faced me with a look of pity on his face. Why? What did he feel when he saw me defeated like this? This had nothing to do with him!


had to fight Whitebeard. As a child of Big Mom I had to fight since we were enemies since birth.


The look in his eyes made me feel something...strange. Not necessarily unpleasant but different; but it was too late for that. I found myself losing myself to unconsciousness. I was calm...but I was scared to leave for the darkness. It was ironic since I had practically claimed the lives of thousands and even innocents…but yet I was scared to meet my own end. Even though there was probably a sarcastic god waiting for me on the other side…death is scary.


Me: ...I don’t want to die....

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