Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

Fishmans Fishmans

Chapter 24


Out of anyone in the Big Mom pirates that is not a Fishman, I have probably visited Fishman island the most. Something about the place just resonates with me and gives me a feeling of peace when I am in that place. Being there so much I have come to form a relation between King Neptune, his princes, even Princess Shirahoshi when I accidentally stopped a number of daggers from reaching her. Of course, Jimbei and I were old friends by now; we didn’t have the best relationship judging that it was partially (if not all) my fault that Fishman Island was no longer under the protection of Whitebeard and instead Big Mom. Still, we had mutual respect for each other as he knew the reason as to why I had proposed such a thing to Mama.


This time, things have been going pretty bad in Fishman Island and they have been getting very close to not being able to match the quota of Fishman Candy so I was going to check what was going on. Obviously I knew about the new Fishman Pirates forming and they were causing more trouble than good so maybe it was time to wipe them out should they have been the ones to cause an interference.


This time I was going to Fishman Island with Sir Peckoms and Baron Tamago to collect this month’s offering of 10 tons of Fishman Candy. Arriving at the island, I could already sense that something was wrong. Something had gone very very wrong. Much of the island was destroyed and the entire atmosphere of the Fishmans was not what it used to be.


We got our answer when Peckoms talked to the Minister of the Left of the Fishman Kingdom.


Peckoms: Like I’ve been saying Minister of the Left ROOARR—


Left: Is there any way we might possibly get you to overlook this matter? The factory was attacked in the incident!


Peckoms: This CIVIL WAR has nothing to do with us!!! ROOAR!! And I was looking forward to this trip since I was starving!! You gentlemen are supposed to prepare a once in a month offering!!! Then I buy Mama’s Name! Wasn’t that the deal, hmm??!!


Me: Now now Peckoms. In situations like this you must keep calm.


Peckoms: But Lady Syrup! It looks like these fools don’t know the consequences of their actions! Rooarr! Fishman Island and the Big Mom Pirates have an alliance based on an agreement…and when that agreement is broken and Mama is mad…! You are DOOMED!!


He even took off his sunglasses to emphasize the point to the Minister of the Left but all it did was make him look cuter. I mean seriously, if he wants to be intimidating he should talk more quietly and remove the ‘roar’ from his sentences. Also, it looks as if the Fishman Island arc has just finished by the look of things. That means the Straw Hat Pirates are here right now. And right on time, I sensed a very distinct rubber man and his crew coming towards our location.


Luffy: The meat was good but Fishman Island Sweets are the best!


Around me, the fish mans tried to shush Luffy but since it was Luffy, it didn’t work.


Luffy: Oh, that catfish guy is there as well!


Peckoms: Sweets? He had Sweets?! There better be an explanation for this!! Roar!


Tamago: Peckoms. Threatening people left and right will not get you anywhere. Let us talk this out peacefully. The tea party is in four days…if we send the boat out by tomorrow, then we should make it on time.


Unfortunately, looking towards the direction of the factory where the Big Mom Pirates’ Jolly Roger was hung, it was obvious that it had been damaged as well. I already knew that it would take much longer than a day to fix it up to get it running again.


Me: Well, that is obviously a problem isn’t it Straw Hat? That flag up there belongs to Mama, Charlotte Linlin of the 4 Emperors. What that means is this island is protected by the Big Mom Pirates.


Luffy: Ah! So she’s a good person then! By the way, who are you?


Me: It’s a shame you don’t remember me Monkey D. Luffy since I was there at the Marineford war with you as well. My name is Charlotte Syrup and I am the one that saved your brother as well as the one that stuck a pole up Akainu’s arm.


A light of recognition went up Luffy as he realized who I was.


Luffy: Oh! So that’s you! Thanks for saving my brother! You’re a good girl then. I would share my meat with you. Shishishi!


While Sanji looked shocked at the fact that not only I had saved Ace, shoved a pole up Akainu’s arm, and Luffy’s decision to share his meat with me (let’s keep this PG), I got back to business.


Me: Yes thank you Luffy. But you see, the alliance between Fishman Island and the Big Mom Pirates is one that is based on an agreement. 10 Tons of Fishman Candy per month in exchange for protection by the Big Mom Pirates.


Luffy: 10 TONS???!!!


Me: Yes. Mama likes her sweets more than anything else so she places great importance on it. I would say she puts equal the amount of importance on sweets as you would your meat made by your chef.


That got his attention.


Sanji: Syrup-chan? Could you please tell your Mama to wait a little bit for the candy? I’m sure it would not be a hard thing.


Me: Impossible. Would you like try telling your captain to starve when there is food in the refrigerator?


Sanji: But there is no food in the fridge in this case!


Me: But the thing is, Mama’s never opened the fridge. She awaits her sweets on Whole Cake island. And no matter what goes on in the kitchen…she will demand her tribute.


Zoro: Fine then. What happens if the Sweets are late then?


This time, knight Tamago answered for me.


Tamago: Then the pact is dissolved and the Big Mom Pirates will destroy this island for it’s failure to meet it’s due date!


Luffy: DESTROY FISHMAN ISLAND? Are you people stupid or what??! We just saved this island dammit!


Me: But you see Luffy? What would you do is someone takes away your nakama? I told you Mama places great importance on Sweets…and the failure to meet that quota will result in consequences.


*ring* *ring*


I reached for the Den-Den Mushi from Mama before Luffy could be an idiot and answer it.


Me: Hello Mama. This is Syrup on Fishman Island. As you have probably heard we have encountered a situation.


Linlin: So it’s true? I thought no one would be stupid enough to try and eat something that’ll come to me.


Me: Mama. It seems the Fishman have filled their quota but a Civil War by a Pirate Crew, Fishman Kingdom, and the Straw Hats have destroyed much of the Candy. Straw Hat Luffy was found to have eaten the little bit which was left.


Linlin: So it is…what do you think we should do about this Syrup, Mamamama


Me: Mama, Straw Hat Luffy is right next to me. Would you like to hear his confession


Linlin: Mamama! Pass it over then!


I handed the den den mushi to Luffy who took I without even a single moment of hesitation and answered.


Luffy: Hey, is this Big Mom?! I’m Monkey D. Luffy! The man who’s going to become the Pirate King!


Linlin: Ahh~ I remember. Garp’s grandson, was it? The little boy that stirred up the war two years ago.


Luffy: There’s no more candy! I ate it all! ALL. 10 TONS OF IT!


Linlin: Silly boy, you shouldn’t lie like that. You’re trying to cover up for the Fishmans aren’t you? Syrup already told me that there weren’t 10 tons of Candy when the factory was destroyed!


Luffy: Blah Blah Blah! I’m sorry! I didn’t know that the Candy was supposed to you. But in return, I have a lot of treasure here! I’ll give it all to you to make up for the candy!


Linlin: You expect me to eat treasure? I want Sweet Delicious Candy!!! Syrup, kill him!


At this point I swiped the den den sushi out of his hands and answered Mama again, calmly ignoring her previous words.


Me: Mama, I would strongly advise taking the treasure and turning your wrath against the Straw Hats instead of Fishman Island. We can use the treasure to accelerate the process of producing candy for you while not losing our reputation by going after Luffy, the one who ate all your Candy.


Linlin: Mamama!!! What a smart little girl Syrup. As you wish…I will change my target of wrath from Fishman Island to Monkey D. Luffy!


Luffy: YOU BET! I found that it’s too dangerous to leave this place to you so…I’ll come and beat your ass in the New World and make Fishman Island MY. TURF!


With that, the idiot turned off the den den mushi. Seriously, expecting us to deal with Mama’s wrath when we get back, this is why I hate the D’s stupidity and irresponsibility.


Killing Caribou on the way back to our ship to vent some stress, we made our way back up into the New World and soon into Mama’s territory.


Looks like the Whole Cake Arc will be here soon. So far Luffy has been acting like he has been doing in canon.



Back on Whole Cake Island, I found an interesting prisoner locked up in the book prison. It was a Polar bear wearing an orange jumpsuit. When I tried to talk to him he kept on saying ‘Sorry’. The description next to his cell showed a few interesting details.


Me: Mink…Polar Bear…


Then something more shocking found my attention.


Me: Bepo of the Heart Pirates!!!?



AN: Beginning my favorite arc of this fanfic next chapter. This one was...well...kind of a filler to connect the story over to the next. Enjoy!

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