Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

Rookies…*sigh* Wasting my time

Chapter 23


Inside the Chateau I was enjoying a cup of non-sentient tea when I sensed Mama’s rage. I could sense the clouds gathering overhead creating what will soon become a storm. Zeus was reacting to her anger and calling the weather of the New World onto Mama’s domain.


Of course, I knew exactly why this happened. I had already heard of one of those rookie pirates trespassing into Mama’s domain. When I had heard that it was the Mad Monks Pirates, I was expecting this outcome. Brother Snack and his overconfidence leading to his defeat at the hands of a supernova. Knowing the full extent of the Big Mom pirates, the outcome made complete sense to me.


Brother Snack was easily the weakest of the Sweet Commanders. He was in actuality weaker than any of the triplets of Katakuri, Oven, and Daifuku; two of whom are not Sweet Commanders. Despite this and the lack of a Devil Fruit, Snack was an excellent commander who lead his division to many victories over the New World which earned him the title of ‘Sweet Commander’. Forgetting such a thing and getting overconfident enough to try against a foe like Urouge in single combat was stupid for him.


Sensing the incoming homies, I calmly put down my half finished cup of tea and grabbed a biscuit before the homies burst into my room. Oh? A chess soldier.


Pawn: My Lady! Urouge the Mad Monk has defeated Master Snack! The island is in lockdown! We are in dire need of your support.


Me: I know *crack*


I dusted the crumbs off my lap before standing up and leaving out the door the homie came through. As the wide door of the Chateau opened, I saw the state the island was in for the first time.


The winds were strong and the trees in the seducing woods were uprooted from the strength of Mama’s wrath. Pieces of candy, cookie, and chocolate were all mixed together in the storm as Zeus continued to rage across the island. Ungrateful bastard…shouldn’t he be helping us right now?


I gathered the power of my Devil Fruit in my palm and focused it into one point. Compressing it beyond what should be possible as a feeling if cold spread across my hand. Raising it high up into the air, I opened my hands and let my power run free.


Me: White Out


Instantly the climate was changed as snow was mixed in the storm. Shards of ice and snow danced around and spread across the entire island. Everything the snow touched…I felt it. The cowering people, the running homies, my panicking sisters and brothers…and the location of the Mad Monk Pirates as well as the downed form of my brother Snack.


Finding what I needed, I formed my wings on my back as I headed for the harbor beyond the seducing woods. Far off in the distance I felt the older siblings coming to Snack’s aid as well but they wouldn’t be there for a while. Brother Cracker was the closest but his insistence and reliance on his biscuit armor would slow him down greatly.


When they came into eyesight, I dove towards them and landed on an unfortunate pirate who I think belonged to the Mad Monks.




Not giving a second’s glance at the poor guy who turned into mush, I stood right up and walked up to the downed body of Snack.


Me: Brother…you’re not looking so good.


Snack: *grunt* No! I can still fight!


He tried to raise himself up again only to fall down in pain. When he tried to rise again I put a hand on his forehead to keep him down.


Snack: No! I must defeat him! The…My position as a Sweet Commander! Mama will strip me of my title if I fail to defeat him! Syrup! You must let me do this!


Me: no


I looked at him with pity.


Me: I understand your concern but to me your life is more valuable than a title. Stripped titles can be retaken once you prove your strength and ability to Mama again but you only have one chance at life.


This was ironic coming from me but I knew this was true for most people.


Me: So take this chance to heal, alright brother?


He didn’t seem like he was listening but I was done with his antics so I just left him there as I turned around to face the smiling face of Urouge. While his face was physically smiling, I saw through my observation that his true mood was nowhere near as happy as his face. Was it…rage? Sadness? I thought he was more of a captain obsessed with power but I guess he did care for his crew after all. Well, it’s not like I care about that.


Urouge: Did you do that little girl? Because you are going to pay for what you did to Harami!


Me: You must truly have bad eyesight and reflexes if you need to ask me to double check if was the one to kill…what’s his name again? Hammy?


Urouge: Harami!


As he yelled out Hammy again, his size began to increase and his muscles bulged as he raised his fist for a fight. While it might have been an intimidating sight for any other…it wasn’t really that impressive compared to what I have faced before.


Me: Not even Armament haki and you’re part of the Worst Generation? Are you kidding me? I won’t even need my blade for this.


The fight didn’t last lost as I launched myself directly at Urouge. Using an Armament covered arm to launch a modified shigan directly at his chest. Within a moment with his lungs pierced the whole way as well as his previous injuries from fighting Snack…he crumpled unconscious.


Urouge’s head touched the ground just as brother Cracker arrived on the scene. His fat biscuit armor slightly softened by my blizzard which was still blowing strong across the island.


Me: Brother Cracker. Things are already done here. Could you please create a few more of your soldiers to carry brother Snack to the infirmary and the others to scout the woods to finish off the rest of the Fallen Monk’s crew? I need to bring this thing to Mama and report.


Cracker: *che* And here I thought I could’ve had a good fight. It’s been so long since anyone strong has entered the lands. I would expect a Super rookie from Paradise to be a little bit stronger than that. How did Snack even lose to that muscle mass?


Me: Brother, Snack’s already suffered enough. Besides, if you want a good fight you can always spar with me.


Cracker: And get wiped around the Island like a sponge again? No thanks Syrup. How anyone that looks like you can be so freakishly strong? I would never know. Besides *hug* I wouldn’t think to hurt a cute little sister like you.


To most people, brother Cracker was an absolute dick. Arrogant and prideful as well as sometimes just plain rude; but to the few people who were close to him, he was a big softie for them. Thankfully, through the years of sparring with him and the mission together, I must have grown on him just as he did on me.


As the biscuit soldiers began entering the forest to look for the remaining members of the Fallen Monks and brother Cracker carried Snack towards the Chateau, I dragged the barely-clinging-to-life Urouge by the arm towards where Mama should be. Flying up towards the top of the Chateau where Mama was waiting.



Up until now, there were a number of pirates that have tried to trespass in Mama’s territory. Ranging from no name Pirates who started out in the New World to the Super Rookies who came from the other side of the GrandLine. There were even a few Marines as well as some lucky fools who happened to make it across the Calm Belt without being eaten by the Sea Kings and floated directly into Mama’s realm. Of all of them, the biggest names would be Capone Gang Bege as well as Basil Hawkins.


Meeting them on Whole Cake was an interesting experience when they recognized me from Sabaody Archipelago. In fact, I was surprised it took them quite long to arrive to Big Mom’s territory seeing as how Luffy has smooth sailed half the New World in a matter of just weeks (probably). Eventually things went differently from Canon when Basil Hawkins surrendered to the forces of the Big Mom Pirates instead of escaping and going into Kaido’s care. Essentially, he became the second Supernova crew to go under Big Mom’s crew for protection.


Me: Why?


Hawkins: You would have killed me should I have tried to run.


Me: You still believe those cards? I thought I proved them wrong for you.


Hawkins: Indeed. And that gave me a lot to think about as I have never been wrong before. It’s almost as if my cards cannot get a clear grasp of your presence for some reason. As if a higher power than the future itself is changing fate as it seems fit.


Well…I guess that sounds about right. Being a toy/entertainment of a being who literally fits the concept of omnipotent as well as a Devil Fruit specifically aquired to counter such powers and fate.


Me: Well, good to see you too then. Try not to die. Finding a prophet as good as you is hard even on this side of the GrandLine. Mama will appreciate your talents for planning many of our works.


Leaving him and his crew be, I found that the 2 years where Luffy would spend training would be almost up. Soon it would be the beginning of the New World Arc and they would reach Whole Cake Island soon. Actually, I think Mama’s already begun talking with the Germa Forces about the marriage alliance.

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