Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 68 – Godzilla attacks humans and Hollow Earth expedition

After getting the missile, I go through the Hollow Earth, back to Skull Island.

After getting through the cave, I immediately notice something odd about the storm that's covering the island.

It feels exactly the same as Ghidorah's storm and now it has fused with the storm that was surrounding Skull Island, becoming a perpetual storm covering it entirely.

The nest of the Kongs is built surrounding the cave entrance, but right now it's empty.

I spread my senses to see where they are and find them all in the Iwi village. Most of them are trying to protect the people while a few others are fighting Camazotz and his swarm of smaller Hellbats.

I quickly make my way to the mountain next to the village. As I reach the top, I jump down to the field where King Kong and two other kongs are fighting Camazotz.

Kong, noticing my arrival immediately grabs Camazotz by one of his wings and hurls him towards me.

I catch him by the throat with my fangs and as I land, I start to tear him to pieces.

Without their leader, the swarm stops functioning and descends into chaos. They start to attack each other, trying to decide who should be the next alpha.


Deciding to take care of two birds with one stone, I raise my head and let out an incredibly loud sonic howl, splitting and dissipating the storm clouds while also subduing the swarm of Hellbats.

The swarm immediately calms down and starts circling me.

Using the abilities I got from the first Camazotz I devoured, I close my eyes and reach out to the swarm.

Establishing the connection, I merely think of them flying in a certain pattern and they immediately do so without delay.

I order them to retreat down into the hollow earth and they all fly away towards the cave immediately.

With the storm now entirely dissipated, there's no longer a barrier between Skull Island and the outside world.

Now that most of the Iwi people are safe, the Kongs all get back to the nest.


After a few weeks back on the island, I noticed Monarch was starting to expand its facilities and was bringing more people now that there's no longer a storm surrounding the island.

Once they were done setting up, Dr. Ilene Andrews refocused her attention back to teaching sign language at every opportunity she got, joined by a deaf little Iwi girl named Jia.

The next time I walked by their observation and research station, I noticed a very large screen.

The moment I appeared, they turned on the screen and showed me a video of myself turning from my wolf form to my werewolf form.

Deciding to humor them just to see where it goes, I turn into a hundred fifty-five meter tall werewolf.

The pictures on the screen start to change to show hand signs and pictures of their corresponding meanings.

'Are they serious?'

Over the next few minutes, they continue to show me more pictures.

After a while the pictures stop and instead the screen shows Dr. Andrews.

She starts signing, at which point I decide to leave and resume my walk around the island.

Over the next few weeks they tried basically the same thing two more times before they gave up for a while.

Now I sense Dr. Andrews approaching the nest with both Dr. Mark Russell and Serizawa, along with a few armed men to protect them from dangers on the island.

I step out and approach them before they get too close.

"I have never been this close before. He really is magnificent." Serizawa says as I walk up to them.

They then put some equipment on the ground and set it up. I recognize the Orca device's sound as they turn it on.

At first the noise it makes is all random nonsense until Dr. Andrews takes a microphone attached to the device and starts speaking through it.

Weirdly enough, the sounds actually start making sense... almost.

Their weird attempts at communicating are a great source of amusement for me but at this point I almost want to put them out of their misery and start talking.



Over the next two years, they would keep trying to communicate without success. Although I did notice Kong talking to Jia every once in a while.

During this time, I've decided to leave this world once humans can protect themselves.

Only two things need to happen for that. First, I need to defeat Ghidorah's weapon and second, humans need to make a Mecha Titan.

Since this is a Godzilla world, I have no doubt that at some point humanity will make its own Mecha Titan and once they are capable of doing this, they should be able to resist any alien attempts at domination. And if they can't, well then I suppose that's just natural selection on an intergalactic scale.

The only problem is the Ghidorah weapon. I will take it on myself, no matter what. It's my fault it's coming. The only reason Ultimate Ghidorah set its sights on this world was because of my presence, so I have to take responsibility and defeat it.

I'm lying in the cave next to the Kongs' nest while I'm watching the two baby Kongs playing with Baragon.

Baragon keeps rolling into a ball to get away from them while they work together to catch him.

Suddenly I feel an Alpha call from halfway around the world, but it's a strange one. I recognize it as Ghidorah's and yet it's incoherent and sounds mechanical, almost like the Orca device but different.

I extend my senses and notice Godzilla is closer than I am.

I raise my head and howl, infusing it with my own Alpha call, telling Godzilla to go see what it is.

After a while the call stops and Godzilla roars, letting me know he destroyed the source.

About an hour later, Dr. Serizawa and Dr. Andrews approach the nest again.

'It's been a while, I thought they'd given up.'

Instead of going out myself, I send King Kong to see what they want.

He returns a few minutes later.

"What did they want?" I ask.

"They wanted to see you. Godzilla destroyed a human place and killed a few of them."

"He did what?!" I immediately get up and follow the two scientists.

When I get close, they hear tree branches snap behind them and turn around.

I turn into my werewolf form and for the first time, they see me sign.

"What happened?"

They stare at me wide eyed, mouths agape. "D-Did he just talk?" Dr. Andrews asks.

"He did." Serizawa says calmly. "You should respond."

"Since when could you talk?" Andrews signs.

"Always, answer question. What happened?" I respond.

"Godzilla attacked humans. Why did you never talk?"

"Don't trust humans."

After Dr. Andrews told me exactly what happened, I left down through the Hollow Earth and back up in the US. I then make my way to Pensacola, Florida.

When I get there, I see a disaster relief center set up, with dozens of injured people.

Seeing me, everyone stops what they're doing and stares.

There was a group of protesters standing outside the center with signs saying 'Kill all Titans!'. Now they just look up at me in fear.

I walk past the relief center and get to a  facility that has mostly been destroyed by Godzilla. On the side of a wall there's an ugly neon logo that says 'Apex Cybernetics'.

There's a cracked TV screen playing some sort of commercial. "Hi, I'm Walter Simmons, CEO of Apex Cybernetics."

I ignore it along with everything else as I close my eyes and focus on my olfactory sense. I smell a lot of fear, mostly from the people who were running from Godzilla.

Oddly enough, I also smell a sense of joy and relief. I focus on it and in my head I see a group of scientists and engineers celebrating after finishing building a large mechanical eye and weapon systems.

'They've already made a Mecha Titan. That's fast. But I could've sworn I recognized that Alpha call as Ghidorah's.

Wait a second.'

I quickly check my storage space and find many Titan corpses but no King Ghidorah.

'Guess I left it behind. They couldn't have possibly been dumb enough to use it... right?'

I focus back on the facility but I don't find anything indicating Ghidorah's corpse was here.

I do smell people below ground still working.

'Now, what could possibly be so important that they have to keep working in a secret underground section of the facility after a major disaster?'

Deciding to find out, I dig through over sixty meters of solid concrete and steel. Once I'm through, I find a pretty cool sophisticated maglev monorail system.

Inside one of the carriages I can sense baby Skullcrawlers being grown artificially.

I take the whole thing in my mouth and swallow it completely, while once again I actually put it in my storage space. 'Genetics and technology, not a bad haul.'

I also continue to devour about a dozen or so meters of tunnel to stop them from sending more through. And so I can later figure out how they made it.

On one of the walls I see some schematics showing where the train goes. Apex Cybernetics Headquarters in Hong Kong.

A news helicopter started circling above me. I get out of the way, giving them a clean shot of the secret underground facility and start heading back to Skull Island.


Denham University of theoretical science  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

In the basement, Dr. Nathan Lind is working when he's interrupted by a man entering his office.

"Can I help you?" He asks. Getting no response, he adds, "If you want an appointment, my office hours are from nine to-"

"Please, doctor Lind. Men like you and me, we don't do normal hours, do we?" A second man suddenly says, revealing his presence. He throws a book on a table, titled 'Hollow Earth by Dr. Nathan Lind'.

"I've been fixated on Hollow Earth for as long as you have. Your theory that it's the birthplace of all Titans is fascinating."

"Your book was very impressive." The first man says with a clearly Japanese accent.

"Yeah? Well I've got about thirty unsold boxes if you want some."

"Walt Simmons." The second man says as he reaches out for a handshake.

"I know who you are, sir. It's an honor."

"No, the honor is mine. As is the urgency.

Godzilla has never attacked us unprovoked before. These are dangerous times, doctor Lind.

Allow me to introduce our Apex Chief Technology Officer, Mr. Ren Serizawa.

He has something interesting to show you."

Ren Serizawa puts some sort of high-tech tablet down on a table and taps it twice.

A hologram rises from the device, showing an image of the earth along with the Hollow Earth and all the pathways leading to it.

"Magnetic imaging from one of our new satellites.

Hollow Earth, an ecosystem more vast than any ocean. Right beneath our feet."

As Dr. Lind gets closer to take a better look, next to the image of Hollow Earth an energy reading pops up showing large amounts of energy.

"This energy signal is enormous." Dr. Lind says.

"And almost identical to readings from Gojira and Fenrir." Ren says.

"As the sun fuels our planet's surface, this energy sustains the Hollow Earth, enabling life as powerful as our aggressive Titan friend.

If we can harness this life force, we'll have a weapon that can compete with them.

I need your help to find it." Walter Simmons says.

"I don't know if I'm the right guy for the job." Dr. Lind says as he picks up his book. "Did you read the reviews? 'A sci-fi quack trading in fringe physics.' Look where they put my office. I'm in the basement right across from flute class.

Besides, I'm not with Monarch anymore. And Hollow Earth entry is impossible. We tried."

"I'm sorry about your brother. He was a true pioneer.

All of our forward scans suggest a habitable environment down there. So, what really went wrong on your brother's mission?" Simmons asks.

"When they tried to enter, they hit a gravitational inversion. A whole planet's worth of gravity reversed in a split second.

They were crushed in an instant."

"What if I told you that we, at Apex, have created a phenomenal craft that could sustain such an inversion?" Simmons says as the hologram changes to show a futuristic looking vehicle.

"The Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicle, HEAV. We can make the journey to the Hollow Earth possible, Dr. Lind. But we need you to lead the mission.

Help me, Dr. Lind. Help everyone.

Finding this needle in a haystack could be our best chance against them."

"Well, I, uh, I might have an idea. But it's crazy."

"I love crazy ideas. They made me rich."

"Are you guys familiar with genetic memory? It's a theory that all Titans share a common impulse to return to their evolutionary source."

"Like spawning salmon." Ren Serizawa says.

"Sure, or a homing pigeon. So, if Hollow Earth is their home and this life force sustains them..."

"A Titan could show you the way." Ren interjects.

"Exactly. With a little help of an old colleague." Dr. Lind says as he puts down a magazine. On the cover is a picture of Dr. Ilene Andrews standing in front of Fenrir, next to it is written 'Dr. Ilene Andrews, the Wolf Whisperer'.

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