Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 69 – Through Hollow Earth and up to Hong Kong

I get back to Skull Island and go to the Monarch observation and research station.

Since I've already revealed I can communicate, I immediately turn into my werewolf form, sit down and start signing once Dr. Andrews comes out.

She is joined by Jia and Dr. Serizawa.

"Hi Jia." I greet the little girl.

"Hello Fenrir."

Immediately Dr. Andrews gets down on one knee and signs to Jia. "You've talked with him before?"

"Yes, and a few Kongs too."

"Why did you never tell me?" Andrews asks.

"They didn't want me to. They don't trust humans." Jia answers, looking a little bit guilty about keeping it secret.

As they're having their conversation, I pick up a large rock and using one of my claws I carve Apex into it. I then drop it down in front of Dr. Andrews, scaring the crap out of her.

"Tell me about this." I sign.

"It's a company. They own the place Godzilla destroy-" She starts signing until I interrupt.

"You can talk. I understand." I sign.

"Uhm, uh, okay. They make machines that help humans." She says as though I wouldn't understand technology.

"They have Ghidorah's corpse. They are using it for something. It was sending out an Alpha call. That is why I sent Godzilla there. To destroy its source."

"Doctor Andrews. You have a visitor waiting for you at security." A voice suddenly resounds over loudspeakers.


'It's the same call again, but this time less incoherent. It's like it's slowly coming to its senses.'

I can already sense Godzilla going after it, as he's heading towards Hong Kong, so I walk off towards a higher part of the island and howl, telling Godzilla to go there but not to attack it yet and wait for me.


"Doctor Andrews. You have a visitor waiting for you at security."

As Dr. Andrews ignores the loudspeakers, Fenrir suddenly stands up and looks off into the distance before walking away.

She watches Fenrir walk away and once he's out of sight, she goes to see what this visitor wants.

She gets to the security office and notices a familiar face. "Nathan? What are you doing here?"

"Hello Ilene. It's been a while. I came here because I need your help." Dr. Nathan Lind says. He then goes on to explain how he wants to lead an expedition to Hollow Earth to search for the energy source.

"An energy source in Hollow Earth? That's nuts, Nathan, even for you."

"It's there. We just need Fenrir's help to find it." Dr. Lind says.

"And what makes you think he'll help?"

"That's why I came to you. You're the wolf whisperer, I was hoping you could convince him."

"For years, I couldn't even convince him to talk to me. He doesn't trust humans."

"Look, Apex has built vehicles that will allow us to get there in one piece, I just need him to lead the way."

Suddenly they hear loud footsteps, drawing their attention. They see Fenrir walk towards them.

"I'll ask him, but don't get your hopes up."

When Fenrir gets close, he sits down and immediately starts signing.

"I heard everything. I'll do it."

"What? What's he saying?" Dr. Lind asks Andrews impatiently.

"Are you sure?" Dr. Andrews asks.

"I am. I want to know what they're up to exactly."


He says he'll do it." She tells Dr. Lind.

"Great! we'll prepare to go to Antarctica immediately."

"We don't have to go anywhere." I sign. "There's a path to Hollow Earth right here on the island."

"He says that won't be necessary."


Over the next twelve hours preparations were being made by the humans while I took a quick nap.


"Holy shit. Those are big teeth."

I look at the human standing close to me and notice it's Dr. Nathan Lind along with Doctors Ilene Andrews, Ishiro Serizawa and Mark Russell.

"Yeah, they are. So don't piss him off."

A helicopter appears from behind a mountain and circles over my head twice before landing.

A woman steps out and walks closer to me as she stares.

"Welcome." Dr. Lind says as he walks up to her.

"So, who's the idiot who came up with this idea? Taking the biggest dog in the world for a walk.

I'm Maia Simmons. My father sent me. I run point for Apex."

Noticing Dr. Lind's silence, lack of response and apparent fear, she follows his line of sight and slowly turns around.


She takes off her sunglasses with a trembling hand as I stare at her intently with bared fangs as I start to growl.

She stares at me in fear as she takes a few steps backward until Dr. Andrews approaches her.

"He understands English, so perhaps you should refrain from insulting him any further."

"Y-Yes I-I'll do that." She says as she takes a few breaths. "The HEAV's will be here shortly. So, where's the entrance?"

"It's apparently in that cave behind the Kongs' nest" Andrews answers as she points at it.

A few minutes later two CH-47 Chinooks carrying two large containers arrive.

Once they've unloaded the HEAVs, we set off for Hollow Earth, accompanied by all the Kongs, Baragon and the Spirit Tigers. Every Titan from Skull Island.

Once we get down there, the first Titans we run into are Sizemosaurus and Tyrantasaur who have apparently become buddies since their fight.

"Woah, the one that looks like a Triceratops is terrifying." Russell says as he looks out the window.

After about an hour, we get to the Hollow Earth palace where the Kongs are all reunited again.

I walk into the room with the throne, as one of the Kongs hands me the axe made from a Titan bone handle and a Godzilla dorsal plate as a blade.

I take the axe and sit on the throne.

As I look up, I notice my swarm of Hellbats hanging upside down from the ceiling.

'Wasn't there a different species of small winged Titans supposed to be living there?' I wonder to myself. I then notice in a corner of the room is a large pile of bones and other remains. 'Ah, I see.'

The HEAVs land and everyone steps out. The scientists, Jia and Maia Simmons accompanied by half a dozen armed guards.

She looks at a tablet that's showing her energy readings of her surroundings. Not seeing what she'd hoped for, she looks disappointed. "I don't get it. He led us here, so where is the source of the energy?"

As I remain seated, I hand the axe to King Kong who puts it in the axe-shaped hole in the ground. Energy is immediately drawn into the room from the earth's core.

Suddenly we hear loud footsteps approaching from outside. They're getting closer until Nagoraiar enters.

He walks up to the throne, making the humans a little nervous, thinking he's going to challenge me.

He comes close, greets me politely and sits down on the ground next to me.

"Phew. I thought that was going to go very differently." I hear one of the armed soldiers saying in relief, drawing Nagoraiar's attention.

"Insects in your room. I'll clean them up for you." Nagoraiar says as he's charging his green Plasma Breath attack.

Just as he's launching his attack, I reach over the armrest, grab the horn on his nose and push his head to the side, causing him to miss the humans.

"No, stop! I brought them here."

He looks at me and then the humans. He then rests his head on his arms as he closes his eyes and goes to sleep.

I look at the humans and see they're pretty much all staring at me in shock as they realize they almost died.

"Do it." Snapping out of it, Maia Simmons gives orders to two of her men.

They grab some sort of device that looks like a case. They take it closer to the energy that's circling around the throne and put it down.

As the device activates, its handles turn into legs. It turns out to be some sort of robotic spider.

"What are you doing?" Dr. Andrews asks.

"Taking a sample." Simmons answers matter-of-factly.

The device walks to a piece of the floor that's glowing from the energy it contains and it starts cutting into it to take a sample.

It then immediately sends all the data to Hong Kong, Apex Headquarters.

"This is a power beyond our understanding. You can't just drill into it." Andrews says.

"Actually, we can." Simmons responds. "My father gets what he wants. That's Apex property now."

"You don't know what you're doing. That all belongs to him." Mark Russell says as he points to me. "You think you can just take it and expect him to be okay with it?"

"That is the discovery of the millennium, you can't strip it for parts." Andrews says.

"Hold it." Simmons says. Immediately her guards all raise their weapons at the scientists. One of them even points their gun at Jia.


King Kong roars angrily at them. I walk up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, calming him down.

I connect to my swarm and wake up about a dozen of them.

"Alright, we got what we need. Let's go." Simmons says as she walks to her HEAV.

Suddenly a large bat, the size of a human lands on the HEAV, causing her to stop.

Then, one by one, more of them land around her and her men.


"AARGH! Help!"

As my bats tear apart Maia and her people, I take King Kong and Nagoraiar with me outside.

I tell Nagoraiar to use his Plasma Breath to burrow a hole straight down as it'll lead to the surface, a few miles outside Hong Kong.


Apex Cybernetics Headquarters in Hong Kong.

"Why is godzilla still just standing there?" Walter Simmons asks as he looks at a monitor displaying Godzilla standing just outside Hong Kong.

"We don't know sir. But the city has been completely evacuated. Everyone has been successfully relocated to Titan shelters, even the hospitals and the prison." Ren Serizawa says.

Suddenly he focuses on one of his monitors. "Sir, we're receiving the data on the energy. Already at forty percent."

After less than a minute the counter reaches one hundred percent. "Yes! Mister Serizawa, start your engines!"

"Sir, this energy is untested. Once we're using it, Gojira will come straight for us." Ren Serizawa says.

"He's been coming for us since our creations first awoke. We must embrace this."

"No. We should not rush this. We have no idea what this energy will do to the mechas."

"Serizawa. Get in the goddamn chair and activate them. All three of them!

Then I will watch as my creations tear Godzilla and Fenrir to pieces and make humanity earth's Apex species once again!"


"What the hell is that?!"

Suddenly everything starts to shake for miles as a large green beam of energy erupts from the ground just outside the city, right next to where Godzilla has been waiting and shoots straight up into the sky.

As the dust settles and smoke clears, Godzilla is no longer alone. King Kong, Godzilla and Fenrir are all standing side by side, ready to take on whatever is coming.

"NO! Those animals will not ruin my work! Send them out now!" Walter Simmons screams as he looks at the monitor displaying the Titans standing side by side.

Suddenly Ren bumps into him. He turns around and as he's about to scream at his employee again, he notices three sets of bright red, mechanical eyes looking at him.

"Oh shi-"



As King Kong and I get out of the tunnel Nagoraiar just made for us, I immediately notice that there's no longer one single source of the Alpha call. Now there are three.


Suddenly the side of Victoria Peak that faces the city explodes outwards.

Three enormous mechanical Titans step out of the hole one by one.

Mechagodzilla, followed by a large three headed mechanical dragon. Mecha-King Ghidorah.

And finally a large, four-legged Mecha walks out.

'Ho-ly-fuck! They made a Zoid! A Fenrir Zoid! That's amazing!

I want one.'

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