Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 80 – Dr. Hayden and humanity’s future

As I suddenly disappear from the lab Dr. Hayden was watching on his monitor, and almost immediately reappear in front of his desk, he stands up in shock with a high-tech looking gun aimed at me.

"Wha- How did you just...?" He says as he looks at me and then the lab just to make sure he saw what he saw.

"I hope you've got replacement parts, 'cause if you keep that peashooter aimed at my face, you're going to need them."

Heeding my threat, he hesitantly lowers the gun.

"Good, now what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"I want to ask a few things. Who are you? How do you know about me? How much do you know? And what are you doing here?"

"I could answer your questions. But I might be wasting my time if I did." I say somewhat cryptically.

"What are you talking about?" The nearly three meter tall robot asks.

The next moment I disappear from his sight as I'm already standing behind him.

I put my hand on his back and send two pulses of my aura through the robotic shell, into the human brain that contains the Seraphim's consciousness.

The first pulse pushes Samur into a sleep like trance, and the second pulse gives me access to his memories as I immediately start watching them like I did with the Doom Slayer.


In the beginning there was nothing but an empty multiverse with lifeless, barren planets, until a mysterious being only known as the All-Maykr... "Pffft haha, Rob is called All-Maykr, hahaha." until a mysterious being only known as the All-Maykr created the first perfect being, Davoth.

Davoth, having been granted the power of creation, created the first realm called Jekkad.

He filled this realm with life and he loved his creations very much, but they weren't perfect. They were afflicted with a condition they would come to see as a curse. Mortality.

As Davoth wanted the best for his people, he created a second realm, Urdak.

On Urdak he created sentient machines called Maykrs, for the sole purpose of helping Davoth find a solution to the 'curse' afflicting his people.

Although the Maykrs succeeded, they feared the consequences of sharing this knowledge with Davoth. As such, the Maykrs betrayed Davoth, sealing him away in Jekkad and stealing his power of creation; the being now known as the Father was a Maykr imbued with the bulk of the stolen energy, transforming him into a god in his own right.

Having lost everything to his creations, Davoth vowed to unmake everything as he had made it, as his rage corrupted Jekkad and its inhabitants, transforming it into the realm now known as hell.

From hell, he commanded his demonic legions to conquer the new realms that started developing on the once barren planets throughout the multiverse.

After a while, the Father could no longer stand by and went to Jekkad, fought Davoth in single combat and managed to defeat him. He then took Davoth's life essence in the form of a red sphere, but refused to destroy his creator despite Samur Maykr's incessant begging to destroy Davoth once and for all.

The Father then transformed his own life essence into a sphere as well, after giving Samur specific instructions to help his latest creation, humanity.

Without the Father's guidance, the Maykrs of Urdak were led by the Khan Maykr, a position that was meant to be passed on every 10.000 years, but without the Father, the last Khan Maykr decided to hold on to her power. Eventually they forgot about Jekkad, Davoth and the demons and over time, they came to believe that the Father was the true creator.

Seraphim, or Samur Maykr, however, never forgot. And after the Maykrs aligned with hell against Argent D'Nur, he gave one human the power to one day end the Dark Lord once and for all, going against the Father's wishes.

He would eventually transfer his own consciousness into the stillborn body of Samuel Hayden.

As Samuel Hayden he spent the next two decades proving himself as a scientific genius the likes of which the world had never seen before.

He joined the UAC and 'discovered' Argent energy, solving an energy crisis humanity had no answer for.

Eventually he was diagnosed with cancer and constructed a robotic body to transfer parts of his brain and consciousness into.


After reading his memories, I decide not to end him yet.

I send another aura pulse through him, waking him up.

As he turns around immediately, I disappear again and reappear in front of his desk.

"Wha-? Would you stop doing that?!" Hayden asks agitated.

"Davoth, the Father, the Khan Maykr, you. You've all made a mess of this multiverse. It has become a stain upon the All-Maykr's glorious creation." 'Pfft, haha, hold it in. Deep breath.' "He sent me to either fix it, or destroy it all."

"What have you decided?" Hayden asks.

"You are going to help me fix it."

"If you promise you'll resurrect the Father."

"This is not a negotiation and I was not asking. First we must eliminate humanity's dependency on Argent energy."

"How? There aren't any viable energy sources that can sustain humanity's energy consumption." Hayden says.

"The sun. From what I've seen, you have all the knowledge and expertise necessary to build a Dyson Swarm.

Preparations alone will take roughly half a century, which is why no human is willing to even try. It wouldn't benefit the people who would pour their time and resources into it, but rather their descendants. Humans are too focused on short term monetary and political gains that ultimately just don't matter.

And a Dyson Swarm is a very time and energy consuming undertaking that requires a lot of forethought. But you, you're from a long lived species. A Maykr, so why have you not considered it?" I ask curiously.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. What is a Dyson Swarm?" Hayden asks, sounding confused.

"Are you serious? You've never heard of a Dyson Swarm?"

"No, I have not. What is it?"

"Vega?" I say, as a holographic screen pops up from Hayden's desk. "Search any and all records you have access to for any mention of a man named Freeman John Dyson. He should have been a theoretical and mathematical physicist."

"No mentions of a physicist by that name, but there is one obscure, local newspaper article from Crowthorne, United Kingdom from 1941 that mentions 'the tragic loss of local young genius, Freeman John Dyson (18), during the German Blitz'." Vega, the AI, responds to my request.

"I see, guess I should explain then. Imagine a swarm of satellites around the sun, capturing as big of a percentage as is possible of the sun's power output.

A relatively simple, yet complex concept. From what I've seen and know about Maykr technology, you should be capable of it."

"Vega? Could you run the numbers?" Hayden asks immediately, sounding a bit excited.

After almost 40 seconds of silence, Vega responds. "In order to meet humanity's current energy needs, at least 0.7 percent of the sun's total energy output must be captured. In order to achieve this, a multitude of mathematical, physics and engineering problems must be resolved. Assuming they will be, the amount of material needed for such a project equates to strip-mining half of all asteroids in the Asteroid Belt and the Kuiper Belt."

"But it is achievable?" Hayden asks.

"Yes, estimated time frame is 420,7 years, assuming the whole of UAC's manpower is used." Vega responds.


Suddenly a large explosion shakes the entire facility as a large dome of red energy starts expanding from the Lazarus Labs, where the demons are being kept.

"HELLWAVE DETECTED. ALL PERSONEL, PLEASE EVACUATE." A female, robotic voice suddenly starts blaring over the loudspeakers as the hellwave washes over the entire surface of Mars in seconds.

As my aura is still spread throughout the facility, I focus on what's happening. More than half the people who were hit, start shaking like they're having seizures. Their skin starts to blister as boils erupt and pus oozes from every orifice.

In seconds 60% of all 50.000 inhabitants of this base turn into demons, while almost everyone else is affected in other ways.

Some people are lying unconscious on the ground, whereas some others literally sacrifice themselves, while laughing hysterically as they cut open their belly and draw pentagrams on the floors or walls using their own blood.

"Well that's not good." I say as I immediately disappear into a swarm of energy spores and reappear right next to Flynn who is still unconscious.

"Time to wake up."

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