Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 81 – Two slayers start slaying

"Time to wake up." I say as I put my hand on Flynn's forehead. But before I get the chance to do anything else his eyes snap open wide.

Immediately noticing me, he grabs me by the throat. "DEMONS!! KILL!!"

"Let go Flynn. I'm not your enemy. Just calm down for a second and put your mind in order." I say calmly and unaffected by Flynn's grip on my throat as he's hyperventilating while staring straight into my eyes.

Flynn slowly calms down after seconds pass as he looks around the room to gain awareness of his surroundings.

Flynn lets go of my throat and stands up, out of the sarcophagus.

"Who are you?" He asks, now surprisingly calm.

"My name is Fenris, but I'm afraid now is not the time for a more in depth introduction. We are on Mars, inside a UAC facility that was being used to siphon Argent energy from hell." Recognizing both the mention of Argent energy and the UAC, Flynn immediately frowns as he regains more memories by the second.

"Demons?" Flynn asks.

"Yes. About fifteen minutes ago, a hellwave, originating from another part of the facility corrupted and transformed almost sixty percent of all fifty thousand inhabitants into demons.

Many others either fell unconscious or succumbed to insanity as they ritually sacrificed themselves to summon demons from hell." I say before I raise my right palm and, using aura, project a holographic image of the entire Mars base. I then highlight the areas of demonic corruption by giving them a red glow.

"This is where we are now." I say as I point out our current position. "The hellwave originated from a part of this facility called the Lazarus Labs. That part has been completely lost to demons already but almost everywhere before that point, there are still hundreds of survivors trying to fight.

We will help them, ending all demonic corruption along the way and saving as many of them as we can.

Once we get here," I say as I point out Hayden's office on the map, right on the edge of the Lazarus Labs. "we'll be able to talk, you can ask your questions and we can assess the situation and form a more concrete plan, agreed?"

"As long as I get to kill demons along the way, sure." Flynn says as he puts on the Praetor suit's helmet. He then picks up an EMG Pistol from the floor that was dropped by one of the scientists.

He evaluates the gun for a second, and looks through its sights. "Let's go kill them."

"Give me that gun for a second." I say, holding out my hand.

Flynn, looks a little hesitant.  "If I want you dead, you're dead. I wouldn't need a gun and there'd be nothing you could do about it, so might as well relax."

"Hah." Flynn chuckles as he hands me the gun. "For future reference, if you really want someone to relax, don't say shit like that."

"I'll keep it in mind." I say as I take the gun and let Genesis crawl down my hand and cover the gun as it devours it completely. Immediately, information enters my mind as Flynn watches on fascinated by the whole process.

"EMG Pistol (Energy-Matter-Gel Pistol)

This sidearm is reliable and effective at short range. A gravity gear dynamo in the stock charges a capacitor whenever the operator moves, ensuring it never runs out of ammunition as long as the operator keeps moving. When the weapon is fired, the capacitor compresses up to 4 megawatts of energy into a hardening plasma gel and launches the slug at high velocity. The gel slug has similar impact properties to conventional ammunition, making the weapon act and feel like a standard ballistic firearm."

"Well that's real good to know, but without the actual gun it's useless. I can't shoot demons with information." Flynn says.

I hold out both my hands as Genesis covers them and forms the shape of the gun. As the liquid metal retreats back up my arms, it leaves behind two perfect new EMG guns.

"Here you go." I say as I hand one of the guns back to Flynn.

Flynn examines his gun again and then stares at me in silence for a few seconds.


"Can I have another one?" Flynn asks.

I make him another gun and now prepared, we head outside together.

As we come upon the first few demons, we finish them off quite easily. A well placed shot to the head is all it takes to kill the possessed humans.

As I kill two of them by slamming their skulls together, I'm almost disappointed to find no ammo or health drops. 'Well, I guess it's not a game.'

Rather quickly, we come upon a killed UAC guard who had a combat shotgun in his hands. Flynn pries the shotgun from the guard's stiffened fingers and examines it as he puts a few shells inside.

*Click Clack* "Oh Yeah, that'll do nicely." Flynn says after he slides back the forestock and pumps the first shell into the receiver. He then looks at me for a second and back at the shotgun before he hands it to me. "Do the thing."

I take the shotgun and let Genesis devour it as the information on its mechanics and its construction immediately becomes part of my knowledge.

"The UAC Combat Shotgun disperses a spread of high velocity buckshot for maximum impact against the enemy. Ideally suited for the operative who requires a speedy response for deadly close encounters, the wide coverage of this weapon loses impact at long range. The weapon is forged from a high quality Titanium Steel alloy to ensure maximum reliability, repeat rate, and yield strength.

It can be upgraded with alternative ammunition types and a compression reloader that would alow for a triple burst fire mode."

I immediately make two new shotguns as I give one to Flynn.

"That's convenient. How many can you make?"

"As many as I want." I answer.

"What about ammunition?"

I hold out my hand, have Genesis cover it and shotgun shells start falling from my palm like rain.

"Let's go. There are people fighting demons further ahead." I say as I put my pistol at my hip and ready the shotgun.

I look at Flynn as he's just staring at me for a few seconds. 'This guy really hasn't spent much time around people.'

"What's wrong?" I ask as he keeps staring.

"It's been a long time for me but how does friendship work again? Pretty sure that's what I'm feeling." Flynn says as he looks at the pile of shotgun shells laying at our feet. "This is beautiful." He mumbles as he starts picking up as many as he can carry on a belt he has strapped under his armor.

'Huh, I was wondering how he was going to be carrying so much ammunition. And what about the guns? He can't just carry it all around. I'll have to figure something out.'

We walk through a dark corridor until we come to a room with two dozen or so possessed and a few Imps.

The Imp demons are more agile and stronger. They can jump long distances and can channel and condense hell energy into balls the size of a baseball in their palms. They then throw these superheated projectiles at their target. A single shot can melt through a centimeter of steel.

About six UAC guards have been pushed into the far corner of the room as a few more are lying on the ground with their armors melted in some places.

Flynn runs into the room, drawing their attention as he shoots one of the Imps before it can throw a hell ball at its target. He then kicks one of the possessed in the chest, sending it flying at another Imp.

I pick up an explosive barrel and hurl it through the air, straight into the group of demons. I then shoot it right before it lands, killing about eight possessed and two Imps at once.

I shoot the last Imp in the head with my shotgun using the last shell in the tube. I immediately switch to my sidearm as I swing my arm around the room, accurately firing a bullet every time my gun aligns with a demon's skull.

With no more demons in sight, the UAC guards walk towards us hesitantly as they just saw us kill over thirty demons in a little over ten seconds.

"We're making our way towards Dr. Hayden's office. Stick close but out of our way. Don't fall behind." I say sternly.

We walk towards the room's exit but it appears to be locked.

"We were looking for the access key with the right clearance level earlier but couldn't find it. That's how we got trapped by these demons." One of the guards says.

Even Flynn starts looking around for a way to get through as I simply Spartan kick the five centimeter thick, solid steel door off its hinges.

"There's your clearance level. Now let's go."

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