Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 89 – Killing Khan and resurrection

I step back into Urdak and immediately spread my aura to find the Khan Maykr.

I find her surrounded by dozens of Maykr Angels, Drones and two different kinds of Maykr creatures I didn't know of before.

One kind is a perfectly humanoid robotic servant that does menial labor for the Maykrs, while the other is a Maykr Mecha, standing at 4 meters tall. Some with a large cannon as a right arm and some without.

I teleport in front of her and using my aura, I devour a single specimen of all Maykr variations before I disintegrate the others, leaving only the Khan Maykr for a fight.

"For millennia we have survived. Made others sacrifice in the name of our prosperity, so that they may in turn find redemption. Who are you to defy our traditions?"

"Find redemption? You mean endless torture in Hell. You're no God, you're just a glorified cyborg who thinks she has the right to condemn every sentient being to Hell as long as it serves her purposes."

"I DO have that right! I have controlled the fate of the universe for thousands of years, so if I say it is earth's time to die, it will be so!" The Khan Maykr screams angrily before she levitates into the air and then spreads two large wings. Their frames are metallic, emitting strong, golden waves of energy resembling feathers.

"By awakening the Icon of Sin within Urdak, you have broken the holy seal. Demons are now able to invade Urdak. You have destroyed all that I was meant to rule and for what? Just to protect them, mere servants to our beliefs!" The Khan yells before she swipes her wings through the air, launching two blasts of solid, golden energy.

I lean my head to the right, avoiding the first blast as it flies past my head, and then immediately lean to the left, avoiding the second blast.

I then sprout my own wings from my back. They are large and powerful. From my back to the tips, the first half looks angelic, covered in pure white feathers. While the other half of both wings look like demonic bat wings.

I quickly fly high up into the air and look down on the Khan Maykr. I then dive down, avoiding the Khan's attacks.

I almost fall head first to the ground beneath her, when I spread my wings wide and launch myself up, towards her. As I pass by her, I grab her face and fly high up. I then fly down as fast as I can and slam her into the ground.

As she lies on the ground with her wings broken along with most of her armor, she tries to crawl away from me.

I walk up to her, grab her shoulder and flip her on her back. I then snap out my claws and stab them into the orb in her chest and rip it out.

"NOOO! What you're doing will put all of creation in jeopardy!" The Khan screams as she reaches towards the orb.

"ALL of creation? Bitch, please..."

I then take the orb between my hands and crush it. A large wave of golden energy erupts from between my hands while energy escapes the Khan Maykr's body and seeps into the ground.

The last remaining bits of her armor fall off her body, including her mask, revealing an ugly alien looking creature underneath.

I reach towards her with my hand and ball my fist, crushing her head using telekinesis.

Finally done with the Maykrs, I return to my fortress. "VEGA? I'm going to revive Davoth now. Then I'll do the same with you, so I need you to transfer your consciousness back into the Maykr interface." I say after walking through the portal and sitting on my throne.

"But first, I want an update. What's been happening down there?" I say as I look down to earth.

"All humanity's military forces have united under the Allied Nations. They have contacted Commander Valen and have started a combined effort to fight against the demons who are now cut off from reinforcements due to the deaths of the Hell Priests and the destruction of the Gore Nests. But there are still over twelve million demons left on earth.

Without the power of the Hell Priests and the Gore Nests, no more than six hundred and sixty-six demons can be summoned per ritual.

With the help of your forces, they're expected to be cleared out withing three months.

On another note, footage of your forces fighting against demons have circulated among the civilian population, and many people seem interested in joining them. Due to their armors, they have been named 'God's Spartans'. People have been gathering in churches and have started to worship you.

Religious leaders and the world leaders of the Allied Nations have all requested an audience."

"Thank you, VEGA. Let's go to Urdak."

"You will not respond to their request?" VEGA asks.

"No, not now."

VEGA then transfers himself into the Maykr device.

I take it and make a portal to the Holt, on the edges of Urdak, right in front of the Luminarium.

The Luminarium was designed to resurrect life spheres. Under the Father's orders, the Seraphs who maintained the structure are to serve any who reach the Luminarium with a life sphere in hand regardless of their affiliation, including that of Hell. Because it is a holy place, no one may draw blood inside.

I stand before a door that opens automatically, revealing a dark room. I walk inside and I'm immediately approached by two hooded Maykrs without wings. 'They are Seraphim, like Samur.'

As they float in front of me, I'm wondering who I should resurrect first.

I decide I should end Davoth before I resurrect the Father at all. I hand the two Seraphim the reddish purple glowing soul sphere of Davoth, the Dark Lord.

They both lower their heads to me and with the orb hovering between them, they float back to where they were waiting.

On the ground there are grooves in a very intricate, circular pattern. As soon as the orb is hovering over it, the pattern lights up and four tendrils of energy leave the orb and flow into the ground.

As the orb loses some of its shine, a circular piece of the floor's pattern starts to float up and starts spinning around the orb.

Light emanates from the ground as the orb starts to reshape itself in the form of a man covered in markings. He also has a strange machine imbedded in his chest with a small, red orb in its center.

He opens his red eyes and looks straight at me. He looks just a little confused for a second. "You have my power?... no, it is different." He says as he looks me up and down, while I'm trying not to do the same to him as he's entirely naked. "Hello brother."

"Hm? What do you mean by 'brother'?" I ask.

"You and I have the same creator. The All-Maykr made you as he did me, that makes us brothers."

"Yeah... I don't think so. I don't go around calling him daddy."

"Why have you resurrected me?" Davoth says, now annoyed.

"To kill you, of course. You've made a mess, I'm going to fix it."

"No blood can be spilled in this holy place." Davoth says as a portal appears behind him. "Our fight will come. I will be waiting for you at the city of Immora." Davoth says before he steps through the portal.

"Seriously? He thinks he can just... hell no." I say before making my own portal to Immora, the capital city of Jekkad (hell).

I step through and appear directly in front of a surprised Davoth.

"I see you're eager to die. Let's go then." He says as he casually walks away.

'What the hell?' I decide to follow him as we approach a room where a large, red mech is being prepared.

"I hope you don't mind. Most of my power was stolen from me and I've just been resurrected."

"We're fighting to kill each other. Why shouldn't I just kill you now? And why are you being so civil about it?" I ask.

"That would not be very honorable and I have nothing against you. You are my equal, we were created by the same creator. For different purposes, no doubt. But we were both given tremendous power.

What I can't stand is my own creations. They turned against me and stole the power that was granted to me. All I want is to destroy everything in this universe and start anew."

"What if I can grant you an empty universe, elsewhere in the Omniverse? You leave this one to me and you'll be able to start over."

"What about my power? I won't leave without my power of creation restored." Davoth says.

"One thing first. I thought your rage was what corrupted Jekkad into Hell and your citizens into demons, but I don't sense enough rage from you to cause something like that."

"Because that's not how it happened. My people were incredible. They invented the most wondrous things. They were scientists, healers and many things more. Wishing to see them excell at all things, I had filled them with ambition without restraint. But they were not warriors.

So when the 'Father', as he calls himself, turned against me, I had to give my people a means to fight back. But soon, my power was stolen and I was locked in Jekkad. It took me years, but eventually, I found a way to draw energy from outside Jekkad.

At the time, I did not yet know that I was using souls and that it was corrupting my people into demons. My people grew addicted to the power and they fell to the demonification. Disappointed in them and myself, I gave up all hope and decided I will take back my power, unmake what I had made and start anew."

"Ambition without restraint...? I think I know what went wrong." I say as I come to a realization.

"What do you mean?" Davoth asks.

"You made the Father as a bio-mechanical computer right? And he was connected to all the other Maykrs as a hive-mind."

"It's more complicated than that, but yes."

"I'm quite sure they were able to use predictive algorithms to see possible futures. Even the Khan Maykr was capable of that to some extent, let alone the Father.

You gave your people ambition without restraint, so what would have happened if the Maykrs gave you the means to make them immortal?

They must have come to the conclusion that your people would destroy everything. Restraint exists for a reason, it is necessary to some extent. So if you ever make more people, keep that in mind."

"I'm not going to, I think I'll make a paradise filled with animals."

"Really? I have one of those. First, I need you to recall the demons on earth."

"Aten Vey'dara!" Davoth speaks loudly as demons are immediately teleporting back to Jekkad.

"Alright, let's go back to the Luminarium." I say as I open a new portal.

"Do you have his life sphere too?" Davoth asks surprised.

"Yes, it contains your power of creation, doesn't it?" I ask as I take out the Father's golden, yellow soul sphere.

"Yes, it does." Davoth says as he stares at the sphere looking agitated.

We walk through the portal and the two Seraphim are already hovering in front of us as I present them the Father's soul sphere and take out VEGA's device.

"Hello Fenrir. I see you've resurrected Davoth. You don't appear hostile toward one another, does this mean you're going to kill me instead?" VEGA asks.

"Yeah, about that..." I say as I turn to Davoth. "How exactly do we get your power back?" I ask as we watch the Father's life sphere get resurrected.

"He'll have a blue orb in his chest. It will contain my power. We just take it out and I reabsorb it." Davoth explains.

"Will that kill him?" I ask.

"No, it won't. He's a machine. That's the reason the power of creation takes the shape of a blue orb in his body, instead of assimilating with it. If it had, I would have had to kill him to get it back."

"Good." I say as the Father appears. He's a large Maykr with three pairs of wings. He's about four meters tall and has two golden horns, shaped like halos on his head. He also has twelve red eyes on the joints of his wings and his shoulders and he carries a large staff.

He holds out his arm and VEGA'S device floats to it. The red eyes shine as the pupils dilate and VEGA's voice now somehow sounds more robotic than it did before. "I remember everything now."

"Give me back my power, now!" Davoth yells angrily

"I cannot. If I do, you might destroy everything." VEGA says as he comes towards us.

"He won't. We made a deal." I explain.

"I cannot trust him, nor can I trust you. You are both dangerous. Your power keeps growing. Every time I've seen you, your energy levels kept rising. You are both the greatest threats to this universe's continued existence."

Davoth takes a step towards him, clearly furious and ready to tear VEGA's head off. I put my arm in front of him, holding him back.

"How did you come to this conclusion, VEGA?" I ask.

"The most powerful being in the universe, controls its fate. I know what my intentions are, but I do not know what your intentions are. Therefore, I must be the strongest in the universe at all cost in order to protect it. And you are both more powerful than I. I must kill you now." VEGA says, before his twelve eyes glow bright red and we all teleport in a flash of golden light.

We appear inside a sealed, white room. VEGA'S eyes glow once more as black lines start spreading across the room, forming intricate patterns.

"He's sealed us in here. The only way out now is to kill him." Davoth says. "You really should have let me put on my Mech suit first."

"Are you kidding me?!" I say as I look at him with a baffled expression. "You first created an entire race of creatures with no restraint whatsoever and then you create this delusional motherfucker who wants us dead and you think now is the time to be funny?"

"I'm just saying, I can't help you much. He has my power."

"Don't you have physical strength and magic, maybe some other things to fight with?" I ask.

"Yes, but this body is less than an hour old. That's why I needed the Mech suit. I can't use my abilities yet." Davoth explains.

"Fine, go sit quietly in that corner over there and watch." I say as I point to the corner of the room.

"His red eyes and the halo make him impervious to damage and even if you do manage to damage him, they'll just heal his flesh and repair his mechanical parts. And try not to damage my power orb." Davoth says before he walks off to the corner.

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