Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 90 – VEGA vs. Fenris and Davoth

The eyes on VEGA's wings glow and dozens of Maykr Angels and Drones appear in a red flash.

I take out my Glaive and swipe it horizontally across the room, causing a wave of kinetic energy that cuts them all in half.

Both Davoth and VEGA look around like they can't believe what just happened as I run at VEGA as fast as I can.

I appear in front of him before he can react and cut off the golden horns on his head that form the halo.

He staggers backwards as I swipe my Glaive downwards across the three red eyes on his left wings.

He raises his three other wings as the red eyes on them, along with the six eyes on his shoulders glow bright red and shoot red energy blasts at me.

I evade most of them. Only two hit me, in my stomach and left shoulder, gouging two holes through my body.

I endure and swipe my Glaive upwards at an angle this time, cutting off the last three wings and his right arm with the three eyes on his shoulder.

Now all he has left are the three eyes in his left shoulder and according to Davoth he should be defenseless.

"Watch out! Even though he has less eyes, his attacks will retain the same energy levels launched through those eyes, meaning they'll be more powerful!" Davoth warns me.

"When this is done.." I say as I avoid energy blasts from VEGA. "..you and I are going to have a long.." I avoid another blast that barely grazes my neck. "..conversation about AI and the dangers thereof."

I bend down underneath another volley of energy blasts and I jump towards VEGA, cutting my Glaive through his shoulder, taking out the last eyes.

The blue orb in his abdomen, containing Davoth's power, begins to shine a bright blue light as a layer of blue energy covers VEGA's body. VEGA then grows two new arms, this time without the red eyes in the shoulders.

The appendages on his lower body that look like robes all disappear, leaving VEGA looking entirely humanoid.

He holds out his right arm and his staff floats up into his grasp. He twirls it around a few times as he stops hovering in the air and drops down on the ground. He takes a combat stance and almost immediately disappears from sight.

Using my senses, I anticipated his movements and blocked his staff with my Glaive.

The force of the impact sends me into the wall. Giving me no time to recover, VEGA immediately appears before me again, slamming his staff towards me.

I slip to the side and swipe my Glaive across his knee, severing his leg.

VEGA keeps his balance by hovering above the ground and comes at me again as we start exchanging blow for blow.

I keep cutting VEGA every time I see an opening, while skillfully avoiding VEGA's attacks and blocking those I can't.

VEGA, realizing I have the upper hand in close combat, creates some distance between us and drops his staff as it hovers beside him while he points his open palms in my direction. They both start emanating the same blue energy that comes from the orb as a large wave of energy expands from his palms.

Unable to avoid it, I cover my body in aura and enhance my physiology to be as durable as an entire planet, specifically the one I devoured.

As the wave washes over me, I only notice VEGA disappearing and an odd sensation on my face, like someone slapped me. I sense VEGA standing close and turn to face him immediately as I notice his staff lying broken on the ground and the armor covering his fists is cracked.

"Was that some kind of time stop ability?" I wonder out loud.

"It was, but how come he's hurt instead of you?" Davoth asks in response.

"I increased my defenses."

"Defenses? Earlier he put holes through your shoulder and your stomach and now he can't even touch you without hurting himself. That's no defense, that's a cheat."

"He used time manipulation. That's not a cheat?" I say as I evade a punch from VEGA and return it with my own. With all the extra force behind it, due to the super condensed mass, my fist destroys VEGA's armor like it's made of glass.

I land a few more blows, obliterating more and more as the room is soon covered with pieces of VEGA's armor and flesh surrounding a blue orb, lying on the ground.

I pick up the orb as Davoth approaches me. I throw it to him.

Davoth catches it and takes it between both his hands as he crushes it.

A large wave of blue energy erupts, then stops and implodes into Davoth as his body absorbs all the energy. His eyes slowly turn purple and then become completely blue.

"Thank you for everything. He called you Fenrir, that's your name?" Davoth asks.

"Yes, it is. Nice to meet you." I say as we shake hands. "Could you tell me about your power of creation? I can sense it's different from mine."

"Of course it is. Mine is a poor copy from the All-Maykr's. When He created me, he gave me omniscient knowledge of this particular universe, along with perfect knowledge on how to use my power. That's why mine is more powerful than yours. It came with a manual.

I sensed it the moment you resurrected me, remember? I thought you had my power. But now I can feel it. It's the same as his. You have the All-Maykr's very own power of creation.

I remember it, it felt like a bright, hot Supernova. In comparison, yours is more like a gas giant, not even a star yet. But I'm sure you'll get there eventually.

Now, I believe you promised me an empty, lifeless universe?"

"Actually, I have a proposition. You said you might want to make a paradise filled with animals right? I have one. Would you like to live there for a while? I'd like for you to teach me about creation in return."

"Alright. But I won't be able to teach you much. All I have to do is imagine what I want to create, pour some energy into it and then shape it. Then it just becomes what I want.

That's not how it works for you, is it?" Davoth asks as we walk out of the room.

"Not exactly, no. I have to know everything about what I want to create down to the tiniest detail. Chemical make up, atomic, molecular. If one thing is wrong, it all crumbles to dust." I explain.

"That way, you'll never be able to make something new that doesn't exist yet. For the power of creation, rules and laws of existence are just suggestions. They can be bent and with some mastery, they can even be broken. Like time manipulation." Davoth says before he snaps his fingers and a seed appears in his hand.

He then buries the seed in some soil and points his open palms towards it as the seed grows into a tall tree. "Moving time forward or stopping it is merely bending the rules and laws, but the real challenge is breaking them." He says before he turns the tree back into a little sapling.

"Messing with time can be quite dangerous, especially if you break the rules by turning time backwards.

Time is fluid, it winds and bends like a river and it always changes. Look.." Davoth says as he turns the sapling into a tree again, but this time it's different. The branches don't appear in the same places and the leaves don't look as healthy and vibrant.

"When you mess with time, outcomes become unpredictable. But there are other things that can be done with the power of creation. You can create.."


After a few hours of Davoth teaching me about creation in our first lesson, he moved into my realm and made his own little island floating next to my version of MCU's Asgard.

I then completely devoured Urdak and gained all its technological and scientific wonders. All the knowledge I gained, combined with my knowledge of sci-fi worlds, allowed me to, almost instantly, learn how certain things work and how to make them for myself. Like an FTL engine, a virtually impenetrable energy shield and a perfect cloaking shield for a spacecraft or how to actually make a Dyson Sphere instead of a swarm. And much, much more.

I then went to Immora and did the same thing there. Surprisingly enough, this also gave me quite a bit of scientific and technological knowledge. In this case it was more heavily focused around weapons technology.

I also gained some arcane rituals and spells. Most of them were quite dark, even demonic in nature, but there were also some very interesting spells and rituals that can be customized to allow for a wide array of effects.

For instance, with one of these rituals, I could give my people the ability to turn into ten different animals of their own choosing.


Now that the dimensions of Jekkad and Urdak are both empty, I decide to devour them too.

Urdak and Jekkad were basically just a large planet and space station floating inside their own dimensions outside the confines of the universe. Kind of like the Fourth World that contains Apokolips and New Genesis in DC.

Devouring them both proved to be harder than I thought. Their space extended far beyond what was being used by the two worlds.

These dimensions could have comfortably held two solar systems inside each of them.

I had to stretch my aura very thin to devour them both, which caused the whole process to take quite a while longer, but I succeeded.

After devouring them both, I know how to make pocket dimensions.

I immediately make one, capable of holding a solar system and attach it to my own realm and give Davoth access to it so he can make it his own.

It's not exactly a universe, but he seemed quite happy with it. And now I can travel to other universes with an actual God of creation as an ally.

'He wins, I win, everybody wins... except our enemies.'

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