What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Chapter Eighteen A Late Night Meeting, and…

The lizard woman shifted, “My name is Aceri, and you are?”

Aki was a little surprised by the polite tone, and replied in kind. Her curiosity however prompted her to use Inspect. Producing a surprising status that made her feel very small.

Name: Aceri

Gender: Female

Race: Grand Celestial Silver Nature Dragon 


Level: 792

Age: 2374

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Grand Celestial Archmage of Unclad Nature

Shields: 1,980,000/1,980,000

Subclass: Draconic Archmage of Nature’s Law

Mana: 2,772,000/2,772,000

Titles: Patron of the Church of the Dragon Aceri, Warden of Nature, Caller of Nature’s Storms, Jewel of the Rosewood, Guardian against the Unspeakable, Defender of the Unfortunate, The Unclad Champion of Patience, Aspiring God, Spark of Divinity Grade C, Brood Leader, Rival of Zemoria, Daughter of Zemoria, Former member of Zemoria’s Brood, Bane of Aurous, Bane of Fools, Bane of the Abyssals, Bane of Romari, Destroyer of Romari, Unsung Hero of the Rosewood Dynasty, Honorable Dragon, Bane of Broken Words,... further titles omitted

Aki didn’t know what to think. Barely a day from the dungeon, and she had run into a dragon. Level 792, a crap ton of titles, and classes so exotic she had never heard of them. What kind of absurd luck was this? This Aceri had to be a ninth-tier existence, and she was a measly first-tier existence. What kind of luck did she have to make this encounter? Especially when everything around here was rather low in level, the highest level entity she had spotted before was a level 22 slime, which was a second-tier existence, but not out of the realm of being beatable. This dragon? No chance of winning a fight with it, or much chance of escaping, she had little doubt of that.

She was suddenly jolted from her thoughts when she found herself being pet on the head. It took her a moment more to realize she was suddenly in the dragon’s lap, and her fellows were nearby on the forest floor, settled into seats that had not been there moments before.

“Feeling better?”

She blinked, she was not used to being so off-balance. On the other hand this was kind of nice, she could even feel the dragon girl’s nipples pressing against her back, that felt good. Still she was curious, “What is a powerful dragon such as yourself doing here?”

Aceri shifted a little, “Dealing with a problem before it becomes too problematic.”

Aceri paused, and when Aki looked up, she noted her face. She seemed lost in thought. Aki hesitated to say anything. After a moment Aceri said, “You five might be able to help me out with that actually.”

Aki blinked, “We can!? How?” That just didn’t make any sense to her. What help could five low level demons offer to a mighty dragon?

“I just need a few extra helpers really. There has been an outbreak of giant ants in the Underdark, there is an entrance not far from here, and some are spilling out into the area already. I’m going to deal with the ants, but there is something you could do to help me.”

Aki frowned, “Okay...?”

Aceri pointed, “If you head that way, you will come across a small clan of Gargoyles fleeing from the ants. There aren’t too many ants chasing them, it might prove to be a good chance for you five to grow. They could also use the help, and I can’t be everywhere at once. Care to help them for me?”

Aki rubbed herself against the dragoness, “hmm, maybe. It sounds interesting, although I don’t know much about Gargoyles.”

“They are an Underdark race, also known as the Stonekin. They have the unique ability to petrify themselves as a defense mechanism. Being an underground race they don’t handle the sun well, and to protect themselves they will instinctively self-petrify in the sunlight. They can be a pretty fun race to interact with, as they are natural pranksters, and have some potent magical abilities. They tend to be quite talented with spells like Disassemble, and can get... creative with its use. Especially with those they like.”

Aki nodded along, “Anything else I should know?”

“We do have a few minutes before you must leave to help them, so yes I can tell you a little more. Gargoyles are well known for being fierce protectors, and that is quite true. Near my nest there is an old clan that guards ancient treasures left behind by the primal gods. Ones that I feel are best left untouched, especially by my mother. She certainly doesn’t need them. That artifact she got from the dead god Marcus is potent enough, and she can barely use it. Thankfully the gargoyles in that clan are fairly strong, and they would fight off just about anyone, including me, to protect those ancient treasures. Of course we get along well, since I have no interest in them. Even if some of them might help my goals, I don’t need them.”

“Your goals?”

“Not much to say about them, but in short I seek to help the more vulnerable races. To uplift them, bless them with longer, healthier lives without the need to be cursed by silly clothing. It’s a shame that so many of the humanoid races are so fragile as to need protection from the elements. Especially since it breeds so much shame among your number about your bodies.”

“I don’t have any shame about my body,” commented Aki.

“Well of course not, you're a demon. Confidence in your body comes to you naturally. Besides you have the racial trait Alluring, which practically assures that you will look stunning. It is the other humanoid races I worry about. Personally I think they would be so much happier without clothing, and those in my church agree. They are much happier without it, especially since they no longer need clothes to protect them from the elements. I made sure of that. Anyway we are drifting away from the main topic, and we don’t have a lot of time to talk.”

Aki nodded, “Yes we were talking about Gargoyles.”

“Hmm yes we were. Speaking of them, did you know there is no such thing as a true male among their number?”

Aki blinked, “Doesn’t sound too weird, demons such as myself are always female.”

“Well Gargoyles can be a little more diverse, they are either female, or rarely hermaphrodite. How they treat their futa members varies based on clan, and we don’t have much time to discuss that. More importantly the group I want you to help is rather low level, having lost their few high level members to the invading ants.

“Speaking of the ants, you will encounter a few chasing them. Not too many, thankfully. Most of them are pretty low level as well. The big ones are in the ten to twenty range, but I think you five can handle them. The clan has a few members of about that level, if a little lower who can help.”

Aki nodded, “I see, and out of curiosity, what would you be doing?”

“Cleaning up the rest of the colony. As for the queen, and her princesses? I’ll be taking them with me. Giant Ants are fairly easy to raise, and if raised right can become some more interesting species. Such as Ant Girls, who are far more intelligent. I can make some useful servants out of an Ant Girl colony, which would be of great help with rearing my brood.”

“So you have an ulterior motive for doing this.”

Aceri giggled, “Of course I do. And don’t tell me you wouldn’t do the same, Lust demons are quite prolific, I have little doubt you would have your own maids to help out when you get older.”

“That might be nice, but at the moment I’d like to be strong.” Rubbing herself more boldly against the dragon, she asked, “Care to teach me a few tricks to help with that?”

The dragon giggled, “Not the first person to ask. Tell you what, you save those gargoyles, and I will give you a spell book, and a gift to help your young mistress out with. Sound good?”

Aki nodded eagerly, “That sounds great!”

A Dragon’s Favor
The dragon Aceri has requested that you aid a clan of Gargoyles in the area before they are wiped out by giant ants.
Difficulty: E

One Spellbook from Aceri’s hoard
1000 DP for your Mistress
Favor with the Dragon Aceri

Beyond the obvious, none

Maybe her luck was better than she thought. This was a good quest, a spell book, something really good for her Mistress, and it wasn’t a hard quest either. Aki knew that E meant this was a very doable quest. Perhaps a little above her level, but if she did it right her level would go up a lot.

She shifted in the dragon’s lap and kissed the dragon girl. Pulling back she gave her a smile, and then asked, “So where will I find these Gargoyles?”

Aceri giggled. “Down that way, it shouldn’t take you too long to find them. Now, if you will excuse me. I have to get going. Don’t dawdle too long, the Ants will catch up with them soon.”

Aki nodded, naturally she wasn’t going to let an opportunity like this go. It would be worth giving up a little rest. Besides, she had already enjoyed some fun with a real dragon. Today was a good day, no doubt about that.

“Oh yes, it is probably best if you don’t mention that you met me. Well, not to anyone not part of your Mistress’s dungeon okay?”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“Thank you,” said Aceri as she spread her wings, and took to the air. In moments she was gone leaving the five of them behind. Aki glanced over to Ribbons who had an odd look on her face.

“AH! I wanted to cuddle with the cute dragon!”

Aki smirked, it seemed she was the lucky one alright, and Aceri really was cute. Another meeting might be fun, especially if they could go... further.

Misaki settled herself on her bed, and curled up with a nice book. It was not one of the ones Dewari had given her, nor was it the bestiary she had purchased recently. This was a new book that she had purchased just a few minutes ago. Being a little bored, she had gone looking through the store for something interesting, and came across the book now in her hands. It was one that sounded somewhat interesting. Of course, who wouldn’t be interested in a book on magic? The book was titled Introduction to Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to the World of Magic.

The author had a rather long name, and frankly the name didn’t mean much to her. She just couldn't wait to dig into this. Sure Misaki knew how to summon, and shape tunnels, but that was more instinct than anything else. She wanted to be able to use actual magic.

Her fingers shaking, she opened the cover, and slowly flipped past the first couple of pages. Bringing her to the start of the book itself. The text was simple, yet elegant, and written in a clear manner. Misaki began to read, flipping pages as needed. Her mind quickly absorbing the information.

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