What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Chapter Seventeen Exploration

“Well since your second floor is coming along nicely, I figured it was time you considered scouting the territory within your influence, perhaps even expanding it?”

Misaki scratched her head in contemplation of Dewari's latest comment, but before she could inquire further, Dewari interjected.

“I know you might not have considered it. Simply waiting will bring you all three of the key resources you need to grow, but that doesn’t mean exploration does not benefit you.”

Misaki frowned, “How?”

Misaki really wasn’t sure how, and frankly she didn’t quite feel safe enough to risk sending her monsters out to explore. It would weaken her defense, and they were also both weak and young. She was lucky that they had been able to repel the invaders so far, but none of them were properly equipped adventurers who knew what to expect.

Dewari smiled, materialized a chair, and settled into it. Her sexy breasts bouncing a bit with the movement and drawing the eye. “It does so in a few ways; for one, I mentioned that you can develop blueprints of your own, yes?”

Misaki nodded, “you did, it requires an investment of DP to fund that though.”

“It does, and exploration helps you with that. First you will gain a small amount of DP each time your explorers defeat a monster, more if they are within your territory. Second, they can bring flora, fauna, and more back that you can use as a material resource towards developing your own blueprints. Thereby reducing the costs of creating a new monster, plant, trap, or whatever it is you want for your dungeon.”

“That does sound somewhat helpful, but...”

“Not immediately so, I know. Exploring does have its immediate gains though. Your second floor is coming along nicely, but to really build your next one you will need a source of DP. Exploring will get you some, and if you can claim territory with inhabitants you will be able to gain a permanent income. Another thing to consider is that the area outside your dungeon could use some work. The territory you claim can be altered by you, consider improving the land around your dungeon to make it more amenable to a dungeon town. Dungeon towns are great not only for you, but the sentients nearby. Consider it a symbiotic relationship. They gain a source of wealth and good land upon which to settle a town, and you get a potent source of DP which in turn helps you grow, which in turn helps them. It’s a wonderful cycle don’t you agree?”

Misaki blinked as she considered the implications. DP alone wasn’t the only thing she would get by having inhabitants nearby, she was certain of that. Having a nearby source of mortals to corrupt sounded wonderful. WAIT!? What? Her mind stuttered over the thoughts she just had.

Dewari giggled, “I see you understand. I should mention sending your monsters out is also a great way to help them grow, as it gives them a chance to gain experience. In addition, in order to claim new territories, you must first explore them. Normally this would come with a risk of some of your monsters going rogue, but since you picked dungeon loyalty you don’t have to worry about that.”

She cocked her head, “Rogue?”

“The influence a dungeon has with its monsters is affected by distance, when a monster leaves a dungeon’s territory the influence of the dungeon weakens drastically. Some monsters, especially those of low intellect, may go rogue if the influence of the dungeon is weak enough. Thanks to your trait, you maintain influence even if your monster has left your dungeon territory.”

Misaki nodded, “I guess I should put together an exploration party.” She replied, already thinking about who to send.

As Dewari removed her chair, she said “One last thing. Certain monsters can’t leave the dungeon, specifically floor bosses. A mini-boss, on the other hand, can leave. So keep that in mind when putting together an exploration party.”

With that Dewari departed the dungeon, and Misaki settled into her throne. Leaning back against the firm back of the elaborate castle seat, she considered her growing brood of demons. Who would be most suitable to send? It didn’t take her long to make a few choices.

The young catkin demon stretched as she set foot outside of the dungeon’s walls. The clearing was rather barren, and the hill upon which the dungeon sat wasn’t much to look at just yet. Still it was home, and it would improve with time. She knew Mistress would not leave her entrance so barren for long.

She glanced back at her party, it consisted of another Catkin like herself and three demon girls. Mistress had selected the five of them because they all had some experience with combat already. She glanced at the others, they were only lightly equipped relying more on their natural abilities and magic than anything else.

The other Catkin was someone they affectionately called Ribbons, largely due to her habit of wearing nothing but a single ribbon on her tail. She was quite cute though with a gorgeous face, and an excellent body with a delicate hairless pussy, no surprise there. Ribbons was a demon after all. Her boobs were modest, perky and well-formed. Her skin was creamy, and without flaw. A body perfect for attracting and seducing others with.

The young demon knew her own body was fairly similar, only her boobs were slightly larger, and her body was shaped just a little differently. Still quite attractive, and the two of them could pass for sisters. They had fairly similar hair as well, being different shades of red, with Ribbons having dark auburn hair, and her own being much lighter, which brought out more of the red.

The other three could also pass for sisters with similar builds, and faces. The young demon could easily tell them apart, however, since they had different hair colors. One had light green hair, the second had orange-brown hair, and the last one had silvery-gray hair.

As Ribbons spoke with the others, she took a moment to check her status. 

Name: Aki

Gender: Female

Race: Lesser Beastkin Demon (Catkin)


Level: 7

Age: 15

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Warrior

Shields: 250/250

Subclass: Mage

Mana: 450/450

Titles: None

She had been born a warrior, but Aki had found herself drawn to magic. Her efforts had borne fruit, and fate had even given her a few good traits to help her journey towards becoming a mage.


 Apprentice Sexual Technique Grade D
Beginner Claw Arts Grade C
Initiate Dark Magic grade A 

Initiate Lust Magic Grade B
Beginner Rapid Claw Style Grade E
Initiate Seductive Gaze Grade A
Beginner Natural Armor Grade A
Initiate Mana Coat Grade C
Beginner Claw Step Stance Grade E

Beginner Inspect Grade C


Demon Skin
Demonic Constitution
Natural Weapons

Magic Talent A
Natural Hunter
Silent Feet
Sharp Claws
Potent Pheromones
Natural Seducer

Potent Mana
Improved Mana Pool
Warrior’s Instinct
Sexual Prodigy

She mentally marked where she was at. Aki had little doubt that this trip would help her grow. This was her chance to become stronger, and if she did well she might even get noticed by the mistress. She wanted to be one of her best monsters, and this was her chance.

With a smile, she pointed in a direction that seemed good, “Why not head that way? It’s not like any direction really matters?”

Ribbons nodded, “True, we don’t really know what the area is like. Beyond this little clearing, that is.”

The other three quickly agreed as well, and with a direction in mind, they set out on their little quest to explore the local area.

The sun was dropping low, it had been a few hours since they had left the dungeon. Aki had observed a few different monsters around here. They had even seen a wolf pack, but the pack had avoided them. Another thing she had noted living in the area were slimes, they had passed a few on the way.

At the moment, she was carefully approaching a clearing, and looking for a place to set up camp. They lacked tents, but she had a few ideas for building an impromptu shelter. There were plenty of trees around, and she figured with a bit of magic they could use them to build a shelter. Their group certainly had enough mages, and magic was largely about intent. To cast a spell one needed to be able to visualize the effect they wanted, they needed at least a basic understanding of the effect, and needed enough mana to realize the effect. Affinities were useful, but not required for magic. They simply dictated what came easier.

As she looked around, checking for possible threats, and looking for the right spot to camp. Her mind was working over a spell to help build a shelter. She wasn’t yet talented enough to cast without chanting, so she was creating one that would work for her. A moment later she rounded a tree, and all thoughts of her spell vanished as she took in the clearing that was now in full view. Or more accurately the naked woman in the clearing.

She was gorgeous. The woman was around a hundred and sixty centimeters tall with a well-developed figure, and her stance screamed concealed power. Her body was toned, and lithe. Built to move with full breasts and covered with green, and silver scales that gleamed in the evening light like jewels. Behind her, a long tail extended lazily behind her. She had a large pair of magestic-looking wings behind her back as well. A silver crown of horns sat upon her head, and long silver hair cascaded down her back. With such sheen that it glimmered in the light, looking more radiant than the actual metal. Her feet, while human-like, ended with sharp claws, and Aki noticed the claws on hands as well. The scale pattern covered most of the other woman’s body. Her pussy was framed by delicate silver and green scales that ran up her belly in an arrow pattern that drew the eye right to her sex. Her breasts were framed by scales, but her pink areola and fat nipples were not covered with them at all. The woman’s face was dusted with scattered scales that just made her seem younger and cuter. It was hard to say how old she was because of that.

Based on her position there was no doubt this naked woman had been waiting for them. She smiled, “Hello there. I thought I sensed some young ones around here.”

Aki frowned and glanced around. This set some alarms off in her mind, and she quickly started picking escape routes just in case. Having a couple in mind, she then took a couple of cautious steps forward, and asked, “Who are you?

The lizard woman shifted, “My name is Aceri, and you are?”

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